Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Seven hundred and sixty-sixth direction of destiny, multiple talents can be superimposed

The computing power of the human brain has been completely surpassed by computers and artificial intelligence. Not to mention artificial intelligence like Xiao Jie, even the most common one, is thousands of times faster than the calculation of the human brain.

How to enhance the computing power of the human brain is actually a major project in life sciences.

In addition, in life science projects, the research on consciousness and body is also the most important part. Human body will decline, decay, and eventually die. After death, human consciousness will completely disappear. Since ancient times, people have thought about immortality, replacing the body with machinery so as not to rot, but consciousness, that is, the soul, cannot be replaced.

In modern times, artificial organs can replace many original organs, even more durable than the original organs, and will not cause lesions. In the near future, 3D printing technology will be fully mature, and even the human body can be printed directly.

These sciences are just a matter of time and cost.

In other words, in the next twenty or thirty years, it is not impossible for the human body to replace all the internal bones, internal organs, and external skin with artificial organs.

However, there is one place where it is difficult to replace, and that is the brain.

As an organ, the brain is actually a carbohydrate, but the most mysterious thing is that it can carry thoughts.

carry human consciousness.

So far, people still don't understand how the brain carries people's thinking. What is the soul key between human consciousness and brain.

People's genes can be exactly the same. Through cloning, two identical people can be completely cloned, but the souls of these two identical people are absolutely different.

Now, Su Muchen is playing big, to develop a biochip to replace the brain and carry human consciousness, or to create a second consciousness of human beings to help control the body.

This kind of thinking completely subverts practice.

Human practice, through all the training, is to be able to control the endocrine of the human body more, strengthen the organs, control the emotions, and practice hard for decades. The control over the human body itself may only increase by one percent , is not even possible.

The new human beings have reached 10% control over the human being, while 99% of the ordinary people in the world are less than 1/1000.

Take the practice method of Minglun Qizi as an example. basically,

There are very few people who can achieve "settling". If they can really achieve "settling", they will be extremely outstanding people in this world.

This shows how difficult it is to increase control over the human body.

However, if Su Muchen's idea can be successful, then all the hard work of human beings will be meaningless.

Because, as long as a biochip is implanted in the brain, this chip can automatically improve people's control over the body.

In fact, people often fantasize about their bodies being manipulated. For example, when a child is doing homework, he wants his consciousness to sleep, while the other consciousness tirelessly controls his body to do the homework. When he wakes up, the homework is finished.

Another soul does the work in his place.

This was originally something in science fiction, and now it is about to become a reality.

Moreover, this soul is pure and powerful, surpassing all human souls.

Even, Su Jie knew that if this biochip was successfully researched, the control over the body would at least reach 20%, or even 30%, or even more.

This seems very irregular, but that's the way science is.

For example, even the most garbage computer can perform calculations much faster than the human brain.

People cannot compete with technology.

Su Jie actually discussed this issue with Mei Yi many times. It is believed that implanting chips in the brain can indeed assist the expansion of human consciousness.

However, this makes sense in theory, but in practice, there is still a big gap, and many scientific problems have not been solved.

For example, will the two consciousnesses cause conflicts? For example, will the consciousness in this chip be repelled by the body? For example, what material should the biochip use to carry consciousness, how will consciousness be activated, and so on.

These things require a lot of research and experimentation.

At least, Su Jie felt that with the current level of scientific research, it might take a hundred years.

But he didn't expect that now Su Muchen had some clues.

In fact, Su Muchen is also an extremely rigorous scientist, if he had no clue, he would never start this plan.

In fact, according to Su Muchen's talent and scientific research level, it is impossible to complete this kind of research, but adding Xiaochen makes it difficult to say.

Su Jie knew about Xiao Chen's existence. He knew that his elder sister Su Muchen had created a second super artificial intelligence, which was more perfect than the first Xiao Jie.

Moreover, Xiaochen, an artificial intelligence, was born specifically for scientific research, possesses strong logical thinking, and also has a scientific talent.

Su Jie could see through all human talents, but he couldn't see through Xiao Chen's talent, destiny, and future as an artificial intelligence.

Su Jie can see through the fate of people, but cannot see through the fate of machine intelligence.

That is to say, Su Muchen has created a remarkable thing, which is very likely to promote the speed of human civilization and accelerate the leap of human civilization.

I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse.

However, Su Jie decided in an instant that he could help Su Muchen with research in this area.

He can actually feel that Su Muchen has nothing to do when he arrives, because the black hands behind the scenes, even Mr. Tifeng, are deliberately creating the best scientific research environment for her. After she has researched the results, she will come to harvest and seize them. .

So far, Su Muchen's research is progressing rapidly, and no one bothers her, which is actually the result of acquiescence.

If Su Jie was behind the scenes, he would do the same, and he couldn't interrupt Su Muchen's research progress indiscriminately.

However, Su Jie still thinks that Su Muchen should return to China to study. This is a matter of great luck. In the future that Su Jie sees, if Su Muchen continues to conduct research in the Siberian laboratory, the speed of producing results will be much faster. , but there will be very dangerous things happening in the future, and this kind of danger cannot be undone by Su Jie.

If Su Muchen's fate is infiltrated with the country's great fortune if he returns to the country, then he may be able to save himself from danger in any situation.

"I know what you think. In fact, fate is sometimes very strange. According to the future you have calculated, it is best for your sister to return to China." Su Shilin saw that Su Jie was silent, and knew what he was thinking about. Calculate the future.

"I'm going to the Siberian laboratory right now, hoping to convince my sister." Su Jie said.

"You can control others at will, interfere with others' will, how about interfering with your sister's will?" Su Shilin said.

"A person's will can't be interfered casually. Because just a little thought can change the fate of a lifetime, especially for a person like my sister. Her talent in computer and artificial intelligence research is unmatched by anyone in the world. If the consciousness is controlled If I interfere, I’m afraid I’ll lose a certain kind of creativity.” Su Jie said: “Actually, I’m still not sure what the structure of talent is, such as talent in martial arts, talent in finance, talent in politics, and scientific research. Talent, how is it composed in the structure of consciousness. For example, I am familiar with Mr. Cong’s consciousness now, and know the depth of his consciousness structure, and his talent for finance, politics, and mass psychology. However, I cannot create it This kind of talent is passed on to others. In fact, according to the truth, this kind of talent can be transplanted and copied through consciousness surgery."

Su Jie is now in contact with people with great talents, such as Su Shilin, whose talent is fighting. Otherwise, it will not stand out among thousands of people.

And Shiva's young talent is also extremely high, in terms of martial arts practice, it can be said to be outstanding, Mr. Cong's talent in finance is unparalleled, and Sun Pilong's talent in medicine is also a veritable king of medicine.

Others, such as Kagura Mai, are another kind of talent.

And that Duan Fei, the talent in luck, is also extremely powerful.

According to the truth, these talents are a structural manifestation of ideology, and these ideological structures can be integrated into a person.

That person has Su Shilin's fighting talent, Sun Pilong's medical talent, Mr. Cong's financial talent, etc., all integrated into one body, which is not surprising at all.

In fact, the current Su Jie himself has begun to improve his various talents and become a "perfect person". This is a perfect attempt at the evolution of life.

Of course, Su Jie is still far from being "perfect". Just getting closer step by step.

"It's a good thing for you to go to Siberia to meet your sister now, but what about Mr. Cong and King Yan Luo?" Su Shilin said: "These two people haven't completely surrendered yet. If you leave, I'm afraid there will be chaos and it will be difficult to suppress."

Although Su Shilin is also in the realm of new humans, and his strength is extremely strong now, but he really has no chance of winning against Mr. Shang Cong.

After all, Mr. Cong is also an extremely important person in that mysterious institution. Basically, Mr. Cong can enjoy all the good things researched by that mysterious institution.

"I have planted some seeds in the depths of the consciousness of these two people, so that they dare not act rashly. Besides, Dad, your methods may not be inferior to theirs here. If they make trouble, it just happens to be tempered. Let’s talk about your own methods. Besides, God Shiva is also here, Liu Guanglie has also been promoted to a new human being, and besides that, there is Number One, and Sun Pilong has almost surrendered now. Together, suppressing these two people is actually very difficult. It's not difficult."

Su Jie had actually thought about it a long time ago.

Su Shilin, young man Shiva and others, entangled with Mr. Cong here, can also be sharpened as opponents.

If Su Shilin can subdue Mr. Cong, then his practice will advance by leaps and bounds, breaking through to another level.

From a certain point of view, Mr. Cong and Yan Luowang are big gift packages that Su Jie gave to his father, Su Shilin.


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