Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter four hundred and ninety-five

Su Jie also knew the oppression Tang Yunzhi was facing, but he didn't care about it. In fact, this was his strategy. Tang Yunzhi had to face this pressure to help her progress. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The strength of each of these four masters of the Wu family is about the same as that of Mr. Honey Badger. Although it is not enough, but Mr. Honey Badger may not be able to kill any one of them alone without damage.

Moreover, taking Wu Xinyu as an example, his strength is even more terrifying than the "fools" among Tifeng's three giants.

Adding up the two, Mr. Honey Badger will be shunned.

Now that's four.

These four people, according to their guess, could besiege and kill the leader Typhon, the number one person in the world.

"My guess is not wrong." Su Jie looked at these four people and Tang Yun's lottery who was struggling to support him, and said indifferently: "The four brothers in the universe are really different. In this generation of your martial arts, It is a miracle among miracles that such powerful quadruplets were born. But in fact, you also know very well in your heart that it is impossible for your next generation to have such a tyrannical character as you. Your next generation is the strongest Mr. Wu Qu. But I think his aptitude and character, as well as the core technology and resources he has mastered, are not enough to support him to reach your realm. In fact, the four of you are also old, and you are still at the peak , with Mr. Cain’s technology, your current physical fitness is very good, but after another ten or twenty years, you will also decline significantly, which is irreversible. The natural law of human life, that At that time, Wuqu did not reach your realm, so it would be very embarrassing for the Wu family to be out of touch."

Su Jie could see that the four masters of the martial arts family belonged to a kind of mutation. Their genes were very strong, especially the sports genes and intuition genes, which were far beyond ordinary people. Absolutely, born to be the material of a great master of the world.

Such a person from a family is definitely a matter of glory.

What's more, if four people come out at once, or quadruplets, the family will naturally develop.

However, their next generation is not so good. Wu Qu's genes are much worse than Wu Xinyu's. The reason why they have reached this level is actually because of the family's educational resources. But it is extremely difficult to go further, and there is basically no room for improvement.

In other words, even the younger generation of the Wu family can't keep up with the four Wu Xinyu brothers.

In a few decades, Wu Family will not have this advantage.

Su Jie saw this very clearly, and of course Wu Xinyu also saw it very clearly.

Once the four brothers are dead, although Wu Qu's strength can support the overall situation, it is absolutely impossible to become Ling Jue Ding. It is even possible to fall to this level of the Tang family.

Tang Nanshan's realm is the same as Wuqu. In addition, the Wu family still has three talents with the seventh sense, but the Tang family also has Tang Yun's lottery, which is obviously more than those three people. In time, they can reach the same level as Wu Qu. Instead, it prevailed.

For a family that has reached this level, the competition is definitely not wealth and power, but talent.

Just like a country, a country also depends on talents. Even if it is a poor and weak country, if a talented king is born, through a series of reforms, the country can be made prosperous and strong, with strong soldiers and strong horses. And for a country with a very rich heritage, if a fatuous king emerges, the country can collapse within a few years.

Su Jie saw very far, and so did the four Wu Xinyu brothers.

"It is true that it is difficult for our martial arts disciples to reach the heights. But our martial arts have also mastered some techniques, which can increase talents." Wu Xinyu said: "Besides, the four of us are actually still in the prime of life. There is no problem at all. No one knows what changes will happen in this.”

"Young man, you challenged us today, and you are very courageous." Wu Xinzhou said: "However, you have thought about the consequences. If you lose, you may suffer serious injuries or even die. The forces under your command collapsed one after another and were acquired by our Wu family. For example, if you lose your support, this little girl from the Tang family will definitely become a member of our Wu family, and the Tang family will also completely become a vassal of the Wu family."

"I have already fought with Mr. Xinyu, you should also know my strength, Mr. Xinhuang, we have met before, and you even picked me up with a flying needle, but today we have a competition, I did not survive I come from my heart, I don't know how to use hidden weapons, and I don't know how to use weapons. In fact, my purpose for coming today is very simple. Your warriors have set up a strategy to find an opportunity to encircle and kill the big boss. Why don't you practice it in advance. If you can encircle and kill me , then he is qualified to besiege and kill the big boss, if even I can't besiege and kill, then this thought will be extinguished." Su Jie spoke very directly.

"Young man, I admit that you are very powerful, but you are just separated from me." Wu Xinyu said: "Your behavior today is no less than suicide."

"Whether it is suicide or not, we will know later." Su Jie said, "Why don't we start now? How?"

While speaking, Tang Yunzhi's face became paler and her whole body was sweating profusely, as if she had suffered the greatest mental oppression, but her body still stood upright, like a javelin, never bowing her head.

Her inner spirit is fighting against the momentum here, an unprecedented battle.

In her spiritual world, she felt that the four mountains were pressing towards her, making it difficult for her to breathe, her whole body froze, and she was about to die at any time.

She can only rely on her own will to support and find a way to fight.

"I haven't played against you yet, but I want to see how much of Odley's true biography you have obtained." Wu Xinzhou heard Su Jie directly say "beginning", and he couldn't help but feel great interest in his heart.

He had been lurking in Typhon for a long time, and even stole some of Typhon's core secrets. Although these secrets did not actually mention the most important things of Typhon, they also showed his strength.

He is deeply aware of the strength of the two chiefs in Typhon, Ou Deli's strength is earth-shattering, he is ashamed of himself, but after a detailed analysis, he feels that the three brothers of the Wu family will join forces to kill Ou Deli , let alone four brothers.

While speaking, Wu Xinzhou came up to face Su Jie alone, it seemed that he still didn't want to besiege, but to fight with wheels.

After all, the four brothers of the Wu family besieged a young man, and they couldn't face it. In fact, even if it was one-on-one, they felt that they had lost their identity.

If it wasn't for Su Jie's ability to prove himself, members of the Wu family would hardly even look at him.

The Wu family has this confidence.

However, the Wu family is not arrogant and conceited. They are able to understand the situation. Su Jie's aura, calculations, methods, and abilities are all difficult for them to come into contact with. They must treat Su Jie with due equal respect.

"No need, you don't have to come one by one." Su Jie watched Wu Xinzhou step forward, but waved his hand, and then moved.

Su Jie's body rushed forward and arrived in front of Wu Xinzhou. His speed was as fast as lightning and a gust of wind. In an instant, his big hands were restrained, and with the momentum of a collision, he wanted to break Wu Xinzhou's kung fu frame.

In any kung fu, there is a shelf in it. This shelf can maintain the stability of the person and at the same time ensure the flexibility of the person. Moreover, while maintaining the flexibility, it can ensure that the opportunity can be seized and the strongest blow can be made.

Each school of Kung Fu has its own unique style, even boxing and kickboxing are no exception.

In fact, the core purpose of kung fu is one, to destroy the enemy with the strongest blow while avoiding being attacked.

When beating a person, be courageous first, and when defeating the enemy, first break the momentum.

When Su Jie came rushing forward and suppressed his palms, even though he simply punched his fists, slammed his fists, hoeed his head, and smashed his head down, this momentum reached Wu Xinzhou's face, still causing Wu Xinzhou's mind to sway. , the courage was slightly vented, and the muscles and bones of the whole body could not be as hard as iron.

There was a retreat in his heart, and he had to avoid the edge.

This kind of retreat was not produced by himself, but was taken by Su Jie's rushing momentum and automatically emerged.

Originally, with the strength of Wu Xinzhou, it can be said to be the pinnacle of this world. No matter how strong the opponent is, Wu Xinzhou can face head-to-head. The pinnacle is to appear in the Wu family.

In the 20 years of qigong craze that year, martial arts took the initiative to use the power of the state to collect various secret kung fu recipes lost among the people, and then analyzed them through experiments, and then formed the unique soft and hard qigong of martial arts.

It can be said that compared with Ou Deli's hard qigong, the Wu family's soft and hard qigong actually has some advantages. Ou Deli's hard qigong is miraculous, but ordinary people can't practice it at all, and it's extremely dangerous, while the Wu family's soft qigong is combined with it, and it's more orthodox when it's neutralized.

However, no matter how strong Wu Xinzhou is, in front of Su Jie, he will involuntarily have irresistible thoughts, which will lead to a phenomenon of weak mind. With the strongest effect, he can only retreat.

But when Su Jie retreated, he turned around and attacked Wu Xinyu, Wu Xinhuang, and Wu Xinhong continuously.

Su Jie's movement was so fast that it seemed that three shadows were separated and attacked at the same time. For a moment, Wu Xinyu, Wu Xinhuang, and Wu Xinhong seemed to be facing Su Jie alone.

Su Jie's simple three punches actually brought out thousands of troops, and it seemed unstoppable. (https:)

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