Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 491 Falling into an illusion, convincing and not moving

"Do you think I will agree to this matter?" Su Jie was not angry. He didn't need to be angry when facing Wu Ying. The other party was just a little girl. Although she was different in her bones, she was not in the realm of the living dead after all. , It's far from Su Jie. Even if it is the realm of the living dead, in front of Su Jie, he is just an older child.

"You will definitely not agree." Wu Ying's words were also unexpected: "Your character is that you would rather be broken than whole, let alone you, even if it is my strength, you will not agree. If you agree, I will instead will look down on you."

"Since you know, why do you still ask me that?" Su Jie asked.

"It's just to see your reaction." Wu Ying said: "Feng Hengyi, in fact, I can see from his body that he is unruly and self-centered. He will never succumb to our Wu family, even It is possible that the dove occupies the magpie's nest. From a certain point of view, this person is a cold-blooded animal, an unfamiliar snake, and has completely lost the gratitude and warmth of human nature. On the surface, he is a human being, but in reality he is no longer human. Soul and In the bones, it has become another inhuman thing."

"You can see it so clearly?" Su Jie nodded appreciatively: "Then how do you evaluate me? I really want to know."

"You have always dominated Feng Hengyi. From his conversation, I can see that he is very afraid of you, and you have become his demon. But you don't seem to take him seriously. The level of the realm is different now. Judgment. As for you, I really don't see how powerful you are. You are just an ordinary person. From your body, I don't see a strong and outstanding personality to support your strength." Wu Ying said : "Generally, every successful person has an extremely sharp obsession in his personality, but you don't have it. So, I really want to try to see if you are a peerless master. I heard that you are, but meeting is not as good as being famous, You are a bit ordinary."

"You want to try kung fu with me?" Su Jie smiled: "Then you go ahead and attack me whatever you want."

"That's what you said." Wu Ying's aura suddenly froze, and his whole body was like a sharp sword, piercing through the gap and cutting everything.

Among the Wu family, Wu Ying is the one with the best roots.

Su Jie has already seen that this woman will definitely achieve great success in the future.


Wu Ying came to attack Su Jie, with a movement of his footsteps, his fists tried out, like a golden gun locking his throat, directly reaching Su Jie's throat.

Su Jie didn't fight back, but dodged slightly. Wu Ying punched three times in a row. "Strength" is a unique move, its ingenious strength, fast speed, chasing the wind with the first punch!

The second punch catches the moon!

The third punch every day!

Three consecutive punches superimposed on each other,

The part of the hit is down, a line, ruthless.

Once these three punches are released, I am afraid that no one can resist them under the realm of the living dead. Even the former Liu Long can't resist these three punches.

However, Wu Ying's three punches didn't even touch Su Jie's hair, and Su Jie kept dodging and refusing to fight back, relying on his peerless physical skills.

"What do you mean by not fighting back? Let me see how strong your attack is?" Wu Ying said, the attack became more violent.

"Why are you teasing him like this?" At this moment, at the edge of the forest, Tang Yunzhi walked over and asked Su Jie who was standing quietly.

The situation at the scene was very strange.

In the eyes of outsiders, Wu Ying was in the woods, as if he was talking and fighting with ghosts, performing various actions non-stop, while Su Jie was standing outside the woods, watching from a distance.

Wu Ying seems to be the legendary "ghost hitting the wall" in the countryside.

"I didn't play tricks." Su Jie signed Tang Yun: "I just interfered with her thinking mentally, and used some psychological cover-ups. This is an experiment I did. She should be able to get out. If I use kung fu to defeat her, I won't look like a god, and it won't cause any shock to her heart. Only by using this method, can she feel that she is a god, and deep in her heart, she will feel awe. For us and the Wu family Negotiations are beneficial."

Su Jie is a master of psychology, so he naturally knows what to do to make people completely convinced.

"Let's go." After Su Jie finished speaking, he signed Tang Yun.

He signed with Tang Yun and left here quickly.

"Not good." Wu Ying, who was fighting with "Su Jie" in the woods, was suddenly absolutely wrong. "Su Jie" in front of him was dodging blindly, as if unreal. Where is the shadow of Su Jie.

"What's going on here?" Wu Ying grabbed a small camera from a nearby tree trunk.

She installed it by herself. She wanted to fight Su Jie for a long time, take a picture of the picture, study it carefully after returning home, see the subtleties of Su Jie's kung fu, and summarize the gains and losses.

She connected the camera to her mobile phone, and immediately discovered a terrifying scene.

When she and Su Jie came to the grove, Su Jie didn't enter it at all, and waited outside, but she talked to herself for a long time in the woods, and then began to fight with her hands, facing the air, she was definitely pulled into it Some kind of hallucination.

When she was in it, she didn't know it at all, but now watching the video she shot, it was like encountering a ghost, and she felt chills after watching it.

"This is Su Jie's kung fu? He didn't fight me at all, causing me to fall into a hallucination? Does the world really have this kind of kung fu?" Wu Ying watched the video repeatedly, recalling the scene just now, The cold sweat broke out again, "I originally thought that Feng Hengyi's strength was terrifying, but now it seems that Feng Hengyi and Su Jie are like children. Is there really someone in our Wu family who can compete with him?"

After a full hour of silence, Wu Ying left and returned to the Wu family, still in shock.

She walked directly into the inner courtyard of Wu's house, which was the place where Wu Xinyu cultivated himself.

"Have you met Feng Hengyi and Na Su Jie? How do you feel?" Wu Xinyu knew that it was Wu Ying who came in, "You are still in shock, what happened?"

"I just met Feng Hengyi, and then I went to see Su Jie." Wu Ying said, "Feng Hengyi is not as good as Su Jie, one is an ant, and the other is a dragon from the sky. This is my opinion. .The picture I took just now."

While speaking, Wu Ying played it back.

She filmed the meeting with Feng Hengyi and the meeting with Su Jie just now.

Wu Xinyu watched quietly, and when he saw Feng Hengyi's movements, he nodded his head: "This kid is skilled, his movements are simple and practical, and he kills like hemp, with a firm mind. He is a real giant in the dark world. To create my own business, even if I do it myself, I may not be able to kill him with certainty. He still has a chance to escape, and in his current state, after two or three years, he will definitely be able to make further progress. At that time, Even I am afraid that nothing will happen to him.”

Wu Xinyu highly respects Feng Hengyi.

Feng Hengyi's strength is strong, his roots are thick, and his cultivation speed was not so fast, but after being blinded by Su Jie, his kung fu improved by leaps and bounds. It has to be said that Su Jie made him perfect.

After watching Feng Hengyi's video, Wu Xinyu watched Su Jie's again.

When he saw Wu Ying unknowingly talking in the woods like a "ghost hitting the wall", he couldn't help standing up suddenly during the fight: "What kind of kung fu is this? Among the tricks handed down from ancient times, there are indeed some Obscurity, but that's for stupid people who don't understand. If you have a little firm will, scholars who understand the truth will sneer, let alone you, you have practiced various kung fu of our martial arts since childhood, and your spirit has been tempered like a rock. Is it possible to be hypnotized to such an extent?"

"That's the truth." Wu Ying said: "I also broke out in a cold sweat afterward. What this person used was not martial arts, but the way of ghosts and gods. He seems to be able to manipulate ghosts and gods."

"There are ghosts and gods everywhere, and they are all people's hearts." Wu Xinyu waved his hand, and walked squarely in the room non-stop: "It's amazing, it's amazing. I fought him not long ago, and I already know his strength. I think that although he is tyrannical, , but it can still be calculated, but judging from today, his strength can no longer be calculated. This son is definitely not human. What you said, Feng Hengyi and him are indeed children, and they have not yet learned Walking, people, how did you become so powerful?"

Wu Ying didn't answer, she didn't answer at all.

Wu Xinyu kept thinking: "Could it be that he has improved again in a short period of time? How can human progress be so fast? After reaching our level, the room for improvement is actually very narrow. It can be said that he has reached the limit of the human body. The ceiling bottleneck is here. Well, this Su Jie seems to have no bottlenecks at all, in the whole world, only Chief Typhon is in such a state."

"I've decided." Wu Ying said.

"What was decided?" Wu Xinyu asked.

Although Wu Ying is a girl, she is very small in the family, but the Wu family attaches great importance to her, and many people in the Wu family even think that her qualifications are far higher than Tang Yun's lottery, but now Tang Yun's lottery has come from behind and stepped into the realm of the living dead. Realm, put Wu Ying down.

Deep down in his heart, Wu Ying was very unconvinced.

"I don't think there is actually a need for our Wu family to marry the Feng family. Feng Hengyi looks pretty good, but we can't compare it to Su Jieyi. The difference between us and the Wu family has always been with the strong and the weak. There is no need." Wu Ying said confidently.

"So, did you watch Su Jie?" Wu Xinyu smiled: "This is a blind date."

"That's right." Wu Ying was not shy at all, but showed his maturity: "If he can succeed, it will be of great benefit to our Wu family. More importantly, this person will not overwhelm our Wu family. He Qifeng Hengyi's character is much more reliable."


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