Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 705 Drug costs, the distance between man and God is getting closer


"Your mentor's point of view is very interesting." Su Jie became interested. "It seems that his research on consciousness is also very profound. I wonder where he is now?"

"My mentor is indeed very good, and he is also the founder of a spiritual research society. He has a profound research on consciousness. In fact, I got my life science enlightenment from there. But later, my mentor I just disappeared, and I used Tifeng’s information to search, but I didn’t find any clues.” Mei Yi said: “Now it seems that it is very likely that he was also arrested by this mysterious organization?”

"I don't agree with his point of view." Su Jie said: "Actually, there are two types of evolution, one is jumping. However, I don't think our human consciousness comes from outer space, I think , Our own information was born on the earth. Due to some special geographical reasons, the earth formed a special information in a certain period of time. This information entered into the babies born by the apes, making these babies have It surpasses the wisdom of other creatures. This is the theory of geographical consciousness, which can explain why the explosion of life in the Cambrian period should also be the fundamental geographical change of the earth, forming a large amount of information, which entered the The descendants of many organisms have accelerated their evolution, otherwise it is not enough to explain why the earth has very little life in the long epoch, but in the Cambrian era, suddenly countless lives burst out."

"So, the geopsychological information consciousness you study is actually the key point that can reveal the secret of human evolution?" Mei Yi said.

"That's right." Su Jie said: "Actually, geographical changes can cause fundamental changes in information, and information is attracted by life and enters it, taking control of the original life. In fact, theoretically speaking, Our consciousness is advanced consciousness, and the consciousness produced by the body is primitive consciousness, so our practice is to overcome the primitive instinct of the body and strengthen the control of the body, no matter which civilization practice is the same, Tao, Buddha, yoga, and even the practice of various religions are all based on this basic theory.”

"Isn't it a bit cruel for us to practice now to destroy the original primitive consciousness of the body." Mei Yi said.

"There is no way." Su Jie sighed: "This is the reason why I just sighed. However, survival itself is such a cruel thing. We are now high-level intelligent life, and the original instinct consciousness of the body is a low-level intelligent life. If it has the upper hand, then we will degenerate to the same level as animals, human beings have no advanced intelligence, only primitive instincts are left, that is beasts.”

"We are fighting with the beasts in our bodies." Mei Yi said: "Actually, ninety-nine percent of people in this world are unable to overcome the consciousness of primitive instinct, even new humans, because the body is stronger. The original consciousness will also increase. Moreover, with the increase of consciousness, in fact, relative to our own genes, the resistance will become stronger and stronger. I wonder if you have discovered this point?"

"Of course I found this out,

Now my body's own genes are actually resisting my consciousness all the time. My body will release many chemical reactions to strengthen the original instinct. "Su Jie said: "Actually, the original genetic structure of the human body is not for how to become stronger, but for better reproduction. Our genes are good for reproduction, not good for practice. In nature, there is a rule that the stronger the animal, the more difficult it is to reproduce, and the weaker it is, the easier it is to reproduce. This is actually a cause and effect, or a bondage. Therefore, people who practiced in ancient times had to cut off human desire, or the instinct of reproduction. In fact, there is such a truth in it. "

"That means, the stronger our practice is, the lower the possibility of successful reproduction? But according to the logic, if the species is too strong and has a strong reproductive ability, it will cause huge destruction to the entire living environment, and eventually cause The destruction of the entire ecological chain." Mei Yi said: "Since this is the case, if human beings want to evolve and become new human beings in a later era, it means that the ethnic group is extremely shrinking and eventually leads to extinction?"

"That's right, this is the law of cause and effect." Su Jie said: "It can also be said that geographical space restricts consciousness and genes. In fact, the earth we live on also has self-consciousness, but its way of consciousness, not What we can understand. I am now studying how to break this law of cause and effect. Otherwise, the future of mankind will be strong enough to a certain extent, and it will indeed fall into the trap of reproduction. But this kind of thing can definitely be broken. Because, this It is the constraints of space and geography on human genes and consciousness. In fact, this mysterious organization has already begun to think about this issue. Some of the characteristics of these drugs are to suppress the body's original instinct consciousness, and some are to balance the body's original instinct The contradiction and conflict between self-awareness and self-awareness make primitive instinct a part of self-awareness, such as one of these drugs, which enhances fertility."

"I know it too, but the principle is still not very clear. You should see it more thoroughly." Mei Yi said: "In these days of research, your scientific research level has surpassed mine."

"It's just surpassed you in a certain aspect." Su Jie said: "Yes, Xiao Jie. Have you broken through the defense system of that mysterious organization? Although they communicate with consciousness and basically do not have any communication equipment, but The people who fund them still need to document their research."

"Their defense system is very strong, and it cannot be breached in a short time. Of course, it is also a matter of time." Xiaojie said: "However, they seem to know that I am attacking them, and they are about to counterattack me. It seems that they are using various means to gather artificial intelligence experts and hunt me down on the Internet. It's interesting."

Xiaojie seems to have encountered various pursuits during his research these days.

Su Jie doesn't know how cruel the battle in the network is, but it can be seen that Xiao Jie has gone through fierce battles, but he is still able to do a job with ease, and is still evolving. The mysterious organization can't do anything to it, even is at an absolute disadvantage.

The mysterious organization is now unable to attack them even Su Jie, and even their comprehensive strength is higher than Su Jie, but they can't help Xiao Jie at all.

In other words, Xiao Jie actually shared a lot of pressure for Su Jie. But it also put Su Jie in a dangerous situation.

Because, Xiaojie was created by Su Muchen. And Su Muchen is Su Jie's older sister. In this way, that mysterious organization will pay more attention to Su Muchen, and must arrest him and enter his own organization. In this way, the pressure on Su Jie will be enormous.

Of course, Su Jie had anticipated this matter long ago and prepared for the worst.

Before again, he needs Su Shilin to contact Mr. Tifeng, hoping to have a good talk with this mysterious person.

The current Su Jie is completely on an equal footing with Mr. Tifeng, no matter in terms of realm, physical ability, or all aspects, he is not inferior in the slightest, and Su Jie has an advantage, that is, he is young.

Youth is the greatest advantage.

"We have analyzed the basic properties of these drugs, and now we can start small-scale production. However, even according to the lowest production requirements, the production cost of this drug far exceeds that of gold." Mei Yidao : "According to the standard, the cost of producing these drugs, each gram, is equivalent to ten kilograms of gold."

"Ten kilograms of gold is about three million yuan, which doesn't seem very expensive." Su Jie said, "Of course, this thing is the most original cost. If it is sold, it will definitely lose money if the price is multiplied by ten. But This thing is still cheaper than elemental californium, the cost value of elemental californium is about 30 million US dollars per gram.”

"It's actually not expensive for many powerful people, but for ordinary people, there is nothing they can do." Mei Yi sighed: "Hey...anytime, the things born by high technology, the first Those who can enjoy the time must be the rich and powerful. Ordinary people will never have the opportunity, and in the future, the most advanced will definitely be the rich and powerful.”

"No, scientists are the first to enjoy it." Su Jie said: "For example, we are the first to be able to obtain these drugs. In fact, Duan Fei does not know how to use these drugs in combination. He uses the most primitive method. The method. The mysterious institution did not fully tell him the properties and uses of these drugs, but only told him that they were fairy medicines. He had no idea what the chemical ingredients were. It is true that the ignorant are fearless."

"I don't know whether this person's future fate will be a tragedy or a comedy. I want to see the day when his world view is shattered, and he realizes the truth of the matter, knowing that all his energy and everything are being manipulated. What will happen then?" , What kind of thing happened? Is it a complete collapse, a crash, a madness, or repentance and become a real master." Mei Yi said.

"I don't know either, so I'm observing him." Su Jie said: "Of course, there is also a third possibility, that is, he will never wake up and sink deeper and deeper. Waiting for the world to finally change into what he imagined, Or to transform the world according to his spiritual world. Sun Pilong said that in the future world, it may not be like that. Some of them will become gods, and science can accelerate the evolution of animals and plants. Sun Pilong said, This is just a deduction of the future world, so that Duan Fei can adapt to it in advance. In fact, what he said also has a certain truth."u


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