Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and twenty-two: The world is changing, the secret of aura is understood

"Master Xu, your morality is still higher than his?" The middle-aged rich man surnamed Liu wondered: "It is said that the person with the highest morality here is Liu Guanglie, the old principal of the Minglun Martial Arts School, but Liu Guanglie claims that Su Jie is a distant Far above him. Liu Shi must tell me not to mess with the Dao Group."

"Liu Guanglie is just a martial artist." A look of disdain appeared on Master Xu's face: "Martial arts is not the same as changing our fate. We are many times better than kung fu. To use a fashionable saying, we are cultivators. They are fighting fiercely among ordinary people, but we are changing the world, calculating life, emperors, generals, and generals are all under our control. Even with Xiang Yu's force, as long as a small trick and calculation, It can destroy his army of 100,000, and make him commit suicide in Wujiang. As for the Diandao group, it is a trick played by children. A few lucky kids formed a gang to stir up wind and rain. Now, being able to make some things seems to call the wind and call the rain, but in fact the foundation is shallow. As long as the luck declines a little, it will immediately fall apart. Liu Shi is also mistaken. However, he cultivated some unknown things indiscriminately. In our opinion, he His blessings are almost exhausted."

"Master Xu, you still have profound morals. However, the next thing I have to do is to find someone who can win luck, but how do I find such a person?" said the middle-aged rich man surnamed Liu.

"Don't worry about this, I'll just help you look at it. Here, there are many lucky people." Master Xu said: "Okay, you can leave now, do whatever you want, and act according to your plan. I In addition to being your personal bodyguard, this apprentice can also help you deal with some business problems, he is not only good at kung fu."

"Then leave it to Master Xu." The middle-aged rich man surnamed Liu stood up.

"Cao Kui, follow Boss Liu." Master Xu ordered.

The young man put on his clothes. It was a well-tailored suit, shirt, and leather shoes. He seemed to be a different person in an instant, and his temperament changed. He was like an elite in the upper class who is good at finance, instead of being shirtless just now. The image of a martial artist carrying a butcher knife.

Just now, this young man named Cao Kui was like the ancient god of war, one man was in charge of the gate, and ten thousand men could not open it. The fierce general was invincible, charged into the battle, and defeated three thousand enemies.

The middle-aged rich man surnamed Liu originally thought that this young man was not suitable for following his own image, but now that he has changed his clothes, he is simply too suitable to be an elite in the workplace.

"Cao Kui, how old are you now?" the middle-aged wealthy man surnamed Liu asked the young man.

"Sixteen years old." Cao Kui is 1.85 meters tall, very burly, but has a calm demeanor, without the frivolity of a young man.

"Do you know anything about business?" the middle-aged rich man surnamed Liu asked again.

"Of course." Cao Kui said.

The middle-aged rich man surnamed Liu asked him a few questions on the spot, and found that Cao Kui could answer them fluently, and he even had a unique introduction on his business, and even proposed some effective advices for his current predicament. plan.

At the moment, the middle-aged rich man surnamed Liu is very happy. This Cao Kui is not just a bodyguard, but a very good consultant.

In fact, he also knew that Master Xu's network was wider than his, and he knew many wealthy people, including some powerful dignitaries.

He can also get a lot of resources from Master Xu.

After a while, he drove away with Cao Kui.

Just after he left, another car came here,

Two people came down, and these two people sat down in the inner hall and looked at Master Xu.

One of them was obviously Shenyueren. After he was knocked down by Su Jie, he has been lurking here, hoping to recover his realm one day.

And the other person, who looks a bit old, is actually the old man Mao.

The old man Mao, who had disappeared for a long time, also appeared here. His appearance was slightly older than before, but his spirit and temperament were more unpredictable, and it seemed that his realm had been raised several levels.

"Old Xu, don't come here without any problems." Mao old man greeted as soon as he came in, "I didn't expect that you also started to make arrangements."

"Old Mao, I heard that you missed the plan." Master Xu saw a cold light flickering in the eyes of the old man Mao, and then took a sip of tea from the purple sand pot: "I am poor here, but there is no tea to entertain you. convenient."

"How did I miss it?" Old man Mao didn't take Master Xu's stinginess very seriously.

"I know that you have spent twenty years laying out the layout of the Feng family, making the Feng family a huge fortune, but in fact, you used a vicious method to let them suck away all their luck when they were at their peak. , so as to strengthen your primordial spirit, but at the last moment, because of being destroyed, the Feng family declined before reaching its peak. You have not absorbed any luck, which is equivalent to twenty years of effort, destroyed by Once, otherwise, if the Feng family becomes a rich man at the same level as Liu Shi, you will absorb his luck at the peak of your life. Now you have become a land god, a primordial god. You are not from my generation."

Some of the nouns that Master Xu said are some terms in his industry. Of course, Old Man Mao can definitely understand them.

"What's the use of becoming a land god?" Old man Mao said, "I introduce a new friend today, a former land god."

While speaking, old man Mao pointed to Shenyueren.

"Him?" Master Xu looked over, "The air is scattered, the luck is not strong, weird, weird, I think he looks like a fairy in the past, but he seems to have been doomed and demoted to the mortal world. This is what happened?"

"He used to be a land god, but he was knocked down. In fact, the land god was named a new human being in a foreign scientific research institution. He pays attention to human consciousness and can control all the body. More than 10%, even the ability to change some of your own genetic structure." Mao old man said: "Our method should keep pace with the times. You see, Luo and Ma, the two juniors, their current strength has already You are still above me. In fact, you are an outstanding genius in our industry, and your aptitude is rare in my life. Originally, you should have shined brightly in our industry, but ten years ago, you suddenly disappeared. After inquiring about one thing, you were convinced by a person, and you joined him as a student, studying in secret for ten years. You just came out of the mountain recently. Who is that person who can convince you?"

"That's not a person, it's a god." Master Xu said: "I got the teaching of God by chance. Don't talk about it, what is the reason you came to me today? You, a scheming person, have been scheming all your life. Want to plot against me?"

"I know what you want to do when you appear here. You have taken a fancy to the atmosphere here and want to take it for yourself. Also, you have discovered that there will be many young people with great luck here. You have taken a fancy to them and want to take it for you. Their luck is their own. Your feng shui technique can be said to have brought the way of plunder to the extreme. You can only get in and out. There is a huge risk of being punished by heaven and backlash. I calculated, In the past ten years, you will encounter bad luck, but I didn’t expect that you turned the danger into a blessing and realized something. Not only did you not suffer backlash, but you went further, this is beyond my expectation.” Old man Mao said.

"The earth's energy in this place suddenly boiled, surpassing all the blessed places in the world. I smelled it, and it actually began to have spirituality. As long as you practice hard, you can absorb the huge spiritual power for your own use. The holy place in the world is home to the virtuous. In short, people in the world don't know what spiritual power is, even if they are allowed to occupy it, it would be a waste of money, you see, among all the living beings living here, who knows what spiritual power is?" Master Xu's words revealed his superiority, It seems that God is looking at the ignorant people: "Actually, even you, old man Mao, you don't know what spiritual energy is, how can you absorb spiritual energy to obtain the way of immortality, many practitioners throughout the ages , although I know that there is an energy called aura between heaven and earth, but it is only limited to theory, I have no practice at all, and I don’t know how to absorb it. I am the only one who has initially comprehended the method of absorption. It means that you are still drinking blood, I have already learned to use various advanced energies. In fact, to be honest, when I look at you now, it is like looking at primitive people. Old man Mao, I don’t think you will mind what I said, and You can understand too."

"Absorb spiritual energy?" Old man Mao knew that in the ancient culture, it was true that there was a spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth. In order to become a fairy in ancient times, people had to absorb the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth and change themselves. Among the middle-aged people, there has never been one who can successfully absorb aura.

Reiki is like a legendary dragon. It has been passed down from generation to generation orally and in books, but no one has actually seen it. Even Old Man Mao himself understands that his practice is nothing more than exercising his mind and body, and he has definitely not reached the high-level state of absorbing spiritual energy.

He even suspected that the aura itself was fake, it was just a legend.

Now Master Xu actually told him that he could absorb spiritual energy, which made him suspicious.

Master Xu is just a junior in his line of work.

"I know you don't believe it, but summer insects are indescribable. It's hard to say in itself. Only when you have reached the ultimate level of cultivation and comprehended some kind of mystery can you comprehend this kind of thing." Master Xu said: "Don't look at you The person you brought here was once a land god, but he couldn't absorb spiritual energy, but I can help him absorb it again and bring him back to his peak. So, you have found the right person by bringing him to me."

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