Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Six hundred and eighty-two, the analysis is clear, the power behind the scenes is gradually revealed

"Actually, I also find it strange." Tang Yun signed: "Duan Fei was implanted with a unique world view since he was a child. He believed that there are monsters and ghosts in this world, and the person who implanted him did not care about his spirit. Hallucinations, maybe even pretending to be demons and ghosts, and fighting him. Just like Truman's world, his father, who was drowned when he was a child, is actually fake, but acting is the same as acting. However, Duan Now that Fei has stepped into the real world and experienced so many things, why does he still think that there are ghosts and goblins in the world? Will he not discover the truth?"

"That's why I want to talk about brain supplements." Mei Yi said: "There are several types of people in the world. One type of people knows the truth of the world and conflicts with his original world view, and he will regret it. Completely change his world view The other kind of people will collapse and fall into self-doubt. There is also a kind of people who firmly do not believe the truth of the matter and insist on defending it toughly, but in fact, deep in his heart, he has already begun to waver These three kinds of people are very common in the world. It can be said that 99% of the people in the world are like this. Perfect the structure of the whole world, make various assumptions, and overlap with the real world, forming a perfect ideal world."

"That's right, Duan Fei is this kind of person." Su Jie said: "Actually, he is more determined about the world in his consciousness than the group of people organized by the God of Death, who think that they are God of Death, But in fact, there is no god of death in the real world. If they realize the truth or break their understanding, they will collapse. But Duan Fei is not. Duan Fei will make up his own brain. For example, there are no gods in this world A monster, he would think that it was sealed..."

"In fact, this kind of person is at a higher level than the death organization." Mei Yi said: "Besides, you can't say that he is wrong. Because, in the eyes of scientists, this is actually a hypothesis. For example, in ancient times , Aristotle believed that the two iron balls had different masses and landed in different order. It was considered to be the truth for hundreds of years, no one doubted it, and no one even did experiments. It was finally discovered by Galileo at the Leaning Tower of Pisa The experiment above was broken. Two iron balls fell to the ground at the same time. This kind of worldview break is a very shocking thing. In fact, our current human worldview is constantly changing. Aristotle and others artificially We positioned the world view, which was broken by Galileo. Newton discovered a new world view, but was broken by Einstein. Hubble discovered that our universe is constantly expanding, and it is not static. These are broken again and again Our original acquaintance."

"In the future, will Duan Fei think the world is correct, but ours is wrong?" Tang Yunzhi suddenly had an idea: "Then we have become a joke instead?"

"There is also this possibility." Su Jie, as a scientist, doesn't care about these things: "Actually, our worldview is a step-by-step evolution of human science, and there is real logic to prove it. In fact, some people have begun to observe it. The earth is round, but there is one thing that has never been proved, that is, if it is a round ball, why people will not fall on it. It was not until the emergence of universal gravitation that this logic was finally solved, and the argument was perfect. At least, Our current worldview supports us with logical arguments. If someone can make a more logical argument that there are gods and demons in this world, I can accept it.

Science is like that. In the current quantum physics, some people try to prove that the whole world is illusory. If there is a strong logic, I can accept it. "

Su Jie spoke eloquently, showing the spirit that a scientist should have.

When Tang Yun signed it, he couldn't help admiring it.

"Now Duan Fei really regards me as some kind of demon god, and it is useless to explain to him, because he will make up his own mind and only believe in his own world." Su Jie said: "However, let him be like this , no matter how strong he is, he can't affect us."

"You said that with his world view, is it possible for him to become a new human?" Zhao Yan asked.

"It's possible, because of the matter of consciousness and our current worldview, we don't want to do it. According to theory, even a lunatic who lives completely in his own world has a chance to evolve into a new human being. It may even be more likely than ordinary people. Higher." Su Jie said: "Because the lunatic's self-spiritual world actually lacks many obstacles in reality, if a person indulges in the real world for a long time, it will weaken his ability to discover new things instead."

"Obsessed in the real world..." Zhao Yu said, "This word sounds a bit awkward to me."

"In fact, the real world is too restrictive." Su Jie said: "Many accomplished scientists are actually unable to take care of themselves in life. That's because they are addicted to their own scientific world and can burst out with infinite inspiration. If they were to be distracted by trivial things in the real world, they would never be able to achieve such great achievements. In fact, the mysterious force behind Duan Fei is extremely powerful in itself, and they will never do useless work. Fei’s experiments made Duan Fei’s strength improve rapidly after entering this state. This is also a way to cultivate superhumans.”

"That's right, this is actually a kind of virtual reality technology." Mei Yi said: "In Tifeng, there is also a virtual reality VR training room. Through this training room, people's skills will be improved many times. For example, I once went to You have trained in the training room for fighting zombies. When you enter it, many zombies attack you. You kill them one by one, just like the real one. Even when they jump on you, there is still pain. Training like this for an hour, It is more effective than a month of real fighting in the ring."

"The VR training room still feels pain? What kind of advanced technology is this?" Zhao Yu said: "We also have a VR training room, which simulates special forces from various countries fighting us in various places, but there is no pain."

"Tifeng's technology is naturally much more sophisticated. It is to implant a chip in the body, and the chip releases an electric current to simulate the stimulation of pain." Mei Yi said: "This is currently the most advanced virtual reality training technology in the world."

"That's right." Su Jie said: "Actually, the integration of virtual reality technology into training, to a certain extent, is not inferior to real fighting in terms of human growth, and even some training is even better than that in reality. In many novels, it is said that there are virtual games, people wear helmets, or game cabins, and consciousness enters into it and begins to exercise. In fact, this is the story of Huangliang Yimeng in ancient times. My technology, Now it is also possible to directly pull the consciousness of others into the virtual scene, but this kind of technology has not yet been realized on machine equipment. If it can be realized, the evolution of human beings will enter a new field."

"By the way, are we going to find some secrets based on the old Taoist priest behind Duan Fei?" Mei Yi said: "If we catch that old Taoist priest, it is very likely that we will get many clues about the forces behind him. At least , The organization that created people like Duan Fei will study more deeply than us in terms of consciousness structure."

"This old Taoist is also a fake." Su Jie said: "It is very likely that it is a disguise, but I haven't traced the deeper power from my consciousness yet."

What Su Jie meant was that although he could see all the scenes in Duan Fei's consciousness, he couldn't go deep into it again, investigate the truth and falsehood, and go to Duan Fei's consciousness to investigate the case. This is beyond what he can accomplish.

This also shows that Su Jie's own realm still has a lot of flaws.

The use of his consciousness, the technical level, is still relatively superficial. He seems to be Watt who has just completed the improvement of the steam engine, followed by a more advanced internal combustion engine. And further back, there is an electric motor.

The energy utilization efficiency of the steam engine is only 15%, while the utilization rate of the internal combustion engine is more than 30%. The electric motor is more than 50%.

Su Jie's skill in using consciousness is actually at the level of a steam engine.

And the mysterious organization behind Duan Fei and "No. 1" may have reached the level of an internal combustion engine.

As for the Shenyue people, it may still be a horse-drawn cart.

The same energy, but different utilization efficiency, civilization is a huge leap and progress.

The same is consciousness, the efficiency and skill of movement are more advanced, and it is even the difference between human beings and "gods".

"No matter what, we can still go back to the root and find that old Taoist priest. You said that this person's strength is not inferior to that of Odeli. Besides Typhon, is there such a powerful person in this world?" Zhao Jie said.

In fact, Zhao Yan knew that among the current new human beings, if one were to really count, only three people could be considered to have truly mastered the primary power of the new human beings, and that was the chieftain Tifeng, Su Jie, and Ou Deli. As for the "No. 1" Shenyue people, they don't actually count. Although they have resources in this area, they don't know how to use them at all.

The analogy is that a country has a nuclear bomb, but it does not have the power to launch the nuclear bomb on other people's land. It can only detonate it on the spot and blow itself up. This is actually useless.

Only a country that can instantly launch a nuclear bomb to any place in the world can be considered a superpower.

"There should be." Su Jie nodded: "Originally, I didn't think that there was technology that would surpass Tifeng, but now it seems that Tifeng is also a product of an organization's manipulation, and the organization behind that is the truly terrible. Don't look for it." I'm still a little uneasy about letting them out. At least, we need to know what their plans are."

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