Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter four hundred and sixty-nine Inborn genes Tianxin holy land is unscientific

"There is no priority in hearing the Tao, and those who have mastered it are respected. Mr. Wu Xinyu, do you think so?"

Su Jie smiled without any anger.

He knew that the person in front of him was Wu Xinyu, who looked only in his thirties, but was actually more than 20 years older than that, but the vitality in his body was strong, and he didn't know what method he used, the cell vitality was even as good as twenty years old young people.

"Miracle, miracle, it's a miracle." Xu Dela looked at Wu Xinyu: "The vitality of the cells in your body is exactly in your twenties. I have done many human experiments, but none of them can maintain youthful vitality like you. If it weren't for technology Immature, and there are still difficulties that have not been overcome, I even suspect that you have carried out mind grafting and changed a twenty-year-old body."

Su Jie knew that Xu Dela's so-called mind grafting was the ancient Chinese myths and legends of "borrowing a dead body to reincarnate" or "taking a body and reincarnating".

The human body decays, replacing the thinking soul into the young body.

This is a myth, as well as Western magic and witchcraft, which are numerous in folklore.

But in fact, many modern sciences are also studying this issue. MIT cooperated with a company to study the issue of consciousness preservation, and it also consumed a huge amount of money. Later, it was found to be too unreliable, so the project was stopped. operation.

Now the "head replacement surgery" has been completed in the country. Although it is performed on dead people, the nerves, blood vessels, and subtle places can be docked, but it has not been performed on living people. I don't know how the rejection will be.

But if you clone your young body and then change your head, theoretically there will be no rejection. But this is completely untenable ethically and morally, and it is completely evil.

However, it does not rule out that some evil scientists or people from the dark world do this.

Because in the world, many rich people are too afraid of death.

However, Su Jie could also see that this Wu Xinyu did not carry out such evil means, but purely relied on his own practice, plus some core high-tech surgeries and medicines, to keep his body in the most perfect state.

After all, the Samurai family obtained the most advanced technology from Mr. Cain. Although it was twenty years ago, it is still ahead of the world. Just like many technologies in the world today, they are still relying on the old foundation of the United States and the Soviet Union when they were fighting for hegemony.

"Xu Dela is notorious in the dark world. If you use the words of our Chinese, you are a monster, heresy, and everyone will punish you. You actually cooperate with him. Do you think you are not guilty? "Wu Xinyu said to Su Jie.

"I don't know what is called Hydra. I only know that the person in front of me is the chemist Mr. Cardan, the most famous scientist in the world. I invited him to my laboratory for research. The results of the research are our country's own. This is the most important thing." Su Jie said: "Mr. Wu Xinyu, but it doesn't seem to be meaningful for us to talk here. You are here to preside over the overall luck, and you seem to want to suppress my luck. , this position is a key point, but it is difficult to play a decisive role by relying on these feng shui spells. Since ancient times, it has swept the world, relying on people, not feng shui. In this way, I really want to learn, You beat Mr. Cain to a serious injury. Over the years, no matter how much your kung fu has improved, your physical fitness has not degraded for some reason. Now you are still at your peak, even in another twenty years , it may not degenerate, part of this is due to your talent, your talent is very good, if I read correctly, you and your brother were born with supernatural power, at least ten times stronger than ordinary children , This is a genetic problem. It’s very amazing. In the genes of your martial arts, the sports genes are very developed. This should be the correct direction of human evolution. However, what is this gene?

Still need to analyze carefully. "

Su Jie actually took Wu Xinyu as a research object.

Indeed, the genes of the Wu family are very miraculous. Su Jie has long seen that the genes of the Wu family are very different from those of other families.

Genes are evolutionary factors that determine a person's lifespan, strength, even IQ, and even various talents.

The genes of chimpanzees are not much different from those of the human body, but the IQ, strength, and body structure are very different. They are not a species. Sometimes, a slight change in the gene changes the form of the species.

Both Su Jie and Xu Dela are experts in genetics, but they also know that human genetic research is very scarce, and even cancer cannot be cured.

In fact, most cancers are genetic defects. In theory, as long as the genes are repaired, they will be immune to cancer, and even people will never be troubled by various diseases, and even become super intelligent, powerful, and powerful. Wings may also grow to fly, but current technology is far from solving this problem.

This is at least a few hundred years later, and it may not be possible for a few hundred years.

But some subtle cultivation can change one's own genes. The evolution from single-celled organisms on the earth to human beings is also a bit of a change. Through the changes of the environment, one's own evolution does not rely on external forces.

Hearing what Su Jie said, Wu Xinyu suddenly felt a murderous intent rise up in his body. He was really motivated to kill. No one had ever dared to say such a thing in front of him, not even a master, or even a living man. In the realm of the dead, even a single look from him would be chilling.

And Su Jie and Xu Dela talked and laughed happily in front of him, and even used him for research, how could he bear it?

However, Wu Xinyu is the best in the world, and even if Mr. Honey Badger arrives here, he may not be able to safely say that he can't get him. In the dark world, this person is also a giant who makes people fearful. He seriously injured Cain. Sir, even Xu Dela dare not make any moves against him.

But Su Jie didn't care at all, he felt Wu Xinyu's killing intent and couldn't help laughing again.

"Come on." Su Jie smiled: "Your martial arts family wants to suppress me, and everything else is crooked. It's a joke to chop off my arm or suppress me in other ways. There is only one thing for people like us, and that is We will be convinced only when we are defeated, otherwise, with our ability, we can live well wherever we go, and suppression will have no effect."

"Okay." Wu Xinyu's face became expressionless, he seemed to be truly united with the heaven and the earth, the huge cosmic energy poured down, and his aura became higher and higher, as if he had become a god. The momentum just now was completely different.

Just now, Wu Xinyu was still human.

But now, Wu Xinyu is the sky, the earth, the universe, the sun and the moon.

He has two forms, one is a human form, and the other is a non-human form.

In this form, his strength is completely different from before, as if he has been injected with a large amount of stimulants and is in a wild beast state.

Of course, he is not taking stimulants now, but his spirit has reached a state of great resonance with the heaven and the earth, so that the power of the person is borrowing the power of the magnetic field of the heaven and the earth.

Stimulants are nothing more than self-excitement, increased hormones, and accelerated blood circulation.

But now Wu Xinyu's excitement is the excitement of heaven and earth and you, superimposed on each other, the cells and thinking activities of the whole person have reached a state that will almost burn.

Su Jie even felt that if Wu Xinyu went on like this again, if he went deeper, his whole body would turn into a rainbow and fly away, turning into ashes.

That is the legendary "Rainbow".

Of course, this kind of thing is only in some records, and I don’t know whether it is correct or bragging, but in theory, people’s emotions and body magnetic fields resonate strongly with the surrounding magnetic fields, and it is indeed possible to produce a "spontaneous combustion" scene.

In science, there are many examples of "human spontaneous combustion".

"That's right, it's worth studying, and your combat power is simply terrifying." Su Jie nodded.

He came to Wu Xinyu not to fight, but to see how strong this person's genes are, he is the best test product.

The current Wu Xinyu, his condition is not inferior to that of Mr. Honey Badger and Odeli.

Now he can be said to be one of the strongest group of people besides the big boss.

Su Jie stood in front of Wu Xinyu.

He was face to face, no matter how strong Wu Xinyu's aura was, he could fight against it, even calm and calm, and it didn't increase with Wu Xinyu's aura.

Su Jie's current realm is no longer comparable to that of any master. He has even started to be on an equal footing with Odeli, and has gained the potential to be able to compete against the big boss in the future.

Su Jie already knew roughly why the big boss was so strong.

It's possible that Big Boss performed some kind of genetic surgery on himself.

His genes are definitely different from those of ordinary people, or he is very talented, just like a martial artist, his genes are very high-quality.

From Wu Yuxin, I saw something with a different way of thinking.

Wu family is really extraordinary.

Wu Xinyu entered the second state, seeing Su Jie standing in front of him, still smiling, he was extremely shocked, but it didn't show on his face, he just said slowly: "This is our A kind of mental state of martial arts is called Tianxin Sacred Realm. Under this realm, people's state can be greatly improved, which is far beyond the reach of stimulants. However, in this state, my strength will even surpass myself. I can't control it, I can't make it to the end, if you can't take it, then you have to wait for your friend on the road to Huangquan."

"Heavenly Heart Sacred Realm? This name has the look of a martial artist." Su Jie still smiled: "I'll give you a name, it's called the atypical biological magnetic field. High-frequency oscillations cause cells to burn with high energy. This is the name of science. "

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