Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 478: The Deadline Has Come Spring and Autumn Sword Dance Like the Wind

"Mr. Su Jie, if you really clashed with Mr. Cain just now, are you sure you can get out?" On the way, Xu Dela asked Su Jie.

"Is it safe to retreat completely?" Su Jie said: "But I can kill Mr. Cain first. He has many powerful killers, and it is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. But he dare not take risks, and he dare not confront me. The so-called strategy is to go up to the army and attack the heart first. This time I will not rescue Zhang Manman and Qin Hui first, but come to see Mr. Cain first, just to prevent this kind of thing from happening again in the future, and let him know that I greatness."

Hydra fell silent, he changed his mind deep in his heart.

There is no doubt that Mr. Cain is much more powerful than him, and even if the Cain organization has gone through major turmoil, it is still above the Ox Blood Society. Some of the things he was proud of were being broken by Su Jie.

Even the Cain organization can't help Su Jie, let alone Xu Dela.

"Perhaps, this person can really become the king of the dark world." A thought appeared deep in Xu Dela's heart.

He held back for a while: "You know all kinds of information about Mr. Cain and all his secrets. Where did this information come from? You really used your own brain to open up to the outside world and capture information related to yourself. information?"

"That's right, otherwise, where do you think I got the information from? Do you think the honey badger from the Cain organization can get it?" Su Jie asked Xu Dela with a smile.

"How to do this? Can the human brain really do this? Is it possible to capture some scientific and technological information from the future?" Xu Dela said: "Newton was hit by an apple on the head. At that time, the brain also unintentionally captured some inspiration information from the void, thus knowing the universal gravitation?"

"It can also be said that way." Su Jie said: "When you are born, your brain and spiritual thinking space are pure. In the process of learning, you are constantly capturing information and enriching your brain. It is just the process of ordinary people receiving information. It is only limited to listening, speaking, reading and writing, and people with truly advanced thinking can receive various multidimensional and multidimensional information floating in the void from meditation. According to theory, people can indeed receive some information from the future, but this It is only theoretically feasible. I obtained information about Zhang Manman and Qin Hui, but I saw shells not far from me on the seashore. The future science and technology information you mentioned is hidden in the depths of the violent ocean. How can I Possibly to obtain?"

"With the enhancement of human brain, will one day become omniscient and omnipotent?" Xu Dela asked.

"There is a limit to the spiritual space of the human brain." Su Jie said: "Human potential is unlimited, compared to the current development, but don't forget that human is just a kind of creature, not the root of all things. The spirit is not the lord of creation. It is just one of the powerful creatures that can temporarily rule the earth in a certain geological age."

"Where is the limit of that person?" Xu Dela asked: "It is true that in the process of evolution, human beings are not as long as tortoises, their bodies are far less powerful than some animals, and their ability to survive is also very weak. Front."

"It's still too early for people to reach their limit." Su Jie said, "We're going to pick them up, and Mr. Cain will definitely keep his promise and release the two of them."

As soon as the accelerator was stepped on, the car sped away at a faster speed than when it came just now.

"Mr. Cain, that kid was bluffing just now." In the bar, Zhang Hongqing's face was very ugly: "How could he know our layout.


"So far, what he said is correct, our secrets are indeed exposed to him." Mr. Cain sat down and said: "The most terrifying thing is, if these secrets are really captured by the void with his brain It would be terrible if the information in the book was refined, it would be better if he obtained our information from other channels."

"This kid is just scaremongering." Zhang Hongqing said: "Actually, we missed a best opportunity just now. He is imitating Zhuge Liang and performing an empty city plan."

"It's not that simple." Mr. Cain waved his hand: "I know that you also have a lot of fear of Su Jie in your heart, but what do you say now? In a Chinese saying, it's hard to get off a tiger, but it doesn't matter. In fact, Honey Badger and I are not enemies. We still have a basis for cooperation. At present, we have only one enemy, and that is Typhon. If Typhon collapses, you can eat enough, and so can Honey Badger. There is only one important thing, and that is how to disintegrate Typhon, and then carve up the core technology and wealth."

"This son is also our force of resistance. If we don't destroy him, he will definitely take away a lot of wealth and core technology in the future. There will be nothing for us to eat." Zhang Hongqing said.

"It makes sense, he is really terrifying." Mr. Cain said: "I felt the horror of his power only after I received his palm. In the future, he must be the one who will severely injure the leader of Typhon. I can Guess it. It would be best if both he and Chief Typhon fight to the death, which saves us a lot of experience and planning."

"How did he cultivate his kung fu?" The dragon mask youth said: "Although I have been under house arrest by him for a long time, I haven't figured out his root cause. The only thing I feel is that his kung fu is always It is growing all the time, maybe as long as he sleeps, he will break through another bottleneck, as if in a certain void, there is an extremely powerful force directly empowering him."

"In this world, miracles often happen. Some people are gifted in a certain way and are God's favorite. Maybe there is a stronger chain in his genes." Mr. Cain said: "Okay , Let’s not talk about that, although our plan this time didn’t say it was a success, it didn’t fail either. Let’s move on to the next plan.”

Zhang Hongqing frowned and said nothing more.

After driving for tens of minutes, Su Jie saw a person on the side of the road, and it was Zhang Manman.

Zhang Manman's expression was as usual, and she hadn't been abused. After all, Zhang Hongqing was her father, and he just wanted to use her to lure Su Jie into the bait.

"Is the matter resolved?" Zhang Manman got into the car directly and asked Su Jie.

"It's all resolved." Su Jie didn't ask how Zhang Manman was doing, he could figure it out, and Zhang Manman had nothing to do: "I didn't hurt your father, I just talked to the person behind the scenes. , negotiated and reached an agreement.”

"I've completely given up on my dad. He's gone into the devil's way." Zhang Manman sighed: "He can't even see the truth clearly. Too much ambition will definitely bring bad luck to our Zhang family."

"Are you saying that your father betrayed Mr. Honey Badger?" Su Jie smiled: "If I wasn't here, Mr. Honey Badger would definitely not let him go,

But I will intercede with Mr. Honey Badger. Of course, there is nothing wrong with your father doing this. He has obtained the technology from the Cain Organization. It makes my body more than ten years younger, and my realm has also improved. If I were in his position, I would choose such a thing. So far, his choice cannot be said to be wrong. "

"My dad really wants to expand the Zhang family into the strongest family, and it will last forever." Zhang Manman said: "He also attaches the most importance to the cohesion of the family, but I broke the rules of the family, he can't Bear with me."

"I'll talk about these things later." Su Jie said, "Since I'm here, I'll stop by to see your grandpa. In the final analysis, I still got the benefits of the Taoist thunder method from him. After all, he It should not be a few days. I have to go and give it away."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Zhang Manman was surprised: "My grandpa is fine, he can still eat meat every day, drink in a big bowl, smoke and punch every day, and now he is in the ancestral hall every day to give advice to the younger generation, and the hospital checkup is also very good , the vitality is strong, and the doctor said that he can live for five years without any problems. How could it be possible that he has only a few days?"

"The life span of a person is not based on the body. In history, many people died without illness." Su Jie said, "Let's go. Then Qin Hui."

Not long after driving, Qin Hui was also standing on the side of the road, seeing Su Jie's car coming, and after getting in the car, he began to admire: "Boss, I knew you could handle this matter."

"In the past few days, I will train you to improve your spiritual realm." Su Jie said. .

He is already sure to help Zhang Manman and Qin Hui reach the realm of the seventh sense.

The car soon arrived at Honey Badger’s airport, and Abubi hurried over, as if about to say something, Su Jie waved his hand: “I will go and tell Mr. Honey Badger about Zhang Hongqing’s matter, Mr. Maybe it's still a good thing for the honey badger."

After saying this sentence, Su Jie boarded Liu Shi's private jet and flew directly to San Francisco.

The Zhang family's headquarters and family ancestral hall are here.

Su Jie has been to this place many times, and this time he came here to see off Zhang Nianquan, the old man of the Zhang family.

Complete the journey of life.

When Zhang Nianquan was born, he was still in the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty. Arrive is alive now.

Su Jie and Zhang Manman got off the plane soon and came to Zhang Family Ancestral Hall.

Sure enough, there were sounds of martial arts training coming from the Zhang Family Ancestral Hall. The Zhang Family is here as a martial arts training base, and classes are held every day. Anyone who is a disciple of the Zhang Family, even a side branch, can come here to learn.

However, as the oldest old man in the Zhang family, Zhang Nianquan had long stopped talking about boxing techniques to the Zhang family disciples, but his sudden appearance these days revealed something unusual.

As soon as Su Jie and Zhang Manman pushed open the door of the ancestral hall, they heard the whistling wind coming from inside. Many disciples of the Zhang family were watching the old man who was close to 120 years old wielding the Daguan knife.

This Daguan knife is extremely heavy, at least more than a hundred catties, but it is like a windmill in the hands of the old man. The autumn wind sweeps the leaves, and its power is astonishing.

While dancing, the old man said: "In the ancient martial arts examination, one of the items is to dance the one hundred and twenty catties Daguan knife."

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