Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Seventy-Two: The Great Desolation of the Universe

"I didn't expect it either." The man who looks exactly like Wu Xinyu said: "I have always underestimated this son, but in fact I also deceived this son. He thought I was Wu Xinzhou. In our Wu family, outsiders are considered spies. The core secret of our Wu family is that we actually think that you and Wu Xinzhou are in charge, but we don’t know that our Wu family has four brothers.”

"The universe is prehistoric." Wu Xinyu nodded, and said four words: "This is the core strength of our Wu family. Back then, my father hid two brothers because he was afraid that the ups and downs of the officialdom would lead to the collapse of the family. Sending you out of the country happened to preside over The secret laboratory left by the Cain organization. However, this matter still cannot be exposed. I am afraid that you will not be able to hide it from this kid. Whenever there is a thought in his mind, he will be noticed and captured keenly."

"It's not so magical." This person who looks exactly like Wu Xinyu is called Wu Xinhong: "He just has a stronger intuition, and may also be a certain kind of talent. He has an advantage in his birth genes. But he will not be so strong that he is out of the scope of theory. , he is just an individual, and he will not surpass the big leader in all aspects."

"All in all, we have to be careful." Wu Xinyu said: "You and Xinhuang should hide in the dark and don't show up again. Our most important plan now is to drive the big leader to a desperate situation, and then kill him, and we will be with you." It’s the same as when we joined forces to deal with Cain. As long as we solve the source of all evil, our martial arts family will not only gain great fortune, but also obtain the most advanced technology. At that time, we can truly reach the sky in one step.”

"Then this Su Jie, how do we deal with him now?" Wu Xin Hong said.

"Today he came to the door, in fact, he was testing the reality of our Wu family. He left in a hurry now, and he is not sure." Wu Xinyu said: "However, this young man is really an odd number. Our Wu family has studied for so many years. I have never seen such a tyrannical young man. With Tifeng's technology, even if people are cultivated from the mother's womb, it is impossible to reach the current state. I am completely puzzled."

"We have the opportunity to get his body data and information." Wu Xinhong said: "There is no need to worry about this. He sold his body data and information to Honey Badger, Larich's Life Science Studio, and to the Dracula Fund, and the Dracula Fund is sold on the black market."

"This son, today, I already know his true and false, I can make a feint, make a settlement, and then use him to deal with the big boss." Wu Xinyu settled on a strategy: "We can reap the benefits of the fisherman, of course, we must also grasp it well." All in all, we must ensure that we will be the ones who pick the fruit in the end."

"This son is not alone." Wu Xinhong said: "His coach is Godmaker Odley, the person who is most familiar with the big boss, and he has reached the strongest alliance with Mr. Honey Badger. , the honey badger is also ready to move. In addition, the enemies of our samurai family, Typhon and Cain, have launched attacks on us. Although we can resolve it, it is not a good thing after all. I thought it would be nothing to suppress a Tang family, but unexpectedly It caused such a big thing."

"It's nothing, our Wu family's hole cards haven't really been exposed." Wu Xinyu said: "But it's not appropriate to stop the flag, otherwise everyone will know that our Wu family is just a show, and then it will be troublesome in the future. This young man will continue to suppress, but It can be both soft and hard. I think Ying Er can touch him."

"This kind of person, I'm afraid it's a beauty trick that won't work on him," Wu Xin Hong said.

"No one can comprehend the word love, but watching this guy, maybe there is no flaw, but when we attacked the Tang family, he actually made a move, not because of Tang Yun signing that girl, maybe this is his flaw, maybe he I didn't even realize that his cultivation has not really reached the level of forgetfulness." Wu Xinyu said: "This gives us an opportunity to take advantage of.


"In that case, then follow the plan." Wu Xinhong left here.

A few hours later, Su Jie and Xu Dela returned to the laboratory.

"Your China is really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger. If you must get involved in the dark world, I am afraid that the dark world will be ruled by you." Xu Dela expressed his emotion after returning.

"The dark world is the dark side. There are very cruel things happening in it every day. We are more peace-loving. The more we practice, the more we pay attention to the unity of nature and man." Su Jie said: "Even if it is the Wu family, it is actually nothing more than He absorbed the essence of Cain's organization, but did not master this organization."

"There are some things in the dark world that can accelerate the development of science." Xu Dela said: "A lot of science is against human nature, but it exists objectively. In fact, we are always self-centered and think that the development of science must conform to human nature." Research can only be carried out under the premise of ethics and morality, but in the history of natural evolution, human beings are nothing but small waves in the long river. If human scientific research does not break through the shackles of ethics and morality, it will never be possible to jump out of natural evolution In the category of human beings, I even think that the history of human beings is definitely beyond that of dinosaurs.”

"Dinosaurs have ruled the earth for more than 100 million years, and humans have ruled the earth for at most 10,000 years." Su Jie said: "It will be very difficult to rule the earth longer than dinosaurs. You have a certain reason for saying that. Reasonable, so our scientific research must find a balance point in it."

"My scientific thinking is completely different from yours." Xu Dela said: "If you force me to accept your scientific research ideas, my scientific research ideas will be bound."

"I'm not forcing you." Su Jie said: "The topic we are studying now does not involve this issue. We will discuss this topic first."

"As you wish." Xu Dela said: "However, I want to ask you a question."

"You ask." Su Jie nodded.

"Now you, if you encounter the big boss alone, do you have any hope of confronting?" Xu Dela asked.

"Maybe I can survive." Su Jie said: "Even when he is in his prime, I can still save my life. I can be sure of this, but if I want to draw with him, I'm afraid it's impossible, and it's still far behind. Big fire."

"To be able to survive is a tie. Our contest in the dark world is not a competition in the arena. We have to score points to get points, but if we want to survive with a complete body, it will be quite miserable if we lack arms and legs. In the current dark world, Mr. Honey Badger It seems that I have escaped from the incomplete big boss once." Xu Dela has actually obtained enough information: "But if you are in front of the complete big boss, Mr. Honey Badger is afraid that you will die. So, your strength has surpassed Mr Honey Badger"

"Maybe." Su Jie didn't say it clearly.

"Then let's start researching. From Wu Xinyu, I obtained a lot of data and triggered some inspirations. The frequency oscillation of his biomagnetic field and the surrounding magnetic field has great implications for me in psychology, neuroscience, and brain control. Inspired by him, if I can capture him, conduct in vivo experiments, and draw blood for research, then I think some of my theories can make breakthroughs." Xu Dela said.

"It's not impossible." Su Jie said: "Actually, the most important thing about martial arts is genes. Among their own genes, the chain of movement type is very strong. I will talk to him and hope that he can participate in our training. Live experiment."

Su Jie has absolutely nothing to do with living body experiments.

He also conducts research himself and sets an example. If Wu Xinyu can cooperate, at most, various genetic tests and exercise experiments will not cause substantial harm to the body.

From Su Jie's point of view, there is actually no harm in exchanging with the Wu family. They will become stronger together and improve their scientific research capabilities.

For this reason, he still needs to have a good talk with the Wu family.

"If you can bring Wu Xinyu to do the live experiment, I will cooperate with you here for at least one year." Xu Dela said.

"It's a deal." Su Jie and Xu Dela clapped their hands.

In fact, looking at Xu Dela every day, Su Jie would be very tired if he had to separate himself, and he would take Xu Dela with him when he went out, otherwise he would stay at home, maybe he would poison all the people in the family and then run away.

Although there are many masters in Su Jie's laboratory, there is no one who can control him.

In fact, Su Jie can destroy Xu Dela's brain nerves and reduce his strength by a large level, which is much safer, but Su Jie is reluctant to part with this scientist.

Xu Dela, a famous chemist, is a national treasure wherever he goes. Su Jie wants to slowly influence him and change his thinking. It is much more difficult to transform a person than to destroy a person.

"Urgent, hurry up"

Just when Su Jie and Xu Dela reached an agreement here, a message suddenly appeared on his mobile phone, which was actually sent by Zhang Manman. The message was only four words, and it was very urgent.

Su Jie didn't call back, let alone inquire, he knew that Zhang Manman sent this message, there was absolutely something unspeakable.

"Qin Hui, get a message." Su Jie immediately sent a message to Qin Hui who was working among the honey badgers.

Qin Hui thrived among the honey badgers, providing assistance to Zhang Manman's multinational logistics company, and now the business is getting bigger and bigger, even Zhang Manman's multinational logistics company is helping the world's largest e-commerce company The company ships the goods.

Qin Hui is on call 24 hours a day. Even if he is abroad, he still obeys Su Jie's words. He has a special contact account and waits for Su Jie's orders all the time.

But now, Qin Hui has also lost contact.

This matter is more serious.

"Mr. Abubi, what happened?" Su Jie directly contacted Honey Badger's second tycoon, Abubi.

Qin Hui is also a member of the Honey Badger, and his disappearance is a big deal.


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