Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 802: A New Life, What Is the Truth of the World?

Safur listened quietly without speaking. He wanted to know Su Jie's understanding of the whole world. Deep down in his heart, he really wanted to go back to when he was fifteen. If he could go back, he would give everything. The price, everyone has regrets in their hearts, for this regret, they can sacrifice everything.

"According to the logic, your body on this side is dead. The world on the other side will not disappear either. You will really start a new life there." Su Jie said.

"Really?" Although Saffol is a new human being, an invincible coach who can turn stones into gold and turn decay into miracles, his understanding of the world is still far inferior to Su Jie.

After reaching their level, the competition in kung fu is very inferior. Only the understanding of the world can tell who is superior and who is inferior, that is, the depth of Taoism.

"What's the rationale for this?" Savor asked.

"Have you ever beaten tofu?" Su Jie said, "Tofu is loose at first and cannot be shaped, but as long as a little bit of brine is added, it will solidify immediately. There is an old saying in our oriental culture, it is called brine point." Tofu, one thing descends one thing. Our whole world itself is illusory, just like tofu without shape, and our consciousness is brine. The whole illusory world, together with our consciousness, will solidify and become become real. Therefore, the time and space you are in at the age of 40, you think it is real, is because of your consciousness, and if your consciousness reaches the time and space at the age of fifteen, that time and space will be real. has become real, and now this time and space at the age of 40 has become imaginary.”

"Isn't this the quantum theory's understanding of the world?" Savor immediately understood: "The quantum theory tells us that the matter and the way of existence in the whole world are in the form of superposition of wave functions. When our consciousness observes When they reach the top, these wave functions will collapse and become particles, that is, the real form. Therefore, in the quantum world, consciousness is the most critical thing that affects matter, just like the tofu and brine you mentioned. That is to say , the whole world, without our consciousness, is nothingness.”

"Yes, although none of us are willing to admit it, it is very possible that this is the truth of the world. Our science, in the process of exploring the world, can easily produce a feeling of unreality. To break through the fog and discover The truth of the world is really difficult." Su Jie said: "However, what I said is speculation, and there is no real proof. In fact, there are some theories that are difficult to prove. It is impossible to prove it by yourself. , but if I die, even if it is proved, how can I come back and tell everyone the result?"

"That's true." Saffol said: "So, do you think that the whole world is actually composed of many pieces of information? Our awareness reaches that piece of information, and that piece of information becomes the real world? Is this true? Too ridiculous?"

"It's not ridiculous at all." Su Jie shook his head.


Consciousness is not information? "Atlas said suddenly.

"That's right, consciousness is not information. Information is actually a kind of fluctuation, which is a part of the world. Consciousness is another kind of thing, and we attribute it to a kind of dark matter for the time being. As for whether it is or not, it will be studied later." Su Jie said: "The whole world is actually divided into many pieces of information, and these pieces of information are a complete and independent world for us. In fact, just like playing a game, a game has multiple sub-plots, often Because the protagonist makes a choice, the future life path will be completely different. Even the game is like this, how can our real world be inferior to the game, in fact, the fate of many people is changed because of a mistake in their own thoughts. Even in history, There are many times when a key direction is determined because of a single thought of someone. In fact, even we don’t know whether after a person dies, they just leave this information fragment scene and go to another scene. Yes When people are dreaming, people will dream about many things, dreaming about another part of their life, in fact, it may be the scene of two worlds, which are entangled with each other."

"If the world is really like this, then I'm afraid I'm going to go crazy, I can't accept this truth at all." Saffol said: "However, if the world is really like this, I'm also very happy, I can go back to ten years now. At the age of five, the world here is really not very attractive to me."

"You can, the information of that world, I have actually helped you find the coordinates. According to this coordinates, you can enter it at any time." Su Jie said: "I have already said that the re-experienced in your dream Back to the age of fifteen, I didn't make it up, but I observed your fate trajectory and discovered the possibility of another segment of your life. Of course, even if I made it up, in fact, as long as you invest your consciousness , can also become a real sensory world.”

"When I was young, I dreamed, and I often dreamed of very beautiful things. In my dreams, I killed all directions and possessed super powers." Atlas said: "But after waking up, I want to continue to sleep, and once again put this The dream continues, but there is nothing to do, is this also the reason why the information coordinates have not been found?"

"That's right." Su Jie nodded: "It's hard to continue a dream. It's really hard to find information coordinates and entangle them again. In fact, many people want to escape reality and live in a virtual world. Because of this, literature, games , movies and other things are very popular, romanticism and idealism are also very popular. In fact, if the world is really as revealed by my theory, it will be really beautiful. Everyone can live according to their own ideals , to enter the world we want. The world we exist in is actually a part of many virtual worlds. However, this research, I have not been able to prove that even if we are new humans, we can’t jump out of this world, and even for the time being. It’s a very sad thing to be unable to tell the real from the fake in this world.”

"Perhaps, as the movie said, our entire human beings may also be a test subject. In fact, the real situation is that we only have one brain left, soaked in the solution. The current world is made by something through virtual information. came out." Atlas said: "We elites actually want to explore the truth of the world, life and death, we don't care anymore."

"So, let's explore the truth of the world together. In fact, I can accept any situation now. I can keep calm and take it for granted when things happen in my life. Even my current strength, realm, and achievements are actually just a dream. Real I am actually at the bottom of the society, a beggar on the verge of death, stinking all over, and my life is about to disappear, and everything now is my illusion before the temporary, imagining my own glory, in fact, I can accept it, because my Consciousness and soul have begun to know the true Tao, no matter what the world is like, the amount of Tao in my soul is increasing, the more it increases, the less fear and other things, the less affected by the world." Su Jie said.

"Isn't this the way to win spiritually?" Savor said, "This is very detrimental to the world. If everyone is immersed in the virtual world, our entire human race may not be able to make progress."

"That's true." Su Jie said: "Actually, I am also very contradictory now. Like many scientists in history, I have discovered the truth, but I am afraid of the truth. Every time in the process of exploring the truth, I feel powerless. At this time, I realized that I am actually a weak mortal. Well, let’s not talk about it. Let’s get back to reality, Mr. Savore, what is our bet? You don’t need to talk about it. Breaking my consciousness manipulation, you seem to have won this bet."

"No, I lost. And I lost completely." Saffol said: "I am still nostalgic for this conscious world, and I am eager to go back there. This conscious manipulation has made me have no interest in the real world. The heart of disgust, this is the real manipulation. You have enlightened me and let me know what I need, what is the real desire deep in my heart. So, I decided to follow you Go to Minglun Martial Arts School, in that land, to find the depths of my soul, my ideal world, my world, is to be with my family, live a happy and peaceful life, feel everything, enjoy everything, in Minglun Wu In the quiet life of the school, I can better connect with the fifteen-year-old world. By the way, I also hope that you can tell me how to find the coordinates of that world so that I can connect with this world. In return, I can Teaching apprentices at Minglun Martial Arts School."

"Thank you." Su Jie nodded: "Maybe you made a correct choice and changed your future destiny. In fact, according to my view of your destiny, if you continue like this, in the years to come, the end will not be very good. Well, it’s the same as Ares, but you are much stronger than Ares, and now you have changed your destiny, just because of this small thought, in fact, I still want to congratulate you.”

"You can't fully see your own destiny. Could it be that your choice is right?" Atlas saw that Safur had made a choice, and he was impatient.

Ares Security, he is the founder, with many giant interests behind it, and Saffol is the "God Maker" of Ares Security.

With Savor around, there will be a steady stream of God of War security guards, which is why he has the confidence to compete with Dian Dao Security, and now he has been poached away. So what capital does God of War Security have to keep itself from being swallowed?

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