Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Sixty-Eight

"Of course I'm concerned. The fight between the Wu and Tang families looks like the Wu family is suppressing the Tang family. In fact, it's attacking us. If we don't fight back, I'm afraid it will be difficult to move forward. I'm also thinking about countermeasures." Mao Wen was eager to express his loyalty. At least he is not rebellious now, nor does he have rebellious thoughts.

"You don't have the ability to intervene in this matter yet, let's talk about it later." Su Jie waved his hand, looked at Mao Wen's handwriting, the brushwork was flying, like a narrow and long sword, jumping on the rice paper, as if it was about to jump out of the paper and cut people's skin .

This is Song Huizong's "thin gold body".

"You are good at thin golden body?" Su Jie frowned.

"In this body, Taoist swordsmanship is implied, which is extremely mysterious. With a lot of practice, you can use the pen as a sword, one stroke, one pull, one horizontal and one vertical, one hook and one pick, all are the supreme swordsmanship." Mao Wen wondered: "This It was the old man Mao who gave me some pointers. He said Song Huizong was the emperor of Taoism, and he was very good at Taoism. He himself said that he was the incarnation of Taoism. The national teacher, Lin Lingsu of the Dao of Shenxiao, even beat Cai Jing, so he said that the house of Shenxiao is the head of the heavens. Among Taoists, the Dao of Shenxiao is the best in the world. At that time, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty followed many Taoist masters to practice Qi day and night, practicing swordsmanship, thunder method, and other Taoist arts. Before he knew it, he integrated these skills into calligraphy and created a thin gold body. Therefore Observing Song Huizong's thin gold body is extremely important for us to learn Taoism. I have practiced this font over the years, and I have made great achievements in kung fu."

"That's the truth." Su Jie nodded: "Calligraphy implies sword skills, sword skills, and spear skills. It is best to use it for practicing martial arts, but there is another luck in it. Song Huizong was the subjugated emperor. His fate is extremely bad. In his font, there is the bad luck of subjugation of the country, family and the world. You can learn from his brushwork and learn from it the method of Taoist practice, but you must not penetrate into it. Combining your own luck with his luck, there will be great disasters in the future. If you practice calligraphy, I suggest you practice Guange style. This style is a special font for imperial examinations in Ming and Qing dynasties. It is majestic, and all exercises The people in the world are all the mainstream of society, representing the luck of fortune, wealth and longevity. If you take this as the core, practice it to increase your life, luck, and blessings. Over time, it must be very expensive. I'm afraid you don't know this, Mao The old man deliberately led you on a wrong path."

"Taught." Mao Wen broke out in a cold sweat. In an instant, he felt as if he was gradually stepping into the abyss, but stopped in time.

He also has some experience in Maoshan technique. Although he didn't practice it since childhood, he was born smart and gained a lot by stealing and self-studying.

He is the illegitimate son of the Mao family, and he only recognizes his ancestors after growing up abroad. Naturally, learning these things is not as deep-rooted as the authentic disciples of the Mao family.

There are some mysterious Maoshan techniques that the Mao family would not teach him at all.

"Maoshan technique is not a good way. There are many deceptive tricks in it, and the essence of it can't escape psychology, neuroscience, brain science, etc. You don't need to pay so much attention to it. In fact, it's a good thing that you haven't studied deeply, no It is easy to form a mindset." Su Jie said: "Next, I will have a set of special courses for you to learn."

"Lin Tang started to fight back."

At this time, Zhang Jinchuan walked in. He was naturally paying close attention to the news this time, and he also participated in it to mobilize funds. However, this time the battlefield is mainly in foreign countries, and the Wu family's huge fund is to make money in foreign financial markets. . It is also difficult for him to intervene, but in the domestic market, he strictly guards against death, fearing that the Wu family will make any moves.

He was holding a notebook, which displayed the latest news and news: "Look, these more than a dozen companies have suddenly experienced big losses, and their stock prices have fallen sharply, and the funds controlled by the Wu family have taken heavy positions in these companies, and immediately suffered serious losses. .but,

This does not seem to be our power, but another mysterious force attacking. "

"That's right." Su Jie nodded with a smile on his face, "If I'm not wrong, Mr. Cain's organization made the move."

"Are you sure this organization will make a move?" Zhang Jinchuan asked.

"This time point should be like this. I'm just an introduction." Su Jie said: "Mr. Cain's organization can be said to hate the Wu Family, and they have long wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to strike. I let Mr. Honey Badger and Mr. Larich He didn't really do anything when he said the words, but just leaked the news a little bit to let Mr. Cain's organization know, and the organization started to take action. The so-called killing with a knife, fanning the flames, and thirty-six tactics of war. Of course, the Wu family actually expected this After a while, they will start to defend and counterattack, but at that time, Lin Tang should be able to seize the opportunity."

Several people pay close attention to the movement of the international financial market.

Sure enough, after a while, the stock prices of those dozens of companies suddenly rebounded sharply, and then various clarification news came, which stabilized the confidence of many investors in the market.

However, suddenly, there was another powerful short-selling force in the market. This force was overwhelming and overwhelming, and the bulls were defeated.

"This is not our power." Zhang Jinchuan said in shock: "This power is far stronger than ours."

"Of course it wasn't us. It was Tifeng who made the move. The Wu family stole Tyfeng's secrets. It is normal for Tifeng to attack the Wu family's property, but this is not enough to shake the foundation of the Wu family." Su Jie said : "I lighted a small fire, which caused an explosion, which frightened the Wu family a few times, which is normal. Next, the Wu family will carry out more powerful defense and counterattack."

Sure enough, in the next step, suddenly there was a long force in the market, and they began to buy frantically.

But another stronger force pressed this force down.

The two sides stalemate, very exciting.

"Lin Tang's wealth is increasing." Zhang Jinchuan looked at the news that came again: "With the fight between the Wu family and the Cain organization, Tifeng, Lin Tang has taken advantage of the wool on both sides. This time we Big bucks."

"Making money is the first priority. No matter how you fight with others, the first purpose is to make money." Su Jie said: "If you don't make money, I won't do things like killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred. .”

"The situation has stabilized." Zhang Jinchuan observed carefully for an hour, and found that the long and short sides of the dozens of companies had stabilized, and there was no too fierce struggle. It seemed that this was a small temptation.

The battle between predators, which seems thrilling, is actually just an appetizer.

"Wu Qu didn't take any action in this battle." Su Jie said, "Wu Qu's maneuvering technique is much better than this. He is observing and waiting for the most critical moment to make a move. He even has the leisure to come to our place." Come teach Lin Tang, believe it or not?"

As soon as Su Jie finished speaking, there was news from the security outside, and Wu Qu's figure appeared on the screen.

Su Jie signaled the security guard to let him go.

After a while, Wu Qu walked into the outer area of ​​the laboratory, and he saw Su Jie.

Su Jie also saw him: "Mr. Wu Qu, you really believe in people, you actually keep your promise and come to teach Lin Tang, which really surprises me."

"There is no need for accidents, our Wu family has always kept our promises." Wu Qu smiled, without the slightest hostility on his face, as if he and Su Jie had been good friends for many years: "Where's Lin Tang?"

"He's trading inside, you can go see him, just in time for him to learn actual combat from you." Su Jie pointed inside and said, "I won't bother you."

Wu Qu nodded, and just walked in.

"Aren't you afraid of something happening?" Xu Dela walked out.

"Don't worry, it's all in my calculations." Su Jie said to Xu Dela: "Come with me, let's visit Wu Xinyu. This person is extremely powerful, and I think you want to see him too. The legendary man who brought the Cainian organization to pieces."

"This is what we agreed on. The Cain Organization is the king of our dark world. It has been passed down for thousands of years, but it fell on this land. The mysterious East. I really want to see the person who ended his rule." Xu Della said, "But, do you know where he will be?"

"Of course I know, he must be somewhere right now." Su Jie said, "You should follow me."

While speaking, Su Jie got into a car and drove for three hours before arriving outside the city and climbing a high mountain. City B.

Xu Dela and Su Jie climbed to the top of the mountain and found that the scenery was excellent, the sky was high and the clouds were clear. Looking around, you can see all the small mountains.

There are some man-made landscapes on the top of the mountain, pavilions, stone tablets, stone carvings, and there are many villas and resorts in the mountains. In the distance, you can see the Great Wall like a white dragon winding among the mountains.

This is a historic site, but tourists are still relatively rare.

Su Jie and Xu Dela saw it at a glance. In a gazebo, sitting a middle-aged man between thirty and forty years old, or he could be a young man, wearing a sportswear , wearing hiking boots, seems to be a donkey who specializes in mountain climbing, but does not have a backpack.

This young and middle-aged man raised his eyes and looked into the distance, motionless, like a sculpture.

Su Jie went to the gazebo, sat down, did not say hello, and said to himself: "This mountain is the claw of the evil dragon, pointing directly at the capital, and all the evil spirits of Youzhou's bitter sea gather underground, and they can pass through this claw." Let it out, but in recent years, the country's fortune has been prosperous, people will conquer the sky, and the aura of injustice has been resolved, and there is not much left. The people are united and subdue demons. If you want to stimulate people to cause trouble, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve your wish."

"Really?" The middle-aged man didn't turn his head back: "At such a young age, do you know how to observe the general trend of the sky and the earth? The depth of mountains and rivers, and the unpredictability of people's hearts, how could one be able to understand the depth of the mountains and rivers?"

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