Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter four hundred and eighty-four

The Wu family and Su Jie are still fighting, and it is a struggle on the surface. Of course, this struggle has not yet spread to the domestic market, and it is still testing in foreign financial markets.

In this temptation, Su Jie had the upper hand.

Lin Tang took advantage of this opportunity to pluck the wool back and forth and made a lot of money. This actually made the Wu family very unhappy, but Wu Qu came to the laboratory to teach Lin Tang. He kept brainwashing Lin Tang among the professors, but Lin Tang was unsuccessful in being washed, and he still did not follow the Wu family, as if he had identified Su Jie.

This made Wu Qu very helpless.

But Wu Qu was still not reconciled. In the process of teaching, he felt more and more that Lin Tang was a financial genius, and he had great luck. If he was hired, he could offset his bad luck and make it smooth sailing in the international financial market in the future. .

For Lin Tang's great luck, Wu Qu is the most important.

But there is no rush now.

Hearing that Master Ma asked him to write and teach the young people here, he also wanted to see the background and reality of this place, so he couldn't help nodding, picked up a pen and wrote the word "country" on the paper.

He wrote down the word "Guo", which is like a copper wall and an iron wall, impregnable as gold, and one of the characters is a person, holding a sword, guarding one, like a hero standing upright, guarding the country, this is the traditional Chinese character "Guo".

"Our Chinese characters are three-dimensional pictograms, which are superior to any country's characters. As the name implies, even people who have never learned it can see what it means. But the ultimate style of calligraphy, I will teach it today. One word of yours is this country. One person holds the spear and guards the one. When writing this word, you must have a heroic spirit. I am now holding the spear and guarding the soil. The morality lies in killing life and taking responsibility. Only by writing in this way can you broaden your mind and swallow mountains and rivers , Iron-blooded man, impassioned." After Wu Qu wrote this word, he was also very satisfied.

This word is huge, and the momentum is vivid on the paper, gathering the heroic spirit of thousands of years in this word.

Everyone present is a master,

You can see the momentum of the calligraphy and the coherence of the strokes.

Even Xiao Mo, Frey, and even Mao Wen, because of this word, in the depths of their hearts, they also have a faint reverence for Wu Qu.

"What a national character." Su Jie nodded: "It can be seen that, Mr. Wu Qu, you have written all the heroism, and the book sage is nothing more than that. The momentum of the Wu family is really indomitable. I am also interested, and I will write one too. Words, teach them a lesson."

"Please." Wu Qu wanted to see what words Su Jie could write.

Su Jie took another piece of rice paper.

He picked up a pen and wrote the word "Guo" on it, which has the same meaning as the "Guo" in Wuqu, but Wuqu is in traditional characters, while Su Jie is in simplified characters.

Generally speaking, calligraphy is written in traditional characters, and no one writes simplified characters.

But Su Jie just wrote it.

And when he was writing, a jade character was written very simply in a square circle, but when he was writing, there seemed to be a gentleman's spirit for thousands of years on the paper, a gentleman, gentle and moist like Jade, there is jade in the circle, it is the country.

Jade is the true spirit of Chinese people.

Jade is warm, delicate, harmonious, and long-lived. It represents all the beauty in the world and is full of spirituality.

China's first national treasure is the Jade Seal of Chuanguo.

If there is jade in the circle, it is a gentleman.

If the word "country" in Wuqu is full of heroism, then the word "country" in Su Jie is full of the gentlemanly spirit of China for thousands of years.

Su Jie's character "Guo" is majestic and upright, grand and gentle, enlightening the world, holy and divine, big and transforming, this "Jade" character also wraps a heroic spirit in it.

The pen is closed.

Frey, Mao Wen, Xiao Mo and others were completely relieved of the influence of martial arts, and they only felt that they were also crystal clear. A gentleman is not only heroic, but also able to protect himself and govern the country. He is good at war but has no great achievements. He is good at literary talent, but with a three-foot sword, he can conquer the world.

This is a gentleman.

Su Jie's "country" seems to be many times more advanced than Wuqu's "country".

"When you practice calligraphy, don't hold the view of simplified and traditional characters in your heart. Any font that suits the times is the best. Simplified characters have great merits and virtues. They have wiped out the illiteracy of tens of thousands of people. The artistic conception of the new era contained in it is far from comparable to that of the old era. Just like this Chinese character, I think the meaning of the simplified Chinese character is much better than the traditional Chinese character, and it is more in line with this era." Su Jie said: "There is also this love character."

Su Jie took a new piece of rice paper and wrote two characters on it, a simplified Chinese character "love" and a traditional Chinese character "love".

"Many people say that love in simplified characters has no heart and is not true love. In fact, true love is pure and natural, without thinking at all. Natural admiration and affection, if you move your mind, it is not pure, but impure. And , the traditional Chinese character for 'love', has heart and no friends, this is either rape or robbery." Su Jie said: "Of course, what I mean is very simple, that is, whether it is kung fu or spiritual practice, we must keep up with this era and keep up with the times." Keep advancing, otherwise you will be eliminated by the times, and there will be no major achievements.”

"It seems that Mr. Su Jie is really an expert, use me as an example to teach your disciples." Wu Qu heard the implication: "Mr. Su Jie, are you saying that our Wu family can't keep up with the times?" gone?"

"The times are moving, and we will always be ahead of us. If we are not vigilant, we will be abandoned by the times if we don't pay attention." Su Jie said: "Mr. Wu Qu, you are a smart person. I don't think many things need to be done." Ming said, you can understand the power of it. Some small families that have declined, want to drag your Wu family into the water, if you can't see through this, then I have nothing to do."

"Mr. Su Jie, you seem to know everything?" Wu Qu's eyes were extremely sharp. These days, he was inquiring about the truth in Su Jie's laboratory, and he became more and more frightened, because the atmosphere in this laboratory is booming. Everyone is working hard, everyone is making progress, and people's hearts are more cohesive than a family. Everyone seems to be sincere and selfless. This is the most rare thing. Any team that can sweep the world is like this at the beginning.

This is where Wu Qu really paid attention.

Team weather.

In fact, no matter how strong Su Jie himself is, it is actually difficult to make big waves in modern society. The most important thing is the team. It was the same in ancient times. Liu Bang was born as a rogue, Zhang Liang, Xiao He, Han Xin, Fan Kui and others in the team, and he just defeated Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu who was unrivaled in force and powerful.

But now in Su Jie's team, there are a lot of talents, talents in all aspects, and they are all extremely powerful and influential figures. When everyone gathers together, the power they can exert is simply huge.

Even Wu Family dare not underestimate this team.

After all, in this team, there are masters who are close to the realm of ten living dead.

There are also the richest people in the world, the giants of the dark world as an alliance, and what's more, the Fu family, the real upper class family in city b, also began to help him. It seems that Mr. Fu is directly entrusting the Wu family to bet on Su Jie. stumbling block.

Wu Qu also had to pay attention to this point.

The Fu family is also extremely powerful in city b, and the Tang family is simply incomparable. As long as Fu Lao is not dead, the Wu family cannot easily shake the foundation of the Fu family.

Moreover, the old man of the Fu family is good at discovering talents, and he has many disciples with deep roots. In terms of relationship, you have to surpass the Wu family.

The advantage of the Wu family is that there are many masters and a high level. There are a lot of connections at the top.

"Mr. Su Jie, our Wu family will hold a banquet in a week. I hope you can join us. At the banquet, we may discuss some things." Wu Qu came out to invite.

"Oh? Then I will be happy to participate." Su Jie nodded.

While the two were talking, suddenly someone outside said: "Master Fu brought someone to visit."

"Please hurry up." Su Jie nodded and gave instructions. After a while, Mr. Fu came in with a man and a woman. The man and the woman were very young, about seventeen or eighteen years old, and they were about to take the college entrance examination. At this age, most teenagers at this age still have immature faces on their faces, but these two have a calm temperament, a solid figure, and pearls shining between their brows. It seems that some kind of spiritual aperture has been opened, and the wisdom is hidden deep in Among them, form wisdom beads.

This is a long-term practice, and a certain kind of spirituality born with extremely strong foundation.

Fu's family background is also extremely profound. Mr. Fu is a master of Chinese studies, astronomy, geography, politics, history, divination, astrology, dragon veins, feng shui, and he is a master of contemporary temples.

"Oh, Wu Qu, you're here too." Elder Fu came in, saw Wu Qu, and greeted him meaningfully.

"Mr. Fu, our Wu family and the Fu family have a lot of friendship. According to the logic, we should be in the same breath." The words of Wu Qu are related.

"I'm afraid that the martial arts family will go astray, one step will be wrong, and every step will be wrong." Mr. Fu said: "Actually, in the past forty years, all the major families in our city b have developed rapidly and enjoyed their full potential, but the sun and the moon are full. , the cycle continues, right now is a key point, our Fu family chooses to embrace doom, and your Wu family seems to choose to fight doom. In my opinion, it is unwise."

"Our Wu family has our own choice." Wu Qu smiled, but did not refute: "By the way, these two are the grandchildren of Mr. Fu, I didn't notice, but the Fu family still has such outstanding talents? Look at your body." Temperament, you have been studying and living abroad since you were young, Mr. Fu, you are also a master of Chinese studies, you should train them in Chinese studies since childhood, why bother to learn from the West?"

"The Western method has its merits." Old Master Fu said, "But I called them back before they reached adulthood, and returned to China to take the college entrance examination. It happened that Su Jie was very good in the college entrance examination, so I let the two of them come here to study and make up lessons. "

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