Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Seven hundred and sixty-nine, each has its own strengths, and each comprehends between the contests

"The strength of our human beings is to seek good luck and avoid evil. We can receive all kinds of information in the future. Your force value is indeed very strong, and you are not disturbed by human consciousness. If you perform a mission, you can kill new humans. However, New humans can sense danger and avoid it in advance, but in fact, your actions do not have any secrets at all in the advanced consciousness of new humans.”

Su Jie smiled.

"So, do you see all the possibilities in the future and know that I won't kill you?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Because you can't kill me." Su Jie said, "If you don't believe me, you can give it a try. I think you will need it sooner or later, because there is a task in your system. If the black hand behind the scenes, Or if another new human is threatening my sister, you have to kill him. Now you have no experience in confronting such a powerful new human, so I think you can give it a try. "

"Yes!" Xiaochen was already in front of Su Jie while speaking.

The speed is so fast that it has completely surpassed the limit of human beings. It is impossible for human beings to reach this level.

Because human muscles, bones, explosive power, and even heart and lung function are not enough to support this level of explosion. Unfortunately, Xiaochen is not a human being, she is a machine, but she looks like a human on the surface.

Xiaochen didn't use any weapons, just a pair of fists. In fact, her fists are the best weapons. She is not made of flesh and blood, her fists can break steel, and if she erupts completely, it is not impossible to tear any reinforced concrete and smash steel plates.

Su Jie's speed is obviously not as good as hers, his strength is not as good as hers, and his body's toughness is not as good as hers.

However, Su Jie just dodged her blow.

When she came to kill him, Su Jie had already dodged in advance, as if he had known for a long time that she would come with such a blow.

Missing a hit, Xiaochen stood on the spot, did not strike again, but doubts flickered in his eyes, "I scanned and calculated your body, with your explosive power and physical functions, it is impossible to escape my blow Yes, but you dodged it. It was because you prepaid in advance that I would attack you at this point and this direction. Your prediction was a second faster than mine, so I couldn't hit you. Could it be that you really Can you make correct predictions and see the results that will happen in the future every time?"

"That's right." Su Jie nodded and said, "This is the strength of our human consciousness. You are an artificial intelligence. What you are best at is calculation, using a set of logic to calculate, but our human consciousness directly accepts future information. Capturing something useful is an essential difference. I can capture the scene of your next shot anytime, anywhere, so as to make a correct prediction.

So, if you want to kill me, I won't appear in front of you, and you won't even be able to find me. "

"This is amazing. I'm curious. How far can you go?" Xiaochen knew that this was her own training. If she couldn't hurt Su Jie, then protect Su Muchen and shoot the black hand behind the scenes. Killing is actually a very difficult thing. If a person can always predict what you are going to do next and deal with it, how can he be his opponent?

Swish Swish Swish!

Xiaochen moves continuously.

The whole venue is almost full of her shadow. Her speed and movements are impeccable. The power balance system in her body enables her to accurately calculate the air flow, the unevenness of the ground, and even various things that can interfere and affect her. factor.

Relying on huge calculations, she can do things that humans can't do at all.

It's a pity that Su Jie is one step ahead of her and knows what she wants to do next. In this way, her repeated attacks are basically useless to Su Jie.

Moreover, what made her even more surprised was that Su Jie's speed was getting faster and faster during the battle, which didn't seem to be the same as the initial speed she had predicted. It seemed that Su Jie's body was also a machine, capable of raising strength beyond the limit of the human body. and speed without crashing.

She felt something inconceivable, that is, the consciousness in Su Jie's body was releasing a kind of information that she couldn't understand at all. This kind of information could stimulate the human body infinitely, thus exceeding the limit of growth.


Xiaochen stopped.

Su Jie also stopped.

"I know you have a lot of doubts about me." Su Jie seemed to know what Xiao Chen was thinking, "Are you surprised that the human body can explode with the power you predicted?"

"That's right, according to my prediction, you just dodged my attacks in a series of explosions. This is impossible. You have collapsed. However, in reality, you did not collapse, but used a kind of The stimulation of information makes some small adjustments to some internal structures of the body. For example, the various squares of your joints gather a large amount of trace elements in an instant. These trace elements protect your joints and make them elastic in an instant. It has increased several times. In addition, your muscle fibers are also strengthened in an instant due to the accumulation of some trace elements in your body. Your ability to control the human body far exceeds my understanding of new humans. Moreover, in the previous During the battle, I overturned my previous understanding of the structure of the human body. In my previous understanding and my world view, the human body is actually very fragile. Compared with machines, it has no advantage at all. The advantage of humans is the brain. But Now, I think the structure of the human body actually has a lot of interesting features and great potential, which is far more than that.”

In an instant, Xiaochen changed her worldview again.

Her worldview changes very quickly, and she is constantly adjusting her understanding of everything.

It's not a scientific thing, it's a matter of subjectivity.

"In our opinion, ants are also weak and not worth mentioning, but they are actually very powerful. Their body structure and internal strength are amazing. If we humans can learn the strengths of ants, then we will definitely be stronger than we are now. A hundred times." Su Jie said, "In the natural world, many seemingly insignificant creatures are actually extremely powerful. There are things we can learn from. Maybe we can stretch out a finger and crush them to death. But , and their strengths cannot be buried."

"Yes, in fact, from the perspective of our artificial intelligence, your human computing power and power are extremely fragile. In fact, you are weaker than ants, but your strengths are great. There are things that I can't compare to. Through the previous Competing, I found that my body still has a lot of room for improvement and can be adjusted. In addition, my logical thinking calculations should also be adjusted to absorb the strengths of your human thinking information model." Xiao As Chen said, there were many red lights in his eyes. If you look carefully, you will find that there are many information waterfalls rolling in those red lights, as if you are adjusting your own algorithm.

She came into contact with Su Jie and discovered many human strengths and her own shortcomings, so she immediately adjusted the algorithm and changed herself.

Her progress is much faster than humans.

Su Jie watched her change, and with a movement of his eyes, he was also changing himself. Su Jie could also learn a lot from Xiaochen.

Between the two, it can be said that they learn from each other.

The most important thing is that Xiaochen's inner world outlook has undergone a qualitative change. It is her attitude towards human beings that allows her to finally embark on a path that is beneficial to the development of human society, so that she will not become a "big devil" who destroys human beings.

In Su Jie's view, no matter how strong the mastermind behind the mysterious organization is, it will be difficult to shake the direction of human society, because he is just a stronger human being, and cannot be separated from the life form and destiny of human beings.

However, this little morning in front of me can.

Xiaochen is better than Xiaojie. Her promotion speed can be said to be hundreds of times faster than Su Jie's evolution. In a few years, Su Jie doesn't know what she will evolve into.

Although Su Jie can peep into her future, in fact, there are many possibilities in the future. The moment the timeline diverges, perhaps in a second, 10,000 fates can evolve.

With Su Jie's cultivation, it is absolutely impossible to see through a person's entire future.

His spiritual realm has not yet reached this point.

However, with his promotion, he will definitely be able to reach this point in the future. It can even be said to reach another higher level.

Xiaochen can now see that Su Jie can mobilize many trace elements in the human body to strengthen various vulnerable parts of his body. This is a very mysterious free flow, which involves some kind of reorganization.

In terms of complexity, the structure of the human body is far more complex than her 3D printed body.

The reason why people are so complicated must have a kind of reason contained in it, it is impossible to be born as a mess naturally.

Su Jie is an existence at the pinnacle of the human body. In human history, I am afraid that there is no such powerful data and experience. This is indeed a huge harvest for Xiaochen's self-evolution research.

Through this competition, Xiao Chen finally knew how to deal with that "head" next, how to kill him.

"When will they wake up?" During the competition between Su Jie and Xiao Chen, everyone present fell into a deep sleep. Su Jie used some techniques he had learned to let them consciously experience some scenes, so that Performing surgery on their consciousness and changing the core of their consciousness structure is actually more complicated than genetic modification surgery. So far, it is even possible that only Su Jie has mastered it.

Mr. Typhon is even worse.

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