Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and twenty-five True and False Dimensions are different

There are some high-tech things nowadays that are indeed unexpected. Especially some military products are 30 years ahead of civilian use. Take Tifeng’s black technology as an example. It can create a world-class large company, such as some holographic smartphones, and some artificial intelligence software.

Tifeng Group, whether it is hardware or software, can dominate the world.

However, Tifeng absolutely does not have this kind of biochip technology now, and it is already completely ahead of Tifeng. I don't know what technology was created in the laboratory.

Even, Su Jie felt that this kind of thing was almost alien technology.

"Master Xu, I think many of your ideas are very unwise. In fact, you yourself don't understand what spiritual energy is, what is the molecular formula of spiritual energy, or in other words, it is a single element, and what is the ranking in dark matter? What, does it have density, does it have mass, and how is it combined with human information. The combination of the two produces some wonderful vortexes. You don’t understand these at all. Don’t use ancient metaphysical theories to apply modern ones. The science and the wisdom of our ancients are limited after all, and history is constantly advancing." Su Jie said: "You are still left behind, I will take you to the laboratory for research, and even eliminate hidden dangers on your body, you Do you think that with the help of the biochip in your brain, what kind of spiritual energy can be absorbed? This is actually very inappropriate. Let alone dark matter, there is definitely more than spiritual energy. Is there any harm if you absorb it into the brain consciousness information group? This needs to be studied. Every time people use a new kind of energy, the road is definitely not smooth. Many people have to make sacrifices. Using electric current, many people will be electrocuted to death. Using nuclear energy, many people will be killed by nuclear energy. Radiation death, if you want to use dark matter now, many people will die. You are just a test subject."

Su Jie's tone and mood began to erode the depths of Master Xu's brain.

Su Jie is very clear, even if humans have begun to discover a kind of "spiritual energy" contained in dark matter, which is the basis of life, but how to use it specifically, after absorbing it, will it cause body imbalance, and will it not be replenished? , which is actually an unknown.

In terms of using dark matter energy, human beings today are actually still in the era before Shennong tasted herbs, and they started to take medicine indiscriminately. Basically, the mortality rate is very high, and it may even cause some unpredictable consequences.

Not to mention this, just say that many people in the dark world are using many gene editing technologies indiscriminately. This can easily cause genetic confusion, and it will also have serious consequences for human genes. Human genes may even be polluted. cause mass genocide.

Not to mention the chaos of the soul.

The human soul consciousness group can indeed become stronger after being infused with spiritual energy, but will it cause the information group to be insufficiently cohesive and eventually collapse after a long period of time? Just like flooding a reservoir with too much water, the pressure of the dam can't bear it, and finally a disaster?

Also, is there any impurities in the spiritual energy absorbed? Is it pure enough? Are there any other harmful substances?

These are all scientific issues worth exploring. We are now in the most critical period of change for human beings. Any breakthrough in every move is not that simple. It must be supported by countless clinical trials, sophisticated experiments, perfect theories and data. Take the most critical step, otherwise it will be irresponsible to human beings.

Su Jie himself was not good enough in this aspect, but he never thought that there would be such radical institutions and laboratories in the world.

In fact, the direction of Su Jie's research still focuses on the construction of self-psychological modules.

Pay attention to using your own consciousness step by step to sense the world of information, the world of dark matter. The organization of the "head" is similar to his, and they all belong to the "parapsychological laboratory".

The Tifeng Group has found another way, using artificial intelligence to calculate the evolution process of life and optimize genes.

And the team behind Master Xu actually directly let the human body start to use and absorb dark matter.

This is crazier than various genetic modification experiments.

Su Jie didn't know what was behind these people.

"Su Jie, your set of science is actually just your own imagination. I will let you know what is the real supernatural power of a cultivator." Master Xu suddenly attacked Su Jie.

His move was like a thunderbolt strike. He suddenly appeared beside Su Jie, and pushed out with his palm. From the perspective of Shenyue people and old man Mao, when he made a move, there was a thunderbolt, and dense lightning appeared on the palm of his hand. , accompanied by thunder.

This is no longer kung fu, but fairy art.

This is of course an illusion.

Even Su Jie in front of him was an illusion.

However, in these illusions, there are falsehoods in the truth, and truth in the falsehood.

"My thunder method is designed to destroy the primordial spirit. Even if a part of your primordial spirit comes here, I can destroy it with one palm. If you destroy your primordial spirit, your own strength will be greatly improved." Damaged. Let me tell you, those things of yours are of no use to me." Master Xu sneered, and slapped down with overwhelming force.


Just as he hit it.

Su Jie made a move.

With a movement of the wrist, a tricky hand appeared, and a grab, which is a very simple martial art movement "golden thread wrapped around the wrist", grabbed Master Xu's pulse door, and then pinched it.


Master Xu's wrist was completely cracked, and the bones inside were all broken. The severe pain made Master Xu's expression contort.

However, it was more because of the shock in his heart: "You are not a hallucination, it is not the descending of the soul, but the body? A living body of flesh and blood came here?"

"Please refer to the descending of the primordial spirit as consciousness transmission." Su Jie said, "I still like to hear some terms with a scientific color. Those ancient metaphysical terms are difficult to describe human consciousness in depth. Of course, I I discovered that your body has also been transformed. Some of your muscles are artificial muscles. As early as seven or eight years ago, artificial muscles were invented in the laboratory. The elasticity and toughness are forty times that of ordinary muscles. At that time, it could not be applied to the human body, and it is unexpected that the current technology can be applied to the human body without any side effects."

{Artificial muscles are real news lately. There are indeed laboratories that invented this stuff. It is a new type of artificial muscle developed by researchers from China and the United States, and its contraction force is 40 times that of ordinary muscles. The world in the book is after 2025. I think it should be applicable to the human body? }

"Impossible, how could your main body get here." Although his wrist was crushed, Master Xu still didn't believe that in his perception, Su Jie in front of him was an illusion caused by consciousness transmission.

"Is this strange? Your realm is still a bit poor. Although your consciousness contains a very high spiritual energy, it is difficult to distinguish reality from illusion, or to distinguish which dimension matter is in. It can be said that anything, They are all real, even your dreams are actually real, but they are in a different dimension from ours, and if we want to distinguish between true and false, we are actually distinguishing the dimension of matter." At this moment, Su Jie, for There is a new understanding of reality and illusion.

"Since you are real, that's even better." Master Xu shook his hand, not caring at all that his wrist was crushed, and then shook violently, as if he had activated some huge potential of his physical energy.


The speed of his boxing has doubled, and his strength has also increased again. His whole body seems to be on fire. His spiritual aura is almost dominating the world. Behind him, there are many visions. It rises and falls, as if the sun and the moon alternate, as if the demon god got rid of the seal.

Of course, these are all hallucinations, driven to the limit by the spirit, enough to affect the consciousness of others.

This is also consciousness interference.


Master Xu's martial arts were earth-shattering. Under the suppression, the Shenyue people also felt that when they were in their prime, they might not even be able to catch a single move from him.

However, facing this kind of attack, Su Jie can be described as an understatement.

"Your kung fu has been mastered." Su Jie nodded: "In addition to your muscles and bones, motor nerves have been remodeled, but there are still some shortcomings in this transformation, that is, some organs cannot keep up. Above all, there are some flaws in the coordination of your martial arts, human movements have a breath, this breath and movements cooperate with each other, and finally change into martial arts, this martial art changes with each other, and doesn't care about speed and strength."

During this process, Su Jie's body drifted like a breath, a cloud.

Master Xu's attack sometimes hit him, and the result seemed to be hit in the void.

It seems that Su Jie is no longer his real body, but an illusion.


Suddenly, an extra weapon appeared in Master Xu's hand. This weapon was a short knife with a light like a waterfall. It flew out suddenly and directly killed Su Jie.

However, an amazing scene appeared.

The saber slashed at Su Jie's body, and actually pierced through.

Su Jie is not real, but an illusion.

"What's going on!" Master Xu miscalculated again, "Aren't you real? Or is it an illusion?"

"I said, true and false, false and true, are all about the understanding of dimensions, and the information that happens, in the dimension you are in, is true, and your current state is still far behind. "Su Jie said: "For example, you now think that I am a fake, but I can still beat you."

While speaking, Su Jie made a palm print.

This palm directly hit Master Xu's chest.


Master Xu seemed to have been hit hard, spewing blood from his mouth, flew out violently, and hit the wall, no matter how good his physical fitness was, he couldn't move.

"Are you real or fake?" Master Xu rolled over reluctantly, trying to escape. At this moment, he was still sternly asking.

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