Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Seven hundred and eighty third, playing with the future, the heart of science is fearless

Xiaochen's body is so advanced that many conventional detection methods can't detect whether she is a human or a machine. This kind of manufacturing method is completely ahead of the world, ten times higher than the world's robot manufacturing level Not only that.

Japan's robot manufacturing is relatively advanced. It was widely used in the production line in the 1970s and 1980s. After the 21st century, it has produced many vivid robot girlfriends, which are deeply loved by otaku. But compared with Xiaochen, these robots are the difference between paramecia and humans.

So Su Jie was a little curious about how much Xiaochen's body cost.

"The overall cost of my body is about 30 million US dollars to 50 million US dollars. Some special materials are made by myself based on materials science and engineering, and I have patents." Xiao Chen said: " So apart from me, it is almost impossible for a laboratory in this world to create a robot with my body structure, and many of the materials on my body are thirty years ahead of the world."

"Indeed, I have also done a lot of research on material science." Su Jie said: "It is true that your body, in other laboratories, may not be fixed even if it costs three to five hundred million U.S. dollars. The most amazing thing is , Many organs in your body actually already have the functions of human internal organs. I saw a news that a research team from Rice University and Washington University in the United States printed a breathing lung through hydrogel 3D printing. The completed vascular structure can transport oxygen to the surroundings and complete the breathing process. However, this is only a model, and it is used for human transplantation to completely replace human internal organs. This is not realistic at all. However, I can see your internal organs In fact, many organs can already replace the human body, such as the heart, lungs, large and small intestines, and even the liver and kidneys. It’s just that they don’t have some of the original hormone secretion effects, but they can have basic functions. If this technology spreads, it will be possible Saved many terminally ill people."

"That will immediately become the target of public criticism." Xiaochen said: "Once artificial organs can be truly used in reality, it means that people's internal organs can be replaced at will, and the lives of many people will be extended. How big is this? Benefits? As soon as the artificial organ company comes out, I am afraid that it will immediately become the world's largest company by market value."

"I know, that may be the beginning of a disaster, and even many countries will come to snatch this technology." Su Jie said: "However, this will be realized sooner or later."

"You have compassion. Of course, with your ability, you can protect the golden mountain with your body." Xiao Chen said: "In this world, basically no one can kill you. Even if you want to rule The whole world may not be impossible, it’s just that you are not interested.”

"This will affect my scientific research and my own evolution." Su Jie said: "Actually, I don't even want to bear the karma of the Diandao Group and the Minglun Martial Arts School. Nothing happens."

"The reason why you don't want to bear karma is actually because you are not strong enough,

Your consciousness is very strong, but your body is very fragile, and it is still a body of flesh and blood. In the final analysis, it is still a matter of human genes. Human genes have evolved from ancient times to the present, and their purpose is not for their own strength, but for reproduction. . Therefore, after people have offspring, their body functions and even their intelligence will degrade rapidly, which means that the life genes have completed their mission, and the next life is useless. This makes me suspect that people are actually some kind of advanced life A program is designed, the purpose of this program is to reproduce, and the cycle repeats. In fact, this phenomenon also occurs in many animals. For example, salmon that swim upstream from the ocean reach the upper reaches of the river. After laying eggs, they die completely. In addition, many animals die immediately after giving birth to offspring. Therefore, human genes are not the correct route for self-strengthening. What do you think? "Xiaochen asked.

"I have noticed this a long time ago. In fact, many experts in life science and medicine also knew this. Even in ancient times, many practitioners knew this. Therefore, many practitioners pay attention to not marrying, not marrying In order to maintain the most primitive value of one's life. From a genetic point of view, it is true that people who have reproduced are much weaker than those who have not been reproduced." Su Jie nodded: "I have discovered this gene Some secrets of the fragment can be modified. The reason why I am so powerful now is also caused by modifying this gene fragment, otherwise, I would not be able to go through a round under your attack."

"You have the opportunity to become stronger." Xiaochen said: "It depends on whether you are willing or not. This time, you have arrived in Siberia and studied with us. I hope that with your ability to capture future information, I will see what I will do in the future." What is the research direction, what will I research, I hope you can see some of the things I have researched ten years later, and then tell me, so that I can accelerate my research. For example, in terms of human organs, you can even You can replace all your organs with artificial ones, and in that way, your abilities will be raised to a terrifying level."

"No, I can't do this. It's not the bottom line of being a human being. It's because, although the various organs of the human body are fragile, they contain many secrets, and many gene fragments are contained in them. If I replace them all , although it is temporarily powerful, but it loses the ability to evolve, and my research will be interrupted." Su Jie said: "Actually, I don't reject the use of artificial organs. In the future, artificial organs will definitely be better than my own organs. Strong. However, I am still young and have not yet reached this point. If I am old and my organs degenerate and I am powerless, I can replace them all with artificial organs and rejuvenate. And when I reach that time, the human organs will be even stronger. However, I can capture future information about you."

"Are you really not afraid of God's punishment? I think you have no burden in your heart? According to the truth, practitioners care about these causes and effects. In the dark, if you play with the future and time, you will definitely be played by it. This is cause and effect. Why are you not afraid at all?" Xiaochen was puzzled: "The stronger the practitioner, the more afraid of this."

Su Jie laughed when he heard this: "I am a scientist, not a practitioner. Practitioners are afraid of cause and effect, but scientists are not. For scientists, even if they are in front of gods, they have to dissect and study."

According to the logic of many people, Su Jie captures Xiaochen's future research and then tells her to speed up the current research, which will cause a conflict between the present and the future on the timeline.

However, in Su Jie's theory, the future and the present do not interfere with each other, they are both things on an independent timeline.

Moreover, Su Jie is quite sure that based on Xiaochen's current state, he will capture her research results in the next few years and then feed them back to her.

This is actually a kind of cheating, but it doesn't matter, technology itself is cheating.

From the perspective of metaphysicians and practitioners, this is tantamount to acting against the sky. If you play with time, you will inevitably be played by heaven, and you will even be punished by heaven. If there is nothing to worry about, then just don’t do it at all. Human beings are still stuck in the era of slash-and-burn farming, or even the era of drinking blood.

Human beings are now beginning to conquer the planet they live in. In the future, they will definitely conquer space, life, old age, sickness and death, space and time.

Playing with the future, what is this?

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