Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Six hundred and eighty-one self-brain supplements, wonderful works, 3 views are man-made

"So, his cultivation method is actually more pure than ours, is it correct?" Tang Yun asked.

"That's right." Su Jie said: "Temporarily, it proves that his psychological involvement in the drama is deeper, and his practice is indeed much faster. However, this is not absolute. It depends on how he enters the drama and what type of worldview he constructs. In fact, it is also a way of practice. It also has a certain connection with humanistic thoughts. For example, the virtual consciousness that Duan Fei experienced is combined with the legends of immortals, demons and ghosts spread by our folks. This kind of consciousness is actually rooted in history. Yes, our mythology, the Heavenly Court, the Jade Emperor, the Underworld, etc., have actually been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the thoughts and behaviors formed are actually in the air."

"Is his behavior of devotion combined with this trend of thought, so he cultivated so quickly?" Tang Yun signed.

"That's right." Su Jie nodded: "Of course, he doesn't know these theories himself, but it doesn't hinder his strength. He is just a test product. Those who can experiment with him are not inferior to my coach. .”

Su Jie's coach is naturally Godmaker Ou Deli.

"Then what are our plans for Duan Fei now?" Zhang Jinchuan asked: "Originally, you wanted to observe him and see his evolutionary behavior. But now it seems that this son may be targeting us and has already attacked us. Defeating Feng Hengyi, the impact on our Diandao club is actually not very good, should we interfere."

"That's right, this kid is in City B, building connections everywhere, and he might threaten us in the future, and there is one more thing, since there is a mysterious organization behind him, it is very likely that this arrangement is aimed at us Yes." Tang Yun signed.

"Then you go out and let him retreat." Su Jie signed to Tang Yun: "This kid's strength is extremely strong, since Feng Hengyi is not even an opponent, then you are also worse, but I can let him Your spiritual realm has improved again, let him suffer a defeat, and see how his mentality develops. In fact, I am reluctant to temporarily destroy such an experimental product."

"Yes." Tang Yun didn't care if he signed, stood up and walked out.

At this time, Feng Hengyi was confronting Duan Fei.

"Okay." Tang Yun signed out: "Feng Hengyi, you go down first. Let me talk to him."

Feng Hengyi knew that Su Jie was behind him, so he didn't dare to say anything, so he could only step aside. He was also depressed, he didn't know where such a kid got out, and he suffered a lot.

Since fighting against Su Jie, nothing good has happened.

"Senior sister, you came out?" Duan Fei smiled: "You opened this Taoist club?"

"That's right, you came here today to spoil the situation." Tang Yun signed.


Duan Fei said: "I'm here to apply for a coach too. I don't know if my sister thinks I'm qualified enough?" "

"Oh? You're here to apply too?" Tang Yunzhu's eyes flashed: "Whether you are qualified enough, I want to give it a try. In this way, if you attack me, if you can pass my test, I will let you be here coach."

"Senior sister, you are not my opponent." Duan Fei looked at Tang Yun's signature: "I said, there is a huge flaw in your spiritual world, and this flaw is almost irreparable because of your wrong practice. And , senior sister, your strength is even worse than the one just now, do you want me to heal you? I practice immortality, and you practice mortal methods, and there are some things you can't understand."

Tang Yunzhi shook his head, remembering Su Jie's analysis of Duan Fei, this young man was too involved in the drama.

"Go ahead." Tang Yun signed.

"Well, since senior doesn't believe me, I have no choice but to convince you a little bit." Duan Fei didn't make a move, but said: "I, Duan Fei, are not used to attacking girls first, so you should do it, senior. "

Tang Yunzhu didn't say anything, took a breath, and immediately felt that he and Su Jie's consciousness communicated. Everything in front of him was very clear, and he could clearly feel the ins and outs of Duan Fei in front of him, and even his past and future. There are no secrets in the other party's spiritual world, just like a scroll, unfolding slowly.

Tang Yun's signature has never looked at a person so clearly.

From this point of view, Tang Yunzhi knew himself better than Duan Fei himself.

This is the eye of supreme wisdom.

A true eye.

"Is this the realm of Su Jie?" Tang Yun signed, "Su Jie's realm is really not at the same level as human beings, nor is it the algorithm of artificial intelligence. It seems to be another kind of intuition and algorithm." In combination, the algorithm of artificial intelligence is logical. But in Su Jie's realm, understanding a person is both logical and illogical."

However, these feelings are in an instant. At this moment, Tang Yunzhi feels that she is an omnipotent wise man. She can control her own chemical reactions at will, so that her explosive power, speed, and everything can be improved endlessly.


At this moment, Duan Fei seemed to feel something was wrong.

Because the Tang Yun in front of him is a completely different person, completely different from before, it seems that his spiritual realm has been improved a thousand times, in an instant, like a demon god, and in the dark, a greatness that he can't understand The power is combined, and the whole is no longer human.

"This woman is definitely not a human being, but a demon god..." Duan Fei suddenly let out a roar.

In his palm, he kept trembling, as if he was casting some magic seal.

However, at this moment, Tang Yunzhi stretched out his arm, and with a swish, the arm touched his chest.

Not to mention the extremely fast speed, and his spirit firmly blocked all changes of Duan Fei. Under Tang Yun's offensive, all of Duan Fei's resistance seemed to be disintegrated, and his defense was retreating steadily. He repeatedly urged some kind of secret method of subduing demons, but he still couldn't resist it.


After receiving Tang Yun's signature palm, Duan Fei took more than ten steps back to the door, and with a click, even the door burst.

However, he managed to stabilize himself in time and did not fall like Feng Hengyi.

"You..." Duan Fei's eyes suddenly brightened: "You have communicated with demons? Unexpectedly, in this world, there are people who can communicate with demons. Sister, you may be deeply infatuated. If you don't rescue them , I'm afraid it's too late to regret it. At that time, the whole person will be demonized."

"Really?" Tang Yunzhi smiled: "If you are willing to be a coach, I can still accept you."

"You take care of yourself." Duan Fei frowned, and immediately left here, as if he didn't want to stay for a second longer.

"You..." The girl who followed Duan Fei immediately chased after her.

Arriving outside, the girl grabbed Duan Fei: "Duan Fei, what's wrong with you? You won't be angry because your self-esteem was hurt because you lost to the senior sister. You are not such a person? If you can be a better The coach of the Dao Club, not to mention the salary, how many high-ranking people you can get in touch with. It will be of great benefit to your future development."

"Why would I be angry because of my failure?" Duan Fei smiled, and then his face became solemn: "Besides, this Tang Yun's sign has the power of a demon god. It's not a trivial matter, and I'm afraid something big will happen."

"Demon God?" The girl looked puzzled.

"If I told you that there are demons, gods, demons, immortals and ghosts in this world, would you believe it?" Duan Fei said.

"This..." The girl was puzzled for a moment, not knowing what she wanted to say, but she looked at Duan Fei and said, "I believe it! Because of you, there are many miracles, such as curing many intractable diseases , which itself cannot be explained by science.”

"That's right." Duan Fei said: "Actually, there are demon gods and monsters in this world, but they are all sealed away, so the world has been peaceful for so many years, but since ancient times, there have been endless legends about demons and gods. It’s not groundless. But now, the seal of the whole world has been loosened, many supernatural forces will gradually wake up, and there will be some unprecedented changes in the world. I have now confirmed that there is actually a devil’s power behind this Tao Club. Everything, and Tang Yun's lottery has been manipulated by the demon god. This demon god is extremely powerful, and I don't know the origin. I must check it out carefully, and then find a chance to completely suppress this demon god, lest he cause trouble world."

"Really?" The girl asked: "However, this Tao club suddenly rose, and then swept away. The rise is too fast, and there are many doubts about it. Then you are really a fairy. technique?"

"You can say that, but you must not be able to understand all this to the outside world." Duan Fei said: "Otherwise, there will be great danger."

"Yeah." The girl nodded.

Su Jie stood by the far window, watched all this, and shook his head.

Not to mention that the two are talking, even if it is what is in his heart, he knows it clearly.

"I'm a demon god?" Hearing this, a wry smile appeared on his face, or a playful smile.

"What's the matter?" Tang Yunzhu asked.

Su Jie recounted the conversation between Duan Fei and the girl.

Tang Yun signed, Zhang Jinchuan immediately looked at each other in blank dismay, and Zhao Yu was also a little dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

"There's nothing unusual about this." Mei Yi said: "The world view that people think is imposed on them by others, and after they get familiar with this world view, they will constantly produce their own brain supplement mechanism. Perfect this world view. Let’s take the novel A Dream of Red Mansions as an example, which is actually just a book. But later, the world of this novel was studied by many researchers, and they kept making up their minds, studying the details, and built a huge research system. In fact, the author himself didn’t think that much at all. Now Duan Fei’s situation is similar to this.”


{I will update a chapter today, because I need to sort out the plot carefully. So far, I plan to write 3 million words for this book, and now there are 2.1 million words, that is to say, there are still 900,000 words for the plot.

Everyone can also see that Su Jie has already stood at the top, but there is still a long way to go. He is not a superman, but his ideology is much stronger than ordinary people. I have already said this book, it is impossible that there will be a teleportation array suddenly appearing, and the characters of Xianxia appear, saying how the earth is so backward, and then the protagonist starts to cultivate immortality, so that you can write millions of words .

All the cultivation and evolution in this book are based on the most basic scientific laws, and the source must be found in physics, mechanics, and psychology, and it is something that many scientific laboratories are currently studying. For this reason, I also pay close attention to many scientific magazines all the time. For example, the latest news on gene editing, and what experiments scientists have done with mice.

In addition, some of the consciousness structures in this book have actually been put forward many years ago, and even Freud has already put forward his views, and I am just picking up the wisdom of others.

This book is not a cool article, but mainly expounds theories and principles. This book is not a commercial article. It can be said that this book is my thoughts on psychology, sports, life, and the future, which are presented in the form of novels. In life, we must constantly update our worldview. This book marks a renewal of my worldview.

Among them, the protagonist Su Jie, his lifestyle is actually the life I yearn for. He is able to strive for self-improvement, studying hard every day since he was a child, writing a diary, summarizing gains and losses, reminding himself all the time, and reflecting on himself three times a day. Being able to unite knowledge and action is something I can't do. Duan Fei, who was portrayed recently, actually has a deep prototype in it, and such people can be found everywhere in the real world.

Also, yesterday was the 13th anniversary of my writing. I wrote a memoir on the WeChat official account, summarizing my gains and losses in the past 13 years. I read it, and everyone left a message. Those who haven't read it can check it out. Of course, related to the work in this book, there is also this memoir.

In the new year, I hope that everyone, like Su Jie, will make a plan for this year, and then have strong execution ability to realize their plan. The best are the reading plan and the fitness plan. As long as everyone works a little bit every day, after a year, you will be reborn. }

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