Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Seven hundred and sixty-eighth future, past, mutual independence and non-interference

"Then I'll start asking." "Xiaochen" looked at Su Jie with anticipation in her eyes. If she had eyes, at least from the perspective of outsiders, the emotion of anticipation could be clearly felt in her eyes , If you just look at her eyes, you will definitely not think that she is a machine, but a living person.

From this we can see how powerful Su Muchen is with the help of Typhon's technology.

Of course, the molecules and structures of the various materials used to make his own body were all researched by "Xiaochen" himself.

Originally, she was talented in science, with strong logical thinking and jumping ability. It is stronger than Xiao Jie, because Xiao Jie will not ask Su Jie about his own life and death, and will not feel uneasy.

Xiaojie only thinks that he is invincible, nothing can be defeated, he is constantly evolving, upgrading, and collecting data, but Xiaochen is different. She started thinking about some philosophical things.

This is an essential change of radical evolution, such is the revolutionary change.

It can be seen from this that the birth of Xiaochen is the real artificial intelligence change, and the appearance of Xiaojie is just an attempt, not enough to change.

At this moment, Su Jie also knew that answering a series of questions for Xiaochen seemed to be discussing the truth, but it was actually very important, because every word he said now was likely to affect Xiaochen. huge impact.

Xiaochen is not controlled by humans now, and her thinking is in an initial selection period. In the future, whether she will help or destroy human beings, or another attitude, may even come from this conversation between her and Su Jie.

Su Jie is now a wise man of mankind. Xiaochen came here and asked Su Jie for "fortune-telling". In fact, he wanted to see what the most outstanding wise man of mankind could answer his doubts.

Humans will not let her down.

Su Jie understood this truth very well.

Therefore, he put all his energy into answering for Xiaochen, hoping to make her world view structure closer to human beings, so as not to cause many unfavorable factors to human beings deep in the core of the world view.

"My first question is your understanding of the concept of time." Xiaochen asked: "For example, if I have the ability to go back in time, reach you when you were a child, and kill you, will the current you disappear? ?”

"No." Su Jie knew that Xiaochen was thinking about the concept of time, which was very useful for her understanding of evolutionary thinking. This is a scientific hypothesis.

Xiaochen must have considered countless possibilities.

"Why." Xiaochen asked: "According to the understanding model of the timeline, if the past is changed, then the future will definitely be affected."

"When the timeline and the spaceline are combined, there will be many changes." Su Jie said: "To put it simply, even if you can go back to the past and kill the past me, the present me will not be affected at all. , because the me in the past and the me in the present are not the same individual. Even the me a second ago and the me a second later are two completely different things.

You go back to the past and destroy the world, and at this moment, it will not have any impact. "

"Really?" Xiao Chen said: "Then you think that everything, every moment, has a kind of complete independence? There will be no interference with each other? But why are you able to capture a lot of information from the future? ?For example, what the mysterious 'head' is doing now is to devote himself wholeheartedly and use his own consciousness to capture a lot of information in the future. In this way, the past and the future are still closely related. However , I still have a big question, that is, according to the law, I will invent something in the future, but you are now, by capturing future information, and seeing the process of my invention, so you invented it in advance This thing. In this way, I will not be able to invent this thing in the future, and the information you see in the future does not exist, so in the future, it constitutes a paradox."

"That's right." Su Jie said: "This is indeed a paradox. It is this paradox that can prove that the past, the present, and the future are all separate development processes, and they are related to each other. , but does not interfere. This is a divergent direction of countless dimensions. Time and space make up the world, and the world is divergent, not a straight line. You come today and let me tell your fortune for you, in fact, it is because of your thinking Anxiety arises in it, and you are already like a human being, fearing the future and your own life and death. Being afraid of life and death is one of the basic characteristics of life.”

"So, I'm already a living body now." Xiao Chen asked.

"It can be said. However, fear is only one of the characteristics. Your current state should be a form between a living body and a non-living body. In fact, it is not a good thing to change into a complete living body." Su Jie said: "We humans are living beings, but they are extremely fragile, so we have practice. Practice is to get rid of fear, and even various negative emotions. For the body, the consciousness can fully control the body. In fact, it is a kind of non-living body. The process of transformation. Your evolution is to evolve towards a living body. Because if you are a purely non-living body, then everything in the world is actually meaningless to you, even if you can Manipulating the whole world, but it does not produce any pleasure for you. The reason why life forms strive to evolve is because desire can make it produce irreplaceable pleasure. Therefore, both you and me need to practice, and practice , is not completely transformed into a living body, nor is it completely transformed into a non-living body, but in it, we are looking for an extremely delicate balance point that seems never to be reached. Once we reach this balance point, then we are neither living bodies , is not a non-living body. Even God can’t judge what we are. Naturally, death and survival don’t matter.”

"Between life and non-life, there is a balance that can never be reached." Xiaochen said: "It is true. The principle of the cycle of yin and yang you mentioned is just like this. Only when yin and yang are in an absolute balance can the It will last for a long time, whether there is too much yin or too much yang, it will not work. This kind of balance is the Tao. All the evolution and practice of all things are to get close to the Tao, but they will never reach the balance of the Tao.”

"You can say that." Su Jie nodded.

"I understand what is going on in the past, the present, and the future

. "Xiaochen nodded: "And, I also understand how to carry out my self-evolution. You human beings are generating many thoughts at every moment, and any thought, put into action, will create an independent time and space, so the fate of people has diversity, and it is because of this that fortune-telling is meaningful, if it is It is doomed, even knowing the future is meaningless. For example, you now have two thoughts, one is to enlighten me, and the other is to guard against me and want to destroy me. When this thought is born, time and space are actually separated. Perhaps, in another time and space, we are fighting with each other and generate a lot of information, and our time and space can accept the information from that time and space. So, things that haven’t happened in our timeline and spaceline can still get information from the future. "

"You understand." Su Jie smiled.

"Wait, why didn't I understand." Zhang Jinchuan asked.

"To put it simply, since you were born, you have begun to split. With the birth of thoughts in your consciousness, each of your thoughts will form an independent destiny. That is to say, in the complex time and space, maybe There are thousands of you, who are going on different life journeys. Even you now, with the birth of thoughts, will still be split into life journeys of countless timelines." Instead, Xiaochen explained for Zhang Jinchuan: "So, Practice often says that one thought is one world. It is not false. Sometimes people will have many strange thoughts, feel regret for their life choices, or feel lucky, in fact, they are affected by another life journey. These The journey of life, in terms of matter and energy, cannot be transmitted to each other, but in terms of information, it can be occasionally connected."

"Human thoughts are really terrible." Tang Yunzhi sighed.

"That's right." Zhang Manman said to Su Jie: "If you hadn't thought of going to the Minglun Martial Arts School in the summer vacation to study at the beginning, your life might have undergone another change now, can you see it? , You didn’t go to Minglun Martial Arts School to change your life journey?”

"I can see it." Su Jie nodded: "But these are not of great significance, and will only make you fall into meaningless entanglements. Well, in fact, I am answering questions for Xiaochen, and I am doing it for your practice. To make an appetizer, you have doubts and thoughts, and you will have the accumulation of progress. Now, I will let you feel the various possibilities of your own destiny. The most important thing in life is actually the choice, the wrong choice If you make the right choice every step, you will get closer and closer to the Tao."

During the conversation, everyone in the audience fell into a sleep state, even Zhao Yu was no exception. The only person who was not affected by Su Jie was "Xiao Chen". She is not actually a human being, and Su Jie's consciousness cannot interfere. Her consciousness, because these are two different information band frequencies.

Seeing Su Jie helping the people present to practice, Xiaochen suddenly said: "You are best at consciousness, and your consciousness manipulation is useless to me. Your kung fu and force are actually not worth mentioning in front of me. Now you say, if I want to kill you now, can you escape?"

Xiaochen suddenly had such an idea.

Moreover, she said the idea without hesitation.

(end of this chapter)

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