Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 479: The Mystery After Death

In modern society, even the master fighters in sports schools are basically powerless if they want to dance the 120-jin Daguan Dao and spin it like a windmill. Formed into a group, using body skills to drive the big knife, if you use brute force, basically your arms will become numb after dancing a few times.

And if the human sword is united, the circle becomes strong, and the qi flows through the whole body, not only will it not be numb, but the more you dance, the more comfortable you will be.

Because when you reach the end, it is the inertia of the knife that drives people to swim. As long as you add a little force at the most critical moment, the knife will automatically float.

The old man of the Zhang family danced for a full ten minutes. At the end of the dance, Su Jie seemed to find that the knife seemed to have spirituality and life just like his own crystal ball.

"You have to remember that this set of Spring and Autumn Broadsword is the method of supreme training. The most important thing is to use the mind to control the sword. The trajectory of the sword floats, which is the power of the Hunyuan of boxing. To practice at the upper level, you don't need to use it at all. If you have the strength of the sword, you can dance the sword. When you practice the sword, you will find that the sword is a flying sword in your hand. It seems that you can move the sword with your mind. This is the essence of Taijiquan. As mentioned in the book, intentions do not use force."

While Zhang Nianquan, the old man of the Zhang family, was dancing quickly, all the disciples backed away, fearing that they would be swept away by this "big guy". Don't look at this Daguan Dao, which looks light and plastic like now, but it is genuine cast iron. If it was swept a little bit, the tendon would be broken and the bone would be broken, and it was even chopped into two pieces by the middle.

"Children, come and perform."

While dancing, Zhang Nianquan's eyes lit up when he saw Su Jie push the door open, and suddenly he let out a loud roar, the sound was like a thunderbolt, and the Daguan knife came out of his hand and threw it towards Su Jie.


Under the force of inertia, the 120-jin Daguan knife was thrown over with a bang. It was as powerful as a mortar, armor-piercing bullet, and a car could be blasted to pieces.

But Su Jie stretched out a finger, and in the blink of an eye, it bounced on the head of the Daguan knife, actually stopping the attack.

He turned his fingers again, and the entire Daguan Dao spun around his fingertips, like Tang Yun turning a pen, flying up and down in the palm of his hand, showing unparalleled control.

Everyone was stunned.

Zhang Nianquan wanted to hold the sword with both hands and use his body to rotate the sword, but Su Jie used the fingers of one hand to play with the sword like a pen, even if the sword was made of foam.

After playing around a few times, Su Jie fired again.


The big pass knife made the sound of tiger roaring and dragon chant, and flew out directly, inserted between the stone cracks of the ancestral hall, and sank half of the knife head.

"Whether you see it or not, this is kung fu." Zhang Nianquan said.

All the children of the Zhang family were dumbfounded, and then they realized that this person was Su Jie, and behind him was Zhang Manman, the "traitor" of the Zhang family.

The disciples of the Zhang family had deep memories of Su Jie.

Because Su Jie was here and defeated Zhang Hongqing.

Zhang Hongqing is the leader of the Zhang family and also the god of the Zhang family.

Su Jie defeated Zhang Hongqing openly in front of everyone, so of course he is the new God, Demon God.

"Old man, don't come here unharmed." Su Jie said.

"Though all are well,

But it's not far away. "Zhang Nianquan laughed, his voice was like a bell.


"Grandfather." Zhang Manman heard what Zhang Nianquan meant, and couldn't help feeling a little anxious. She heard Su Jie say that Zhang Nianquan was going to die, but it didn't look like he was going to die, but Zhang Nianquan himself said that it was not far away. Not far from ten, many people with advanced cultivation bases and extraordinary spiritual realms can know the date of their own death.

"Come, come, come, sit." Zhang Nianquan pulled a bench in front of the ancestral tablet in the ancestral hall, called Su Jie to sit down, and then told the disciples of the Zhang family: "You all stand up and listen here."

"Old man, I'm here to see you off." Su Jie said.

"Grandfather, this is impossible." Zhang Manman stepped forward to ask what happened.

"There is nothing impossible, my body is very good." Zhang Nianquan said: "However, my primordial spirit has begun to dissipate. This is because the oil is exhausted. Su Jie's realm is higher than mine, and he is more accurate than me. , I have never seen anyone in the world who can reach his level."

Seeing Zhang Manman's sad look, Zhang Nianquan shook his head: "Don't be sad, you are a blessed person, your father's blessing is not as great as yours. You have to follow Su Jie well, as long as you follow him, you will be all evil in the future." Don't invade, all demons will be scattered. Kid Su Jie, you have to promise me to take good care of her."

"No problem, this is my responsibility." Su Jie agreed very simply.

Hearing these words, Zhang Manman blushed.


At this time, the door of the ancestral hall was pushed open again, and it was actually Zhang Hongqing who also came in. When he saw Su Jie, a murderous intent surged in his body, but he still suppressed it.

"Hong Qing, you finally feel it?" Zhang Nianquan waved his hand: "Come here."

Zhang Hongqing walked to the front of the ancestral hall, five steps away from Su Jie, and did not approach.

"Okay, don't fight, Hong Qing, your realm is much worse than him. At this time, you don't want to admit defeat. No matter how hard you fight, you are not his opponent." Zhang Nianquan said: "Don't be convinced, it's time At your level, you can already feel whether you are strong or weak. In fact, in terms of level, you are a little higher than me. You are now the one with the highest level in the history of the Zhang family, but now I am clearer than you in my heart, and I can see through many things. It is a blessing for our Zhang family that Su Jie can see me off. In the future, the survival of the Zhang family will all depend on him."

"That's not necessarily the case." A sneer appeared on Zhang Hongqing's face.

"Old man, tell me." Su Jie was smiling, and naturally he would not be angry or angry because of Zhang Hongqing's demeanor. He knew that Zhang Hongqing was extremely afraid of him deep in his heart, and would never make a move.

He suffered a big loss not long ago, how could Zhang Hongqing repeat the same mistake?

"My birthday is up." Zhang Nianquan said: "You can all feel it. In fact, people, that's what happened. I was born when the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded the capital. I can see through the ups and downs of more than a hundred years. You have never experienced it personally, but I feel it firsthand. Su Jie, I know your kung fu is to integrate the styles of each era into your spiritual world, but you have not experienced the feelings of those eras after all. However, what I have integrated is only obtained from books, and what I have seen from pictures is at most speculated from video images, but this kind of reality lacks a kind of reality after all, and I happen to have a precious Wealth is the personal experience of more than a hundred years. At the moment of death, I will recall all of it in my mind. At that time, you caught my thought at this moment, which is very helpful for your cultivation. "

"This is really a great gift." Su Jie was not happy at all, he is indeed good at nodding to penetrate the depths of people's hearts, and the moment before people die, they will indeed recall all the bits and pieces of their lives. Shared information is extremely easy to capture and extremely strong. If it is a person with strong obsession, the information will not dissipate even after death, and it can even affect other people's brains under certain circumstances of coincidence.

Zhang Hongqing's face became more and more cold, but he didn't say anything, it was not appropriate to speak at this time.

"Okay, that's the end of the story. In fact, there is nothing to say. I have died early and reborn early. I have lived enough, and I can't wait to see what the world after death looks like. For me, this is a very wonderful travel." While speaking, Zhang Nianquan's tone became weaker and weaker, and his face became more and more ruddy as he sat on the grand teacher's chair, as if he was much younger. He looked at the many Zhang family disciples standing under the ancestral hall, and then looked at Looking at Zhang Hongqing, Su Jie, and Zhang Manman, their faces were even more joyful: "When a person is old and dies, so many offspring will die for me. The family will have a great career, good fortune and longevity. What more can a husband ask for?"

Suddenly, he lost all breath, the life fluctuations of the whole person stopped, and he died completely.

If you say you die, you will die, without any symptoms.

"Grandfather!" Zhang Manman is also extremely sensitive at this moment, and obviously felt that the life force in Zhang Nianquan's body was suddenly cut off. This person died just like that. She was caught off guard and didn't take a good look at it. She felt very regretful in her heart. , couldn't help looking at Su Jie with pleading eyes.

"Old man, stay one more step." Su Jie shouted suddenly.

The shock made the entire ancestral hall buzz.

His voice, like a lion's roar, like a dragon's elephant's cry, can liberate people from the boundless hell and the boundless sea of ​​suffering, and reach the other shore.

Under his loud shout, Zhang Nianquan suddenly opened his eyes, as if vitality returned to his body, he looked at Su Jie, Zhang Hongqing, Zhang Manman, with incredible light in his eyes, "It's amazing, Su Jie , you were able to call me back, do you know, the feeling I had just now was so amazing, that world...wonderful..."

He seemed impatient to say what he felt, but in the end he couldn't continue, his head tilted completely, and he lost his breath.

Even Su Jie couldn't call him back now.

"My condolences." Su Jie said to Zhang Manman: "The old man's birthday is coming, he is very happy and very comfortable, let's take a step first, I don't know where he went, but I can feel that he has really achieved great bliss .”

Zhang Manman listened, and also calmed down: "Let's go, let my dad take care of the funeral here."

While speaking, she was about to leave.

Su Jie nodded and walked away.

"Stop!" Zhang Hongqing shouted sharply.

But Su Jie ignored him, and walked out of the ancestral hall with Zhang Manman. Zhang Hongqing's face was cloudy, but he didn't make any moves.

Even if Su Jie turned his back on him, he didn't dare.

Just now, Su Jie roared and called the old man Zhang Nianquan back, which completely shocked his heart. At this moment, he really felt that Su Jie was invincible.

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