Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 761: Judging True and False, Bizarre as in a Dream

Su Jie actually left the three of them here and left by himself, which was beyond the expectations of the three of them again.

Seeing that Su Jie had really left, Sun Pilong and King Yama looked at each other, not knowing what to do next, this was simply incredible, and they couldn't figure out whether it was real or an illusion.

"We have to get out of here quickly." King Yan Luo said.

"Wait a minute." "Mr. Cong" hurriedly said: "We still have to make sure whether this is an illusion or not, whether our body is in Japan, here, or somewhere else. We must Learn a lesson, otherwise, you may exist in this consciousness space for the rest of your life."

"I don't think it's fake now." Sun Pilong said: "You should also feel that the earth atmosphere here, the popularity here, and the living people here, everyone has their own destiny and their own. I can feel his thoughts and emotions. If this is also his hallucination, then he is too scary. This is no longer a human being, and I am afraid even a head can’t do this. But you are right, since it came Anzhi, we need to make sure. Because our current consciousness is actually starting to be confused, and we don’t even know whether the world we live in is real or virtual. If this continues, we may fall into deep doubts , completely collapsed."

"It's terrible that Su Jie actually played us with applause. I admit, I underestimated him extremely." King Yama said: "The reason why he left and let us be free is actually quite accurate. We didn't escape at all. Not in the palm of his hand, especially here, it is his territory, where he can combine his own thinking with the great luck of the earth, with powerful means, we are definitely not his opponents, if we are really here , even if he wants to run, he can't run away at all, just one thought from him can interfere with our consciousness and make us come back obediently."

"I still think we're still in Japan." "Mr. Cong" said: "We've fallen into his hallucinations, but no matter if we look around, we can't act rashly."

"Three, you are not in Japan, you are indeed in the Minglun Martial Arts School." At this moment, a voice sounded, and a person came up from the stairs of the wooden tower, it was Liu Guanglie.

The three of them also knew the man who founded the Minglun Martial Arts School. Although Liu Guanglie's strength was still "not top-notch" in their opinion, and had not reached the realm of a new human being, the three of them did not dare to act rashly at this time.

The three of them had suffered enough from Su Jie, knowing that if they acted rashly, they might fall into an even more embarrassing situation.

"Three masters, you are the strongest in the world, even the first-class immortals and Buddhas. Why do you want to help the evildoers? Why don't you practice here for a while and observe the changes here." Liu Guanglie said: "Let's exchange academics and practice, Take it easy, how about it?"

"This person is real..." Sun Pilong looked at Liu Guanglie,

With a little use of my own strength, I can see through the core of Liu Guanglie's consciousness, and I can calculate his future fortune through a lifetime of experience: "This person's fortune should have been exhausted, but he suddenly received external help. Resurgence, of course, is also the karma and blessing he obtained from cultivating talents in the past few decades. If he didn't run this Minglun martial arts school, there would be no son of Su Jie, and there would be no son of Su Jie. , he will not get this son's help to turn disaster into a blessing, now that he has great fortune and great fortune, it will be a matter of time before he reaches the realm of a new human being."

Now, Sun Pilong is almost certain that this is not a hallucination.

In the world of illusion, the people inside should not have such a real fate.

However, when he thought about Su Jie's method of appearing and disappearing, he still had lingering fears, and he had to find more evidence to prove that this place was not an illusion.

"Since brother Guanglie is so warm and hospitable, why not take us to visit Minglun Martial Arts School," King Yan Luo said.

He is also Chinese, and he is familiar with all cultures and rules. At this time, the conversation with Liu Guanglie already has a taste of temptation.

"That's natural." Liu Guanglie smiled: "Number one, God Shiva, come and accompany the guests."

At this time, Number One and Lord Shiva also came up from the wooden tower stairs.

"You have changed a lot?" Sun Pilong looked at No. 1.

This was originally his test product, mastering the god of death to stop him, thinking that he could contain the Tifeng Group, disrupt the wind and rain in the dark world, and make the world pattern change again, but now it seems that Bao Xiangyan has broken a hand, and He also shaved his head like a monk.

"Hello, King Yama." No. 1 looked at King Yama and asked, but there was no anger on his face, as if the past had nothing to do with him, and he looked at Sun Pilong with no sadness or joy. , It seems that the previous experience was not him. The soul of the test subject in his body, the leader of the death organization, has completely disappeared, and now he is just a practitioner: "Mr. Sun Pilong, you are also good."

"This person is dead, not the same person as before. Not the test subject before." Sun Pilong was startled, because he found that the current No. 1 is not the same person as before, even the essence of soul consciousness Everything has changed, which is equivalent to the death of the soul in the previous body, and another soul has taken it away.

No matter how much a person changes, it is impossible to change to this extent.

This has exceeded the scope of Sun Pilong's understanding.

Even the causal line of the previous No. 1 seems to have been cut off somewhere.

There is no doubt that Su Jie did it too. If Su Jie can really cut off a person's causal line, then he is really a god.

Seeing No. 1, Sun Pilong's confidence in his "head" weakened. In the past, he thought that no matter how powerful Su Jie was, he was actually just a child in front of the "head". Under such manipulations, he couldn't even figure out whether the world he was in was an illusion or a reality, and now his view of Su Jie had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The young man Shiva looked at these three people, but deep down in his heart he had a feeling of competing with them.

"What? Young man, do you want to compete with us?" King Yan Luo felt this emotion instantly: "With all due respect, you are still a little tender for the time being, and you are not my opponent."

"Really?" The young man of Shiva really laughed: "I feel that you can't even tell whether the world you live in is real or illusory. How can you be so arrogant, if I Let me tell you now, the conversation you are having with me is actually illusory, you are not in the Minglun Martial Arts School, but in another place, such as Japan, how would you feel?"

As soon as young Shiva said this, King Yama was shocked deep in his heart.

Originally, he believed that the environment around the Minglun Martial Arts School was real, but now that the young man Shiva said this, he became suspicious again.

It was almost driving him crazy.

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