Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 486 Unfathomable, the leader can do it for me

"Old Ma, I said that your physiognomy is only at the level of getting together with others. You can look at aura, luck, family, clan, and even country, but there is still one thing missing, which is to look at time and Tribulation, line and fate, fate and identity, cause and effect, root and Tao.” Fu Lao talked eloquently, he liked to talk about Fengshui and numerology, and even more profound things with people.

It's a pity that his level is too high, and his music is too few, so it is difficult to find a chat partner at ordinary times.

Now the laboratory in Sujie is full of talents, and there are a lot of masters. They are good partners for him to chat with.

Especially the two Luo Ma, who are profound in metaphysics, and gradually have the demeanor of a generation of masters, which makes him talk about it.

In fact, Su Jie's realm is extremely high, he has already comprehended heaven and man, his thinking can penetrate into time and space, and capture every bit of it. This kind of realm is a wonderland of thinking that Fu Lao couldn't even think of.

It's a pity that Su Jie never talked about Xuan, and only talked about science, cells, molecules, genes, quantum, brain, nerves, etc., which is not what Fu Lao is good at.

To be honest, Old Fu's experience is as deep as the ocean, but he really can't touch Su Jie's spiritual realm. He doesn't know how far this young man has reached, and how thorough his understanding of the nature of the world is.

Even Mr. Fu felt that standing in front of Su Jie was like a knowledge gap between an orangutan and modern people.

"I also ask Mr. Fu for advice." Master Ma was very respectful.

"On the surface, the Wu family is full of talents, masters emerge in large numbers, and the entire family structure is very complete. Some people make money, some educate, some manage, and some serve as the output of force terminals, but they lack key things, that is, real The scientific research team does not have scientific research background, so it is not very solid." Fu Laodao: "Actually, in the early years, the Wu family followed the country's qigong craze, and studied human body and psychology together, and made great achievements, but the Wu family is only one of them. One member, just some results stolen, and later because of an adventure, he absorbed a lot of other people's results, but this is a windfall, not obtained by his own family research, flying too high at once, and the foundation is unstable. The middle layer did not follow On. And these years, the Wu family didn't pay attention to this point, tasted the sweetness of letting others make the wedding dress, and only relied on the technology to steal, this is the demon of the Wu family,

Gradually walked into the way of magic, of course, this is a fan of the authorities, even with Wu Xinyu's wisdom, it is difficult to see through this point. "

"There's another layer." Master Ma couldn't help admiring Mr. Fu's sharp eyesight, who could see through the cause and effect at a glance.

"Actually, it's understandable for the Wu family to do this, because it takes time and effort to study on their own, and they can't get any achievements at all. What's more, the research needs a huge economy to support it. In the first twenty years, the Wu family only gained some cultivation. In the next twenty years, after cultivating talents, they found the way of finance and began to harvest in the international financial market." Su Jie said: "But from this point of view, the Wu family's The model is actually a small Tifeng. Tifeng used the blockchain technology to create virtual currency to harvest the world and obtained trillions of dollars. Only then can we start powerful scientific research. Although the Wu family makes a lot of money in the financial market , Ke and Typhon are not in the same order of magnitude, so it's better to wait to pick peaches."

"It's like giving up the basics and chasing the last. One doesn't practice kung fu hard and build up one's internal strength, but spends all day thinking about how to absorb other people's kung fu with the method of absorbing kung fu. That's not what the magic way is." Fu Lao seems to be very disapproving of the martial arts: "Just For example, if a country does not start with low-end industrial scientific research, it will definitely not work if it thinks about stealing other people's high-tech all day long. No matter how hard it is, you must continue to do it yourself. The overall line of the Wu family is eager for quick success. It is as solid as gold, like the god of King Kong, but it is unstable, and it will collapse immediately when encountering a big impact, and its ability to resist risks is extremely weak. This is why I am not optimistic about the Wu family. But Su Jie, your side is different, talented people Not to mention, the structure is also tending to be benign, much more practical than the Wu family. Another most important reason is that there is no one in the Wu family who is your opponent, and you can crush all the people in the Wu family."

"You can't say that." Su Jie smiled: "Actually, the Wu family has a secret, and I'm afraid your Fu family doesn't know about it."

"What secret?" Elder Fu couldn't help asking.

"Actually, it's nothing. Your family in city b is actually trying to figure it out. You should know that there are actually two masters in the Wu family. Wu Xinyu is on the surface, and Wu Xinzhou is in the dark." Su Jie said.

"This is indeed a big secret, but our Fu family knows that there are two brothers in the universe in the Wu family, and Wu Xinzhou is very mysterious. It is said that the strength and realm are not inferior to Wu Xinyu, and he has been abroad. Otherwise, the Wu family's industry would not be so big." Elder Fu thought it was some kind of secret.

"You only know about the two brothers of the universe, and you probably don't know about the two brothers of Honghuang." Su Jie revealed a shocking secret.

"What?" Boss Fu was taken aback: "What are the two Honghuang brothers? You mean, apart from Wu Xinyu and Wu Xinzhou, the Wu family also has Wu Xinhong and Wu Xinhuang?"

"That's true." Su Jie said: "I fought with Wu Xinyu, and I saw something. If I read correctly, the genes in him should be quadruplets. In the thousand-character text, the world is mysterious and yellow, and the universe is wild. The twins should be their four brothers. The genes of the four brothers are very powerful, far surpassing ordinary people. The Wu family tried to hide everyone, but they couldn't hide it from me, let alone Daling. If I guessed correctly, Daling should It is between the layout, the layout, and wiped out the four brothers of the Wu family."

"No wonder, no wonder the Wu family is so inflated." Mr. Fu suddenly realized: "A long time ago, among the secrets of the Wu family, there were always twins, but I didn't expect to be quadruplets. Wu Xinyu's father and I are in the same unit. Back then, his I know something more or less, but I hide it so deeply."

"The Wu family has a deep foundation, and it is indeed possible to do earth-shattering things, but it is also going downhill, and the causal cycle of prosperity and decline cannot be avoided." Su Jie said: "However, I still want to turn hostility into friendship with them. I don't want the four brothers of the Wu family to die. In the hands of the leader."

"Wu Xinyu's state is very high, especially in terms of kung fu. It's not enough to describe his strength. His boxing skills can already reach the gods, and his soft and hard qigong can move mountains and seas. Because the Wu family is famous for kung fu, the qigong family. Accumulated The experience is no small matter. If they are the quadruplets of the universe, the four of them will be invincible in the world. No one can defeat them, not even the leader of Tifeng. After all, two fists are hard to defeat four hands, and now there are eight Moreover, the Wu family brothers have the same mind, so they must have the art of joining forces to fight against the enemy." Old Fu asked: "In this case, it is really possible for them to seize the opportunity to repeat the defeat of Mr. Cain, so that Typhon's Obtained confidentially."

"There is no such possibility." Su Jie said: "The leader is many times more terrifying than Mr. Cain back then. Mr. Cain was still a human being, and the leader may have broken away from the category of human beings. Of course, it is also possible One step ahead of us."

"What does this mean?" Old Fu couldn't understand.

"You'll know when you see this person." Su Jie said, "I don't want members of the Wu family to be sent to death easily, because although there are many talents in the whole country, there are too few of them like this. Make a career out of it. There's no point in fighting each other."

"You want to unite with the Wu family? But the Wu family wants to subdue you." Mr. Fu understood the meaning of the Wu family very well: "I want to ask a crucial question."

"Do you want to ask, if the four brothers from the Universe of the Wu family attack me, will I be able to resist it?" Su Jie knew what Fu Lao wanted to ask.

"Then what do you think?" Elder Fu wanted to know the result, because with his vision, he couldn't tell the depth of Su Jie now.

"I can do what the leader can do." Su Jie answered this sentence.

Old Fu stopped talking.

Because he knew that Su Jie would not lie, and he also vaguely knew that there seemed to be some powerful forces who wanted Su Jie to replace Typhon as the king of the dark world.

"I really want to see this battle between dragons and tigers." Fu Lao said after a long time: "Then it really is worth living."

"There is a chance." Su Jie nodded: "I still have some practice in the process of perfecting. Once perfected, I will let the martial arts know that their ideas are impossible to complete. They will be more awake, stop internal friction, Let's study together. Mr. Fu, don't worry, since you trust me so much, I will tell you the truth. The two disciples you sent, I will definitely let them reach the first place within a year. Seven senses, as for whether they can be in the realm of the living dead, it depends on how deep their background is."

"I know that the seventh sense is a kind of perception ability inside the cerebral cortex. You should have mastered some scientific method of training the neural cortex, but the realm of the living dead is a realm of life perception based on the seventh sense." Fu Lao It is very clear: "Actually, the three young men of the Wu family are also in the realm of the seventh sense, not the living dead, and after observing for some time, I know that the seventh sense of the three young men of the Wu family is actually relatively weak and not perfect. , They are good at fighting, that is to say, they can only show the ability of the seventh sense when they are fighting or performing some assault missions, but they don't have this ability in the process of dealing with things in daily life, in fact There are big flaws in the research of the samurai family, but it is still very good."

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