Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and twentieth three bragging and breaking the sky, revealing the truth and high techno

"Can you help me recover my strength and return to the peak?" Shenyue Ren's tone was a little excited. He wanted to recover even in his dreams, and then take revenge on Su Jie.

He used to be a big man who called the wind and rain, but now he has become different from human beings, ghosts and ghosts, all thanks to Su Jie.

However, he also knew that even if he regained his realm, he was far from Su Jie's opponent. When he was in his prime, he was beaten with three punches and two feet by Su Jie until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. The current Su Jie is not as good as the original Su Jie. Knowing how many times stronger, he is far from being an opponent.

These days, he is also constantly researching, trying to recover, and understands a lot of truth.

But it is not an easy task to restore the realm.

As for what aura is, the people of Shenyue actually don't know.

But as long as there is a glimmer of hope, we must do our best.

"That's right, I can give you a 100% guarantee." Master Xu said, "Of course, I need something from you."

"What do you want from me?" Shenyue asked.

"I heard that you have a daughter named Kagura Wu." Master Xu said: "If you let her worship me as a teacher, I will replenish your spiritual energy and make you fully recover."

"Really?" Shenyue people sneered when they heard this, "I think Master Xu, you probably don't know what state and cultivation level my daughter is in now. Gossip, I have studied it in depth, and my understanding is no worse than yours. Back then, my cultivation was still higher than yours."

"I know that to be able to cultivate to reach your level, Feng Shui Yi Shu and Qi Luck have a deep understanding, otherwise it is impossible to practice to reach this level, but you have to be clear, your strength is actually entirely derived from talent, If I'm not mistaken, you are born with a fairy seed. With a little practice, you will be a first-class land fairy. But success is also a talent, and failure is also a talent." Master Xu said: "I also know that your daughter is also a first-class land fairy. It is said that it is a new human being, but this is nothing. The difference between the new human beings and ordinary people is that they are stronger, and there is no difference in essence. I think the standard for the division of new human beings is still lacking. They should be divided into Whoever can use the spirit energy is a new human being, and whoever cannot use the spirit energy is an ordinary person. You father and daughter are both land gods, but you don’t know what spirit energy is, and you don’t know how to absorb it. In my opinion Come on, in fact, there is no difference from barbarians. In terms of energy utilization efficiency, it is really too low. If you can use aura, you can change your soul in an instant, and restore your state, not to mention, you can go one step further , defeating that Su Jie is not a problem at all."

Hearing what Master Xu said, Old Man Mao frowned. He didn't know whether what Master Xu said was true or not, but he instinctively told him that Master Xu must have a mysterious background, otherwise it would be impossible to be so calm.

Old man Mao also wanted to see what aura was.

So he coughed lightly: "Although you are talking about the hype, I still want to see how you display and activate the aura, and how this thing manifests. If I don't let me feel this thing, I won't Believe in you. Don't even try to play tricks in front of me. How many years have I been living in the world, and how many years have you been? The tricks we play are basically under my control."

"Old man Mao, you really don't see rabbits and don't spread eagles, you are an old world." Master Xu stood up: "I won't chat with you here anymore. Let you feel the spiritual energy."

While speaking, a piece of talisman paper appeared in his hand, this talisman paper was blue, green,

Gold and red are intertwined, not paper, it seems to be metal, and it seems to be a brand new material.

Master Xu chanted the mantra, and his body was extremely fast. In an instant, he was as fast as a ghost, and immediately reached Old Man Mao's side.

Old man Mao was taken aback, because he had never seen such a speed before.

The Shenyue people were also taken aback. He could see that Master Xu's speed and movements were still higher than when he was in his prime. In other words, Master Xu's speed surpassed that of the new humans.

This completely broke through a certain limit of human beings.

Master Xu took the talisman and hit Old Man Mao directly on the forehead.

At this moment, old man Mao felt a sudden change in the world in front of him. In the core of his spiritual world, he seemed to really feel something that he had never felt before, slowly injecting into his consciousness.

With instinct, he can feel that this thing is the spirit in the "soul".

"Sure enough, it is spirit, the spirit in the soul, the spirit in the aura, does there really exist aura in this world?" Old man Mao's heart was shaken: "If this continues, let me keep absorbing, my life The essence will be changed, and it may even be rejuvenated and youthful."

Then, though, the feeling stopped.

Because Master Xu took away the talisman paper and returned to his seat again.

"This..." Old Man Mao stared at Master Xu, "What is the talisman in your hand?"

"Don't worry about this, let me ask you, have you felt the aura?" Master Xu said: "I think, with your spiritual state, you should be able to feel it. Is this thing real or not?"

"It's true." Mao old man said: "Although there are many tricks in our industry, I can still tell the truth from the fake."

"How about it? Shenyue people, do you agree to me?" Master Xu asked: "If you don't believe me, you can bring your daughter to me. I will give you some time to think about it."

Shenyueren didn't answer, his eyes flickered.

Faced with this situation, he still judged whether to seize this opportunity.

If it is true, and he can absorb spiritual energy, then he still has hope.

"Okay, I promise you, but I want my daughter to come and discuss it." Shenyue said humanely.

"No problem." Master Xu knew that this matter was almost inseparable, and now the Shenyue people were actually drowning people, so they had to grab any life-saving straws.

"If you take his daughter as an apprentice, the strength you will gain will almost reach the extreme." Old man Mao also knew what Master Xu meant.

Kagura Wu's aura is very small, once captured, it will bring Master Xu to a higher level.

In fact, that's what Su Jie meant when he asked the Shenyue people to learn from Liu Guanglie.

At the beginning, Su Jie forced Shenyue people to worship Liu Guanglie, kowtow, and offer tea. This incident was passed on, which actually added a lot of energy to this place and the Minglun Martial Arts School.

The Kagura dance represents the cohesion of the upper class in Japan. The upper class in Japan is priests, monks, nobles, and chaebols.

Master Xu agreed with this matter, he just smiled: "What is this, I know you are very afraid of a young man Su Jie, but I think this young man is just a flash in the pan. Students, within a certain period of time, they can be invincible, but once the luck is gone, they will go downhill. In fact, there are not a few young people like this since ancient times, such as Huo Qubing, Chen Qingzhi, these people are invincible, but they can't last long. I Judging by his luck, he has already reached the peak, and it is time for him to decline. I will seize this opportunity, accept him as a disciple, and surrender him completely. If his luck declines, if he tries to seize it again, there will be no hope. It's like boiling traditional Chinese medicine. It doesn't work if you have more or less. Let me tell you the truth, if you can subdue Su Jie now, you can completely take away his luck. It will be of great help to me. .”

"What effect does absorbing luck have on you?" Old Man Mao asked tentatively.

"It's okay for me to tell you that luck is actually nothing to others. For example, even if you have obtained a lot of luck, it is actually better luck. At most, it will benefit your soul , to make you clearer, but for me, it is to be able to form a huge aura field in my soul, and then increase my absorption and refinement of aura." Master Xu said: "This point Speaking, I think that among the practitioners in the world, I am the only one who understands these principles."

Old man Mao was secretly startled, as if he had entered a brand new realm.

"Are you sure you have the strength to subdue Su Jie? Let me tell you, the situation is unstoppable now." Mao old man said: "You know, Mr. Tifeng can't do anything to him, and now this place is overwhelmed by him There are many new human beings, I can't see what realm you are now, but don't be too confident."

"It's just a junior." Master Xu said: "I have said it long ago, no matter how powerful he is, he is still one civilization away from me. I can compare him to an ancient ape-man who can fight tigers with his bare hands. Among the apes, he is formidable, but for modern people, it is just a problem that can be solved with a bullet. Whether a human can absorb spiritual energy is the essential difference, do you know?"

"Then let me see how you subdue this son?" Old man Mao felt that Master Xu became more and more mysterious.

"It's still a little too late, I have to wait, wait for this son to reach the peak, and then harvest him." Master Xu said.

"Really?" At this moment, a voice came from outside, and then, old man Mao was surprised to find out that there was another person in the room.

This person is obviously Su Jie.

I don't know how Su Jie came in. Obviously the door was closed, and the windows were also closed, but there was no sign of the door or window being opened, but with the sound, Su Jie appeared in the room.

Su Jie seems to be a breath of energy, gathering and dispersing impermanently, and has no body.

"Unexpectedly, I was able to discover the high-tech products produced by the dark matter laboratory, and they were packaged into talismans, which is a bit interesting." Su Jie looked at Master Xu: "Actually, all countries in the world are studying dark matter. At a depth of 2,400 meters below Ping, there is also a dark matter laboratory, which was established more than 20 years ago. In fact, spiritual energy is a kind of dark matter, but there is no way to analyze it specifically. This thing of yours is posted on people’s In the brain, people have the ability to automatically absorb the aura of dark matter, if my guess is correct, it should be like this. However, I did not expect that technology has reached this point, which laboratory are you a product of?"

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