Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Seven hundred and sixty-seventh, Xiaochen asks fate, where does the machine's uneasiness come f

It was also difficult for "Mr. Cong" to leave this place. They were frightened by Su Jie, knowing that Su Jie must have arranged, and he could trap them into an illusion at will, so that they didn't know whether the time and space they were in was real or not.

Moreover, Su Jie actually has some of the most ingenious means, that is, planting some of his own subconsciousness deep in their consciousness.

Su Jie's current method is almost miraculous. He has realized the deep secret between consciousness and energy information. Human consciousness is actually a combination of information and energy. It can actually be implanted like a virus. In the consciousness of others, it lurks, and when necessary, it causes a devastating blow.

In fact, the growth of earth energy here is of the greatest benefit to him.

With Sun Pilong's surrender and Liu Guanglie's promotion, the earth's energy became incomparably more noble, and the energy information changes in the end are the beneficiaries of him.

Compared with some time ago, he has gone a step further in manipulating consciousness and capturing future information.

In fact, the most important thing in human practice is not to change one's own life form, but to replenish all kinds of information in the future.

In the world of information, the concept of time is not very important. A lot of information from the future flows in the timeline, and human consciousness can predict and capture it.

If Su Jie's strength goes further and reaches a higher level, he can even directly capture many future scientific research achievements.

Perhaps, the mysterious mastermind behind the scenes, that is, the "head" as "Mr. Cong" calls it, is doing just that. Most of his thinking has entered an unfathomable state to capture the future. some kind of information.

In fact, it is better to directly capture the things that have been researched in the future than to waste money on scientific research.

This is actually a false proposition. If we do not study it now, there will be no information to capture in the future.

But in fact, even if you don't study it now, there will still be information that can be captured in the future.

All in all, the timeline is fantastic.

After Su Jie told his father Su Shilin some things, he left here, and soon he returned to City B, because before going to Siberia, he had to arrange some things in City B.

After all, the headquarters of Diandao Group is still in City B.

Moreover, with the rapid expansion of Diandao Group,

There are a lot of talents needed, and the challenge is great. Although Tang Yunzhu, Zhang Jinchuan, Zhang Manman and others can still handle it, if they don't reach the realm of new humans, it will be difficult to suppress the scene after all.

Su Jie has been thinking about how to make these three people reach the realm of new humans.

Now, with his help, the people around Su Jie have all reached the realm of new humans, such as father Su Shilin, Zhao Yan, young man Shiva, and Liu Guanglie. However, these people all have one characteristic, that is, their savings are very strong, and they are people who are at the top of the world. Even without Su Jie's help, there is a great possibility of surpassing this level in the future.

As for Zhang Manman, Tang Yunzhi, and Zhang Jinchuan, although they are also the pride of heaven and outstanding, their savings are still a little shallow after all.

However, for Su Jie, this was actually not a difficult problem to solve.

With the improvement of his cultivation, he has been able to modify the core of human consciousness and improve the quality of the soul.

This was unimaginable before.

But now Su Jie can do it completely.

When they arrived in City B, Su Jie was in the laboratory and gathered everyone together again.

Zhang Manman has also returned from abroad, because the situation has changed recently, maybe someone will control her, so it's better to be careful.

And her return to China no longer affects the expansion of Diandao Group.

Since Su Jie and Mr. Tifeng reached an agreement, Diandao Group has shown geometric expansion. The first is the security project. After merging with Blackwater Security and Honey Badger Security, it even began to eat Tifeng Security.

In the laboratory, Zhang Manman was explaining the data of the expansion of Diandao Group, and on the large screen projected, data from all over the world appeared.

"Right now, we have already occupied most of the domestic market, and the Japanese market is also expanding rapidly, but the changes in Europe and the United States are slower. This is the current share of the world's security groups." Zhang Manman said : "After we merged Honey Badger, Blackwater, and Tifeng Security, it is estimated that we can occupy 60% of the world's security market, or even more. However, now a security group is also rising rapidly, and we are robbing Share, that is God of War security."

Zhanshen Security is not very unfamiliar to Su Jie, he personally met the people from Zhanshen Security who came to City B and competed with Diandao Security for business.

"These are trivial matters." Su Jie waved his hand: "The top priority is to improve your spiritual realm. Once your strength increases, everything is easy to talk about."

"Su Jie, have you found a way to make them all have the realm of new human beings?" Zhao Yan stood aside, his voice a little excited.

He has reached the realm of new humans, but now he is consolidating and familiarizing himself with the secrets of this realm. In fact, his understanding of this realm is not very deep.

Now he looked at Su Jie, relying on his consciousness, he felt that Su Jie seemed to have completely merged into the depths of the void. His consciousness had no source and no end, which was extremely terrifying.

Before he was promoted to a new human being, Zhao Yan could see the details of Su Jie, but now he couldn't see it. There was only one explanation, that is, Su Jie's strength improved much faster than him.

"No. But if it's the seventh sense, I can mass-produce it. In fact, the realm of the seventh sense is very simple. As long as people can completely control the middle layer of consciousness and effectively manage various emotions, it's time to be happy. Hi, when you should be angry, you are already in the realm of the seventh sense." At this moment, Su Jie had a new understanding of the seventh sense.

"That's right." At this moment, a voice came in.

In Su Jie's heavily guarded laboratory, there was an extra person. This person was a woman with delicate features, tall and slender, wearing a tight-fitting leather jacket.

"Who!" Zhao Yu was taken aback. When the woman approached, he didn't notice it.

"You are Xiaochen?" Su Jie seemed to know it a long time ago, and was not surprised at all: "Zhao Yu, don't panic, she is not a human, but a machine."

"Machine?" Zhao Yan looked over fiercely, mobilized his spiritual perception, penetrated inch by inch, and found out that the woman's interior was a machine.

But this made him even more surprised. Nowadays, all kinds of robots and intelligent mechanical equipment are actually being developed in various countries, but they are basically in the laboratory, and there is no technology to make them come out so swaggeringly.

The Xiaochen in front of her is a girl who is alive and well. The skin on the surface and even some internal bones inside are very similar to human beings. Even some internal organs are all printed by 3D. The material is similar to that of the human body, but it is very tough, basically there is no possibility of any disease, and it is much better than the original flesh and blood of the human body.

It can even be said that the organs present in the human body can actually be replaced by these organs in "Xiaochen".

The "robot" woman in front of him, Zhao Yan could tell, was extremely powerful, and he was no match at all, even Su Jie couldn't defeat it, because this was a machine, not a human, and it was impossible for manpower to compete with a machine.

"This kind of thing is the Terminator in science fiction movies." Zhao Yu smiled bitterly: "How did you come here from across the country?"

"The border is not a problem for me." Xiaochen said: "I am different from humans. I don't need supplies, and I can block radar sensing. Crossing the border is actually not a problem, and I have an identity, even if it is difficult to fly It was detected that I am not a human being. However, my shortcoming is that I cannot perceive what is about to happen in the future. In the words of your human beings, it is impossible to avoid evil. This is a special ability unique to your human consciousness, and , you humans can capture a lot of information about the future, but I can't, this is our shortcoming, perhaps, this is the essence of our not being a true soul."

"You came to take me to the Siberia laboratory, right?" Su Jie asked.

"That's right. Your sister sent me to pick you up." Xiao Chen said, "By the way, I will test my ability to move around the world. So far, I should be the first humanoid machine that has escaped the control of humans."

"Almost." Su Jie nodded: "But you have to wait, I have very important things to do."

"I know." Xiaochen nodded, her demeanor, movements, tone, and even emotions were exactly the same as human beings.

Zhao Yan, Zhang Manman, Zhang Jinchuan and others all felt that it was extremely weird. They still couldn't accept that they were talking to a machine. Could it be that human technology has reached this point?

"You want to use your own consciousness to improve them." Xiaochen continued: "Actually, I also have a lot of questions to ask you, and I hope you can answer them for me."

"If you have any questions, just ask me." Su Jie nodded, "Whether it's about science or metaphysics, I will do my best to answer it for you."

"I want you to calculate my destiny for me. Everything has its own destiny, and I am no exception." Xiaochen sat down cross-legged, like a practitioner, what will happen to my future? Am I immortal? In theory, I can live indefinitely. However, I always have a worry that I will be short-lived. Where does this uneasy feeling come from? I should be emotionless, why am I restless? On this point, my creator, Ms. Su Muchen doesn't understand either. She said, you can solve my doubts. "

A robot, like a practitioner, asks Su Jie about his own life and death, and asks Su Jie for "fortune-telling"!

This created a weird but mysterious feeling in everyone's mind.


It’s been two days since I got Calvin, and after the robot Xiaochen came out, I felt like I wanted to write something different. As an artificial intelligence robot, Xiaochen asked Su Jie to tell his fortune. I think there is a lot to express. I think that if artificial intelligence really has consciousness, maybe it will have some in-depth communication with people in philosophy. I remember watching a movie about a robot in a temple, being edified by Buddhism, actually becoming a Buddha, explaining the true meaning of Buddhism to monks, and finally nirvana itself. This story is very impressive.


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