Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

706 Physiological changes unprecedentedly powerful

"No one knows how far science and technology will develop in the next few hundred years." Mei Yi said: "Whether it is survival or destruction, or entering the interstellar era, we don't know. We are not very good at aerospace technology. I don't know where it is now."

"For the time being, the interstellar era is still very far away." Su Jie said: "At present, we still focus on the research of life sciences. My prediction is that in the next fifty years, it will be the era of artificial intelligence, and after this era passes, It is the era of life sciences. At that time, human adaptability was greatly enhanced, and the power of machinery began to be combined with life, so that space navigation could be truly carried out and step into the interstellar era. In fact, it is a pity that human beings cannot step into the starry sky now. It’s just that the body is too fragile, and the ability to adapt is too poor. Even if we new humans, don’t look at the consciousness that is already miraculous, hypnotize others at will, the body can almost lift a thousand catties, run faster than a horse, and have more endurance than a pack of wolves. But if this kind of physique wants to immigrate to outer space, there is basically no chance of survival. The low temperature and hypoxia will kill us. Only when this problem is solved, can we go to outer space.”

"To meet the conditions for survival in outer space, how strong should our bodies be?" Mei Yi said: "In some places, even steel can be vaporized in an instant."

"Yes, so we may have to take another path, which is to give up the body and exist purely from the perspective of consciousness information, and then when necessary, we can also return to a flesh and blood body or a mechanical body. This is actually the most perfect Yes." Su Jie said.

"That's impossible. It's like the ancient primordial spirit coming out of the body and existing alone." Mei Yi said: "Although now, through cultivation, we can diverge our consciousness, perceive away from the body, and explore from a long distance, but in fact it is It’s just another radar. It’s absolutely impossible to leave the essence.”

"Actually, we have a theoretical basis and a practical basis." Su Jie said.

"Where is it?" Mei Yi asked.

"Little Jie is the basis of reality." Su Jie said: "Look, its current dialogue, calculation, wisdom, thinking, and ideas are already similar to human beings. It itself is a combination of information and a special code structure. It’s just that it can break away from one computer and reach another computer. Is this equivalent to the capture and reincarnation of the human soul’s consciousness structure? Moreover, in the process of it going from one computer to another , the essence has not changed, the small robbery is still the same small robbery, the information structure code has not changed, using it as an example, I think the information structure of human consciousness can be transferred. In fact, this is also one of many head replacement operations basic theory."

"This is much more complicated than head replacement surgery." Mei Yi said.

"That's right. In theory, head replacement surgery can be successful. There are two major problems. One is the nerve connection, and the other is rejection. After all, when a person's head is transplanted to another body, the rejection is very severe. Drugs are needed. to suppress.

However, some of these new drugs now have this effect. Su Jie said: "People's consciousness is in the head, this is indisputable." I originally thought that human consciousness is a series of information fluctuations automatically generated by the activation of bioelectricity in the brain. But later I found out that I was wrong. It was just the instinctive consciousness of the human body. The real self-consciousness is in another area. However, it is also closely related to the brain, or relies on the brain to display. If the brain cannot provide a display, it will create a gap with the real world. This is actually related to ancient legends, people become ghosts after death, ghosts

Normal people can't see the same. "

"You mean, after the death of the human brain, the information is still there, but it cannot communicate with the real world. It is like a computer without a monitor, but in fact, the internal hard disk is still running." Mei Yi understands Su Jie very well. statement.

The two conduct research discussions on a daily basis.

The fire of thinking is flickering in this discussion again and again, thus illuminating the truth of science.

The next thing is very orderly.

Mei Yi went to mass-produce these medicines, of course, it was a kind of miniaturized mass production, while Su Jie analyzed how these medicines were used in combination to produce the greatest effect on the human body, and used the principles of these medicines to manufacture more advanced medicines. Drug.

Mei Yi quickly settled the small-scale mass production of these drugs. His status is very high, and he can directly go to Datian Ting. Moreover, this time, Su Jie obtained the latest drugs and analyzed these structures. Consolidation has great benefits.

After he returned to China, in less than a year, he has achieved such a huge result, and he will be impressed. If he can't make any achievements after a long time, the pressure is actually huge.

With the help of Xiao Jie, Su Jie simulated the reaction of drugs to the human body, and it didn't take long before he experimented with these drugs on himself.

He has the strong qualities of a scientist, using himself as an experiment, he can feel the data at the first time, and can make the best test for drugs, especially these drugs, many of which are things that suppress his own instincts, and only Su Only the consciousness of Jie can make accurate analysis.

In another full month, Su Jie's research basically came to an end.

When he came out of the laboratory, his whole body completely appeared in a state of incomparably full energy.

In fact, he used these medicines to recast his body.

It can be said that he has carried out a transformation that is more powerful than the transformation of the Water of Life project.

These drugs are actually an upgraded version of the Water of Life project.

At present, there are only Mr. Tifeng, Su Shilin, and Mei Yi in Tifeng's water of life project renovation. Odley did not carry out the transformation of the water for life project.

Of course, neither did Su Jie.

However, now that Su Jie is experimenting with these drugs on himself, it is actually tantamount to making a more advanced transformation than the Water of Life project.

After Su Shilin did it once, a person who is almost fifty years old now has the same body function as when he was in his early twenties, which is when he is at his most vigorous.

As for Su Jie, he was very young.

He feels that his body is in many states, as if he has returned to his infancy, everything is so fresh, beautiful, and has infinite possibilities.

From a certain theory, Su Jie's current body is almost a "giant baby". Of course, the word "giant baby" is not a good word on the Internet, but Su Jie is now a baby in the biological sense. Physical fitness has reached the point of "returning to children".

In ancient practice, there is the theory of rejuvenation, but it is actually about the transformation of temperament. Old people have a sense of aging, while babies have a kind of refreshing vitality.


And Su Jie is not this kind of temperament transformation, but a pure physiological cell structure change.

In fact, he has cultivated this kind of temperament a long time ago, and he doesn't need medicine to change it. The state of innate infants can be fully reached when he is in the state of the living dead.

But it is not an easy task to really get physiological cell vitality, increase the number of divisions, and reduce the speed of death.

Moreover, generally speaking, if the chemical reaction of the human body is too violent, the speed of cell death will be accelerated. Anger makes the chemical reaction of the whole body feel like cooking oil in a fire, which is actually a kind of destructive behavior to lifespan.

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, there is also a saying that anger damages Yangshou for three years.

Therefore, there is a quick way to practice kung fu to speed up chemical reactions in the body, but it is based on accelerating cell aging, just like a lamp, if it is made brighter, it will consume more fuel and burn for a shorter time.

But now that Su Jie has passed these drugs, he found a problem, that is, after taking these drugs, after a violent chemical reaction, the speed of cell aging will not be reduced, and the original speed will be maintained.

This is equivalent to adding oil to a lamp.

And, that’s not to mention, some of the medicines can even change the wick of the Lamp of Life to thicker and longer ones, and even expand the capacity of the lamp itself to accommodate more lamp oil. Even adding some stronger fuel to the lamp oil makes the lamp itself burn more violently, brighter and longer.

In a word, Su Jie found that his explosive power has become stronger, his body is more flexible to use, and his service life has greatly increased.

According to Xiao Jie's calculations, Su Jie's current body can be used for at least 150 years.

In other words, if there were no accidents, Su Jie could theoretically live to be over one hundred and fifty years old.

Of course, this is the theoretical lifespan of the body, and human consciousness still has a lifespan.

For example, the old man of the Zhang family lived to be 118 years old, and his health was still very good. The doctor's examination showed no problems.

Therefore, Su Jie can't actually live that long. Although his current consciousness is much stronger than that of ordinary people, the fundamental structure has not changed.

If there were no accidents, Su Jie would probably die without a problem after a hundred years.

This is a threshold that cannot be crossed.

Of course, in a hundred years, if Su Jie can break through his consciousness structure, his lifespan will definitely be greatly increased.

In fact, he has now touched some thresholds that can increase his lifespan.

In his research, it is actually not very unusual for human beings to be sad for a hundred years.

Su Jie felt that he was about to break some life problems that human beings have been difficult to solve since ancient times, but he still couldn't leap over this difficulty in front of him.

Therefore, he needs to have an in-depth exchange with the world's top wise man, and this person is "Mr. Typhon".

. Nine Heavens Emperor


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