Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Seven hundred and forty-seven, the black hand reappears, this is the moment I've been waiting f

With one blow, the straw hat shattered.

The farmer showed his real appearance, he was actually a young man, this young man was very handsome, every feature on his face was well developed, when he saw his face, the first word was "naturally formed", without any The place that can be carved, it seems that the appearance of a person should be so long, this is the standard appearance of human beings in the future.

In the future, if human beings want to pursue perfection, if they don't look like this, they will have flaws.

This young man represents the direction and standard of future evolution.

He is the standard.

But now, there was a lot of surprise in his eyes.

Because Kagura Mai's sword technique has completely exceeded his expectations.

With this slash, all information, spiritual will, hallucinations, worldview, and even the energy of various brain blessing radiations were completely destroyed.

In his perception, Kagura Mai itself is not terrible, but her samurai sword is terrible.

In the depths of the samurai sword, there seems to be a soul, which is very pure. It was terribly sharp, and if the soul of this samurai sword was released, it would be able to cause great harm to him.

"You think you are a god, but I want to see if my sword can kill a god." Kagura Wu said: "On my sword, what is forged is the Tao Te Ching, and there is a sentence in the Tao Te Ching, 'With Dao leads to the world, its ghosts are not gods', I have the Dao, and you gods and ghosts can’t be blamed. Today I just realized the mystery of the sword, and you came just in time, so I can take your sacrificial sword.”

Kagura Wu didn't care at all about the mysterious organization or not, and didn't care how powerful the other party was, so he started attacking directly.

In a way, this woman is also a hardliner, with a personality similar to that of Shiva's young man.

While speaking, Kagura Mai swept out again.

This knife is still the knife technique used to fight against Su Jie.

She has three tricks, "extremely clever", "extremely benevolent" and "extremely holy".

Under the three swords, the Dao appeared.

The first knife smashed the man's straw hat, using "Jueqiao", but now this knife is "Jueren". At this moment, compared with before, Kagura Wu's sword technique has improved by dozens of times A grade, the sound of knives roaring, grabbing people's minds,

Human consciousness itself seems to be cut open by a knife.

It is the human heart, the soul, the primordial spirit, fate, cause and effect, chance, and wisdom that are cut.

The knife can cut many invisible things.

Her spirit, injected into the knife, and then released through the knife, is more pure, vast, sharp, and fierce than releasing it by itself.

The knife has become a diffuser of spiritual energy information consciousness, with infinite power.

At this time, it is the role of the knife.

If the fighting consciousness is emitted by itself, it will be bound and interfered by many emotions in the body, and its power, precision, and penetrating power will be greatly reduced, but it is different when it is radiated through the knife.

The entire hall was once again covered by the light of the sword.

The mountain of knives, the forest of knives, the world of knives.

The whole world has become a world of knives.

The idea of ​​the knife method spreads around, and in an instant, people seem to have a feeling that their souls have been cut to pieces.

The young man from the mysterious organization seemed to be unable to resist, and with a movement of his body, he went out of the hall.

Outside the hall, he has a hoe in his hand. This hoe is very sharp. It is a pickaxe.

It is all iron, seamless, and very heavy.

But in the hands of this young man, it was as easy as straw.

Move the hoe, dig together, clang!

It actually resisted the Kagura dance who came out from the palace.

Su Jie was watching in the hall, and moved slightly, because the young man's method of hoeing and the way of weapons are actually very similar to his hoe, and come from the same vein.

This young man is very powerful, but he is still inferior to Sun Pilong, and he is not maintained by drugs, but really young. Su Jie has already seen that this young man is no more than thirty years old.

With Su Jie's vision, he can now directly see the age of a person, and even if he spends his energy, he can guess how long this person's lifespan will be.

This is an extremely keen sense of smell and intuition.

However, no matter whether it is Kagura Wu, this young man, Sun Pilong, or King Yama, in the eyes of Su Jie, they are all playing tricks with children.

Su Jie's strength, as well as his spiritual realm, have reached a truly unpredictable realm after so many comprehensions.

That's why Kagura Wu feels that people climb mountains, the mountains grow taller, and they can never catch up.

He observed here and discovered that the mysterious organization collected new humans, not only some old people, but also young people were joining them.

The realm of new human beings, even the current Su Jie, actually knows that this is a peak of human evolution, which is hard to come by, and only when the right time, place and people cooperate with the three, and undergo various mutations, can a breakthrough be achieved.

However, with a population close to 10 billion in the world, coupled with the cultivation and experimentation of this mysterious institution, and the spreading of seeds, every year, there will always be some people who have hope.

For example, Duan Fei, if he hadn't met Su Jie, he would have become a new human being and a member of a mysterious organization.

In fact, Duan Fei was fused with each other to form his own thoughts after being destroyed by Su Jie. At that time, Duan Fei had already become a new human being, but he was obsessed with his obsession, and he still wanted to fight against Su Jie. Su Jie knocked him down directly. Become a mortal, and in this way, everything before will be turned into a dream.

At this moment, Kagura Mai was fighting with young people, one with a samurai sword and the other with a hoe, which was very similar to the former Japanese samurai class suppressing peasant uprisings.

During the battle between the two, figures flickered. Although it was Kagura Mai who was pressing down on the young man, the young man was so resilient that he guarded the door tightly so that Kagura Mai could not invade.

Now the two are fighting with their bodies instead of their consciousness. This way, it is more dangerous. Once they fail, their bodies will be killed.


All of a sudden, Kagura Wu's sword technique became more powerful, as if it had completely exploded, and the light of the sword reflected the sun, shining brilliantly.

In an instant, the knife glow seemed to form a net, cut downwards, and once it was covered, people in it would immediately be cut into countless pieces of minced meat.

However, with a sudden strike and digging with the young man's pickaxe, it just happened to dig into a weak spot in the net of the day, and immediately tore the knife net.

Then, the young man launched a counterattack, his feet slipped, as if he was stepping on the wet mud, or riding a sled, crisscrossing the snow.

Under his feet, there is an invisible skateboard.

The pickaxe in his hand knocked everywhere, but each hit hit the weakest link of Kagura Dance's sword technique.

Although Kagura Mai had the upper hand, she just couldn't completely kill the young man.

, can't even defeat it.

The resilience of this young man is really too strong.

"Unexpectedly, this person is actually so good at defending." Kagura Wu couldn't attack for a long time, and deep down in his heart, he admired the young man's defensive skills.

However, the more this is the case, the more it can arouse Kagura Mai's murderous intentions.


In the depths of her heart, a surge of turbulent thoughts poured into the blade, and the blade actually made a long cry again, which was very clear and sweet, as if it was the roar of a dragon and a tiger, and the dragon and tiger were sealed inside.


The sharpness of the knife reappeared, and the sharpness was improved to a higher level. The air was cut, like waves, clearly separated from both sides.

cleave through the waves.

Open the sea and break the river.

With just this knife, the young man's pickaxe actually broke in the middle, and then the pickaxe was chopped off.

And Kagura Mai's sword didn't have the slightest gap.

I don't even know how she did it.

This time, the young man lost his weapon and was completely defeated.

Even if it is a new human being, one has no weapons and the other has weapons, the gap between the two is still huge, not to mention that Kagura Wu has merged human and sword into one, and there is no difference between sword and human.


This time Kagura Wu completely won the move, but she had to be unforgiving, and suddenly slashed out again, wanting to kill the young man alive.

She is not Su Jie, she clicks everywhere, leaving room for it.

She was ruthless and merciless, and she knew that this young man was from that mysterious organization. He came to her this time to arrest her and go back. Moreover, he was also the person in charge of the Japanese region. The so-called one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. The existence of people is definitely a huge threat to her future, and she cannot let it go.

Did she know that after reaching the current state of practice, there will be absolutely no effect. What about reforming the evil and returning to the righteous? Today's opportunity, cut the weeds and eradicate the roots.

If this young man is allowed to escape, I'm afraid there won't be such a good chance next time.

In the first confrontation, the other party didn't know his details. When the other party took precautions next time, I might be at a disadvantage. After all, the other party was not just a person, but the most mysterious and powerful organization in the world. Su Jie wants to join forces with Tifeng Group.

The knife light fell again.

There was no escape for the young man.

But at this moment, Kagura Wu suddenly felt his eyes go dark.

All consciousness and movements are blocked by this darkness.

Kagura Wu seemed to see a big black hand in a trance, covering the sky and covering the sun, ignoring all her perception and distorting the depths of her consciousness, making her unable to control her body anymore. Even this big black hand seemed to be He knocked himself down into the dark abyss.

Deep down in her heart, although she is not panicked, she is also extremely afraid. She wants to get rid of this black hand behind the scenes, but no matter how she works, how she communicates with the outside world's Tao Te Ching and humanistic thoughts, or even communicates with the earth's energy, it will not help.

This black hand behind the scenes seems to be able to turn things around, destiny, future, past, all inertia, he can interfere.

This is the invisible hand in the process of the world running.

"It appeared again, very good." At this time, Su Jie stood up in the hall.

(end of this chapter)

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