Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter four hundred and seventy-three

"I'm also investigating this matter. Within a few hours, they suddenly disappeared to participate in a negotiation." Abubi sent a message: "Their missing address is at the border where the United States and Mexico meet. It’s complicated, it’s about negotiating a logistics and transportation matter with the local dark world elements, and I’ll send you all kinds of information on the places where they lost their signal.”

"I'll come over in person." Su Jie knew that this matter might not be that simple.

While accepting the information, he said to Xu Dela: "I'm afraid you will accompany me to the United States this time."

"Are you still taking me with you? Europe and the United States are purely my territory. If you go in the past, you will lose control over me." Xu Dela said: "However, you don't feel at ease if you keep me here. So you are now in a dilemma."

"Mr. Cardan, let me say it again, I am not controlling you, but working with you to study together." Su Jie said: "After such a long time, I think you have a series of understanding of me , in fact, I will not do anything to you, and you are here to study with me, you can definitely break through one technical bottleneck after another, and obtain great scientific research results. Another point, I think you understand very well, the reason why you Joining the dark world is to quickly absorb some research resources in it. The purpose is not to dominate it. Scientific research is the real purpose of people like us. If you leave me, I am afraid that you will never find it again. To a research partner like me."

"Indeed, you are the best scientific research partner." Xu Dela also had to admit: "It is a pleasure to conduct scientific research with you, and the work is progressing very smoothly. I feel that I will conduct research with you. After three years I can complete all the research projects I want to study in my life."

"That's fine." Su Jie said: "Now the dark world is about to undergo tremendous changes. Even Odley is making various preparations. Do you think you can stay out of it? Only when we work together can we guarantee the greatest benefits. If you act alone, even with the Oxblood Society behind you, you will definitely not be able to capture the core interests."

"You are right. In fact, in the dark world now, apart from Chief Typhon, your power should be the strongest. As far as your own strength is concerned, you may already be on par with Mr. Godmaker , and you have also reached an alliance with Honey Badger, besides that, your subordinates are full of talents, and even financial groups support you. It is no wonder that Mr. Godmaker and Mr. Honey Badger both support you as the king of the dark world." Xu Della analyzed.

"My influence is nothing." Su Jie waved his hand: "In terms of financial resources, it is far behind. At most, it is just that I have some advantages in terms of talents."

"Talent is the most important thing. If you have talent, everyone will invest in you." Xu Dela said, "I have another question for you."

"No hurry, let's talk on the way." Su Jie immediately called Liu Shi and borrowed his private jet.

Liu Shi has his own private jet, and he flies around the world to discuss business, and he also has to bring his own team. Without a private jet, it is too troublesome.

Liu Shi is now fully supporting Su Jie. He has already seen Su Jie's future strength, and knows that no matter how much he invests in him, he will not lose money.

Get on the plane.

Only then did Su Jie speak: "If you have anything you want to ask, just ask."

"You have physiognomy and fortune-telling in China, and you are the best among them." Xu Dela said: "And you can predict good and bad luck at our spiritual level, so this time, do you think your companion, Zhang Hongqing's daughter, is in danger? Can you figure out who is presiding over this matter and who is going to attack you? Zhang Hongqing's daughter is really capable and dares to work in the logistics industry. She even bankrupted some of the original logistics companies. She has great potential. Moreover, she is still doing a big thing, which is to cooperate with Honey Badger to formalize some dark web businesses. Our organization is very optimistic about her, but this will also offend many people.”

"As long as I make a move, there is absolutely no danger." Su Jie said: "Indeed, our physiognomy can tell whether a person will be in great trouble in the future, and if we have a good vision, we can even determine the life and death of this person, but in Jianghu Most of the fortune-tellers on the Internet are liars. Smart people don’t say anything, otherwise they will be punished by heaven.”

"If a person leaks too many secrets, why is there a scourge? What kind of theory is this?" Xu Dela asked.

"I'm also studying this theory. It's about the diffusion of a social group effect. If a person has energy and influence, his deeds will be infinitely expanded. And from the perspective of human psychology, for catastrophic things , It is exaggerated and alarmist. A celebrity’s bad luck will be infinitely magnified. This is one aspect, and there is another aspect. For example, a fortune teller, he is very accurate in seeing people, and his influence spreads, so naturally he will Encountered some jealousy, there are more right and wrong around, and it is easy to cause trouble, this is part of the principle of being big and attracting the wind." Su Jie talked eloquently, as if he didn't take the matter of Zhang Manman's disappearance to heart.

Xu Dela also admires Su Jie's psychological quality very much.

The two talked on the plane, still not forgetting their scientific research ideas.

This time the dialogue was more comprehensive, whatever Xu Dela asked, Su Jie would answer, Xu Dela asked all the questions in his mind, and Su Jie could give him a satisfactory answer.

This made Xu Dela's heart gradually produce an impulse of extreme admiration, even admiration.

And he felt that with each passing day, Su Jie seemed to become more unfathomable, and Su Jie's growth was endless.

The plane flew for more than ten hours and arrived at the US-Mexico border.

It is chaotic here all the year round, a large number of people smuggling from Mexico to the United States, and illegal transactions are extremely rampant. Regarding the entire security issue here, even the US government is helpless, and even has to build a high wall to isolate it, but the facts have proved that the wall is Can't stop people.

Su Jie landed at a small airport, which is a special airport for the Honey Badger Group, which can make temporary stops. The strength of the Honey Badger Group is extremely powerful, and it can be connected with the military in many places.

Mr. Honey Badger is a typical western American, with the adventurous spirit of a very strong man, who dares to develop and pursue wealth, and is a person who dares to do everything in his bones.

Mr. Abubi is waiting for Su Jie at the airport.

Seeing Su Jie coming down, he immediately went up to meet him.

He is the No. 2 giant of the Honey Badgers, and his status is still higher than that of Zhang Hongqing. He came to greet Su Jie in person, which is enough to see that the entire Honey Badgers attach great importance to Su Jie.

"Mr. Xu Dela, hello." Abubi also greeted Xu Dela.

Xu Dela nodded. Both sides are giants in the dark world, and they also know each other. In fact, in terms of strength, Xu Dela is stronger than Abubi. Among the whole honey badgers, except for Mr. Honey Badger, who can suppress Apart from him, no one can be stronger than him.

But his organization is much worse than that of Honey Badger. Honey Badger has huge power in the dark world, second only to Typhon, and even the Blood Bull Club behind Hydra dare not offend easily.

"Mr. Su Jie, have you received all the messages I sent you?" Abubi asked.

"I basically understand the situation. In fact, the security issue on the U.S.-Mexico border is extremely complicated. Even the U.S. government is unwilling to spend more money to manage it, so it acquiesced to your honey badgers to conduct underground control here, which is equivalent to the U.S. and Mexico. This long border is the territory of your honey badgers, and you have conducted a huge underground trade, and a large part of your income comes from here." Su Jie said: "Zhang Manman and Qin Hui are here to discuss business , but suddenly disappeared, which is tantamount to provoking you honey badgers. Of course, this matter is also aimed at me."

"It's really unexpected." Abubi also frowned: "They have locators on their bodies, no matter where they go, we can find their traces, but now they have lost contact. Even when we investigate the satellite monitoring, there is no trace. This is a strange thing .”

"The enemy must have a series of high-tech means to block signals. In today's society, there are very few people with this technology." Su Jie was very calm: "But I can already guess where they are. Find me an off-road vehicle. Fill up the gas, I'll go straight ahead."

"Are you familiar with the route here?" Abubi asked, "Do you need someone to guide you?"

"It's not easy to rescue if there are too many people." Su Jie said: "Mr. Xu Dela and I can go together. I know all the roads here, even the town streets, and residential houses. You forgot, la Mr. Rich's satellite street view map is updated all the time. When I came here, I had already analyzed all the routes, street views, and even the facilities in the barren hills. I also had a detailed plan, plus From your information, I can roughly deduce some clues."

Larich's satellite maps are so powerful that people download his app, search Street View around the world, and even find photos of themselves walking down the street.

"I will support you at any time. If you need it." Hearing this, Abubi knew that Su Jie was confident. He knew that Su Jie had an intuition that surpassed all others and an unparalleled spiritual realm. In the dark world, This is the key to survival, intelligence is secondary.

Su Jie nodded, and after a while, he saw an off-road vehicle appearing in front of him, and there were even several tanks of spare gasoline in the back. He got into the car directly, greeted Xu Dela, stepped on the accelerator, and left in a hurry.

"Are you going to rescue like this? Maybe the other party is a trap. You don't have any information, so you just rely on your own feelings?" Xu Dela almost felt that Su Jie was going crazy: "At least we must find out who the enemy is and how many people there are. , at which point, what kind of firepower, we design a military breakthrough plan, and even ensure the safety of the hostages.” (https:)

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