Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty-Five: The Foundation Is Unstable

"They still have to take the college entrance examination?" Mao Wen looked surprised. He knew that the children of the rich and powerful took a completely different path from the ordinary people and the middle class. For the children of ordinary families, the only way out was to pass the college entrance examination, but the upper-class families like the Fu family My son, taking the ordinary college entrance examination is definitely not the worst way out.

Mr. Fu took a look at Mao Wen and said: "Let them feel the atmosphere. This is the only way for young people of an era. Just like the thousand-year-old imperial examination, it condenses into a context in the air. Only when you experience it personally can you feel the atmosphere." You will get some insights, your Mao family pays attention to Feng Shui general trend, luck and fortune, I think you should be able to understand this kind of truth."

"Yes." Su Jie agreed. He had observed these two young men and women a long time ago. The man's masculinity is contained in it, and the women's jewels and gems penetrate into the bone marrow. They are all real talents, which cannot be compared with ordinary geniuses. Received the best training, and cultivated an elite style under the influence of childhood.

Moreover, the realm of these two people is quite advanced, they should be at the peak of the sixth sense, of course, there is still a long way to go from the seventh sense, even among the juniors of the Fu family, there is no strong seventh sense .

This is what the Wu family is proud of. In addition to the old guys of the Wu family, Wu Qu itself is a superb figure, and the Wu family also has three characters with a seventh sense.

Just relying on this talent reserve, the Wu family will have enough confidence to overwhelm many families in the future.

It is precisely because of this that after the Tang family's Tang Yun sign reached the realm of the living dead, the Tang family's evaluation in the circle has become very high, and the family circles in the upper class will always have some secret evaluation channels.

In fact, the upper class is the same as the dark world. When evaluating an organization, it is not based on wealth or influence, but on the organization's talent pool and technological content.

Of course, the most important thing is the talent reserve. With talents, the technological content will be improved.

In fact, in the upper circles of City B, the evaluation standard is the same as that of the dark world. Everyone knows how important a person in the realm of the living dead is. No matter what field he is in, he can make earth-shattering careers.

For example, Tang Yun of the Tang family has become a living dead. In the eyes of many families, even a sudden increase in wealth of tens of billions is not comparable. Wealth is all imaginary, and one's own talent is a solid strength, and no one can take it away.

The most frightening thing about the living dead is not their own strength, but their IQ and EQ. Just like the heroes or great men in history, they have charisma. It is very difficult to be eliminated physically, because it can sense danger, escape in advance, hide in the dark, and wait for an opportunity to take revenge.

In fact, Su Jie is also this kind of person now, and he is much more terrifying than the living dead. The purpose of the Wu family is not to exterminate him, but to make him surrender through suppression, and to gather great luck for the Wu family, so that the future of the Wu family will be smooth sailing, without any doom .

"Mr. Fu, you are betting on the treasure. These two disciples are sent to this laboratory. Could it be that you want to learn from the Tang family, and want Mr. Su Jie to raise your two outstanding disciples to a truly extraordinary state? It's really huge, and it's a huge profit." Wu Qu could see Fu Lao's thoughts.

According to the rumors, Su Jie has the ability to "turn a stone into gold" and raise Zhang Jinchuan, Tang Yun's signature, and even Liu Long and others to a higher level. If this is true,

Then the Fu family sent two of the best young people, and if they succeed in one fell swoop, the strength of the Fu family will directly increase greatly. Not to mention two extra "living dead" seventh senses,

Even if there is only one, the family strength will have a qualitative leap.

A master in the realm of the "living dead", even if he is deprived of all his property, deprived of all relationships, and thrown to any corner of the world, this kind of person can create a world with his own ability, let alone money , when resources are available, the cloud follows the dragon, and the wind follows the tiger.

However, Wu Qu doesn't believe that Su Jie has this ability. He knows that the strongest person in the dark world is the leader Tifeng, but the one who can train people is the godmaker Odeli. Even Ou Deli is not sure whether he can train and train a strong man who looks like a living dead, let alone Su Jie.

Wu Qu also didn't believe that Su Jie could compare to Ou Deli in terms of cultivating talents.

A person's strength does not mean that he is also strong in cultivating talents. On the contrary, some people who are not strong enough can cultivate champion apprentices.

"The Tang family has taken the lead, so my Fu family can't fall behind. Fu Le, Fu Shu, you two have a meeting with the master." Master Fu actually wanted two juniors of the Fu family to pay homage to the master.

"Wait a minute." Su Jie said hastily, "I have a coaching system here, not a master-disciple system. You can use this as a gym."

Su Jie didn't like the classical master-apprentice process, but the modern coaching system was the most suitable for physical training.

"These two juniors came back from studying abroad, and they are not very familiar with the domestic college entrance examination process, and the main reason is that they don't know the atmosphere of thousands of troops crossing the single-plank bridge. I believe you can teach students according to their aptitude." Fu Lao said.

"We listen to the coach." Fu Le said with a crisp voice, but it could be seen that she was suppressed by Mr. Fu, but deep down she didn't take it seriously: "How are you going to train us?"

Su Jie can also understand that he is actually not much older than this pair of men and women. The other party has been educated by elites since he was a child. It is normal to look down on him deep in his heart. Such a mental state is a normal person.

However, these two young men and women are very well-mannered, and they are polite on the surface, which is also the bearing cultivated by the big family.

Su Jie smiled: "Actually, there is nothing to teach you, just let you sleep for a while."

During Su Jie's inadvertent words, Fu Le and Fu Shu, a couple of young men and women, started to have blurred eyes, and they automatically walked to the sofa next to the laboratory, lay down and fell asleep.

This made Wu Qu frown.

He didn't even notice Su Jie's hypnotism.

Of course, Wu Qu now also knows that he is far from Su Jie, because his father Wu Xinyu fought Su Jie, although on the surface it seemed that the autumn was evenly divided, in fact Wu Xinyu knew that he was not as good as Su Jie, even if he was with Su Jie. Adding up Wu Xinhong, he was still not sure about Shangsu Jie.

In Wu Xinyu's state, he has broken away from the shackles of fame, fortune and hatred, and can look at things directly from his heart. After the first battle, he already knows the height of Su Jie.

But Wu Xinyu knew that it didn't mean that Wu Qu felt the same way.

In fact, Wu Qu still exists to suppress Su Jie, infiltrate Su Jie's laboratory, and take it as his own.

the mind you use.

But Su Jie's current strength and every move made him more and more chilling.

"They will sleep for about three hours. In their dreams, they will dream about something. After waking up, their mentality will change a lot. But this is just the initial treatment." Su Jie said to Fu Lao: "About three weeks , their mental state will be greatly improved. As for whether they can break through the realm and reach the living dead in the follow-up, it actually depends on their own good fortune. I just want to say that their foundation is very solid. Talents really have their own set, especially the spiritual edification, which is completely different from many training methods.”

"Actually, in terms of education, some families in our city B each have their own unique skills, and the Wu family's education is considered to be the best." Elder Fu looked at Wu Qu.

"The Fu family's education really has its own way." Wu Qu said: "Then I congratulate the two talents of the Fu family who have really grown up and become extraordinary."

While speaking, Wu Qu turned around and left here. When he was leaving, he said, "Mr. Fu, our families have a banquet as usual. I invited Mr. Su Jie. You have no objection."

"Of course I have no objection. Even if you don't invite me, I will invite you." Old Fu smiled.

After Wu Qu left here, Mr. Fu looked at the two characters "国" and "国" on the desk, savored them carefully, and gradually realized the taste in them: "Su Jie, can this word be given away?" Give me."

Elder Fu actually made such a request.

This surprised everyone present.

Mr. Fu himself is a master of calligraphy and painting, and it is hard to find a calligraphy and painting, but now he actually asks for Su Jie's calligraphy.

"The artistic conception of this word is the secret of real cultivation, to cultivate the aura of grandeur, to obtain the essence of jade, which can refine the essence of the spirit." Fu Lao was full of praise: "I got this word, comprehend the true meaning, play with it, and relax. Years, at least ten more years can be lived."

"Old Fu, you are exaggerating too much." Master Ma laughed.

"It's not an exaggeration at all, Lao Ma, you and I have met each other several times, but your realm has not reached that point, and you don't know the true meaning of the secret." Fu Laodao: "In my opinion, this Chinese character is more important than the real one. The jade seals handed down to the country are much more precious, and the calligraphy and paintings contain alchemy and the meaning of self-cultivation, which incorporates Su Jie's spirit and cultivation methods, and can be handed down for thousands of years."

"I'm really ashamed." Su Jie said, "Then give it to Mr. Fu."

"Thank you, thank you very much." Mr. Fu seemed to have picked up Wang Xizhi's authentic handwriting as if he had found a treasure: "Compared to this, the characters of this martial art are dross. The characters of this martial art are originally in the style of everyone, and they have the potential to swallow mountains and rivers with anger. But it can’t be compared, one can see the level, if one wants to govern the country and the world according to the artistic conception of the word Wuqu, then there must be problems, and it is just a short-lived flash in the pan, which will decline later, just like people take the medicine of tigers and wolves. It can be prosperous for a while, but after that, the bone marrow will dry up and die quickly. Only the gentle and jade-like artistic conception of a gentleman in this country can have long-term stability and deep savings. Therefore, judging by this word, the strength of the martial arts family may also be at its peak and decline. , the effect of the tiger and wolf medicine is about to pass, it is sad and deplorable."

"I think the foundation of the martial arts family is deep, and the inside and outside are like iron. In the King Kong, although there are calamities, it is difficult to grind the root." Master Ma said: "Old Fu, you are too serious."

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