Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Six hundred and sixty-four internal reactions, the culprit was liquidated

“This place is extremely thick”

The young man wearing the mask of Shiva is also practicing. His spirit is extremely condensed, and he has a unique sensitivity to the human heart and the perception of heaven and earth. He immediately felt the changes in this place.

In his spiritual world, it seems that many people are practicing kung fu, boxing, thinking and practicing all the time, and they have gathered into a thousand-year-old humanistic trend of thought and martial spirit, as well as Zen's heart-to-heart and spiritual communication. mode.

In fact, the mode of spiritual communication between people has been studied in ancient times. When it comes to Zen, it has reached its pinnacle. There is a branch of Zen that does not even believe in speaking, and relies entirely on spiritual communication.

This is the ancestral home of Zen Buddhism. The eminent monks of the past dynasties not only have superb skills, but also have a deeper understanding of spiritual and spiritual communication. It is a pity that the experience of generations of eminent monks has been buried with time. Although there are scriptures handed down, less than one-tenth of what can be recorded in words.

Even in modern times, with the recording tool of video, it is still impossible to record things in terms of soul, momentum, thinking, perception, and aura.

Especially when I figured out a truth, the joy and enlightenment deep in my heart cannot be recorded by words and videos, so I must find a more clever way of communication.

But now, Su Jie has gone through a series of operations, so that people with high spiritual cultivation can feel this place. For thousands of years, among the spiritual worlds of various high-level practitioners, it has the richest and most intense perception.

As long as you search carefully here and savor carefully, you can span thousands of years and enter the deep hearts of practitioners of all ages, creating a resonance.

It can be said that this is a library without words.

Those who understand will linger here and study here for the rest of their lives.

At this moment, the young man of Lord Shiva had a feeling deep in his heart that this is his home. He really wanted to live here and study for a lifetime.

The feelings in his heart were completely aroused.

At this moment, he lost his desire for fame and fortune, and became a complete explorer. He felt that on the path of cultivation and exploration, there were infinite treasures waiting to be discovered by him. Compared with these treasures, other things were indifferent .

In other words, Lord Shiva felt "disgusted" at this moment when he was young.

Together, this heart is the foundation of Taoism.

This apprenticeship ceremony is completely over,

It had a profound effect on the whole place, but not a great sensation outside.

As the instigator of this incident, Su Jie has never been well-known, but he has remained deeply in the hearts of many elders. After this incident is over, all the elders no longer regard him as a junior, but treat him as a junior. Seen as an extremely terrifying existence, this existence has almost earth-shaking power.

Among the wooden towers.

After the ceremony, everyone dispersed.

Above the highest level, there are only five people, Shenyueren, Tie Kunlun, Su Jie, Liu Guanglie, and Su Shilin who came down from the mountain.

"Father, you finally have the qualifications to be promoted to a new human being." Su Jie had actually sensed Su Shilin's state a long time ago. In this area, Su Jie's level of spiritual perception is "Land God".

"It's one thing to be qualified, but it's another thing to be able to be promoted." Su Shilin is deeply aware of his state, and it is not so easy to step into the new human race. It's like a person has the strength to be admitted to a university, but whether he can be admitted on the spot depends on God's will.

In ancient times, many scholars were not as good as him even if he was the number one scholar, but he couldn't even pass the imperial examination even if he was a scholar.

The original face of the new human being, the initial restructuring of consciousness is definitely not an easy task. To complete the complete transformation of consciousness, very delicate work is still needed.

Fortunately, Su Shilin had the experience summed up by his son Su Jie, so the danger was greatly reduced.

The realm of the new human is firstly the recombination of the original ideology of the self, and after the recombination, use the powerful consciousness to carry out various physical improvements.

This requires extremely advanced research knowledge, and it can only be achieved by penetrating into the essence of human life forms.

Su Jie also obtained Tifeng's life science human body research data to be able to do this, but everyone's body and consciousness are completely different, and Su Jie's own experience cannot be copied to Su Shilin's body.

At this time, the Shenyue people had regained the control of their self-awareness over their bodies. He was staring at Su Jie, but there was nothing he could do about it. Now that the overall situation was settled, and the news spread, he didn't even know what his subordinates would do. The organization that I have worked so hard to build for decades, the organization that a rich man like Liu Shi would not even want to join, just collapsed all at once.

He thought it was funny when he thought about it.

The reason was that Bu Lie's son wanted to acquire shares in Su Jie's laboratory. This is a very common business practice, but Bu Zhixuan's methods are a little tougher, but this is extremely common in the capital market.

An ordinary thing has turned into what it is now, what is going on?

In the final analysis, he still provoked people who shouldn't be provoked.

Now that Shenyueren is still thinking about making a comeback, deep down in his heart he knows very well that as long as he recovers his realm, he can make a comeback immediately. But wanting revenge is still wishful thinking.

Su Jie asked him to learn from Liu Guanglie this time, in fact, he robbed him of his strength and blessed him in this place. After this incident, Su Jie followed the law of man, heaven and earth, combined with each other, Tao and nature blended together, in this way, Su Jie's realm is even more unfathomable, almost no one can beat him.

Even the people of Shenyue suspect that the leader of Tifeng is not an opponent here.

Even though Shenyueren has lost his realm now, he is still a unparalleled master in terms of Fengshui layout and the knowledge of the connection between man and heaven. Few people can match him, and his physical boxing skills are still there. In a way, his physique is still superhuman.

He adjusted his mentality, thinking of ways to make a comeback all the time.

Then, he looked at Tie Kunlun again: "Tie Kunlun, how dare you betray me."

"Brother, it's not that I betrayed you, but that people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads." Tie Kunlun's expression was extremely bitter: "We fell down this time, and the prosperity and decline are probably the reciprocation of the natural law. One day, it will come out again, and the green hills will be left without worrying about no firewood."

"That's right." Su Jie said: "Shenyue people, now that the news has been sent out, in fact, you have accepted this reality deep down in your heart, and I think your group of brothers have also reacted. How many people came to rescue you?"

"Su Jie, as long as you don't kill me, I will always have a chance." Shenyue said humanely.

"Why would I kill you? It's against the law." Su Jie said, "I'm not as unscrupulous as you. In fact, you should try the ups and downs. I don't want you to be silent, but I hope you recover, because This represents a major direction in consciousness research. I look forward to miracles, in fact, essential changes have taken place here, if you can practice here with peace of mind, you may be able to recover one day."

The Shenyue people didn't say anything anymore, he knew that he was now in the hands of the people, even if he said nothing, he could only learn from Goujian, the king of Yue, and try his best to try his best to get rid of his shame one day.

It's just that the difficulty of this humiliation is much more difficult than that of Goujian.

Su Jie is younger than him, and he is improving all the time. After this incident of apprenticeship, the earth energy is stimulated again, and the spiritual realm is unlimitedly elevated. Compared with when he was suppressed, he is much stronger. Maybe one day, Su Jie If he can really complete the research and survive for a long time, then he has no chance at all, and can only be oppressed forever.

Thinking about this, he felt extremely hopeless.

But there is also a spirit of perseverance in his character, even if it is a desperate difficulty, he must struggle hard.

So he is always thinking of ways.

Su Jie saw through his mind, but didn't say anything.

At this moment, the veterans in the Shenyue people's organization also knew about it.


The water glass fell to the ground and was smashed to pieces.

Bu Lie was drinking water, the first time he heard the news, he thought he was living in a dream, his whole body was shaking, as if a catastrophe was imminent.

"Is this true? Eldest brother was also knocked down, and now he is arrested and sent to the Minglun Martial Arts School to learn from him? There are even many people to testify?" Bu Lie only felt a mouthful of blood clogging his throat.

"It's true." Bu Zhixuan was also trembling, but he was afraid. Because in the final analysis, the cause of this incident was still because of him. If he wasn't aggressive and showing off his power, Su Jie wouldn't be able to arouse his disgust. Can't provoke such a terrible enemy.

Thinking of this, Bu Zhixuan was more worried that the elders would anger him because of this incident. When picking the culprit, he must bear the brunt, and Bu Lie had a lot of resources. Although he lost his realm these days, many elders did not He was not attacked because the Shenyue people were suppressing them. Without the suppression of the Shenyue people, he and his father were a piece of fat in the organization.

Moreover, many former enemies would also pounce on him and bite his father and son to pieces.

In the past, with the protection of the Shenyue people, he could be unscrupulous. A young boy, he shouted at Liu Shi, but the other party could only make amends. Now that he has lost the Shenyue people, he is actually nothing.


The door was kicked open.

Bu Lie Bu Zhixuan and his son saw the angry five brothers Shenbo, Shenxu, Shenmi, Shenxian and Shende. This is the son of Shenyueren.

The Shenyue people have five sons and one daughter. For modern society, the descendants are considered extremely developed, but in ancient times, this is nothing.

But there is no doubt that his sons are all extremely tyrannical because of their genetic inheritance.

"You guys come with me." Shenbo stared at the two father and son with killing intent on his face.


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