Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter four hundred and ninety-three

"People acquire material and wealth, in fact, to satisfy their deepest desires, so as to obtain a sense of satisfaction, stimulate the nerves, and cause the whole body to feel comfortable. The spiritual state of Su Jie on the mobile phone is far beyond the reach of material. No matter how much material is achieved, it will not be able to achieve this kind of feeling.”

Tang Yunzhi sighed deeply.

After she was tried once, she was already fascinated by that world. Massive information and infinite treasures were all in the void around her, but she couldn't get it.

The realm is not enough.

"Today is the martial arts banquet, should we prepare first?" Tang Yunzhi saw that Su Jie spent an hour walking. Sometimes, during the walk, he still did two movements, but these movements were not martial arts movements, but It is a very weird body movement, which seems to be adjusting the biological magnetic field to match the various magnetic fields in the space.

At the state of Su Jie, there is no fixed move, it is ever-changing, with the surrounding environment, weather, humidity, and even people's mood, adjust the movement.

His movements are all to resonate with heaven and earth.

"Don't make any preparations, but I'm going to have a fierce battle today. After the battle, I'm afraid the fight between the Wu family will be resolved. In the future, your Tang family will also be promoted to a higher level, and you can truly rank among the Liu families." Su Jie See clearly.

Say a thousand, say ten thousand, and finally use your fists to solve the problem.

The martial arts family is very powerful, but Su Jie also has many people to help, so he has no choice but to use various external tactics, and in the end he can only use force to determine the outcome.

Although this was proposed by Su Jie, it is actually what the Wu family thinks.

This point is somewhat similar to those warlords in the war-torn land. When encountering unresolved issues, the two sides cannot reach a compromise, and the fight will cause both losers, lose strength, and be taken advantage of by outsiders. It is better for both sides to send one person to fight. A gladiatorial arena modeled after ancient Rome.

This is popular even now.

"I know this. The Wu family actually wanted to marry our Tang family this time, but they were directly rejected. If they don't suppress it, their prestige will be greatly reduced. But I believe you, the Wu family is just a small obstacle in our way forward. With your strength, you can cross over with your feet, but the real obstacle lies with the leader of Typhon. But I also believe that you can defeat him and disintegrate Typhon." Tang Yunzhi had an extremely blind confidence in Su Jie .

"It will take some time, at least I'm afraid I can't do anything to the chief." Su Jie smiled and shook his head: "You still have to practice boxing every day,

However, boxing should be calmer, focusing on training the mind and spirit, with the purpose of communicating with the world, forgetting about killing and fighting. I see that you still have the concept of fighting in your daily practice, which will restrict your practice. "

"Can't you have a little bit of fighting in your heart?" Tang Yun signed: "The martial arts I have learned, even Tai Chi, are mostly a combination of fighting, grasping, winding and health preservation, unless it is yoga, or some fitness Otherwise, as long as it is kung fu, there must be the idea of ​​fighting in it. When practicing kung fu, one or more imaginary enemies must be present. This is an inevitable element of kung fu. In fact, I can control myself not to think about fighting. But it is impossible to combine movement and mind, and resonate with heaven and earth, it seems that there is a level of comprehension that has not been able to break through."

"This is natural, because you haven't really enlightened yet. The seven characters of Ming Lun of the old principal Liu Guanglie, Wukong is the most critical realm. You are actually in the realm of the living dead. You haven't been able to realize it yet, and then you can reach the eighth sense. The first The seven senses are the ladder for people to open the extraordinary road. People with the seventh sense can even be called new human beings. The eighth sense is a process that can fully use one's superhuman senses to understand the world. The seventh sense is that people have The eyes of your own mind, but you can still be familiar with the world. The eighth sense starts to observe the world with the eyes of your mind, and then forms your own worldview. You have to figure this out.”

Su Jie analyzed the difference between the seventh sense and the eighth sense in detail for Tang Yun's signature, and asked her to distinguish carefully. In fact, Tang Yun's cultivation base has also increased by leaps and bounds in the past few days, gradually completing the process from the seventh to the eighth. Feel the savings of the eighth sense.

In time, if a breakthrough can be made, it will not be a rare thing.

"I still have one question that I can't figure out." Tang Yun signed: "Actually, people's spiritual perception can also accumulate slowly, or leap forward. It has the duality of gradual progress and sudden jump. This is what you said, Like climbing a mountain alone, you can climb slowly, or take a cableway, or take a helicopter. But now I feel from the seventh to the eighth, and I am actually confused about how to proceed step by step, and finally It will be a matter of course, practice to reach the realm of the eighth sense? If you want to jump, how to jump? For example, a student, if he wants to make his grades good, he can study hard, do exercises, and ask the teacher. But now, I can’t find this step by step To the point, I don’t know how to practice.”

"Say out all your doubts." Su Jie nodded and motioned Tang Yun to continue.

"In fact, human spiritual cultivation is completely different from physical cultivation. Physical cultivation has traces to follow. To become stronger, you can run, increase lung capacity, and eat nutritious food to strengthen muscles. There is scientific basis for each step. It is easy to do. As long as Just stick to it. But there is no basis for spiritual cultivation. Sometimes people realize that they have realized it. Now I feel that the previous cultivation methods are completely useless, such as meditation, kung fu movements, bathing the spirit, and clearing the heart. It's useless to have few desires. I feel that I am making progress these days, but in reality, I am following you, being by your side, and being infected by your breath, so I am inexplicably making progress. This is not what I want. I now hope to find , a trajectory that can be advanced.”

Tang Yun signed out the confusion in his heart.

"I've seen your confusion a long time ago." Su Jie said: "Man, what I'm afraid of is not how difficult the road ahead is. What's really scary is that I don't know how to move forward. This is a kind of despair. Rumor has it that in ancient times, the heavens There is a ladder between the earth and the earth. Ordinary people can go down the ladder and go through all kinds of hardships to go to the Heavenly Palace. Later, the Emperor of Heaven ordered the gods to cut off the ladder. Since then, no one has the ability to reach the sky. This Although it is a myth, it can actually be used as a precise metaphor for human practice. When there is a ladder, no matter how difficult it is, many people will see hope and climb up without fear of difficulties. When the road is cut off, everyone It’s all hopelessness. In fact, it’s so big that it can be put into history. When the class solidifies and the road from the lower class to the lower class is blocked, what will happen?”

"That is naturally a revolution." Tang Yunzhi said without hesitation: "After the Qing Dynasty abolished the imperial examination, it died two years ago. In our two thousand years of feudal society, the imperial examination has run through most of it. Its system is not to screen out What learned people, but to leave a way to give hope to the people at the bottom, otherwise the bottom will squeeze their anger and have to have a revolution."

"This is the way of cultivation." Su Jie said: "I used to feel confused like you, and I didn't know how to continue to practice, because after reaching the realm of the living dead, many cultivation methods in the future will not work, or I said it didn't work, and I didn't know how to improve. Later, from Long Tianming, I saw the cultivation method of the big boss beheading me, and thus found my own path. It was to put my thinking into each era and understand that era. Some unique things make my spiritual world constantly enriched, and I break through the realm of feeling, but my path may not be suitable for you. You can’t find the ladder to the sky now, either find him, or It’s a self-revolution, building one. The cycle repeats.”

"I see, this is not an easy task." Tang Yunzhi finally understood.

"Originally, reaching the realm of the seventh sense is a one-in-a-million thing. Out of 100 million people, there may be such a person, but the eighth sense and the seventh sense are even more difficult." Su Jie said: "Our practice, Up to the present, the degree of difficulty of each step is similar to the great change of the whole society."

During the conversation, the sky had already begun to brighten. Su Jie returned to the laboratory, had a leisurely breakfast, and finished today's scientific research project again. After that, he tidied up slightly, left with Tang Yun, and went to the Wu family. a clubhouse.

In addition to the big house in City B, the Wu Family also has a very simple and elegant clubhouse.

This clubhouse is also a large courtyard.

In City B, people with real status and wealth like to live in courtyard houses. This is because the courtyard houses are square in shape and covered by high walls.

From the perspective of architecture, the courtyard house is indeed the best residential structure. It is not that modern people do not want to live in it, but they cannot afford it.

Su Jie and Tang Yunzhuan quickly came to the front of this clubhouse, not in the urban area, but in the suburbs, next to the mountain, and there was a small stream in front of the house, the stream was flowing, and the sound was soothing, like the sound of a piano gently winding around a beam.

"The sound of this water is like the sound of the zither of high mountains and flowing water, which means that the water is flowing. The way of Fengshui is obviously at the level of a great master, but the people of the Wu family are not good at water. They are good at martial arts. The people who built this stream have a very high level of cultivation. , The comprehension of the way of Fengshui is still in your hands." Su Jie looked at the man-made stream in front of the big house in the clubhouse, and nodded involuntarily.

"This was designed by Zhou Wang of the Zhou family." Tang Yun signed: "Of course his architecture is mine. Zhou Jiazu is the designer of the palace construction, and even helped the emperor find the location of the mausoleum."


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