Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Ninety Four

"Zhou Wenwang? This name has some meaning. The homonym is Zhou Wenwang, and the Book of Changes is written by him. This name is very important to rely on luck, but if you want to use this kind of luck in the name, you have to bear a lot of cause and effect. Otherwise it's self-defeating."

Su Jie knows that a person's name is the most critical point in a person's life.

If the name is good, then this person has successfully occupied some advantages at the starting line.

Not to mention some mysteries, let’s just say that some parents are out of their minds and use uncommon words for their children’s names. As a result, their children suffer everywhere in society. He could read this word, so he changed to another person, resulting in his fate being changed.

There is a lot of knowledge in naming, and it is definitely not a child's play. The symbol of a person in the world is his name, and a person without a name is tantamount to being transparent in the world.

However, some people with low fate will suffer disasters if they choose a good name. This is the so-called incompatibility of virtue.

The name Zhou Wenwang is actually nothing for ordinary people to pick, but if someone who studies Fengshui, Xiangshu, Zhouyi and other metaphysics comes to pick it up, then he will be suspected of stealing the spirit of the ancestor, and it is easy to suffer bad luck, unless he is truly cultivated. To be recognized by the patriarch, is there bound to be a catastrophe.

Looking at it now, Zhou Wenwang's practice is indeed as deep as the ocean.

Su Jie's own name is actually not very good. Generally speaking, parents would not choose this name. The name Zed would frown.

Fortunately, Su Jie kept striving for self-improvement, relying on his firm will, hard-working and studious spirit, coupled with correct methods, he overcame difficulties time and time again.

Think about it, since Su Jie himself was fifteen years old, he has experienced far more dangers than ordinary people.

"Let's go in." Tang Yun signed, "You can go in and have a look. The layout inside is more charming. This clubhouse was jointly built by the Wu family and the Zhou family. In fact, the upper-class families in our city b will hold banquets from time to time. , the purpose is to strengthen communication and exchange news. This is most popular in the upper class abroad."

"The banquets held by your upper-class families should not be the same as those in the West. China has its own model. In ancient times, the banquets of Chinese upper-class families were much more elaborate than those in the West. Many poems that have lasted through the ages were handed down at the banquets. Such as the Preface to the Orchid Pavilion, and the Pipa Tour. There is also a picture of Han Xizai’s night banquet. How about today’s banquet?” Su Jie asked.

"You really guessed right, their banquet is purely Chinese style,

Every time at the banquet, there is also playing the piano and dancing swords. It is Wu Ying who came to you that day. Her swordsmanship is very good, especially the double swords. Splashing water, all were blocked by the sword, and no drop of contamination reached her body, which is amazing. Tang Yun signed, "Generally speaking, it is impossible to invite outsiders to this kind of banquet. In fact, many times, our Tang family was not qualified to participate. "

"How many people are there for the banquet today?" Su Jie asked.

"In general, there are thirteen families, namely Wu, Zhou, Zheng, Wang, Chen, Xie, Chu, Yan, Sun, Fu, Han, Lu, and Duanmu. Our Tang family is not among them. This is the thirteen families. Families unite together and often hold banquets. Every family can invite a friend to come to each banquet, but this friend must be very prestigious and able to

Enough to be approved by the organizing committee. Tang Yun signed, "The banquets jointly organized by these thirteen companies are very standard every time. Sometimes there are some real giants from abroad. "

Before speaking, Su Jie and Tang Yunzhu crossed the stone bridge over the flowing water and arrived at the square in front of the mansion. This square is very large and you can see the mountains from the top. , Several mountain ranges are like dragon's claws, holding down the flat land in front of the mountain, looking from a distance, it seems that the dragon's claws are protecting some kind of treasure.

Geographically, this is a real gem.

In addition to the stream in front, the sound is auspicious, and the jade belt is wrapped around the waist. Living here is almost a stretch of blessings, and prosperity in wealth and longevity.

These big families do have a way of choosing addresses.

However, there are no security guards in the square, because the people who can get here are of very high quality, and basically they will not mess around.

There was no one standing at the gate, and the door was tightly closed. When they arrived at the gate, it seemed that the facial recognition system scanned the two of them and opened the door directly.

Very intelligent.

After entering the gate, there is a screen wall. Behind the screen wall is the outer courtyard. The courtyard is also empty and there are no people. However, Su Jie felt that many cameras were observing the two of them, and he could even analyze whether there were any dangerous items on his body, whether it was himself, or whether he was disguised or not.

Some modern technologies are already very advanced. As long as you take a photo of a person, the image will immediately be transmitted to the think tank for analysis, which can clean up the inside and outside of the person. Yi Rong couldn't hide it.

After passing through another door, the door opened automatically. It was obvious that Su Jie and Tang Yun had passed the analysis.

Once the door is opened, the courtyard inside is even bigger and can accommodate hundreds of people. It is square and square, a standard courtyard house. However, there is a huge glass dome on the top of the courtyard. It is a round curved glass, crystal clear and translucent. , if you don't look carefully, you really can't see it.

This glass dome can shelter from the wind and rain, and you can look up at the sky with a clear view. It is very modern and fashionable, completely different from the classical courtyard house, but this design can be used for banquets, and it is more conducive to storing wind and gathering energy.

Wu Ying was oncoming.

She was in charge of receiving Su Jie, "We meet again."

Wu Ying came up, stared at Su Jie for a while, and then said, "You played me hard last time, but I don't blame you, it's because I'm not as good as others, so there's nothing to say. But today you are I'm afraid it won't be so easy to maneuver around."

"Do you want me to win, or do you want me to lose?" Su Jie handed a challenge letter to Wu Ying. He believed that Wu Ying would definitely be able to read the content of the challenge letter.

"To be honest, I hope you can win." Wu Ying said, "In my understanding, this is an impossible thing, but I like the impossible very much. It is because of the impossible that I can win." There will be miracles. In this world, if there are no miracles, how boring would it be?"

"I came earlier today." Su Jie said, "Your banquet hasn't started yet. But my engagement can start. The banquet is nothing to me, it's mainly to resolve some of our current disputes. Bring I'll go in, I know you're all ready to go."

"It's still too late for you to take it back, what does our Wu family do?

It didn't happen. "Wu Ying said suddenly.

"Let's go." Su Jie didn't say anything unnecessary, just waved his hand.

Wu Ying walked in front.

Su Jie and Tang Yun signed followed, and when they reached the third gate, Wu Ying stopped Tang Yun's sign, "You are waiting outside, you cannot go in."

"It's okay, there is no secret at all. I just brought her to see it today." Su Jie also ignored Wu Ying, pushed the door directly, and entered the inner courtyard of the inner courtyard.

In this big house, the inner courtyard is connected to the inner courtyard, and it is like a maze-like world. It is because of this that it looks deep and can hide dragons and crouching tigers.

Building a courtyard is the same as mountains and rivers, it must be deep and secluded, giving people the feeling that it is unfathomable, no matter how you go to the end, it will get deeper and deeper, so that the people who live in it will have higher achievements, just like deep mountains and great swamps , There must be hidden dragons and snakes. But shallow water cannot support dragons.

If a person's house can be seen through at a glance after entering, it is shallow water, and it is difficult for a big talent to appear in the house.

He walked through seven or eight courtyards one after another, one floor after another, like a palace, like a palace with thousands of palaces.

Although from the outside, this mansion is not very big, but when you enter it, you will find layers upon layers of it, like a small imperial palace and the Forbidden City.

At this time, Su Jie could see why the ancestor of Zhou Ziwang, the designer of this house, participated in the design and construction of the palace, because the weather here is the same as that of the palace, and it can raise a king who is the king of a country.


Wu Ying pushed open the gate on the last floor, and saw that behind the courtyard was a thick stone wall, which was already at the foot of the mountain. The house is directly connected with the cliff and seems to be a part of the cliff.

And on the solid surface of the cliff, a large cave was dug out, and I don't know where it leads.

No one expected that there was actually a cave behind the yard.

At this moment, as if sensing Su Jie's arrival, five people came out of the cave.

One of them is Wu Qu, and the other is Wu Xinyu.

And there are three more people who are exactly the same as Wu Xinyuchang. This is where the true heritage of the Wu family lies.

Quadruplet brothers in the universe.

With the strength of the four of them, everyone is shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods, suppressing everything.

"Mr. Xinyu, Mr. Xinzhou, Mr. Xinhong, Mr. Xinhuang, hello." Su Jie nodded and greeted each of them, and he was able to distinguish everyone's name.

"How did you tell us apart?" Wu Xinyu asked.

"Your souls are different, and your thoughts also have their own fluctuations. If you can't recognize them, isn't your realm too low?" Su Jie laughed.

Facing the oppression of the four, he didn't have any stage fright at all.

On the other hand, Tang Yunzhi felt inexplicably flustered as soon as she entered the yard. Now that the four people appeared, the pressure was even more overwhelming. She seemed to feel that the mountain was pressing on her heart, her breathing was not smooth, her blood flow was coagulated, and she couldn't breathe. It is a physiological reaction caused by high mental stress.

Just like a timid and cautious person going to meet the head of state, he may even faint on the spot... (https:)

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