Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Seven hundred and forty-nine, the weight is as good as you want, the little ant may shake the big tr

"Then what should we do now." Kagura Wu knew that Su Jie had many plans.

And now she is considered to have joined Su Jie's camp. At the moment of resisting the black hand just now, Su Jie appeared in her consciousness, gave her the lantern, and asked her to take it.

The moment she took the lantern, it actually meant that she had completely joined Su Jie's camp.

It can also be said that Su Jie used this mysterious organization to force her to make a choice when the black hands behind the scenes dealt with her, forcing her to board the boat and join the torrent.

Of course, this is also her own meaning and choice.

Rationally, it is impossible for her to collude with the black hand behind the scenes.

What the black hand behind the scenes represents is really too terrifying, and it is definitely not the right way.

"It's very simple now. It's the layout. Uproot the influence of this organization in Japan and eradicate the scourge. This thing must be done by you." Su Jie said: "I can't get involved, after all, this is your territory. All the information obtained will be passed on to you. You will know how deep this mysterious organization has penetrated into Japan's business and political circles. If you don't dig out one by one and launch it a little bit in the future, I'm afraid you will not escape being hit back fate."

Kagura Mai has a noble status and great influence in Japan, but in her mind, after receiving the message from Su Jie, she was stunned for a moment.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect that this mysterious organization has such a long hand and penetrates so powerfully. It is simply intricate and involved in all aspects." The more Kagura Wu analyzed the information, the more frightened she became: "If they continue to infiltrate like this, I'm afraid something big will happen."

"That's why I said, even you are actually sitting on top of a volcano, which will erupt at any time." Su Jie said: "They attack you, which means that some plans are about to be launched."

"Indeed, these people have ulterior motives, and it is very likely that they are doing an experiment, but their experiment is to use the common people in the world as pawns, and no matter how many people die, they must continue. This is something I cannot allow." God Le Wu said: "The current world and the country can't stand the toss. Human civilization has reached a critical point. If it can pass, it will enter a new era. If it can't pass, it will regress."

After joining Su Jie's camp, Kagura Wu's thoughts gradually changed.

"In the process of eradicating this mysterious institution, your power and practice will also be further enhanced. The class you represent, the class represented by that young man, conflicts with each other in your struggle, and you can experience The battle between luck and luck,

This is a subtle change, and if you experience it carefully, you will definitely gain a lot. Perhaps, in this battle, you can gain the blessing of Japan's national destiny, and even in the spiritual world, use your consciousness to control the national destiny. At that time, I am afraid that everyone can sit on an equal footing with me. "Su Jie said.

"Controlling the entire national destiny of Japan, you will draw a big cake for me." Kagura Mai was a little disbelieving. Although her heart was higher than the sky, she didn't think she could accomplish this.

"In fact, the national destiny is just a trend of thought. This trend of thought is integrated with regions, history, humanities, beliefs, etc. In other words, the trend of thought of the national destiny is very complicated, and it is a synthesis of many trends of thought. And you actually Being able to integrate the thoughts of the Tao Te Ching is like a child who has learned addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, so the next step is naturally to learn more advanced things." Su Jie said.

"This makes sense. The fate of the country is indeed an extremely complicated trend of thought. It is invisible and intangible, but it has indeed affected the lives of hundreds of millions of people. A slight change in the fate of the country will affect the lives of everyone more or less. Why? People in a place or a region will form this kind of trend of thought, and it is something worthy of scrutiny and research." Kagura Wu unknowingly became an academic researcher like Su Jie: "However, I think you also have Some conspiracy."

"It's not a conspiracy, it's a conspiracy." Su Jie said: "You come to preside over or control the trend of national destiny. There will be peace in the future, which is more suitable for the development of national relations. In fact, the most important thing in the national destiny is not the political power, nor the army, but It's humanistic thought."

"Anyway, we cooperate, I mobilize forces to eradicate this organization, and he actually starts to attack me. Then my revenge will be inevitable." Kagura Wu is a person who can afford it: "However, during this period, I still need you With the help of the man behind the scenes, I am no match. Moreover, there are many people behind this mysterious organization, and it is difficult for me to fight against."

"Of course." Su Jie nodded.

"I think, in this big cleansing, your Diandao Group can also enter this market and expand its market share." Kagura Wu said: "Your plan is perfect."

"There is money to be made, why not?" Su Jie said: "I also want to expand the Minglun Martial Arts School to this place. This place has the most martial arts atmosphere. With the strength of the teachers of the Minglun Martial Arts School, I think it will soon be everywhere. , can assist you to do many great things. Also, if you want to cleanse this mysterious institution, you must mobilize your father’s power here. Those people don’t need it, it’s too wasteful.”

Except for Tie Kunlun, the Shenyue people's organization is actually all old foxes, and their strength and methods are all top-notch. If they are released, they can be compared to the giants of the dark world.

The strength of the current Kagura Dance has far surpassed that of the original Shenyue people, and there is hope to control these old guys.

"You want to bring in the Minglun Martial Arts School to compete for the market share of martial arts. Japan's martial arts market share is very huge, and it occupies a large proportion in education. It is almost the future." Kagura Wu said: "Your ambition is very big. Big, is to occupy the education market. However, I can also promise you and help you introduce it, but you have to promise me one condition."

"You want me to help your father recover his state." Su Jie knew what Kagura Wu wanted to say: "The problem with your father's state is that you have to pass that level. The cultivation depends on yourself. In fact, all his achievements With my talent, now I have shattered his talent. If he can still recover, it means that he has truly stepped into the realm of a new human being. I can provide you with a treatment plan for him, and you can treat him yourself, how about. "

"Yes." Kagura Dance nodded: "Then we will make a deal."

"It's a deal." Su Jie said.

"That young man should go to pick up his own palm. It's no problem to pick up the palm of that mysterious organization's medicine and medical treatment." Kagura Wu said.

"According to what I know, the medical conditions and technology of that mysterious institution, as well as various drugs, not to mention cutting off the palm, even if the head is cut off, as long as it is fast, it can still be connected without any damage." Su Jie said .

"Since we have reached a cooperation, the other masters of this organization will be handed over to you." Kagura Wu said: "Let this young man be handed over to me."

"This organization has no masters coming here for the time being. To deal with you, even if it is the veteran of this organization, it is very reluctant to come. Two or more must come to clean you up. Although that organization is powerful, but It is also impossible to send so many experts to deal with you. Experts are not Chinese cabbages." Su Jie said: "Give me your samurai sword."

"What do you want?" Kagura Mai asked.

"I poured my consciousness into your samurai sword, leaving a mark." Su Jie said: "In this way, when it reaches the most critical moment, I can fight against the black hand behind the scenes. It can even help you release your consciousness, Deal with masters."

"It sounds like fantasy." Kagura Wu still gave Su Jie the samurai sword.

Su Jie took the samurai sword and stroked it lightly, as if analyzing the molecular structure of the blade: "Information, energy, storage, itself is a very scientific thing, just like our video surveillance to store the images and sounds that happened in the past Similarly, when ancient people saw our video surveillance, they also thought that we used some kind of magic. Human consciousness can be preserved in a special state, which is actually a very simple truth. It’s just that what kind of Special state, and then normalize this special state.”

While speaking, Su Jie seemed to have done something to the samurai sword, but also seemed to have done nothing.

Then, he handed the samurai sword to Kagura Mai.

After Kagura Mai took it, she found that there seemed to be something inexplicable inside, which was extremely strong and could provide some kind of consciousness assistance and energy for herself.

Holding this samurai sword in my hand, I feel as light as I want, light as I want, and heavy as I want. Of course, this is not a physical change, but a feeling of spiritual perception. When I want to activate this knife, if If it is a heavy sword, then the samurai sword is as heavy as a thousand weights. If it is a light sword, then the samurai sword is like cotton catkins.

This is a kind of consciousness in the knife, which strengthens one's own nerve perception.

Su Jie couldn't do this at first, but through the experience of Kagura Wu, he has roughly figured out some mysteries of consciousness storage and release.

This is actually a kind of control and injection of self-awareness.

Long-distance transmission of consciousness is something that mysterious institution is good at, and Su Jie now has some methods.

After the two discussed it, Su Jie also left here.

At this moment, at Typhon's base in Siberia, Typhon's chief financial manager, Fengping and his father, Fengzijian, gathered together again to discuss important matters.

"The situation is so repeated. Tifeng and Diandao have cooperated." Fengzi said: "Even Kagura Wu seems to have taken refuge in Su Jie. She sent a message today and asked me to go to Japan, and all the members of the organization must go to Japan What do you think of the meeting?"

"Obviously, the big fight is about to start. This is our chance." Feng Ping said: "A few days ago, Sun Pilong contacted me and gave me a lot of medicine."

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