Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety: Wu Ying Comes to Talk

"This matter has to be promoted artificially." Su Jie said, "The cultural movement here is actually related to the national movement. The national movement has begun to emphasize literary affairs, and it has been pushed to the peak. The cultural movement here is truly condensed and formed."

"You're right." Tang Yunzhu suddenly remembered something, "It seems that soon, a Sino-foreign cultural exchange forum will be held here to conduct dialogues. Some masters in the literary world will attend, and there are also famous figures from abroad. It is from the country. This thing is promoted to spread our philosophy and culture. Is this a big deal?"

"Of course it counts." Su Jie nodded, "After this incident, the cultural movement here gathered violently, just like one thing fermented, reaching a critical point. From quantitative change to qualitative change. However, your current state is not yet Quite enough, I can’t see some metaphysical things clearly. Let me help you feel it.”

While speaking, Su Jie suddenly grabbed Tang Yun's hand.

Tang Yun was stunned for a moment, only felt that there seemed to be a force coming from Su Jie's body, his heartbeat was accelerating, the secretion of various hormones in the brain was ten times faster, his eyes were blurred, as if he saw a different world.

Just like that kind of pure and shy girl, holding hands with her boyfriend for the first time, the completely different feeling in her inner world.

In fact, this kind of stimulation can also make the endocrine of the brain rise rapidly, and experience the beauty of a kind of stimulation.

Now that Su Jie grabbed Tang Yun's hand, Tang Yun's hand actually had this feeling. Whether it was the girl's feelings or Su Jie's spiritual world interfering with her brain, she couldn't tell for a while.

But after all, she is a person with extremely high spiritual practice, so she calmed her mind in an instant and began to observe.

Sure enough, her spiritual world saw everything different immediately.

A lot of novel information flooded into her mind like a flood. She seemed to see treasure houses of literature, philosophy, and thought. , are filled in the air, even the thoughts left by people a hundred years ago have not dissipated, and they remain here forever. That kind of thinking information, the fire of wisdom, seems to exist forever, and it takes longer to preserve than the physical body much.

"It's amazing. Is this the spiritual world you feel every day?" Tang Yunzhi seemed to have seen huge treasures, and these treasures were all within easy reach. When she was about to use her spiritual thinking and touch to feel, she suddenly recovered. The original feeling is that the world is still the same as before, nothing has changed, it seems that a hallucination just happened.

"It's amazing. This place is like a treasure house. I found mountains of gold and silver. I just went to pick them up, but the treasure house suddenly disappeared. It's very uncomfortable.

"Tang Yun signed out her feelings, she looked at Su Jie with big eyes, "Could it be that this is your normal state, your spiritual world, you can feel such a wonderful thing? I have never understood your realm, now I can finally understand, no wonder your realm is so unpredictable, your kung fu is so unimaginable, if I have your spiritual realm, I can capture so many things from the void Information, I can also have your kung fu. I thought my spiritual world was rich enough, but compared with yours, it is a country rich man showing off his wealth to the king. "

"Don't take this information rashly, it's easy to damage your brain

, eroding your spiritual world. "Su Jie said, "In this university, for a hundred years, the thoughts and thoughts of countless favored children of heaven are still infiltrated here. Their perceptions and ideas are also included in it. in one furnace. If you absorb it hastily, there will be disaster. "

"Understood." Tang Yun signed and nodded.

"Isn't this Tang Yun's signature?" At this moment, a voice came over.

Su Jie looked back and found that she was also a woman, in her early twenties, with a heroic and martial spirit all over her body, with an extremely well-proportioned figure, and strong explosive power and agility in her body.

When Su Jie saw this girl, he had a strange feeling, as if she was not a human being, but some kind of animal, with the dexterity of a cat, the vigor of a leopard, and the demeanor of a crane, powerful and elegant.

In all fairness, this girl's cultivation doesn't seem to be very strong, she hasn't reached the seventh sense, and she can't be considered a "talent noble", but her essence is very strong and weird.

"Wu Ying, it's you." Tang Yunzhu's eyes moved.

This is a member of the Wu family.

"You are Su Jie. Hello, my name is Wu Ying, the capital of Chu State." Wu Ying introduced himself, "I'm here to find you. I wonder if you can give me some time to say a few words alone. talk."

"Yes." Su Jie nodded.

"Then I won't bother you." Tang Yun signed and walked away.

"Go downstairs to the woods, it's quieter there." Su Jie left the library first, Wu Ying's expression moved, but he followed. After a while, the two came to the grove outside the library, which was the place where Su Jie stabbed Feng Hengyi's eyes.

Su Jie stopped, turned around, and looked at Wu Ying.

Wu Ying also looked Su Jie up and down, and made a tsk-tsk sound, "I heard the elders in the family say that you are very strong, and they asked me to come to you. But now it seems that the momentum on your body is not very strong, maybe my eyes still look at you. Don't wear your realm?"

"Isn't it as powerful as Feng Hengyi?" Su Jie smiled half-smile, "You've seen him before, so you're coming to me again?"

"How do you know?" Wu Ying was startled. "Could it be that you can count everything? I don't believe there are such people in the world."

"There are some things I can't think of." Su Jie smiled, "Do you know why I brought you to the grove?"

"Why? Are you trying to plot something wrong?" Wu Ying was a little vigilant.

"You think too much." Su Jie pointed to the ground, "It's in this place, I fought with Feng Hengyi once, and he lost his eyesight."

"Really? What do you mean by saying this to me? Are you showing your strength?" Wu Ying said.

"It can be considered." Su Jie did not deny it, "I can see that you are a seeker who loves kung fu very much. In your bones, there is a heart of giving up everything and seeking martial arts. This is the blood of your martial arts. Of course, yours is more pure, I have seen the martial arts of martial arts, and Wu Xinyu. Their realm is extremely high, and their spirit of seeking Tao should not be as good as yours."

"What else do you know?" Wu Ying's expression became serious, as if he had changed into a different person, as solid as a mountain, as airy as a river, although

In Su Jie's eyes, he is weak, but his bones are very tough and indestructible, and he feels like a small weight weighs a thousand catties.

"Not bad, not bad, in fact, in the Wu family, you should be the one with the best aptitude." Su Jie admired it very much, "I know that the Feng family is in contact with your Wu family and wants to marry, but the Feng family is now a poor family, and the only one who can afford it." It is Feng Hengyi. After he was blinded by me, not only did he not regress in cultivation, but he was blessed by misfortune, and his realm went deeper. If I guessed correctly, he has now opened up the eighth sense, and it is extremely deep. He even started to touch the first. Some of the mysteries of the Nine Senses are also an earth-shattering talent for your Wu family. If you can win over or join your Wu family, it will be a huge boost. It can help your Wu family do certain things with greater confidence. Maybe you don't even know about it. But it doesn't matter."

Su Jie actually knew that the members of the Wu family wanted to besiege and kill the chief.

Wu family has four masters, Wu Xinyu, Wu Xinzhou, Wu Xinhong, Wu Xinhuang, they are quadruplets, and all of them are extremely powerful, and they are connected with each other, which is a miracle. According to the normal situation, these four people can surround and kill all the masters in the world, but it is a pity that they are not sure against the big boss.

If some masters are added, it will increase a little bit of confidence, and Feng Hengyi is indeed a master, and he grew up in Typhon since he was a child, and is familiar with many things about Typhon.

When people from the Wu family saw Feng Hengyi, their first thought was how to win him over, and they wanted to surrender. It's just that they were too confident and didn't know what kind of person Feng Hengyi was.

Su Jie never thought of surrendering Feng Hengyi, he could even surrender Xu Dela, according to this principle. He can subdue Feng Hengyi, but in fact it is this world. Some people can persuade others, but some people will never repent. Su Jie can subdue this character.

But Feng Hengyi is not.

Feng Hengyi is strongly self-centered, despises everything, believes that he is a god, and is inherently superior, stronger and different than all people.

All his foundations come from this character, which is imprinted in his bones and deep in his soul.

This kind of person cannot be saved.

"It's not a secret. Anyone with a little reasoning ability can know it. What's more, you should have spied a lot of our Wu family's secrets." Wu Ying heard Su Jie's words with a blank expression on his face, "Actually, I also know what you think. , you probably don’t want to be an enemy of our Wu family, and you still backed down a bit during your actions. But this just exposed some of your weaknesses. A truly powerful person doesn’t need to back down.”

"So, the Wu family wants to continue fighting with me?" Su Jie said, "You came here today to demonstrate?"

"It can also be said that your foundation is too shallow. If you fight with our Wu family, you will definitely lose." Wu Ying said, "It's better to bow your head a little."

"Why are you lowering your head a little?" Su Jie asked again.

"It's very simple. Our Wu family actually wants to marry the Tang family this time. It's a great honor for the Tang family. It's a pity that the Tang family doesn't eat fine wine when toasting. If you persuade Tang Yun to sign into our Wu family, everything will be fine. Otherwise, we The Wu family has no steps to go down, so they can only continue to fight." Wu Ying said very high...

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