Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 488: Campus Walk

"You haven't been to school for a long time, it won't work if you go on like this, why don't you go around the school and say hello to the teachers."

Su Jie was studying that day, when Tang Yunzhi suddenly said.

In the past few days, Su Jie is conducting intense research with Xu Dela, trying to overcome some neurological theoretical difficulties. Xu Dela has become a lot more honest since Su Jie met Mr. Cain, and he has no intention of making troubles, but concentrates on research, because he knows that Su Jie can't even do anything to Mr. Cain, so he basically has no chance .

What's more, between Su Jie and his research, he really broadened his thinking, made his research direction clear, and avoided a lot of detours.

According to the academic level, Su Jie has already surpassed him, and he can even be his mentor.

Gradually, Xu Dela began to admire Su Jie from the bottom of his heart.

This was also the first step for Su Jie to influence him.

Although Xu Dela is a scientist and also a poisonous devil king of the dark world, he looks extremely powerful and indestructible to outsiders, but deep down in his heart, there are also loopholes that can be caught. The process of Su Jie surrendering this poisonous devil king is also a psychological process. The treatment is also a psychological experiment and practice.

If we can completely subdue the poisonous demon king Hydra and make him return to the identity of the chemist Kardan, then the dark world will have one less murderous demon, and in the real world there will be one more great scientist who will benefit mankind .

"Okay, let's go to school." Glancing at Xu Dela who was working, Su Jie accepted Tang Yun's suggestion. Originally, Su Jie wanted to tie Xu Dela by his side, fearing that he would cause trouble, but now it seems that No need, Xu Dela is constantly calculating, it seems that he is caught in a scientific research project and cannot extricate himself.

Su Jie can accurately understand Xu Dela's heart.

He nodded, signed with Tang Yun and left the laboratory, heading to Q University.

After all, Su Jie is still a college student. He hasn't attended class for a long time, but it is impossible for him to fall behind in his studies. Moreover, he cooperated with laboratories at home and abroad to do research and published some papers. If he just took out a copy and issued a certificate, his credits could be deducted.

So even if Su Jie didn't go to class, he could still graduate smoothly, and the matter of failing the exam never happened to him.

Tang Yun signed him to go to Q University, there must be other reasons, or there must be something to say.

The laboratory is not far from Q University, and it can be reached by a few bus stops, even if it is walking, it does not need to take a long time. The academic scope here is strong, which is very suitable for research. Several universities are here, interconnected with each other, and the spread of cultural movement has become a big climate.

Su Jie and Tang Yunzhu were walking side by side on the road. At this moment, the sun was setting, and the scenery was golden everywhere. , making people feel a burst of urgency.

But the surrounding institutions of higher learning are different. Some college students sometimes come out, some are taking pictures, some are walking, in twos and threes, showing a different leisure from office workers.

"When reading, is the most beautiful time." Tang

Yun Zha said with a general feeling: "After graduating and stepping out of the society, the pressure of life will come. At that time, it is really exhausting and difficult to escape. You can see the atmosphere."

"What? You also lamented about graduation?" Su Jie said, "Could it be that you also want to find a job?

Not doing it in my lab? "

"How is that possible." Tang Yun signed with a smile: "If you say that the most promising laboratory in the world, it is yours. Although it is not yet in place, the talent pool and funds are gradually in place. In less than ten years, There will definitely be extremely great scientific research results in it. It would be a pity if I didn't participate. Moreover, your laboratory has huge luck and a long life. Entering it can even resolve many disasters. This is from the perspective of metaphysics Come and see."

Tang Yunzhi himself inherited the Tang family's physiognomy and numerology. These days, he communicated with Master Ma, Master Luo and others, absorbing the things of the two schools. Through his own research, his metaphysical intuition has greatly improved.

"Metaphysics is actually an untested scientific guess." Su Jie nodded.

"Did you find anything?" Tang Yunzhi pointed to Q University in the distance, and then to B University not far away. These two universities are ranked first and second in China. In addition, there are some universities around, which have been brewing for many years. This district has been the benchmark of higher education institutions in the country for decades. "

"I know what you're going to say." Su Jie looked at the sky, as if he could step through the void, and felt a different kind of information: "Actually, the cultural fortune here is extraordinary. With my perception, I can feel that, There is a huge academic atmosphere in the void here. Of course, this academic atmosphere can also be called Wenyun. It is a kind of spiritual power that has been pursued by countless people for a hundred years, devoted to research, and deposited in a certain space-time dimension. It's the same as the martial arts in the town of Minglun Martial Arts School. In the town of Minglun Martial Arts School, decades of martial arts precipitation will finally be combined with the local mountains and rivers, settled down, and turned into dragon veins. Whoever can get it will truly expand their spiritual world, thereby changing their life and becoming invincible. But right now, the gathering of cultural fortunes here seems to show signs of this. Do you want to obtain the cultural fortunes here?"

There is nothing that can be hidden from Su Jie.

The world in Su Jie's eyes at this time is completely different from that seen by ordinary people, and even experts. His realm has improved a level after sending away the old man of the Zhang family.

The moment before the death of the old man Zhang Nianquan, his life experience of a hundred years had been absorbed by him, as well as the aura of returning to his soul after death, all of which had melted into his spiritual world.

After so many days of cultivation, Su Jie gradually melted into the depths of his soul essence, which made him look at the world with a layer of vicissitudes of a century, as well as the perspective of life and death.

At this moment, Su Jie saw much more clearly than Tang Yun signed.

Su Jie saw that in this place, the rich academic atmosphere of several top universities in the country, after a long period of time, finally began to condense into an extremely pure and powerful information, which is dense in the air and does not dissipate. Like dark clouds, water vapor condenses, and it will turn into thunder anytime and anywhere, turning into torrential rain and falling down.

Of course, in the thunderstorm, there will be real dragons.

This is metaphysics, the simple meaning is that here

Wenyun also has a tendency to turn into dragon veins.

Moreover, the academic atmosphere here is the center of the whole country, and its literary movement is much stronger than that of martial arts.

This is not surprising. Throughout the dynasties, civil affairs have dominated, while military affairs have a low status, which is far less high than literary affairs.

The ancient scholar-bureaucrat refers specifically to literati.

"No, I want you to get the cultural fortune here." Tang Yun signed: "Actually, what I can see, many experts can also see. In City B, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers. I don't know how many experts gather. The cultural movement here is congealing, and many high-level people have felt it, and they are all plotting. In City B, there are five real big families, Wei Wu, Wang, Zhou, Zheng, and Chu. The relationship is close, and there are many talents in the family, with the help of senior people and strong financial resources. They must be plotting the cultural fortune of this place. In addition, there is an external force also plotting. I think no matter what, it is impossible to let others Take it away, otherwise I don’t know how many people will be the emperor and how many people will be the king.” Tang Yun signed: “Although I have reached the realm of the living dead, stepped into the upper class, and truly become a 'noble', I want to get this share. Wu Yun will immediately become the target of public criticism, and even our Tang family will be wiped out, but if we don't get it, we won't be reconciled."

"Actually, you started planning very early, and you worked hard to become the chairman of the student union of Q University, which itself occupies a lot of karmic power. Q University is the number one university in our country, and it itself occupies all the power." Su Jie He said: "As for the chairman of the student union, you can be said to be the number one college student in the country, and you have occupied the central position in the library for a long time. Even if the literary movement here gathers into a dragon vein, it is also related to you."

"I can only do this, this is my limit." Tang Yun signed: "How can you get it?"

"I don't need to get it." Su Jie said: "Actually, at the Minglun Martial Arts School, I can also get the Dragon Vein Martial Arts in that place, but I finally chose to give up because I have my own ideas. The best thing is to use Fengshui, which is our unique metaphysics, and it has been very useful since ancient times, but why in modern times, no matter what kind of Fengshui works, and blindly lag behind and be beaten? The root cause of this is the Industrial Revolution. Industrial Revolution and Fengshui It has nothing to do, it’s a storm created by human beings to conquer the world. Britain’s geographical location is not good, and the overall country’s location is very limited, but it is because of this that it has beaten the whole world and become an empire on which the sun never sets. This is not due to Feng Shui Power. This is the general trend of the times. However, if you need the cultural fortune here, I can also help you get it."

"Can you help me get it?" Tang Yunzhi raised his head, with a strange light in his eyes: "What can you do? What do we need to do?"

"There's no need to do anything." Su Jie said, "If I want to take it, no one can stop me even though City B is hidden."

"Your words are simply domineering." Tang Yunzhu smiled.

"Just tell the truth." Su Jie said: "Actually, in this world, there are only a handful of people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with me. Even the leader of Tifeng may not necessarily surpass me in metaphysics."

"If you get the cultural fortune here, how far will you progress?" Tang Yun asked.

"I don't know, maybe there will be great progress, maybe there will be no progress." Su Jie waved his hand.

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