Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Six hundred and sixty-nine: Initiate a challenge, seal the realm and dare to fight

"There is some hope. After all, their research on the structure of consciousness is much more advanced than me and Mei Yi." Su Jie said: "Their extraction of consciousness, preservation of consciousness, decomposition of consciousness, and establishment of theoretical knowledge are far more advanced than that of me. Maybe there is no stronger master than me among them, but their technological content is higher than mine, if I can get the research of those theoretical knowledge, there should be no problem."

Once, Su Jie felt that Ti Feng's technology was advanced.

However, after gaining insight into the memory of "No. 1", the leader of the Death God Organization, Su Jie knew that there is also a "super-psychological laboratory" in terms of consciousness structure research.

"Where is the headquarters of this place? Who is the person in charge?" Mai Kagura asked.

"This place is headquartered in the mysterious District 51." Mei Yi said, "That place may be the most mysterious place in the world. The president will reveal many secrets of Area 51 later. But it seems to have forgotten about it now. Ordinary people simply don’t get the secrets.”

"The secrets will not be announced to the public." Su Jie smiled: "A lot of scientific research in it is indeed better than Typhon, but Typhon is completely ahead in genetic modification. So many powerful fighters can be created."

"As for the person in charge, I don't know, but when I was studying abroad, I used to have a psychological tutor named Alella. It was a female tutor. She was an expert in spiritual consciousness. She had a mysterious identity. Conduct research and work in the first area, and also lead students outside, select outstanding students to enter the research institute, and once called me, but I refused. At that time, I thought that the study of consciousness is actually a very ridiculous science. There is no future, because the United States and the Soviet Union have studied for so many years, and a lot of scammers have emerged. There are also such disadvantages in China. I don’t want to waste time. I still believe that the future longevity and strength of human beings lies in changing genes, so I entered It is a more practical thing in the study of gene cells in Typhon."

Mei Yi recalled the past: "If at that time, I chose to study spiritual consciousness, I don't know how far I would have reached."

"This is a matter of choice, but your research on gene cells has achieved great success. At least the Water of Life project can indeed regenerate a person, and it can also delay cell aging, improve genes, and accept the transformation of the Water of Life project. There is no problem for a person to live to one hundred and twenty years old, and the quality of life is also very high. Over one hundred years old, he can still walk like flying, walk like the wind, break records in fighting and jumping, and will not be troubled by any diseases at this stage." Su Jie said: "And our research, in fact, still has no phased results, cannot be replicated, and is limited to theory. It has not even been able to achieve military use, let alone civilian use."

All technologies in the world should be for military use in the first place.

Military technology is much ahead of civilian use.

When the military use is outdated and new technologies are developed, the outdated technologies are used for civilian use.

However, Su Jie and Mei Yi's current research on consciousness has not yet been fully used by the military.

Unless Su Jie can turn soldiers into a seventh sense on a large scale now, or has a set of special methods, after training with these methods, soldiers can become super soldier kings.

However, Su Jie is still unable to do this.

Although he has made many people reach the seventh sense, it is because those people themselves have accumulated vigor. Only critical on-demand can make them promoted.

To be precise, Su Jie did not promote them to the seventh sense, but felt the pulse like a doctor, and solved the "difficult and miscellaneous diseases" in practice for them.

Su Jie is a practicing doctor,

You can see the disease at a glance and prescribe the right medicine.

To be precise, he is an extremely brilliant psychiatrist.

And if he is not a practitioner, but an ordinary person, Su Jie wants him to become a seventh sense, he must learn from Ou Deli, teach him carefully, first change his character, let his character become stronger, and proceed slowly After a few years of training, it is possible to become a strong person with the seventh sense. And the odds are not great.

The people taught by Ou Deli are all geniuses, and Ou Deli, an ordinary person, does not have the ability to turn stones into gold.

What Su Jie is studying now is to change a person's initial consciousness structure in an instant, make him extremely talented, suddenly enlightened, and directly become a super master, at least a strong one in consciousness.

However, Su Jie has not thoroughly researched this method.

If it is said that the higher-ups now give him a task to train a group of masters like Zhao Yu in a short period of time, he absolutely cannot.

Therefore, the value of his research has not yet achieved phased results.

However, Su Jie discovered a lot of shocking things from the memories of the head of the God of Death organization No. 1, that is, it is very possible that the "Super Psychological Laboratory" has found a way to quickly improve people's consciousness.

That is to say, in an instant, ordinary people are enlightened, so that ordinary people immediately have a seventh sense, a super consciousness, and a super brain.

It was nothing short of a miracle. It is also a difficulty that Su Jie has not broken through. He knows that there will definitely be such a technological breakthrough in the future.

But how did he break through? With his current cultivation, he couldn't even think about it. Did he use tools, or did he rely on the primitive empowerment method similar to that of humans?

But empowerment, heart-to-heart, Su Jie knows it, and the research is extremely profound.

Another point is that there are many intermittent things in No. 1's memory, and it seems that some things have been modified.

This is also something that Su Jie has not studied thoroughly.

According to the theory, memory is a kind of information, which is equivalent to a file stored in a computer and can be tampered with. But the human brain is not a computer after all, and it is very difficult to tamper with memory. Su Jie can use some hypnosis and brainwashing psychological hints to make some ordinary people with low cultivation to change their previous thoughts. He feels like he's never done it.

However, for an expert like "No. 1", it is almost impossible for Su Jie to tamper with his memory through psychological suggestion.

And the reason why "No. 1" has incomplete information is because he is a test subject, not a scientist among them, but only passively accepts training and transformation.

To some extent, "No. 1" is also a pitiful person, but he is also very hateful. Su Jie will not let him go just because he is a pitiful person.

However, "No. 1" is of great value to Su Jie. From "No. 1", Su Jie sees another peak besides Tifeng, and it is the "peak" of his professional appetite.

Even if it is the current self, in the research of psychological consciousness, there are still institutions that can completely surpass him. Although Su Jie had been mentally prepared for a long time, the world is so big that there must be existences that surpass him. So he always reminded himself not to be complacent.

Moreover, with the arrival of Kagura Dance, Su Jie wanted to cooperate with this woman, and let her go to scare the snake first, and obtain the secret of the super psychological laboratory.

And what Su Jie said was the truth, if he could get the technology of this super psychological laboratory, he could indeed restore the realm of Shenyueren.

Of course, Su Jie's realm at that time was naturally many times more terrifying than it is now.

"I understand what you mean." Kagura Mai is an extremely smart person: "I will find a way to deal with these things. Now I just want you to promise one thing, that is, don't do anything to our organization again. Of course, I guarantee that they will never mess with you again, if they do, it will be their own death."

"The strategy I formulated is to fully integrate your organization into Minglun Martial Arts School, or to take root in that land. You should also know that since your father became a teacher, that land has undergone earth-shaking changes." Su Jie road.

"I went there, and it has become a holy place for practice." Kagura Dance nodded: "You have plundered a lot of energy from our organization."

"It's not to plunder, but to help you." Su Jie said: "If your organization integrates into that land, it will not lose your vitality, but increase your own vitality."

"I don't want to talk about so many things." Kagura Wu said: "Mr. Su Jie, I challenge you now. You don't need mental coercion, but rely on kung fu skills. If you can hold me three swords empty-handed, I will listen to you If you can't accept my three knives, how about giving up on our organization? I can only get you such a promise. I don't know if you can agree? I know, with my ability, it is impossible to be Your opponent, but if it is just about kung fu skills, I still have confidence in my sword skills."

"Okay." After hearing this, Su Jie became interested: "Weapons and bare hands are extremely dangerous. Even if you are a world champion in fighting, if you face an ordinary person with a sharp Japanese samurai sword, you will inevitably lose your hand." The danger of broken feet. Unless it is a fighter who has been specially trained to win the sword with bare hands. Basically, in martial arts, it is impossible to fight with weapons and without weapons, unless the level difference is too big. Moreover, you want me not to use spiritual power All relying on technology, the difficulty of this challenge is really high.”

"But you're willing to continue, aren't you?" Mai Kagura said.

"Yes, this is indeed very difficult, but I am willing to agree to your request. You can go all out." Su Jie nodded.

"Then I'll take the shot." Kagura Mai flicked like a magic trick, and there was a long-handled samurai sword in her hand, and she didn't know where she was hiding it.

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