Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Seven hundred and forty eighth, join the camp


Just when Su Jie stood up, Kagura Wu felt that all her senses had been blinded by the black hands covering the sky and the sun, but in the depths of her consciousness, a lamp, or a torch, or a star appeared The fire illuminated her, as if it made her see hope and light.

Later, there were more and more torches and lamps. It seems that in ancient times, many people, many sages, overcame obstacles, held torches and lanterns, leading people out of ignorance and into modern times.

Su Jie was also among them.

Su Jie is holding a lantern and gradually moving forward. In the process of walking, it seems that he has traveled through history. With the passage of time and years, countless people and countless sages are carrying lanterns and lighting torches. , joined the team.

The flames grew stronger and stronger.

Throughout the ages, there has always been a group of people, when destiny ruthlessly spurs mankind, and when darkness falls, this group of people will burn themselves, radiate light and heat, bring warmth to human beings, and dispel the darkness. Lead mankind to the right path.

Su Jie is the best among this group of people.

Su Jie and countless people walked up to Kagura Wu.

Many people rolled forward without stopping, but Su Jie stopped, handed the lantern in his hand to Kagura Wu, and said two words: "Let's go."

Kagura Mai hesitated for a moment, but took the lantern anyway.

Because, she couldn't do it, she felt the dense darkness outside, and she had to keep up with the team to keep moving forward. If she stayed where she was, she would be swallowed by the darkness.

The moment she took the lantern, she only felt that she had integrated into this group of teams.

In an instant, countless ideas came one after another. These ideas came from the thoughts in the void, and they were the efforts made by countless people throughout the ages to change their destiny.

This is the driving force behind human survival and progress.

Her spiritual world ignited her own torch, her own lantern, and merged into the torrent. This torrent of fire runs through it all, and no darkness or invisible hand can resist it.


She seemed to have realized it, and she also knew that at this moment, she made a choice,

Joining Su Jie's camp, or in other words, joining the camp of the group of people who have fought against the fate of nature throughout the ages to promote the progress of the ethnic group and illuminate the darkness.

From the moment she took the lantern, she was doomed and could not turn back, and her own destiny permeated into the torrent.

Countless people, carrying lanterns and lighting torches, are walking in the dark. No one can be left behind. Whoever falls behind will be swallowed by the darkness. And on the way, they must help others who are groping in the dark. To make them fall behind, but also pass on their torches to pull them into the team.

Only in this way can the vitality of the team be maintained, the team can survive in the darkness for a long time, and finally, change the entire dark world.

Everything is bright again.

Although the black hand behind the scenes was extremely powerful, he was still vulnerable to this torrent and was directly defeated.

Everything is back to normal.

At this moment, the short iron rod in the young man's hand was only three inches away from Kagura Mai's head.

Originally, the young man was holding a hoe, but after being chopped off by Kagura Mai, the head of the pickaxe was cut off. At this time, half of the hoe handle was left in the young man's hand, like a short iron rod.

Just now, Kagura Mai was going to kill the young man, but the black hand behind the scenes suddenly appeared in the depths of Kagura Mai's consciousness, making her unable to control her body at all.

In this way, the situation is reversed.

How could it be possible to allow a stupefied state to appear in a master fight?

Once stupefied, death is not far away.

Fortunately, with the help of Su Jie, Kagura Wu directly broke through the shackles of the black hand, and at the critical moment, she immediately woke up.

If it wasn't for Su Jie, Kagura Wu would have been murdered.

At this moment, Kagura Wu knew the horror organized by this mysterious organization, and also knew that the other party was not with her at all, but was arresting herself as a prisoner.

This time, it aroused Kagura Mai's anger even more.

At this moment, she hates this mysterious organization even more than Su Jie, more than anyone else, because what is her identity? To be arrested by an organization like a prisoner is simply a great shame.

Now, she also understands that Su Jie doesn't have a good relationship with her, but after all, they are a kind of people who can communicate with each other, and this mysterious organization is basically impossible to communicate with, because they don't have the same mentality as her at all. It is no longer a species.


In an instant, Kagura Dance's blade turned and cut off the young man's wrist.

The root fell off the young man's wrist.

The iron rod naturally lost its power, and was easily dodged by Kagura Mai.

Then, Kagura Wu made another slash, intending to cut off the young man's head, but at this moment, a stone flew over and hit the blade directly, causing the entire blade to deviate violently.

"Who is it?" Kagura danced and looked around, but there was no one there. At this time, in the grass in the distance, there seemed to be stones flying non-stop. The stones were like bullets, very dense, and they all hit God. The key to music and dance.

Kagura Dance moved her body to dodge the stone's attack.

At this time, the young man directly picked up the severed palm and left quickly without stopping for a moment, nor did he show any expression of pain, as if it was not his body.

Kagura Dance wanted to catch up, but she felt a huge threat all the time, and was afraid in her heart, so she didn't go after it.

As soon as the young man retreats, the stone will no longer be launched.

Kagura Wu walked over directly, and found that there was a person lying down deep in the grass. This person was a priest of the shrine, and his kung fu was extremely powerful. He launched the stone just now, but he had no reason to do so. Obviously, Being invaded by human consciousness, he did something that went against his own heart.

"Damn it." Kagura Wu helped the priest up.

At this time, Su Jie walked out from the hall.

"Why didn't you take action just now?" Kagura Wu asked Su Jie, "When the black hand consciousness invaded me, you rescued me, but when I gained the upper hand, why didn't you come out and capture that young man? Get rid of it, and my confidant’s serious troubles can be avoided.”

"This person is just a chess piece that has been promoted to the realm of new human beings. It is no different from the No. 1 of the Death God Organization. The real mastermind behind the scenes cannot be eradicated at all. I was actually concentrating on fighting against the mastermind just now, and I have no time to care about other things. Besides, my trick is to lure the snake out of the hole." Su Jie said: "If you kill this young man directly, firstly, you will cause a lot of trouble, secondly, you will not know the entangled forces here, and thirdly, you will lose a temper The target. Such an opponent is hard to find."

"I have a doubt." Kagura Wu asked: "I know that the evolution of new humans is extremely difficult, such as me, my father, and you, why a random young man has reached the realm of new humans. Could it be, Does that mysterious organization and organization really have a way to make ordinary people evolve into new human beings? Is it equivalent to heaven making ordinary people immortal?"

"This young man is not an ordinary young man. He is also a peerless genius. He even has Japan's national destiny in him. I have penetrated into his spiritual world, blood vessels and even the core of his consciousness. In addition, there is his fate. In fact, he represents the vitality of the bottom of Japan. Since ancient times, Japan has actually had strict classes and a line of life. The upper and lower classes are distinct, so since ancient times, Japan has never had a successful peasant uprising. , are all fighting each other among nobles and daimyos. You were born noble, you are a priest, and you are a warrior. You represent the upper class since ancient times. This class spirit is blessed by you, and you have this achievement and destiny. However, The resistance of the lower class has never stopped, and now there is such a young man, he also represents the lower class peasants, and he has the temperament of the middle class. He will compete with you." Su Jie said: "Everything happens for a reason, analyze the cause and effect. If you can see through, You can find out some of the secrets, the trainer of this young man is extremely powerful, I am afraid it is the man behind the scenes, he has seen the fate of the country."

"No wonder." Kagura Wu said: "When I was fighting with him, I felt a lot of different things. The situation in Japan is indeed different from that in China. , has already broken the bloodline and the destiny. In ancient times, Japan learned from China everywhere, but it did not learn this. So in modern times, Japan’s Meiji Restoration, the constitutional monarchy was successful. In fact, the bloodline and destiny are still maintained. If you say that, I become The new human beings actually have the upper hand because of their blood and destiny, but now, the appearance of this young man seems to change my life, break Japan's inherent national destiny, and continue the fate of a thousand years? How do I feel that I am a must? The ending of failure. Because in this world, there can be no eternal things."

"In theory." Su Jie nodded: "In terms of the political system, Japan has not been able to change the pattern of the Wanshi family, but in terms of human evolution, this pattern may be changed now. The appearance of this young man actually It represents the conflict between two qi numbers. This is actually a very interesting thing. National luck, the conflict between ethnic groups, converges to the individual, which is somewhat similar to ancient metaphysics. The world is in chaos, and there are many resentments. The stars in the sky lead to evil stars descending to the earth, and many demons that disrupt the world come into being. Although this was metaphysics in the past, it makes sense now from the perspective of information, energy, and consciousness."

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