Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty: Sleepwalking and Fierce Fighting

"Grandfather left just like that?"

On the way, Zhang Manman still refused to believe this. Just saw Zhang Nianquan playing with a knife alive and well, and then died, and he was able to predict the date of death by himself. This was a great shock to Zhang Manman. Life and death are as simple as that .

This is what Su Jie wanted.

This is also Zhang Nianquan's last lesson to Zhang Manman, showing the impermanence of life and death in front of her, can baptize her heart.

Su Jie's next step is to train Zhang Manman, so that she can completely break through the realm, reach the seventh sense, and even become stronger.

Drove to Larich's lab.

Su Jie made Zhang Manman lie down in the high-tech laboratory: "I will let you sleep for a while, that is, to hypnotize you. In your dreams, under my guidance, you will dream of all kinds of things. But you have to understand that these are real, not fake, and all kinds of things experienced by people's spiritual world may be reflected in another time and space. Don't resist in your heart, but want to Embrace the experience. Make it part of your life."

"There is no problem with this." Zhang Manman is proficient in many kinds of cultivation methods, and her savings are also very strong.

"Actually, your grandpa was also kind to your dad. When he died, he also made your dad feel something. These things are enough to make your dad consolidate his cultivation and completely put some of the most critical thoughts and spirits into practice." Of course, I also felt the century-old life experience and insight of your grandfather, which is the most precious to me. Every era has its mark, especially in the past century, we have experienced unprecedented changes. It is incomparable for thousands of years. People's hearts fluctuate, get confused, rise up, and other general trends. Let my kung fu be more perfect." Su Jie said: "This is extremely rare, and this kind of opportunity will become more and more in the future. Less, because there are not many people like your grandpa."

"I am very confused and confused in my heart now. After many years, I will die just like my grandfather. I really don't know what is the life and death of a person." Zhang Manman still I can't get out of this atmosphere, I can't tell whether it's sadness or joy, or confusion,


"Very well, this is your merit. As long as a person thinks, he will produce philosophy, and if he pursues further, philosophy will become science. If you don't think about it, you are no different from animals, and you can even say that Walking dead." Su Jie massaged several acupuncture points on Zhang Manman's head.

Following Su Jie's movements, Zhang Manman fell asleep completely, entering the deepest slumber.

Su Jie's massage penetrates into some areas of the brain with strength and techniques, causing vibrations at the same frequency. It is an extremely clever technique, even comparable to some exquisite surgical operations.

After Su Jie waited for Zhang Manman to fall asleep, his own thinking fluctuated violently, as if he was connecting with the other party's thinking.

During the violent fluctuations in thinking, Zhang Manman's brain seemed to have received some information, and he muttered to himself in his sleep.

At the same time, in the Zhang family's ancestral hall, Zhang Hongqing finished handling Zhang Nianquan's funeral, locked himself in a small room, and began to retreat.

"So that's how it was, that's how it turned out, the old man actually left me such a precious thing in the end, and after dying, he came back to life. The experience at that moment was so wonderful."

In the secret room, Zhang Hongqing said to himself: "I have captured the transmission of this emotion. This is the real seed of Tao, the secret of life and death. Who can get this opportunity? If I digest this seed, my strength will be reduced." Will go to the next level. Make up for my own shortcomings."

He kept rehearsing all kinds of movements. This movement is not limited to kung fu, it seems to be a kind of dance, using his own body to form language. This body language seems to be similar to some great dancing gods in some mysterious places.

This kind of action deeply affects the life and death of power, and makes one's own power more perfectly combined with time and space, causing a kind of shock and cleansing the body and mind.

I don't know where Zhang Hongqing learned this set of dances. It is completely different from all kung fu. It has a mysterious artistic conception, very primitive and ancient, as if some kind of prehistoric civilization left something on the murals.

Gradually, Zhang Hongqing got into the mood.

While Zhang Hongqing was practicing, Zhang Manman was also having a weird dream.

In the dream, she seems to be in the dark world, fighting all kinds of vicious people, being her bounty hunter, arresting criminals, and gaining wealth. What she enjoys most is fighting wits and bravery with vicious people , and finally arrest these people and bring them to justice.

Deep in Zhang Manman's heart, her dream is this, and her favorite career is also this. She was infected by certain film and television works since she was a child, and she has a liberal heroic dream. From a certain point of view, she grew up In the United States, she was influenced by American culture, but her family was in the Zhang family, a typical Chinese classical family. The combination of the two gave birth to a free and independent character with strong personal heroism deep in her soul.

Zhang Manman and Tang Yun signed differently.

Tang Yun's character has strong Chinese elements in his bones, which is a combination of some classical ladies and modern elements. Deep in Tang Yun's heart, there is no such strong plot of personal heroism.

But Maggie Cheung has.

Su Jie used the most advanced techniques to hypnotize Zhang Manman, allowing her to maximize her personal heroism in her dreams, completely releasing her personality, heartily.

This is his unique understanding, which helps Zhang Manman improve his cultivation.

For the past few days, Su Jie has been hypnotizing and training Zhang Manman to completely digest a spiritual realization.

And Su Jie himself is also digesting Zhang Nianquan's century-old life experience. The vivid memories of the times are completely digested and settled in his spiritual time and space. The world is vicissitudes, the world is ups and downs, and the world is changing.

More importantly, going back a hundred years can be said to be the biggest change in human history.

A hundred years ago, human beings had not been able to really explore space, and in this hundred years, human beings can shoot machines to Mars, and human beings' technology and understanding of life have reached a deeper realm, even The political system of mankind is also undergoing earth-shaking changes. The feudal system of thousands of years has completely become history, and new systems are surging.

This is a century of real change for humanity.

Su Jie felt the vicissitudes of a century and knew that he was very lucky to be born in this era and to be able to witness the birth of a miracle.

Earth-shaking changes also took place in his spiritual world.

Another point is that after Zhang Nianquan died, he yelled and came back to life for a few seconds, almost speaking. During the process from death to life, Mr. Zhang seemed to feel the world after death.

What the world after death looks like, no one knows, is an unsolved scientific mystery.

When Einstein died, he said a word in German, as if he really felt the world after death.

This piece of information from Zhang Nianquan was extremely precious, Su Jie also felt it, and slowly digested it in his own spiritual world, making his spiritual world even higher.

Although Zhang Hongqing also felt some kind of secret, what he felt was far inferior to Su Jie.

There is some distance between Zhang Hongqing's realm and Su Jie's.

A week passed.

Zhang Manman is sleeping this day, and seems to be fulfilling her personal hero dream again.

Suddenly, she woke up, unconscious, as if sleepwalking.

During her sleepwalking, she punched violently, as if she was fighting fiercely with someone, the fists and feet were whistling, each move was powerful and turbulent, either fierce, gentle, or urgent , or fierce, all kinds of martial arts were displayed, and there was an artistic conception of life and death on her body.

Looking at her sleepwalking movements, one can tell that she is fighting fiercely.

Suddenly, she let out a long howl, which was extremely sharp, and her whole body burst out with strong potential, breaking through a certain realm.

In this blow, she suddenly woke up, opened her eyes, and enlightenment appeared in her eyes.

"Congratulations, you made the breakthrough. You were fighting with someone just now." Su Jie said beside him, he seemed to be able to know what dream Zhang Manman had.

In other words, he was manipulating Zhang Manman's dream.

"I'm sleepwalking? Breaking through the realm?" Zhang Manman looked at his hands, and suddenly felt that everything was different and became extremely vivid. A kind of earth-shaking change took place in his world view, a real rebirth, from the body I have gone through a baptism deep in my heart.

"That's right, you are now in the realm of the seventh sense. To be precise, it is the realm of the living dead, which is more precise than the seventh sense." Su Jie said: "I believe you can understand the difference between the seventh sense and the realm of the living dead. difference between."

"The living dead must have the seventh sense, but the seventh sense may not be able to have the state of the living dead. The seventh sense is the foundation, and the state of the living dead is a change based on the seventh sense, which is extremely subtle." Zhang Man Mandao: "I have followed the rhythm of this wave and stepped into the real upper class. From now on, I am a nobleman."

In Zhang Manman's view, high society is not about how high a person's status is, nor how strong a person's wealth is, but how rich a person's own spiritual power is and how profound his realm is.

"High society, noble?" Su Jie asked.

"The seventh sense, in fact, there is a saying in the dark world, that is, people who have reached the seventh sense are nobles and the real upper class. If they have not reached the seventh sense, they will always be commoners. No matter how rich you are, How powerful you are, you are still a commoner. There is no status in the dark world. I also think that the determination of nobles should be based on their own abilities. This statement has actually infiltrated into some high-level officials in Western countries. .According to the Dark World, you are actually the king."

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