Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Seven hundred and eighty-two soul key, gradually opening the God of Kona

"You can handle these things." Su Jie didn't care about the security of God of War. He also knew that the recent expansion of Diandao Group has almost shaken the structure of some industries in the world. Naturally, it will suffer a lot counterattack.

Therefore, he is now strengthening the abilities of these people. After this strengthening, whether it is Zhang Manman, Zhang Jinchuan, Tang Yunzhu, and Liu Long, they are all infinitely close to the new human beings, and their abilities have greatly increased.

In this way, it is easy to deal with all kinds of situations in the market, plus Su Jie secretly has the support of his father Su Shilin, young Shiva, No. 1, Zhao Yu and others, the number of talents can fully support Get up the development of the whole group.

In time, these four people are likely to become new humans. In this way, the strength of the entire group will increase by leaps and bounds, reaching a level that can crush many large groups in the world, and it is not uncommon to be king of the world.

In fact, the Diandao Group is almost dominating the world now.

There are more and more talents in the Diandao Group, and there is an extremely strong backing and support behind it. At home and abroad, there is wind and rain.

Although Su Jie has never been famous, Zhang Jinchuan and Tang Yun signed Liulong to show up outside, but the luck of the entire Diandao Group, that is, a kind of energy information, is always connected with him. If he is strong, the Diandao Group will go up, if he declines, the Diandao Group will also go downhill.

People and careers, in fact, also present a resonance connection.

Not only people and land will complement each other, but also people and business.

Some of these reasons are also worthy of in-depth study.

Land management is actually a kind of business. In the final analysis, it is to gather popularity, form a concept and trend of thought and have influence, so that information will gradually condense into something that is beneficial to people.

"Let's go, go to Siberia immediately." Xiao Chen said: "By the way, the headquarters of Ares Security is also in Siberia. If you have time, you can also visit it. This God of War is actually quite mysterious, and I'm afraid there will be more in the future." develop."

"Of course I'm going to take a look." Su Jie nodded.

"By the way." Zhang Manman said suddenly: "I seem to have seen the information flow of our Diandao Group, and my own consciousness can be combined with the information flow of our Diandao Group. Taking advantage of luck to speed up my practice, what's going on here."

"You can actually touch this layer?" Su Jie was slightly shocked: "This kind of realm is only available to new humans.

It can be combined with a certain information trend in the void. However, you have a strong sense of professionalism, and it is very normal for your mind to be connected with the luck of the Diandao Group. Speaking of which, since you actually started to connect with the luck of the group, then I have to let you understand. People have luck, land has luck, family has family luck, country has country luck, in fact, fortune is just a flow of information. For example, if a person has founded his own company and the company is booming, then his whole being will be energetic and radiant. Even physiological functions have been greatly improved. In fact, it's not just the reason why people feel refreshed when they meet happy events, but self-awareness. Under certain conditions, it is connected with a kind of information flow formed by the entire company, thus improving the level of self-awareness. If the company declines, there will be big problems with his human spirit. "

"We understand these principles." Zhang Jinchuan said: "We also feel that the luck of the Diandao Group is skyrocketing, but how can I use this luck to change myself during my practice without contaminating the entire Diandao Group?" The cause and effect of the Dao Group. I have been thinking about this matter. In fact, Mr. Tyfeng’s strength is so strong, it is very likely that he also borrowed the luck of the Tyfeng Group, just like you, your strength is strong, In fact, it borrowed from Minglun Martial Arts School's thousand-year-old martial arts."

"That's right. Being able to benefit from the information flow of the Diandao Group without being reduced by this information flow, and thus deteriorating itself, is actually a topic worth studying. Generally speaking, one's career and luck are closely related. A person with a good career can even live longer. After a career declines, people don’t even have the motivation to live, and they die soon. Few people have a good career, and people are good. When their career declines, they have nothing to do. It is difficult to cut off the cause and effect." Su Jie said: "However, I have researched some new methods of combining information. Moreover, the Diandao Group was created by you, and the information of this group is very close to you. Feeling, blending into one's own thinking consciousness, very suitable."

"What method?" Zhang Jinchuan asked.

"Human consciousness is independent and has an independent structure, which is equivalent to a key. This key constitutes layers of defense, just like the layers of organs in a treasury. It is to protect our core soul from external information. Otherwise, if we are invaded by outside information casually, our core soul will be polluted. This is something more terrifying than death, such as being possessed by evil spirits and ghosts. These are all information that has invaded the inner core of consciousness. "Su Jie said: "However, this kind of closure also makes it difficult for us to accept external information to transform our soul essence. For example, there is a mysterious thing in Chinese Kung Fu called Shen Da. It is a kind of spiritual suggestion, but at a higher level, it is to open one's soul core and let the external "divine power" information invade, so as to achieve the effect of inviting the upper body of the god. In fact, the god can understand it, and it is a very powerful information."

"Then you want to teach us how to recognize our own soul key, open up in an orderly manner, absorb external information in an orderly manner, open up in an orderly manner, and conduct an audit mechanism in an orderly manner?" Tang Yun signed: "Actually, this is It is the same as the opening up of the country. We can’t close the country, but we can’t let go of it all at once. Otherwise, our core soul will be washed away by the information, or even be enchanted. This set of learning process is more complicated than genetic modification. , How to let go, how to establish an audit mechanism. This is a technical problem that has taken a big step forward for mankind.”

"This technical problem has been solved for me." Su Jie said: "However, for you, you cannot accept information casually. In my opinion, Kagura Wu and Mr. Cong, Even if they are in the realm of new humans, it is still very dangerous to accept the thoughts of the Tao Te Ching and the thoughts of wealth. And you have no problem accepting the information of the Diandao Group. I will now open the key to the soul of consciousness method to tell you, you take it slowly.”

During the conversation, a stream of information was passed on.

There seemed to be something more in everyone's minds.

The current Su Jie can completely transmit his consciousness.

"According to the theory, information is a wave without material basis. But human consciousness actually has wave-particle duality. That is to say, when you can turn waves into particles, your consciousness can Interfering with matter is tantamount to the materialization of spiritual power." Xiao Chen suddenly said: "If human beings can take this step, then the real evolution has been completed and become a brand new species. Although you are very strong now, but in reality The Internet is still spinning in the information."

"The current body structure of a person needs to carry consciousness information into particles. It is really unrealistic to quantize it. Of course, from a scientific point of view, it will be a matter of time before consciousness interferes with matter. The particleization of information fluctuations is also a matter of course." Su Jie said: " But it is definitely not now, the structure and form of human life will undergo fundamental changes. I have not researched it so far, what kind of structure is it that can turn information into particles, and can interfere with real matter? degree."

"That person is a particle accelerator." Xiaochen said: "I have devised some plans, but none of them are what humans are like now. The genetic map is also completely different."

"Really?" Su Jie said: "Then show me now."

"There's no rush. We've arrived in Siberia, so we can study it slowly." Xiao Chen purposely put it off.

At this time, Su Jie left City B and got on the plane going abroad with Xiao Chen.

On the plane, Su Jie found that Xiaochen's identity could not be detected by various security methods, and Xiaochen also has her own human identity. With her computer means, it is too easy to forge an identity. She herself is a super artificial intelligence, even surpassing Xiao Jie.

The two sat side by side on the plane, flying in the clouds, Xiao Chen said to Su Jie: "Flying on a plane is a very dangerous thing. Generally speaking, many important people die in plane accidents. I don't care. My body exploded. Yes, just use 3D to print another one. In fact, I still have a lot of such bodies, which are placed in different places and can be activated at any time. If something happens to you, you will die completely. But you have the foresight Dangerous ability, it seems that you know that this plane is safe and nothing will happen? However, if you meet someone with the same mental state as you, it will be difficult for you to detect it, and you will also encounter danger."

"That's right." Su Jie said: "Although I can see many futures, I can't see some futures. I can only choose the best probability as much as possible, but you say that people with similar spiritual realms to me , I can predict their methods, unless the spiritual realm is much stronger than me, it is difficult for me to find out, but this kind of person has not appeared in this world for the time being, and the 'head' does not have this ability. Yes Now, I would like to ask you a question, how much does your body cost?"


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