Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 492 See through everything, hide a page of the war book

"I have seen this kid clearly for a long time. Although he has a gentle personality, he is absolutely uncompromising in his bones, and he is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Unless we can teach him a lesson and let him know that the sky is high and the earth is strong, otherwise he will not be accepted by us. Submit." Wu Xinyu said: "I don't know that this son is an earth-shattering talent, but he can't encourage his arrogance. Think about it, the Tang family dared to fight against our Wu family because of him. Now the Fu family He also made it clear that he showed his favor to this son, and even made an alliance. Many families are watching our jokes, if we don’t beat this son severely, what face will our Wu family have?"

"I think so too." Wu Ying said: "However, according to his cultivation, there is no master who can slap him in the face."

Wu Xinyu exuded a domineering aura, but then it faded away. He originally wanted to say "that's not necessarily" four words, but before he could say it, he felt soft-spoken for a while. With the strength shown by Su Jie, if it was a martial arts competition, he would still No one can compare to him.

In addition, the Wu family did not take advantage of the financial confrontation.

As for the official blow, Su Jie has no reason to be caught, and he is upright.

What's even more frightening is that Su Jie is not afraid of the martial arts to plot against him. It seems that as soon as the martial arts start plotting against Su Jie, Su Jie will perceive this information in his brain. This is the most terrifying thing.

No matter what you are going to do, Su Jie will know, so the Wu family is simply transparent in the eyes of the other party, so how can you continue to mess around?

"Don't worry, you don't know the real background of our Wu family. No matter how clever this guy's methods are, our Wu family can suppress him. Just like Mr. Cain back then." Wu Xinyu was silent for a while, and the expression appeared on his face. a smile.

"Huh? Why is there something extra on my body? It's a letter." At this time, Wu Ying felt that there seemed to be an extra object on his body. After taking it out, he found that it was a letter.

On the cover of the letter was written "Mr. Wu Xinyu personally, Su Jie respectfully."

It was actually Su Jie who slipped a letter onto Wu Ying's body without anyone noticing it, and Wu Ying didn't realize what was wrong until now.

Wu Ying gave the letter to Wu Xinyu, and became even more in awe of Su Jie's methods.

Wu Xinyu was also slightly taken aback, picked up the letter, and after opening it, he found that it was written by Su Jie: "The universe is prehistoric. The pillars of the Wu family, the four poles lift the sky, one light, one dark, and two voids. I already know everything. I hope you can Do a pre-battle drill with the four of you. I also understand what the four of the martial arts think. If you can defeat me, you are expected to defeat the big leader. If you cannot defeat me, you are afraid that there is no hope."

Looked at the font above,

Wu Xinyu's hands were trembling, and his heart was extremely restless. The four brothers in the universe, this is the biggest secret of the Wu family, and now someone knows it.

And he's still a "weet" kid.

This secret is unknown to anyone inside the Wu family, and even outsiders have no way of knowing it.

Wu Xinyu didn't doubt that Su Jie was spying on the Wu Family's secret, because this secret was basically a top secret and there was no way to spy on it. The only possibility is that Su Jie can really deduce the information.

Moreover, after reaching Wu Xinyu's level, he can basically understand the mysteries, knowing that the human brain has infinite possibilities. Sometimes, he can accurately predict good and bad, make calculations, and even deep in the brain, it will emerge. Most of it comes from some information in the void.

He actually believed that Su Jie's state was real.

Moreover, he is also touching this realm.

At this moment, he seemed to see the realm that he was looking for, but could not find.

He was climbing a peak, and now he was halfway up the mountain. Originally, the top of the mountain was covered with clouds and mist, and he couldn't see where it was, but suddenly, the wind blew the clouds away, and he saw a person waving to him from the top of the mountain. This person was Su Jie.

"This kid is really a genius. If he was in ancient times, he would have suspected that he was a certain god descending from the earth." Wu Xinyu said: "But he is too arrogant. No matter how strong he is, no matter how rich his spiritual world is, he is actually nothing more than a child of flesh and blood." It's just a body, without three heads and six arms, two fists are no match for four hands, and the output of the spirit also needs the cooperation of a flesh and blood body. Even if the heart is higher than the sky, it is difficult to turn the tide. If you kill a thief with your heart, you will be powerless to return to heaven."

"What does this letter say?" Wu Ying asked tentatively.

When she heard Wu Xinyu talking to herself, she knew that the message in this letter was not simple.

"Since some things have been exposed, I will tell you." Wu Xinyu said: "Actually, I was a quadruplet back then, and I had three brothers. In addition, I was named after the universe. This is the highest trump card of our martial arts. The top secret, only the four of us know. This secret can be known to this son, that is, after the battle with me, he felt a certain message from me and calculated it himself. This is a letter of challenge, he We must challenge the four of us with the strength of one person."

"Our Wu family's strength is so powerful, and this Su Jie is so arrogant." Wu Ying was deeply shocked, and was digesting this information: "Then what should we do? Fight or not?"

"Of course we have to fight." Wu Xinyu said: "Actually, this is what I just said about our martial arts background. If this is the case, it is better to make a decision and completely suppress him."

"Then I'll send a message?" Wu Ying said.

"No, Wu Qu has already invited him to the banquet. During the banquet, we can compete. He has already seen this matter." Wu Xinyu said: "Sometimes, it's just a tacit understanding, even a look, a Thoughts, he can understand what we mean, it is really difficult to be an opponent with such a person."

"What about the Feng family?" Wu Ying asked.

"The Feng family still wants to win over. Feng Hengyi is also a sharp knife, and he has a lot of useful information about all aspects of Tifeng." Wu Xinyu said: "Besides, he also has a friend, namely The one named Wen Ting, the two teamed up, is actually a huge energy."

"Wen Ting is said to have almost become Liu Shi's son-in-law, but was spoiled by Su Jie." Wu Ying said, "This man is extremely insidious, even worse than Feng Hengyi. Feng Hengyi is ruthless. Except for me, they are all ants, who regard themselves as a god, but Wen Ting is pure badness, the kind of badness that oozes pus from head to toe, and on the surface he is still an excellent, inspirational and good young man, but In the depths of his heart, he is dirtier than anyone else. Compared with some extreme scum in society, he is still a good person. However, his talent is so high that many people can't match it, so I got out A theory, that is, people who go to extremes will become very powerful. However, this theory has no effect on Su Jie."

"I can't see through this guy." Wu Xinyu nodded: "If you observe him more, you may be able to find the true meaning of cultivation from him, and even use his power to break through your own realm. He should have researched a set of special breakthroughs. Tang Yun's qualifications are not as good as yours, and he has successfully broken through. If you get his research secrets, then our Wu family will have another means. As for Feng Hengyi and Wen Ting, these two knives are well used. It is the pioneer. Wuqu will control it, but you can't control it now."

Wu Ying nodded.

She returned to her room, which was a big practice room, with books and swords and halberds on all four walls, and a large-screen computer that analyzed various martial arts movements and recorded her daily practice.

Wu Ying's life is very simple. She usually studies and practices, and basically does not go out, let alone work. Anyway, the wealth of the Wu family is more than enough to support her for ten thousand years, and she is different from ordinary rich three-generation girls. No luxury, and she doesn't pursue any material things. The only thing she likes is to accumulate knowledge and her own body. She has a morbid extreme pursuit of this.

There are many extreme people in society, such as misers, who just keep accumulating money and seeing the amount in their account increase, they are happier than anything else in the world.

Wu Ying is also this kind of person. She acquires some new knowledge every day, and her physical fitness improves a little. She is happier than a miser gaining wealth. In a sense, this is also an obsession.

But she likes this kind of obsession, and she is willing to make it to the extreme.

She began to watch the video of Su Jie playing with herself over and over again, and fell into deep thought

The weekend is coming soon.

Su Jie got up early in the morning and practiced as usual. He no longer practiced boxing routines. He just took a walk and walked around at will. However, during his walking, it seemed that his mind and body were undergoing a rhythmic vibration. Constantly adjust.

Tang Yun also got up and looked at Su Jie from a distance. In her eyes, Su Jie had turned into an invisible vortex at this moment. In the vortex, many tentacles appeared, and these tentacles penetrated into the void. Among them, it seems to be hunting and catching various prey.

However, in the eyes of ordinary people, Su Jie is no different from the old man in the park.

Since Tang Yunzhi was connected spiritually with her by Su Jie, her cultivation has improved a little, and her mental state is also quite different from before. She seems to feel a different rhythm in the void.

This mental state makes her extremely comfortable, and her physical fitness has been slightly improved, whether it is speed, sharpness, or lung capacity, there has been some improvement.

But she was not satisfied, because she had seen Su Jie's state and felt the mystery in it. Compared with Su Jie's state, all kinds of things in the world were not worth mentioning, such as wealth, material, fame and fortune. Status, in fact, is passing. (https:)

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