Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and one two-sided world, reality and illusion are not important

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Saffol knew that this was an illusion, it was definitely the interference of Su Jie's consciousness, but after careful analysis, he couldn't see any flaws. He already admired Su Jie's methods in his heart, especially in this hallucination. In the movie, my family and sister are all vivid, it seems that they are not hallucinations, but real people, and the development of character also changes with time.

If Saffol's cultivation was a little lower, he would really think that he was reborn at the turn of the century, when he was fifteen years old.

Even, deep down in his heart, he wanted to think it was true.

How nice would it be if it was true?

"Sister, let me improve your athletic ability." Saffol knew that his sister was being bullied every day, and it was one thing to help him vent his anger, but it was best for her to improve her strength and build her confidence.

Generally speaking, my younger sister is small, even if she learns boxing, she may not be able to beat her classmates who are much taller than her, let alone a few of them.

But now, Saffol is in the realm of new human beings, and he is a top coach. Even Su Jie recognizes him. He has many ways to make a weak person become extremely strong in an instant, and there are no side effects. It's just magic.

"How do I train?" Sister Safur listened carefully.

"No need for training." Saffol suddenly moved, and a consciousness entered into his sister's brain, adjusting her body's endocrine, and at the same time controlling her body, automatically performing some body movements. Suddenly, his sister's body Many chemical reactions in the body are taking place, and it can even be seen that fat is being decomposed, muscle toughness, strength, and bone density are all increasing, and even motor nerves are becoming extremely developed.

These are all basic skills.

As a top coach, Saffol uses consciousness to control various changes in the body. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is simply against the common sense of physics, even absurd, but in fact it is the most scientific. The efficiency of human movement itself is about to undergo a revolution.

The previous low-efficiency behavior of limb movement should itself be eliminated.

Safur watched his sister keep getting stronger, and was very shocked, because he couldn't find any flaws in the real environment he was in during the process. In other words, this is a real world, not a virtual one. of.

In the process of his sister becoming stronger, he tried to find out the flaw that this world is virtual, but it didn't help.

"Could it be,

Am I really born again? Or, everything I experienced was a dream? A trace of doubt arose in Saffol's mind.

At this time, my sister woke up.

She jumped suddenly, the whole person jumped up high, and even turned a somersault in the air, her body flexibility almost instantly increased a hundred times, some difficult movements could be performed easily with a single thought, and then she punched In the meantime, he was vigorous, full of strength, and very fast, almost close to a professional boxer.

"What's going on? Why do I feel like I've practiced for many years, some movements are very familiar, it's amazing, brother, you can do magic?" My sister miraculously discovered many changes in her body, but she was not too surprised , because she has been influenced by many movies since she was a child, she was struck by lightning and became The Flash, what superman, what spiderman, all Western children believe that this world

The world is magical.

"There's something even more magical." Saffol didn't explain anything, he wanted to pass the Fufu flow directly to his younger sister, so that the younger sister could also grasp the essence of Fufu.

Although it is difficult to master Fufuliu, Saffol has information transmitted through consciousness, and can train his sister to become a master of Fudoliu.

"What is it?" My sister was curious.

"It's a state of meditation. It's hundreds of times better than yoga." Saffol said: "You feel this state now, and I'll let you try it and enter it."

While speaking, he had already hypnotized his younger sister, passing on his immobile experience.

Gradually, my younger sister also began to enter that extremely still state. An essential change has taken place in the frequency of thinking, which can attract many substances that are usually invisible.


Suddenly, the sister screamed.

"What's going on?" Sapphire was taken aback.

"I saw it." The younger sister said in shock, "Just now, I saw a lot of things."

"What did you see?" Savor asked.

"Brother, am I dead? The me now is an illusion imagined by you, and I see that you have become a very strong person now. Many people listen to you. You have many money, and even my own army..." the younger sister said strange words.

Hearing this, Safur was even more surprised, "What's the matter, you are hallucinating..."

This was originally his hallucination, and my sister is indeed a person in the hallucination, but now the person in the hallucination has actually recognized that he is the person in the hallucination through practice.

This made Saffol feel that the environment he was in was not an illusion at all.

However, even in the real world, through practice, many people realize that life is just a big dream. Whether it is the great philosophers and scientists in the East or the West, they all doubt the authenticity of this world.

Even, in many new theoretical physics studies, the world is likely to be illusory. Lack of logical support for authenticity.

If the world I live in is illusory, then the current illusory world may not necessarily be treated as the real world in reference.

Anyway, it's all virtual.

Suddenly, Saffol woke up.

He opened his eyes and found that he was still in the security hall of God of War. Atlas, Su Jie and others in front of him were all looking at him. He realized that only a few seconds had passed.

"What happened just now, is it true or false, or is it your hypnosis and hallucinations on me?" Savor asked.

He couldn't wait to ask Su Jie.

"Do you think it's true or false?" Su Jie asked back.

"I can't find the slightest flaw." Sappor said: "However, people in the hallucination can still practice and realize that they themselves are illusory. This is no longer an illusion, but reality."

"Yes, in fact, the authenticity of our world has yet to be verified. The dimensions of our world follow the

Laws sometimes seem absurd. If they are proved, then I will also think that this world is actually false, and it is just some fragments of our consciousness in time and space. "Su Jie said: "Actually, what you experienced just now is not an illusion created by me, but a possibility that may have happened when you were fifteen years old, at the turn of the century, and it is another possibility of your own. A period of life, you think it is false, or it can be false, you think it is true, it can also be true. Whether it's true or not, it's up to you to judge. I already know your heart. In fact, you are eager to go back to the time when you were fifteen, the real turning point in your life. In fact, you can go back. "

"How to get back?" Sapphire asked.

"Go back however you want," Su Jie said.

"If I go back, what will happen to my body? Just like before, just standing here? Lost my soul?" Safur asked.

"You can treat that scene as your second life." Su Jie said, "Give up your life here and live there. This is also a kind of happiness. That's why I invite you to Minglun Martial Arts School Teaching, living a simple life, and then you can spare a lot of time to go to the side where you were fifteen years old, teach your sister, be with your family, and live your life happily, isn't it very happy?"

"That's not living in fantasy, so what's the point?" Saffol said.

"Isn't this world of ours a fantasy? Even I still think that you were real when you were fifteen years old, and the present you are actually a fantasy made by you at the age of fifteen." Su Jie said: "Over there is Really, this side is imaginary, your main life is over there, this side is just the world in your dreams, the yearning of the heart is the reality, it is the hometown, people, after all, they have to go home.”

Saffol was silent.

If these words were heard by ordinary people, they would definitely find them absurd, but people like Saffol have an extremely deep research on consciousness, so he feels that Su Jie's words actually contain some absolute philosophies of life. .

In fact, what is an illusion and what is real, the more advanced the cultivation, the more difficult it is to distinguish clearly.

Su Jie said again: "I let you experience the life of returning to fifteen years old. Isn't this the life you yearn for? Now that you have finally realized your life, what are you dissatisfied with? Struggling in a painful life, your current life path is actually painful, you lost your family, you lost everything. If you have a chance to do it all over again, why not do it all over again?"

"You make a lot of sense." Saffol nodded and said, "Actually, I don't want to part with my family either. My life now may not be real, and what I experienced when I returned to my fifteen-year-old life may not be false. , Everything is created by the heart. God can create the world, and so can we. Everything in the world is just my own inner experience. When gathered together, it is the combination and transmission of information. In fact, I still want to thank you, thank you, for letting I've found my family again. From now on, I'm going to spend less time here and more time there."

"Sapher, congratulations, you have found your true happiness." Su Jie said.

"I have another question." Saffol asked: "If I die now, will my world over there collapse? In other words, will the foundation of the world over there be mine here? life."

"That's a good question." Su Jie said.

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