Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Seven hundred and sixty, close to madness, thousands of miles away, 1 moment

Sun Pilong, King Yama, and Mr. Cong are all supreme figures in the world, especially in terms of consciousness cultivation, they are almost unprecedented.

Severing the six consciousnesses, comprehending Bodhi, and the supreme secret vehicle are all pediatrics.

The various realms recorded are all low-level realms in front of them.

In history, there have been many evil things, even emperors and generals are no exception. Such records are endless in books, even in the notes of various great writers. For example, Zuo Ci teased Cao Cao in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms , but was told by Guan Ren that these were illusions, so Cao Cao felt at ease.

In fact, many gods in history, such as Zhang Jiao, Zuo Ci, Yu Ji, and even later Zhang Guo, Chen Chuan Patriarch, Zhang Sanfeng, were practitioners who were good at disturbing consciousness.

In terms of consciousness interference, Sun Pilong, Yan Luowang, and Mr. Cong are all great experts. In fact, they can also manipulate other people's behavior like Su Jie, making others think that they have encountered ghosts and gods, and they are in constant panic all day long.

It's a pity that one mountain is higher than another. Now that Su Jie manipulated them like this, they couldn't see any flaws, and they still fell into the illusion. From this, it can be seen that all the previous cultivation was fake.

The strength of the realm, the so-called impenetrability of all laws, is relative.

As long as the spiritual consciousness is disturbed enough, the realm is useless.

In the world, many major events cannot interfere with the will and mind of these three people. They can accurately understand the development and changes of the entire world, and can even see through the fate of an ordinary person, or even a practitioner. But in front of Su Jie, they are just ordinary people.

They don't even know if they're eating pastry or shit.

"Could it be, are we really eating shit?" When the three of them heard what Su Jie said, they all looked at the cakes. No matter how they looked at them, they were still cakes, not shit, but when they ate just now, their mouths still smelled like shit.

For the first time, they couldn't tell what they were eating.

"Su Jie, what are you trying to do? You're just teasing us, and you can't do us any harm at all. Do you think you can make us submit with this method?" Sun Pilong was furious.

"Now that you are more angry and emotionally unstable, it means that your mind has been damaged and you can't control your emotions. In fact, even if you are in the realm of the seventh sense, you can control your emotions. Mount Tai collapsed before you. Change your face, but now you can't do it anymore, which means that you have started to regress." Su Jie said.

"As you say,

I don't mind either. "Sun Pilong said: "You are my calamity, as long as I eliminate your calamity, I can go one step further and reach another level of realm. If you really want to attack me, just knock down my realm directly, and I can still recover. "

"Really?" Su Jie smiled: "I don't want to knock down your realm. In your consciousness talent, you have inherited the talent of the medicine king, and you are better than blue. Blessing, however, you are using crooked ways, which really disappoints me. What I am doing to you now is actually to let you understand a truth, that is, you are actually mortals, and you are not gods. You can manipulate ordinary people. The life and death of a person can even change the world in the eyes of ordinary people. For example, you directly changed the world of your apprentice Duan Fei. This kind of manipulation method is actually very immoral. It is to treat yourself as a god Angle, your mentality must be corrected, you are all the same, you are all living people, not gods. This time, I will teach the three of you, this concept, and change your worldview."

"Su Jie, since you want to do this, let's continue. I see that you have no other means. This little confusion can't shake our hearts at all." King Yama said: "But then again, we Although during the practice, there are nine deaths, but I have never experienced a real calamity, and it is also a calamity that is destined to succeed or fail. Since you appear, it means that our life or failure depends on you, and we will overcome this difficulty. You can be completely at ease, which is tantamount to becoming a real god. We admit what you said, we are not real gods, but if we can resist your attack, we are real gods. In other words, you are prevent us from becoming gods."

"That's right, that's it." Mr. Cong nodded.

"Your way of thinking is not bad." Su Jie nodded: "In this case, I will take you back to Minglun Martial Arts School and gradually reform it."

"Hahahaha..." Sun Pilong laughed again: "We are here, I want to see how you take us to Minglun Martial Arts School. At most, you are just disturbing us mentally."

"Really?" Su Jie said: "Look at the surrounding environment, is this Minglun Martial Arts School?"


Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Sure enough, the surroundings have changed.

This place is no longer a Japanese garden, but the wooden pagoda of Minglun Martial Arts School.

The three of them were all sitting on chairs in the wooden pagoda, and they could even see students practicing martial arts on the playground outside. Many foreign students were practicing in full swing, some were practicing traditional martial arts, some were practicing modern fighting, and some were using equipment. Lift weights, roll tires, build body strength.

And in the distance, in a mountainous area, many students are digging the ground with hoes, which seems to be a unique skill for practicing mindfulness.

"Your illusion is really vivid." Mr. Cong calmed down quickly. He knew that this must be an illusion, not the real situation. Everyone is alive, has their own thoughts, is in full swing, and even Mr. Cong can see their fate clearly.

"Actually, when you were eating snacks and eating shit just now, you fell into the manipulation of my consciousness. You thought that the time had passed and only a few words had passed, but in fact, a few days had passed. During this conversation, I brought your bodies to the Minglun Martial Arts School. From Japan to China." Su Jie said: "This time it's true. I used illusions to deceive you before, but this time I didn't. If you don't believe me, you can Go down to the wooden pagoda and communicate with every student, you can take a stroll here, I am actually very friendly, and I won’t tease you when I get to my place.”

"This is impossible!" Sun Pilong and King Yama panicked.

They hurriedly looked around, and even used their spiritual consciousness to sense around, and they found that under their senses, the earth's atmosphere here, as well as the veins of various mountains and rivers, and even the fiery air of the people are not fake.

In other words, they did come to Minglun Martial Arts School.

"Is this a hallucination!" Mr. Cong felt that he was going crazy.

"You take a stroll around. I still have something to do, I will find you later." Su Jie turned around and left here.

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