Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Six hundred and seventy, the sage and the wisdom are almost invincible with 3 knives

Kagura Mai's samurai sword is very long and narrow, with many scriptures cast on it, densely packed, with an extremely simple style, somewhat similar to the most famous Miaofa Muramasa in Japanese history.

Miaofa Village is the treasured sword forged by the Masa family of the ancient Japanese sword maker. It is famous for forging the Miaofa Lotus Sutra on it.

Japan's famous swords like to engrave scriptures on them. When practicing knife skills, people and scriptures correspond to each other, and you can enter a wonderful state.

Sword, scriptures, righteousness, and reason, the three aspects confirm each other, and countless forces can enhance people's spiritual potential when gathered together.

Japanese swordsmanship is fierce, and it must be reconciled with Buddhism, so as not to go crazy. This is also an aspect.

However, Su Jie could see in an instant that the scripture forged on Kagura Wu's knife was not the Lotus Sutra of Miaofa, but Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching.

The font is very small, almost miniature carvings, but Su Jie's sharp eyesight can be seen immediately.

Five thousand texts of the Tao Te Ching are to be engraved on a narrow samurai sword, the small font can be imagined.

Kagura Wu held the saber in both hands and pointed at Su Jie: "Mr. Su Jie, you really believe in people. I can feel it. Just now, when you read the scriptures on my saber, you didn't use telepathy, but relied on your own If you say you don’t use your spiritual realm, you don’t use your spiritual realm. However, in this way, you have sealed your own realm. Now you, before you and me, are almost fighting with my father Same. Are you really sure?"

"To be honest, I'm not very sure." Su Jie said with a smile: "But it's worth trying. In fact, I have never been a technical player. My strength lies in my own spirit. However, recently my skills have improved a lot." improve."

In terms of kung fu skills, Su Jie is not as good as Mei Yi.

Because when Mei Yi was in Tifeng, the robot implanted by Xiaojie was trained every day, and the movements were standard without any flaws. To be precise, Mei Yi's kung fu style has never appeared in the millennium, and it is an artificial intelligence style. . Su Jie's kung fu style is a typical human style, full of spirituality, but has some subtle flaws.

Just like playing chess, the style of chess played by humans is completely different from that of artificial intelligence.

Now, Su Jie didn't move his mind, sealed his own realm, and could allow the opponent to go all out against the sword technique of God of War Le Wu with his bare hands. This is indeed extremely dangerous, and the chance of winning is not great.

The strength of Kagura Dance is not low, it can even be said to be very high.

Even if it is the present Zhao Yu, if he faces her, Su Jie can tell that Zhao Yu will definitely lose.

When Kagura Mai came back to preside over the organization of the Shenyue people, many elders were convinced. It was not without reason. In fact, Kagura Mai was one of the people in the whole world who had the most hope of stepping into the new human realm.

"I admire the three sentences in the Tao Te Ching the most: Abandon sages and abandon wisdom, benefit the people a hundred times, abandon benevolence and righteousness, return people to kindness and filial piety, abandon ingenuity and abandon profits, and there will be no robbers." While speaking, Kagura dancer shook her hand The samurai sword, the Tao Te Ching forged on this samurai sword seems to be active, and the scriptures are about to emerge and appear in the air.

While Kagura Mai was waving the samurai sword, Zhao Yan, Mei Yi, and Tang Yunzhu all felt as if they had fallen into the scriptures, and unconsciously thought deeply about the Tao Te Ching

Exams, even unable to extricate themselves.

If it is another hallucination, everyone can pull it out, but in this Tao Te Ching, every sentence can be thought about deeply. It is not an illusion, but some simple and supreme truth. , the state of Xi Ke's death, knowing that he is going to die, but still unwilling to come out.

Just like the great ancient mathematician, physicist, and philosopher Archimedes, when facing the beheading of Roman soldiers, he still had to check math problems. That is to say, he uttered the rhetoric, "Give me a fulcrum and a long enough lever, and I can move the earth."

This is a kind of seeking heart.

In order to seek the Tao, people can sacrifice their lives.

And Kagura Mai's sword technique actually arouses the human's desire to seek the Tao. In the process of seeking the Tao, he forgets everything and dies unknowingly.

Even Zhao Yu is no exception. Zhao Yu's King Kong Lion Roar has no effect at all.

Because what Kagura dance inspires is not wrong views or demonic obstacles, but as a practitioner, one must have the heart to seek the Tao, and the stronger the desire to seek the Tao, the better. This is tantamount to the desire for knowledge.

A person with a strong desire for knowledge can definitely achieve great achievements. And people who have no thirst for knowledge are basically stupid, and they are not even fundamentally different from animals.

The essential difference between humans and animals is the intensity of the desire for knowledge in the structure of consciousness.


Zhao Jie woke up from his thoughts, and broke out in a cold sweat: "If this woman wants to kill me, I'm afraid she just hit the head with a knife, and she has no desire to resist at all."

"This woman is so scary. It's a good thing he didn't target us." Mei Yi said: "Her sword skills can infinitely stimulate people's thirst for knowledge. This is something that cannot be refused at all. It is more powerful than all kinds of hypnotic hallucinations. Much more, because it is impossible for human beings to refuse their desire for knowledge, otherwise they are no different from animals. In this way, it is impossible to accept or not to accept. This woman has grasped the most beautiful things in the structure of human consciousness, and the most Beautiful things are often highly poisonous. This woman's cultivation has nothing to do with the world, but directly points to people's hearts."

"I don't know if Su Jie can handle it." Zhao Yan said: "I suspect that this girl can compete with new humans. Although she is not a new human, she will evolve at any time. I am far behind her."

With Zhao Yan's character, to be able to say something that is far from it is to really express his fear of this woman.

As soon as the woman drew out the knife, he fell into it, and he didn't even have a chance to fight back.

This is already an irresistible "righteous law", not a sorcery.

Su Jie was not affected, but looked at Kagura Wu with a very dignified expression.

This woman's strength is indeed amazing, and she should not be the way of the world.

"It seems that one cannot underestimate the heroes of the world at all times." Su Jie thought.


Kagura Wu waved his sword again: "The three swords I mentioned were realized by myself. The first sword is a perfect coincidence!"

While speaking, Kagura Wu had already slashed over. This slash was very clean and neat, cutting off all ingenious changes, all dodging and ingenious moves, all were cut off within this slash.

There are no thieves and thieves


It means that if all the people in the world get rid of their skills and benefits, then the thieves will disappear, and all the thieves who steal the hook and the thieves who steal the country will also disappear completely.

This is the idea in Tao Te Ching. Restoring innocence, people in the world can gain real leisure.

Kagura Wu used this trick in the sword technique, which has a taste of breaking wrong views in Zen Buddhism. However, it is more grand, it is to directly command the people of the world, and it is to spread a kind of value.

Under one strike, all of Su Jie's kung fu changes seemed useless.

It's not even possible to dodge.

If, at this time, Su Jie can use his spiritual realm, he can defeat Kagura Wu's sword technique in one fell swoop, or he also has a sword in his hand, so he can also resist.

But now, unarmed and unable to use the realm, it is already at the end of its rope.

Of course, Su Jie will definitely not fail to catch it with a single blow.

Under this "ingenious" knife, his body flickered, all relying on his flesh and his own eyesight to continuously search for gaps, like a fish swimming in the waves of the sea, no matter how violent the tide is, this fish will keep shuttling back and forth , always bravely stand at the forefront.

All he used was ingenuity, an ingenious skill that reached the limit and reached the limit.

Originally, Kagura Dance used "extreme skill", with the help of the power of the Tao Te Ching, to cut off the changes in the world's ingenuity. However, Su Jie just used ingenuity to practice the art of ingenuity to the realm of stealing the sky and changing the sun.

In this world, as long as it is a clever thing. If you have reached the extreme, you can even steal the sky, what else can you not do?

The knife was rolling like a landslide and a tsunami, but no matter how fierce the tide was, it couldn't drown the fish in the sea, but made the fish happier.

The knife light erupted from the beginning to the end, Su Jie was still flickering and moving, the knife didn't touch him at all.

"You are too strong." Kagura Dance stopped: "My knife is so clever that it can be said to be the most skillful thing to cut off the world, but you are using the most coincidental to break my perfect skill. It seems that I am the most The tricks are not well practiced."

"There are still two swords." Su Jie said with a smile: "You have to grasp it well. If I guessed correctly, the second sword is utterly benevolent. Absolute sage. Absolute sage abandons wisdom, and the people benefit a hundred times. You want to make the world unsacred. The world is ignorant. This is definitely not something that people can grasp. If you don’t use it well, you may be backlashed .”

"Then don't worry about it, Mr. Sujie." Kagura Wu said: "Actually, since I realized these three swords myself, I have never met an opponent, nor have I met anyone who can follow me. You are the first person, and you use extreme skill to defeat extreme skill, which has greatly improved my martial arts cultivation. I suspect that if this continues, you will show all your wisdom in front of me. Aren't you afraid that after I gain enlightenment, I will directly break through and reach the realm of new human beings?"

"Then you can break through. This is what you originally meant. You made this suggestion, asking me to seal the spirit and fight you empty-handed. You are treating me as a whetstone and want me to guide you in your sword skills." Insufficient, I believe that just this moment has caused your consciousness to undergo an earth-shaking change, you are using me, even though I know it, I have to be used by you."

Su Jie had already seen through Kagura Wu's thoughts.

(end of this chapter)

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