Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and twenty-four 1 chip technology has a new breakthrough

In this area, things big and small can't be concealed from Su Jie's consciousness tracking. At this moment, Su Jie is actually almost the same as Tianyan. His consciousness has entered a mysterious and immeasurable state.

However, the situation this time was actually beyond his expectations. He also did not expect that there would be a technological product in the world that allows people to absorb "spiritual energy".

Although there have been legends about "spiritual energy" since ancient times, they have not been able to prove it. Although Su Jie's research has classified "spiritual energy" as a type of dark matter, he has not been able to truly test and detect it. .

Of course, Su Jie knows that this thing must exist, and it exists in the real world. It is just a human sensory organ, and it does not see it. Or human cognition has not been able to reach this level at all.

It's like the ancient people who didn't know that the air contains oxygen, the soil contains microorganisms, and substances have atoms and nuclei.

This is a blind spot in human cognition.

However, Su Jie believes that with the development of science and the improvement of cognition, human beings will be able to discover and possess the ability to manipulate dark matter.

At that time, Su Jie also believes that human beings will be able to figure out what the "spiritual energy" is.

However, this day seems to be coming sooner than expected.

Su Jie is actually not good at the study of dark matter. What he is good at now is psychology, spirit, energy, information, and life sciences. His laboratory is mostly trying to build theoretical modules in this area.

To be honest, the research on dark matter does not have this foundation yet, and it must be promoted by the state machine. In the super dark matter laboratories established by various major countries, many rich theories and data have been born. Su Jie knew this.

Su Jie never thought that he could be proficient in all types of science, and he was ahead of the times in any research.

This is impossible. No matter how great a genius is, a great scientist can only be proficient in one or a few sciences. Without an omniscient being, there will always be scientific blind spots.

Even in life sciences, Su Jie knew that his own research might not necessarily be ahead of some laboratories, because in this world, some unexpected geniuses would always be born.

Just like in the past, Su Jie didn't know that the immobility flow created by Saffol could actually enable people to communicate with the dark matter of "spiritual energy", greatly enhance the firmness of people's consciousness, and increase the origin of people.

The discovery of "Reiki" is actually an epoch-making revolution.

In many novels, there is a concept of "spiritual energy recovery". Basically, it is because of the great changes in the world that the earth is suddenly full of spiritual energy. Some people start to absorb spiritual energy and start to have supernatural powers or superpowers. It has entered the age of superman or the age of magic, or even the age of fairy tales.

This is certainly a novel and a myth, but Su Jie believes that there is no such thing as "spiritual energy recovery" at all. It should be said that "spiritual energy" has always existed, but people cannot perceive it, capture it, and manipulate it. Just like people in ancient times did not know how to use or refine oil.

However, sooner or later, people will discover, refine, and use such things as "spiritual energy".

Just like people will use oil and step into the second industrial revolution.

The energy used by humans will become more and more advanced, starting with wood for fire, then coal, oil, solar energy,

Electric energy, nuclear energy, and finally dark matter energy, antimatter energy.

These developments, in fact, Su Jie has already planned in his heart, but his plan believes that if people can really figure out the division of dark matter, it should be a matter of a hundred years.

However, he did not expect that this era would come so quickly.

This is the future he never saw.

In the hands of Master Xu, the "talisman" is actually a special chip, which seems to help people absorb "spiritual energy", or speed up the absorption of "spiritual energy".

Of course, in the scientific world, this kind of dark matter may not necessarily be called aura. But another name.

No matter how it is called, Su Jie knows that this is an extremely important thing for all life.

With this kind of thing, matter can be called a living body.

The difference between a living body and a non-living body is whether it can possess and store this substance.

Whether or not they can actively absorb this substance is also the essential difference between living bodies.

Su Jie even speculated that if there are gods in the world, then the gods are only advanced creatures that can actively absorb this substance.

"You are Su Jie?" Master Xu also saw Su Jie, "There are some Taoist deeds, this is not your body, but a projection of your primordial spirit, it can actually do this, it seems that I am a little I saw you."

"Don't use some Taoist terminology." Su Jie said: "This is just spiritual transmission. A kind of long-distance transmission and mapping of brain information. This is the main way for human beings to communicate in the future. In fact, it should also be in the universe. , the communication method of higher organisms, on the surface, you seem to be a master of Fengshui and numerology, but you use high-tech products, even technologies that I have never seen before. Behind you is a super large-scale scientific experiment I know that there are many laboratories, some of which are in artificial intelligence, some in robotics, some in life sciences, and some in astronomy and the universe. But the laboratory behind you is obviously researching dark matter. My research on dark matter has just started. If it wasn’t for the secret of the human soul, which involved dark matter, I wouldn’t have done research in this area. I just discovered one thing, although your spiritual realm is not as good as the new one. Human beings, but the energy contained in your consciousness far exceeds that of ordinary new human beings. To paraphrase a sentence in martial arts novels, you have actually possessed hundreds of years of skill, but you just can't use it freely. And this The huge spiritual energy makes your speed and physical strength increase rapidly. It is really a miracle. It seems that your appearance will overturn some of my divisions of people's spiritual realm and physical strength. You are actually right about one thing , Our scientific community has misunderstood the division of new human beings. It should not be divided by the control power of the consciousness over the body reaching 10%, but should be divided by the consciousness containing spiritual energy. Or, can it be divided by whether it can actively absorb spiritual energy? .”

Master Xu stared at Su Jie: "Young man, I don't know what you are talking about, you are in a state of bewilderment, talking to yourself, or even dreaming up a scientific laboratory or something, In our industry, what we pay attention to is to cultivate the truth and enlightenment, to run the primordial spirit, and finally to achieve the golden elixir, to break through the void, to understand the world, to absorb the spiritual energy, to change from the bodiless, and to forge the fairy body. I have already cultivated the golden elixir road, and I can absorb the spiritual energy, and you It’s just some small tricks, using some scientific and biological means, it’s too trivial. In this way, you can worship me as your teacher, and I can teach you these supreme ways.”

"Really?" Su Jie smiled: "Does your so-called Jindan Dao rely on the biochip implanted in the head? This kind of technology is also unprecedented, and it has never appeared in the scientific world. My sister was a few years ago. Years ago, the concept of implanting biochips in the brain was proposed to assist the human brain to control, which is equivalent to adding multi-core CPU and memory to the computer. This technology has no problems in theory, but in practice , It is very difficult. Unexpectedly, you also succeeded, but this chip is definitely not as simple as manipulating. I think you have also been tricked by others, and you were controlled by others, and you were operated on, but you really Thinking that he could absorb spiritual energy and cultivate a golden core, this method is actually exactly the same as Sun Pilong's method of manipulating Duan Fei. However, this is not the method of the head organization, it should be another laboratory, this laboratory, I I have never heard of it, never seen it, and I never imagined that in this world, there is such a hidden dragon and crouching tiger, and there is such a rapid improvement in science and technology. But I also want to imagine that after the birth of a technology, after one or two years Within a year, it will be able to develop rapidly and become a giant in an instant. It seems that the head is right, the world will soon have things that make us dumbfounded, and my nemesis is born much faster than I imagined. "

Su Jie has already seen through the details of Master Xu.

In the depths of Master Xu's brain, there is a biological chip, which cooperates with the "talisman" chip in his hand, making the ability to absorb "spiritual energy" far higher than Fudoliu, even more than a hundred times that of Fudoliu. .

Through self-exercise, people reach the extreme, and the frequency of thinking shocks becomes a zero point. They do have the ability to absorb "spiritual energy", but this kind of intake is actually very small, and it is not enough. Just like the comparison between farmers' slash-and-burn crop production in ancient times and modern large-scale mechanized farming.

Who exactly did Master Xu meet? Su Jie didn't know.

Because of the interference of the biological chip in Master Xu's mind, Su Jie was unable to obtain a lot of information about his spiritual thinking.

Otherwise, if it is someone else, even if it is a new human being, Su Jie can absorb all the information about his experiences from childhood to adulthood in an instant. He even knows how many times he wet the bed when he was a child, and even what he had a crush on when he was a child. Girls, what are the mental activities, they are all vivid.

A chip can actually achieve this level, which subverts Su Jie's certain understanding.

It seems that science is vast and profound, and the more he knows, the more he is ignorant.

However, the appearance of Master Xu seems to have opened a new door for him, which made him more joyful than sighing. Since the other party has a brand new technology, it is only natural to obtain the secrets for his own use.

This Master Xu must be taken down.

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