Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 489: Spiritual Communication

Su Jie has already seen things like luck quite thoroughly. Mobile terminal

Ordinary people can gain huge benefits with the help of these things, but for him now, this kind of thing is actually not very useful, and of course it is not harmful, it is just some information.

But for Tang Yun's signing, it has no huge effect.

Once Tang Yun's lottery is obtained, the spiritual world will be extremely rich, such as the record in ancient books that a certain person suddenly received guidance from a god and man, and there is no harm in everything.

In fact, there are many "encounters with immortals" in history, which are some kind of illusions produced by the projection of information into the brain, but they are no different from real learning, and even more magical.

But such coincidences are very rare.

However, Su Jie can grasp this kind of coincidence now.

"Then help me get this dragon vein." Tang Yunzhu's tone was full of expectation: "By the way, I want to ask something."

"You ask." Su Jie nodded.

"How about Zhang Manman? Does she have more potential or mine? I know that you also helped her advance to the realm of the living dead." Tang Yunzhu finally asked such a sentence.

"You all have equal potential." Su Jie said: "But each has a different personality. Zhang Manman is a complex of individual heroism, liberalism, and romanticism in his bones, while you are another type. , with the soft beauty and quiet taste of traditional women, but combined with the self-reliance, self-improvement and self-pursuit of modern women, but you do things within the rules and do things to the extreme, but Zhang Manman is different, she is Breaking the rules all the time. You two are not the same kind of people. Her style of doing things is likely to encounter great doom in the future, while your style of doing things is never disaster. You have deeply You know the Taoist principle that Pao Ding solves an ox with ease. But Zhang Manman is a fighter. This is the essential difference between the two of you."

"Then which one do you like more?" Tang Yunzhi asked a key sentence.

Su Jie fell silent when he heard this question.

"What? There are still questions in the world that you can't answer?" Tang Yunzhi waved his hand: "Forget it, I'm taking the liberty. You don't need to answer this question."

"Actually, I appreciate both of you very much." Su Jie said: "It's hard to tell Xuan Jin apart, but in my mind, she should be a little bit more than you."

"Why is there a little more?" Tang Yun was taken aback, she didn't expect,

Su Jie spoke so directly: "You were silent just now, could it be that you were weighing the weight?"

"Clothing is not as good as new, and people are not as good as old. I have known her for a long time." Su Jie said: "However, people's feelings cannot be measured by the length of time. Strangers, some people hit it off right away, but I cherish both of you very much, and I am willing to do everything possible to help you both improve and resonate with me spiritually. There is an intimacy between you two. "

"I see." Tang Yun signed and nodded: "By the way, let's talk about the matter of transporting the dragon veins here. What should I do to occupy the power here? In fact, many aristocratic families have also begun to make arrangements. I don't believe you. look."

The two walked into the campus of Q University, and then went to the library.

Su Jie saw that the self-study seat that Tang Yun signed was actually sitting with a boy studying now, his body was straight and upright, and he was meticulous, and the people around him were not surprised.

Tang Yunzhi is actually a young man who has graduated. If he is not here to study by himself, it is normal for the position to be occupied by others. But in Su Jie's view, this young man who is sitting and studying is not simple, although the level is far from Tang Yun's. , but the demeanor is stable, in the comfort, leisurely and contented, as if not studying, but singing the wind and playing the moon in the spring forest.

However, in this way, instead, some of his thinking and mentality are combined with the environment here, nourished by Feng Shui, making his spiritual world grow slowly, reaching an indescribable state. .

Good feng shui and environment require a good attitude to cooperate.

For example, in a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, people must calm down to feel it, and they will naturally feel relaxed and happy. If the temper is violent and the fire is bright, then no matter how good the environment is, it will be of no use.

If a person's mentality is well coordinated with the environment and is perfect, in the words of metaphysics, it is "to cleanse oneself with the aura of heaven and earth."

Of course, people with advanced cultivation bases can be at ease even in harsh environments. For example, Yan Hui said, "Eating with a sack and drinking with a ladle, in the alleys, people are overwhelmed with worries, and they will not change their happiness when they return." This is the Confucian principle.

Among the Buddhists, there is also the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva who practiced in hell.

"His name is Zhou Chenjun, and he is an outstanding young junior of the Zhou family." Tang Yun signed: "However, he is not a student of Q University, but he has come here to study recently, occupying this position, it can be seen that his current The mentality is closely related to the feng shui formation here."

"This person's talent is not inferior to Zhang Jinchuan's." Su Jie said: "However, it is still too early for him to break through the seventh sense. Among the many big families who believe in elite education, there should be many such outstanding people. , but to truly become a talent, I am afraid it will be very difficult.”

"That's right." Tang Yun signed and nodded: "Actually, in a real big family, there are basically no dudes, and all of them are elites. Dudes will only appear in the homes of upstarts. Several big families in City B, each family educates They all have their own unique features. Zhang Jinchuan’s education was very good when he was a child, but he still couldn’t get along with the education of these big families. But in fact, there is another problem with these big families. No matter how they are educated, it is difficult for these families to be young. Break through the seventh sense. This is a fundamental bottleneck, and it seems that education cannot solve it. If you don’t break through the seventh sense, you can be regarded as an elite at best, but you can’t become a real noble. In fact, if you can help the Fu family this time If two young juniors break through the realm of the seventh sense, they will probably be recognized by many big families, and they will all stand by your side."

"I have seen this problem a long time ago." Su Jie said: "However, in the process of my research on the seventh sense, there is a key point that is still in a state of breakthrough."

"What key point?" Tang Yun asked.

"It's a matter of a person's savings. Like you, you practice step by step and have deep savings. So under my advice, a little movement can resonate in the brain and break through the realm instantly. But if it is an ordinary person, then I Even if you have great abilities, you can’t enlighten him.” Su Jie said: “But according to the theory, the seventh sense is actually a phenomenon of the human body, and anyone, no matter whether they are wise or foolish, can be enlightened in an instant. Like a mountain , People can climb up hard, but they can also take a cableway or a helicopter. In fact, the result is the same. When they reach the top of the mountain. The principle of the seventh sense is very simple. The biological current of the brain suddenly increases and activates Many areas that are usually idle have liberated productivity, and people make breakthroughs in the brain through the enrichment of the spiritual world, which is hard climbing. But through medicine and surgery, it is a direct flight.”

"Is Xu Dela like this?" Tang Yunzhi said in amazement: "If the research is successful, is it an ordinary person who can reach the realm of the seventh sense in a very short period of time after undergoing brain surgery and drugs?" ?”

"The theory is like this." Su Jie nodded: "Xu Dela is not like this, he is half and half, half through his own practice, among his many laboratory data, there is no success purely through surgery. But this is only a technical problem, and the theory has already been established. It is extremely difficult to break through the technical difficulty. As far as I know, even Typhon has not broken through this technical problem. Otherwise, he would have dominated the world long ago."

"This technology can really dominate the world." Tang Yun signed: "Ordinary people can obtain the ability of the seventh sense through surgery. Isn't it possible to mass-produce Superman?"

If a person has a brain with a seventh sense, then he will soar in everything he does. He is a master of learning, a peerless master in martial arts, a super trader in finance, and a great scientist in science.

"In fact, dominating the world is just talking. Every person with the seventh sense has his own independent personality, can think, and is a powerful and independent soul." Su Jie said: "It can be said that Tifeng developed this, It will not be used on a large scale, too many masters, too independent, for a team, it is actually not a good thing."

"Then your team is full of experts, and everyone seems to be very cooperative." Tang Yun signed.

"That's because the team is still small. If there are ten times more people, the situation will be different." Su Jie smiled.

"Ten times more?" Tang Yun signed: "I don't know if there are so many people with the seventh sense in the world. You must know that the masters of our team already have you and me, Kang Gu, Liu Long, Gu Yang, Master Luo, Master Ma, Uncle Blind, Zhang Jinchuan, Pi Youdao, Zhang Manman, counting the little boy Frey and Xu Dela, there are twelve of them. I don’t think there are one hundred and twenty in the whole world. .”

"As time goes on, there will be more and more people like this." Su Jie said.

"We're digressing." Tang Yun signed: "How can I get this luck?"

"I didn't digress. What I said just now is actually very important for you to obtain the dragon vein." Su Jie said: "I said that the spiritual realm of a person can be achieved in theory with one touch. I can let you Feeling my realm, but it is only a moment, but this moment is enough for you to get a lot of information here."

"Is there such a miraculous thing?" Tang Yun signed in disbelief: "Then shall we start now?"

"It's not time yet." Su Jie looked around, and then at the sky outside the library window: "It hasn't condensed yet. Only when it is about to condense, the effect will be greatest."

"When will the right time, place and people be able to cooperate with everyone?" Tang Yun signed a triumphant smile on his face, thinking about people who have been plotting for a long time, and he has a sense of superiority.


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