Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter four hundred and seventy-one: War in the homeland, asking people is useless

Wu Xinyu's speed was so fast that it was like a wisp of blue smoke, floating with the wind, and his body flickering, like cooking smoke curling up, filled with the atmosphere of fireworks in the world, it seems to have a rural style, men farm and women weave, chickens and dogs hear each other, this kind of Mood, not even Su Jie's intentions.

At this moment, Wu Xinyu actually escaped Su Jie's blow.

He didn't chase after him, but was feeling the charm of Wu Xinyu's agility.

"You are famous for your mind. This kung fu is also called hoeing. It is authentic. It uses agriculture as a martial arts. Thousands of years of Zen skills have penetrated into it. It is no small matter. You are the king of ten thousand fists. Things are not very pure. Although your kung fu is strong, it is not close to Tao." After Wu Xinyu escaped Su Jie's hand, his momentum changed again, "Alright, I will let you see myself today. The martial arts that I have come to realize is also in the fields, to understand life, this is my real killing move."

"Let me see and see." Su Jie signaled Wu Xinyu to attack him.

So far, Su Jie and Wu Xinyu are testing each other, and have not engaged in a real life-and-death fight, but the atmosphere between the two is getting more and more tense, and it seems that they are about to rub out a blazing flame.

"My move, the name is the same as your mind, but it is exactly what your mind lacks." Wu Xinyu said: "It's called Tian Yuan, look after it."


Wu Xinyu shot again and arrived in front of Su Jie. Su Jie seemed to see a mess. It was indeed in the countryside. In the afterglow of the setting sun, the scene of driving chickens into cages and yellow dogs scurrying appeared in front of his eyes. The scenes are presented in people's artistic conception.

Wu Xinyu's move is not the destructive power of kung fu, but like a painting, a kind of peace of mind pursued by scholar-bureaucrats. All people have an idyllic plot in their hearts. The more noble and wealthy the world, the more this kind of Knot.

This move is extremely fast, and if it is used in an instant, it will take people into the countryside, but it implies a killer move. When Wu Xinyu rushed forward, he used both hands and feet, and his whole body was full of moves.

Or chicken pecking, or dog biting, or cow top, or goose pouncing, or sheep bumping, or horse running, or duck flying, or bird piercing, or insect jumping, or mouse running, or cat play, all in the pastoral life, life is peaceful Among

This trick shows rural life to the fullest. This kung fu is not a martial art, but a poem, a painting, a volume of history, and a memory.

This made Su Jie feel deep in his heart that he couldn't bear to destroy the beauty of this pastoral.

The countryside is very trivial, but it feels at ease.

A continuation of the blood of the ancestors, four or five generations of ancestors, who is not a farmer

His heart moved freely, his body flickered continuously, and at the critical moment, he avoided Wu Xinyu's repeated attacks.

"This kind of attack, I will definitely die." Xu Dela saw Wu Xinyu's attack and also felt the artistic conception in it. In an instant, he was deeply intoxicated, but then he woke up, sweating profusely: "This is Chinese Kung Fu, It’s really one mountain higher than another, I thought that the Peng family’s Tong Bei Fist was already at its peak, but unexpectedly, you can also see the real peak of kinematics.”

In all fairness, Wu Xinyu's "Tianyuan" move has broken through the shackles of kung fu for thousands of years, and has been sublimated to the realm closest to Taoism, which resonates in the bones of people's blood.

For almost thousands of years, most people have lived like this, from generation to generation, and it has not changed. Even in modern times, many rural areas still have this kind of scene.

Once this trick is launched, it continues continuously, as if it has continued from ancient times to the present.

No matter how Su Jie dodged, he was still under the shadow of Wu Xinyu's move.

But Wu Xinyu's attack can't really hurt Su Jie, Su Jie can always dodge within a hair's breadth of the peak.

Su Jie couldn't bear to destroy this trick, because he really saw what Xinyi was missing, the beauty of the countryside.

Suddenly, Wu Xinyu's moves changed, gold and iron horses, soldiers were in chaos, iron hoofs smashed the countryside, soldiers and fire destroyed his hometown, and the war destroyed everything.

All the people leave their homes, their wives and children are scattered, and the lives of people in troubled times are like worthless.

This is also a kind of cruelty since ancient times, pastoral, is the most beautiful artistic conception of life. And war is the destruction of this beautiful evil.

Homeland and war have been topics that people have been unable to escape for thousands of years, and they recur almost every few decades. There is no peace in the world.

"This move is Zhan Luan." Wu Xinyu roared loudly, the mountains trembled, as if he was asking the sky: "War in the homeland, no hesitation in reincarnation, when and what day will the world be peaceful"


Homeland and Zhanluan turned into a punch, and asked Su Jie.

It seems that an ordinary person is questioning God.

Or tens of thousands of people, hundreds of millions of people with lofty ideals, are asking God the same question, why can't there be eternal peace in the world?

Wu Xinyu's punch is a punch of inquiry, the roar of all living beings, suffering from wars and chaos, and the people's angry questioning throughout the ages, whoever can answer this question will be able to receive this punch.

Whoever can't answer will be beaten to death by this punch.

This is the wrath of the common people.

Su Jie saw that the punch hit him, but he couldn't answer.

Therefore, he couldn't take the punch, nor could he evade it.

This is Wu Xinyu's kung fu, which is definitely different from those ordinary boxing techniques. Even throughout the ages, all kung fu and artistic conception have not reached this level. The martial arts sublimated the artistic conception of kung fu, and was able to defeat Mr. Cain, making the king of the dark world organize The disintegrated samurai really has its own unique features.


The fist seemed to hit Su Jie's body, and the power penetrated into it.

But when the power erupted and was about to destroy all of Su Jie's vitality, Su Jie's body squirmed quickly, allowing the power to spread, flow, and guide along with his body, and instead it was blessed on his fist.

Su Jie's body became a conductor, or the most brilliant master of dismemberment. In an instant, he dismembered Wu Xinyu's fist power, artistic conception, and thought-provoking question, and then put them together again. .

Just like Paoding Jieniu, the artistic conception is far-reaching.

Although Wu Xinyu's punch hit Su Jie's body, he felt that he was completely dismembered before the force penetrated into him, and then a greater force counterattacked.

Su Jie's tone also conveyed: "It's useless to inquire. You have to overcome obstacles by yourself, walk forward, search hard, and search up and down. The road is long and long, and I will search up and down."

Su Jie punched back.


This punch counterattacked, the last came first, and it also hit Wu Xinyu's body, there was a loud noise, as if hitting a huge bronze bell, Wu Xinyu's body seemed to be empty, which could make the air flow turbulent and produce repeated memories.

In Xu Dela's view, Su Jie and Wu Xinyu were punched at the same time.

But Wu Xinyu retreated violently, his face paled for a while, and then he returned to rosy, and Su Jie seemed to be fine, and patted the dust on his chest: "Mr. Unexpectedly, this time we are evenly divided, you punched me, I punched you, it is even, and then, if there is a chance, we will divide the outcome again. How about it?"

After saying this, he was about to go down the mountain without waiting for Wu Xinyu to answer.

However, when he was going down the mountain, he stopped for a while, as if observing the movement around him, then smiled, and finally took Xu Dela back.

From the beginning to the end, Xu Dela didn't cause any trouble, because Su Jie always focused his energy on him, even when facing Wu Xinyu's sure blow, he still locked him.

"You should have won." On the way down the mountain, Xu Dela asked Su Jie: "The exchange of punches, you dissipated the power, and Wu Xinyu was slightly damaged. If you continue to fight, you can definitely surrender him , Let him be convinced."

"Do you know, in fact, just now, it was your best chance to kill me." Su Jie smiled at Xu Dela.

"Impossible, you have always allocated a part of your energy to me." Xu Dela said: "I don't feel that Wu Xinyu can cause substantial oppression to you."

"Wu Xinyu's boxing skills are indeed powerful, and he has even touched some of the highest levels, but it would be foolish to want to hurt me, but do you really think that Wu Xinyu is the only one on this mountain?" A mysterious look appeared on Su Jie's face. smile.

"Why are there still masters lurking on the mountain?" Xu Dela was startled, and broke out in cold sweat. He is also a giant in the dark world, and he is very knowledgeable about lurking and assassination, but he didn't notice anything unusual.

"Of course." Su Jie said: "Let's go, the martial arts family is full of talents and great luck, it really deserves its reputation, no wonder Mr. Cain will suffer a lot, the two brothers teamed up, I'm afraid only the big leader can do anything about it. "

At this moment, on the top of the mountain, Wu Xinyu stood quietly, as if he was calming the turbulent blood in his body.

Then, someone who was exactly like him, who seemed to be a twin, walked over.

Wu Xinyu opened his mouth and said: "If you made a move just now, at the most critical moment, you could have severely injured this son. Although it will damage the reputation of our Wu family, as long as it doesn't spread, no one will know."

"It's not that simple. He discovered me a long time ago. Look at what it is." The person exactly like Wu Xinyu said, and a needle appeared in his hand: "Just now, when I moved my mind, this needle appeared on the It was his warning after he found me. Although I can force my shot, he may not be able to do anything to me. We have a 60% possibility of killing him, but there is still danger in the end, and Wouldn't it destroy our plan to fight him to the death?"

"When this guy was confronting me, he was able to use a hidden weapon to stop you, and part of his spirit was still on Xu Dela's body. Keep a close watch on this guy, how strong is he?" Wu Xinyu said in amazement.


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