Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Six hundred and sixty-five perfect genes, there are women who appear against the overall situation

"Bo Shao, now we are in a precarious time. We need to help each other and tide over the difficulties together. It is not the time for rebellion. Moreover, the uncle did not die, but was injured. He was only trained in the Minglun Martial Arts School. Tie Kunlun must have done it." Something bad. Are you going to blame me for this incident?"

Bu Zhixuan looked at the menacing five brothers, knowing that something was wrong, his face turned extremely pale, but he kept distinguishing.

But Bu Lie sat down, all hope was lost, he knew that the general situation was over, and the people inside gave up on him and used him to vent their anger.

"It's not you two scum, how did things get so out of hand?" Shenbo almost gritted his teeth, his cultivation is also very advanced, he will not get angry easily, but now he is also angry, almost unable to suppress, "Bu Zhixuan , I thought you had a high level of cultivation, you were good at nourishing your energy, and you could deal with things smoothly, but you still went to provoke Su Jie, and now we have suffered a crushing defeat. The cause of this matter is all caused by you father and son. It is not us who are going to deal with it now You, but everyone agrees, you deserve to die."

"Don't you want to kill our father and son to appease Su Jie's anger?" Bu Lie seemed to be sober at this time, "You will also compromise? Over the years, under the leadership of our eldest brother, we have been invincible. There is no such thing as compromise. Now it is finally compromised, and this is the time for the decline."

"It's not a compromise, it's a strategic detour." Shenmi spoke, his tone was very heavy, as if there was a giant bell in his body, his skin seemed to be faintly golden, as if he had practiced some kind of horizontal training effort. Of course, this is not the golden color seen by the naked eye, but with the spiritual feeling, he found that his kung fu aura is golden: "Abandoning you and returning to father, we think this is feasible, and this is also the meaning of many veterans."

"It's really self-inflicted, I can't live." Bu Lie looked extremely decadent: "Are you going to hand over our father and son to Su Jie? But I'm afraid it's not enough, Su Jie will not help elder brother recover because of this. Besides, Su Jie wants to take The lives of my father and son don’t need to be given away by you. What you do makes people feel cold. You can abandon us today, and others tomorrow. In the hands of the eldest brother, we have been unparalleled in these decades, but the eldest brother has never given up. over anyone."

"The reason for abandoning you is to prevent Su Jie from attacking us again." At this moment, another voice came in.

The person who came in was actually a woman, only about twenty-three or twenty-four years old, who seemed to have graduated from college and just came out to work, wearing very ordinary, simple sportswear, short hair, but her face was extremely delicate, as if it was sculpted by the world's most outstanding artist The work, and the material is also the most precious jade, that kind of warmth, that kind of delicacy, that kind of expressiveness, which is deeply rooted in the essence of ancient methods.

If this woman is still, it will definitely make people feel that she is the most perfect work of art in the world, rather than a living person.

This is actually a kind of temperament brought about by cultivation, such a temperament should not be in the human world.

"You are... Kagura Dance?" Bu Lie seemed to have remembered something. He knew that Shenyue people were actually romantic by nature, sowing seeds everywhere, especially when they were young, and had sex with many women.

However, this is also normal. With Shenyueren's ability and charm, it would be abnormal without a woman. Moreover, Shenyue people also know that their genetic talent is very powerful, but it is very difficult to pass it on to their offspring completely.

These five sons of Shenyueren actually only inherited half of his talent from him, but they are still very powerful.

Since the establishment of this organization, the Shenyue people have been secretly looking for the most outstanding woman to combine with themselves, in an attempt to give birth to a more perfect offspring than themselves.

This is actually what many people in big families do. Generation after generation, they find excellent women to give birth to offspring, perfect their family's genes, and finally the offspring become stronger and stronger. From a genetic point of view, this is extremely feasible, and this principle is now widely used in plant breeding. Many fruit varieties with excellent taste are bred in this way, as well as hybrid rice with extremely high yield.

However, humans are much more complex than plants. The genetic angle is also very difficult. Fortunately, technology can assist some genetic factors.

According to the rumors, the Shenyue people once married a very mysterious woman who had excellent genes and gave birth to a baby with almost perfect genes, named Kagura Mai.

In fact, Bu Lie also believed in this, because in the organization, a large part of the funds were taken away by the Shenyue people to do some mysterious things. Without these supports, the Shenyue people would not be able to cultivate to this level.

Now it seems that at the critical moment of the organization, the woman who suddenly appeared is her.

Moreover, Bu Lie can also see that the five brothers Shenbo seem to be looking forward to Kagura Dance.

"I have to come back after such a big thing happened." Kagura Wu stared at Bu Lie and Bu Zhixuan and his son: "Originally, I was practicing in Japan and didn't want to care about anything, but now it's the autumn of life and death. It is beyond redemption. If I don’t come back to take control of the situation, any small mistake of yours will ruin so many years of hard work.”

"What do you want to do to our father and son?" Bu Lie asked.

"Of course it's to bring down your son's realm again. Let you go to Minglun Martial Arts School to serve your father, to appease Su Jie's anger, and at the same time show him that we no longer have any hostility." Kagura Wu said: "Otherwise, according to His idea is to bring all the veterans in the organization to the Minglun Martial Arts School, so that you can keep yourself safe and manage education. This can increase the atmosphere of the place, and it can quickly improve his spiritual realm. In addition, he will let our organization continuously transfuse blood to Minglun Martial Arts School, and finally make that place truly become the strongest practice holy place in the world. And our organization finally melted into it. There is no longer any A sense of existence. At present, we can only endure. I hope that my plan can slow down the occurrence of this aspect. As for the restoration of father's state, that is up to me to arrange."


While Kagura Wu was speaking, and didn't see any movement from her, Bu Zhixuan suddenly felt dizzy, as if he was drunk, staggered from side to side, and finally fell to the ground with a bang.

"Son." Bu Lie yelled loudly, but it didn't help, and he fainted.

"Come here, take them out." Kagura Wu ordered, and then some burly men came in and carried the father and son out.

"I'm afraid we still have to ask Mr. Shang to intercede in this matter, and we will fully admit defeat." Kagura Wu sat down and said, "What do you think?"

Shenya knows that her half-sister has a very high level of cultivation, and she is actually the most proud "work" in Shenyue's life. Moreover, her mother is also an extraordinary person. It is a female priest in Japan. The whole of Japan believes in Shintoism. There are many ancient shrines, and the great priests in those shrines specialize in communicating the secrets between humans and gods.

From a cultural point of view, Japan's Shintoism is linked to the destiny of the country. Historically, no matter how many times there have been dynasty changes, the shogunate era, and the Meiji Restoration, Shintoism has never been abandoned. It is the same as the ancient Confucianism in China, but in modern times, China abandoned Confucianism, but Japan did not abandon Shinto.

What is the influence of some things in culture and blood on the fate of the country, the nation, and everyone? This is a topic worthy of research, and it even involves the true meaning of practice and ethnic groups.

"The most urgent task is to restore father's state." Shen Mi said: "As long as father's state is restored, everything can be easily solved."

"I know that there are probably only three people in the world who hope to restore their father's realm, and Su Jie is one of them. Mr. Tyfeng is also one, and the other is Mr. Odley, the godmaker." Kagura Wu said : "My plan is that we completely give up the profits to Mr. Typhon in exchange for his help to restore his father's state. As for Su Jie, it is enough to stabilize him. His character is not a person who kills everything. But he will definitely not restore his father's state. .”

"Is there such a master in Japan?" Shenbo couldn't help asking, "The whole country of Japan is filled with the spirit of samurai, even from young children, every student must go through martial arts training, and various Japanese martial arts are spread among the people. It is much more extensive than ours. Why, there is no such expert among them?"

"This is related to the fate of the country." Kagura Mai shook his head: "Japan had hope at first. After the war, the economy expanded violently, and its products were exported to the whole world, becoming the world's largest manufacturing power. , the energy and spirit have been oppressed very badly, the people's morale is low, the soil for the birth of great people has disappeared, or the probability has been reduced. The fortune of a country is closely related to people, and the most important condition for the emergence of great people in all walks of life is the situation in which they live. The environment is on the rise. Of course, there are exceptions. The reason why Su Jie appeared is actually an inevitable phenomenon. Even if there is no Su Jie, there will be Wang Jie and Li Jie."

"Is it true that the luck of the organization established by my father has declined?" Shen Bo asked.

"This is not necessarily the case. If it works well, it may not be impossible to survive. This is a crisis. Since it is a crisis, there are opportunities in danger." Shen Wu said: "I will go and Su Jie , and Mr. Typhon personally talk about it once."

"Then this matter is entirely up to you." Shen Ya and the other five brothers exchanged glances and reached an agreement. They knew that their own abilities were not enough to handle this matter, and only this one who was said to have the perfect gene Only his younger sister, Kagura Mai, can hope to resolve the crisis.

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