Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 477: Overwhelming, Unbelievable After Compromise

"Mr. Cain."

Zhang Hongqing said a word, but did not continue. His confidence in the siege of Su Jie was greatly shaken.

It was Su Jie's move just now that made his firm confidence completely gone.

He can be killed instantly with one move, how can he stick to his belief?

Even if he was beaten to death, he couldn't figure out why Su Jie was so powerful?

"Don't talk about it." Mr. Cain looked at Su Jie for a while: "Your strength is stronger than I imagined. There is no real high-tech equipment in the laboratory, and there is no way to improve people's physical genes."

"We Chinese pay attention to the spiritual world, and the power of the mind can change everything. As long as the spirit is strong enough, the power of the body can be raised again, and many things that seem miraculous can be done." Su Jie said: "Mr. Cain, Your strength is very strong, but you are not strong enough, and you are not sure of defeating Mr. Honey Badger, so how can you be the king of the dark world? Your ambition is too great."

Su Jie had already seen the strength of Mr. Cain with just one punch.

This person's strength is very tyrannical, even if he is on par with Mr. Honey Badger, but under Godmaker Odeli, let alone a leader.

Among the powerhouses in the world, Su Jie has already seen a lot. If you want to say the first, the absolute overlord, it is the Great Leader Tifeng. Even Odley has to say that this person is a freak, isn't it? Humanity. The second and third are definitely the mutual choice between Su Jie and Odeli, or the two are tied for second.

If they really fought, with Su Jie's current state, he might not be able to defeat Ou Deli, but Ou Deli basically couldn't defeat him either.

Su Jie is now able to truly understand what state Ou Deli is in.

As for the third, there are many people. Mr. Honey Badger is definitely second only to Daling and Ou Deli. He used to be on an equal footing with Su Jie. Some spiritual and brain secrets, in fact, have already vaguely surpassed Mr. Honey Badger in terms of realm.

From Su Jie's point of view, Wu Xinyu, Mr. Honey Badger, and Mr. Cain should be of the same level.

But the Mr. Cain in front of him has more potential, because he is very young, only thirty years old.

Next, the fourth class is Zhang Hongqing, the dragon mask youth, Liu Guanglie, and Xu Dela. These four have comprehended some secrets of the ninth sense, but they have not completely opened up the ninth sense, and they still lack a lot of enthusiasm.

As for the next fifth level, it is a giant like Abubi. It turns out that Zhang Hongqing is also this kind of person, but he has risen to a level without knowing why.

The sixth class is Liu Long, Gu Yang and others. They are in the real realm of the living dead, and their fighting and fighting abilities are also extremely tyrannical.

As for the classes below, they belonged to mortals, and it was difficult to make big waves in the world just by relying on their own strength.

Su Jie's judgment of the strength class is very emotional, just like playing a game, even when he sees a person, he can quantify the opponent's strength in numbers in his brain.

If the force value of the Great Leader is set at 100, then Su Jie and Ou Deli's are almost 99. Both of them have reached a certain peak, but even if the two 99s add up, they may not be comparable to that 100 .

As for Wu Xinyu, Mr. Honey Badger, and Mr. Cain, the force values ​​fluctuate between 90-97, which is one level behind Su Jie and Odley.

This is also Su Jie's calculation, so he came here with confidence.

He is not afraid of any traps, nor is he afraid of any dragon's pool and tiger's lair. In his eyes, everything about the other party can basically form a complete message in his mind, so what is there to be afraid of?

"Okay." Su Jie didn't listen to "Mr. Cain" and continued to say these nonsense: "You three go together, this is what you planned, Mr. Cain, if your strength is two years later, I'm afraid it will be raised to a higher level, because I feel that there is a certain power in your body that has not been completed, it is not very coherent, and it will take two years to study."

"How do you know?" Mr. Cain's face changed slightly. He did have a scientific research project to transform the body and enhance the vitality of the body. However, this project will take several years of treatment, and now the course of treatment will last for two years Time is over.

In fact, this is nothing new.

In many high-end hospitals, celebrities are injected with various anti-aging drugs, such as sheep placenta, and it takes a long course of treatment. It is not that one injection will make a person younger.

"My strongest strength is not kung fu, but scientific research. For me, kung fu is just a by-product of scientific research." Su Jie said: "In order to get familiar with psychology, kinesiology, and various neurosciences, I do it myself. Experiment. Mr. Hydera can prove this. Mr. Cain, I can also tell you that there is no better scientist than me in your research institution, I mean in the field of human body research. It is not as good as you and Let me cooperate, give me your research equipment, scientific research team, and data accumulation, and I promise to make you stronger."

"Mr. Su Jie, are you exaggerating when you say this?" Mr. Cain said.

"That's right." Su Jie nodded: "You were forcing me to cooperate with you just now, and now I can force you too. You seem to have no choice, Mr. Xu Dela, what do you think? If Mr. Cain does not agree Give me the data and I'll destroy his brain to permanent damage and make him an idiot."

Hydra nodded.

He was threatened by Su Jie and got all the research data.

Now that Xu Dela saw Su Jie actually threatening Mr. Cain, he couldn't help feeling powerless and expectant in his heart.

In the process of getting in touch with Su Jie, Xu Dela gradually felt that this person really possessed an unparalleled arrogance. Although he couldn't see it in ordinary life, at critical moments, he would be like the sun hanging in the sky. sky.

"Hahahaha..." Mr. Cain laughed suddenly: "Mr. Su Jie, you are really interesting, but you seem to have underestimated the Cain organization... ..”

"Stop!" Su Jie waved his hand and directly interrupted Mr. Cain's words: "I know you have a trump card. In this world, you don't just rely on your own strength to speak. In fact, for any organization, your own fighting strength, It's not worth mentioning at all. The world's number one superpower doesn't rely on fighting skills, but on aircraft carriers, missiles, nuclear weapons and strong economic strength. You have hidden some high-tech products here, so let me give you some pointers Come out? Today's high-tech really has some sharp weapons for killing people. Many artificial intelligence institutions are doing research on these, and Mr. Larich is researching robots, but these things have not yet been truly applied to In actual combat."

"Larich's lab stuff is not bad, but my methods are obviously more advanced than his. If you don't believe me, you can give it a try." Mr. Cain laughed.

"It's not necessary, because no matter how powerful a technological product is, it's actually serving you. I just need to master you." Su Jie said calmly, like a child who just woke up, "You Some of the weapon angles arranged here, as well as your strength, are actually in my calculations. I can kill you before these things move. Everyone is studying artificial intelligence. In fact, I am the strongest artificial intelligence. Intelligence. In fact, I could bring the honey badgers here and destroy your layout, but I didn’t do that. I chose to come here alone, just to tell you that although the human body is small, it has At that time, it was not comparable to technology, because technology was born with people."

"Your bragging skills have improved." Zhang Hongqing interjected.

"Okay, Mr. Cain, I don't have time to chatter with you here." Su Jie ignored Zhang Hongqing, but issued an ultimatum: "Hand over Ms. Zhang Manman and Qin Hui, I know they are not here Here, you are hiding in a warehouse 30 kilometers away from here. There are also strict guards over there, and they are separated in two different places. Why did I come here? Probably you can figure it out , which means to capture the thief first and capture the king first. I will give you ten seconds now to make a choice."

Su Jie didn't say what to choose, but everyone knew it in their hearts.

"Okay, the timing starts now." Su Jie didn't wait for Mr. Cain to speak again.

Mr. Cain didn't speak either, he just stared at Su Jie.

The timer starts now, one second, two seconds......

Every second that passed was a torment for Zhang Hongqing and the dragon-masked youth. Xu Dela also stood up, as if feeling extremely unsafe, and wanted to leave here quickly.

Mr. Cain also seemed to be brewing something.


At the moment when the tenth second was about to arrive, Mr. Cain suddenly said: "Mr. Su Jie, I have to say that your aura has affected me. No wonder the God Maker said that you are the most suitable to be the future king of the dark world. I look forward to seeing you." Your battle with Typhon."

"Okay, congratulations, you made the most correct choice." Su Jie turned and left without fighting Mr. Cain. "Mr. Cardan, we can get out of here."

Xu Dela seems to be in a dream, followed by the walking dead. He knows that Mr. Cain finally gave up fighting Su Jie. at the last second.

These ten seconds of torment reminded him of the scene when extreme sports were about to die when he was a child.

He even felt that he was still in a dream, but the real situation was that Su Jie and Mr. Cain did something just now.

The future is divided into two.

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