Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Seven hundred and sixty-fifth crazy idea chip implanted dual system

"The earth's atmosphere here is thicker. Over time, I don't know what it will look like."

On the cliff, Su Shilin was talking to his son Su Jie.

Now he lives on the edge of the cliff all year round, and built a small stone house, like a small temple. He practiced in this stone house all year round, overlooking the birth and death of this land, and his heart became more and more peaceful. Get up, wash everything before, not to mention, even if the whole person has undergone a radical change.

He seems to be much younger.

Physiology also begins to reverse.

Su Shilin himself is a new human being, and it is not uncommon for his physiological functions to be reversed. With some high-tech drugs, it is not impossible to even become a teenager.

He has also merged with the breath of this land, the land gives him spiritual blessing, and he is increasing the thickness of this land.

It's a complementary thing.

Because of this, when Sun Pilong decided to join the Minglun Martial Arts School and integrate his spirit and life into this land, he also felt that the air of the earth became thick and precious in an instant, like carbon. Under high temperature and pressure, the feeling of starting to transform into a diamond.

Earth Qi itself is actually a combination of information and energy, and it can also change.

Sun Pilong's joining the Minglun Martial Arts School had a profound impact on the earth's energy here, and the chain reaction that followed was even more powerful. Liu Guanglie also reached the realm of a new human, which was of great benefit to the condensation of the earth's energy.

Because of the drastic changes in the earth's atmosphere here, Su Shilin, the young man of Lord Shiva, and even Su Jie have all benefited greatly.

And after they get the benefits, they can in turn promote the further condensation of the earth's energy, which has become a general trend, rolling forward, unstoppable.

"After Mr. Cong and Yan Luo Wang joined Minglun Martial Arts School, the evolution of the earth's energy here will become more intense." Su Jie said: "At that time, it will really soar into the sky."

"Yan Luo Wang is nothing more than a martial artist. In fact, there is nothing special about him. At most, he is good at killing people and kung fu. But Mr. Cong is different. Politics, region, country. It can be said that if everyone loses the realm of new humans and becomes an ordinary person, according to Mr. Cong's understanding, he can still become a big shot. Such a person is very difficult to subdue." Su Shilin said: "I feel his will now,

It's still out of tune with the atmosphere here. There's no point in getting into it at all. "

"Of course, if he is surrendered so quickly, he is no longer Mr. Cong, and he will not be able to show his value." Su Jie nodded: "However, I think he can also feel that the earth's atmosphere here is starting to go uphill , Accelerating upward will make him more and more desperate."

"Let's not talk about Mr. Cong, I believe you can subdue him. Talk about your sister, she doesn't want to go back to China, she is still willing to be in Siberia Typhon's laboratory, and she has created a brand new robot And artificial intelligence, very powerful. It can protect her safety. She has successfully convinced me. However, I am vaguely uneasy about the future, but I can't see what the future will look like. Your realm is now It is extremely profound, and you can clearly see the development trend of many things in the future. Look at your sister's future, what will happen? If there is a calamity, you can prevent it before it happens." Su Shilin said.

"In terms of scientific research conditions and various defensive facilities, the laboratory in China is indeed inferior to the laboratory where my sister is." Su Jie said: "Even if I return to China, I will not be able to build such a laboratory, and all of them are under the control of my sister. , In fact, my sister's thinking is not wrong. Now she has mastered the artificial intelligence, completely controlled the base, and can make robots, completely obeying her arrangements. However, after returning to China, it will not be so convenient. Many scientific research projects and genius-like ideas will be hindered by many factors."

"Yes, on this point, your sister is not wrong." Su Shilin nodded.

"Indeed, this is considered from the perspective of maximizing benefits. My sister wants to race against time to complete a lot of her own research, and she doesn't want to be disturbed by foreign objects." Su Jie said: "However, there is one thing that has not been counted. That is the great luck, the fate of the future, in fact, the power of the individual is very small, no matter how strong a person is, his own safety and wealth are actually dependent on the great luck, such as the famous stock god, if he was not born in the United States, then he Nothing. The future of a person, that is, the fate, is very wonderful. In my perception, although my sister can fully devote herself to research now, her fate is very tortuous, and she may even be used by others. And One point is that the artificial intelligence robot she made is indeed very powerful, but she herself is easy to be controlled, even if she hides in the base, it is useless. You see, I manipulate the consciousness of Mr. Cong, Sun Pilong, and King Yama Power. These three people are all new humans, but they can't resist my manipulation at all, even from a distance."

"Your sister also thought of this." Su Shilin said, "Do you know what she plans to do?"

Su Jie nodded, waiting for Su Shilin's answer.

"Your sister is researching a biochip, implanting it into her own brain, and directly closing her original consciousness when necessary, and her body is completely controlled by this biochip. In this way, it is impossible to be controlled. Of course, this is just an initial idea. It is still in the research process." Su Shilin said.

"My sister is not very good at the study of consciousness and spirit." Su Jie said.

"That's right, but she now has a scientific research assistant, Xiaochen. This is a specialized scientific research artificial intelligence." Su Shilin said: "Your sister wants me to persuade you to go to the base in Siberia and study with her , to speed up the process of this research. Because this is a great research, if the research is successful, then people have a dual system. Moreover, human life can be completely replaced by machinery. Because, human consciousness, It can be replaced by a biological chip processor. Moreover, even if it is an ordinary person, if this chip is implanted, his consciousness information itself will not be disturbed by new humans. The consciousness manipulation that new humans are best at, for ordinary people People are useless. Can technology be used to make up for the huge gap caused by human evolution?"

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