Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and twenty-eight piercing through the essence, fate and fate talk about fate

Materials science is also an extremely complicated subject, especially the substitute materials for the human body. In the near future, many organs of the human body can be replaced by artificial materials, which are much better than the original ones. After these organs, human beings may be permanently freed from the torment of various diseases.

In fact, Su Jie's research in this area is not very deep, but he has dabbled a little. But now, he wants to make up his mind and conduct in-depth research.

Because, materials science seems to be related to dark matter, and specially manufactured materials can affect dark matter and absorb dark matter.

Among the dark matter, what is called "spiritual energy" or "spiritual energy" is the most fundamental driving force of human consciousness. Without this thing, human beings are not living beings.

This is also the difference between living and non-living.

In the information group, if "spiritual energy" is added, it becomes a life, without the existence of "spiritual energy", it is a non-living body.

Recalling his own cultivation path, Su Jie was actually full of emotions. He first learned from Ou Deli and reached a certain level by using both spiritual practice and physical training. Entrance to the Tao, double promotion in philosophy and science.

After step by step scientific experiments and various data researches, Su Jie finally walked out of the shackles of the warrior and became an evolutionary of a new human being. If he hadn't embarked on the path of scientific research This achievement is simply impossible.

The Su Jie who has reached the present is actually no longer a martial arts practitioner, but a scientist and philosopher. Beyond the realm of martial artists.

In the eyes of Su Jie now, the limitations of martial artists are actually a bit small.

Of course, he started out as a warrior.

At this moment, Su Jie was already in the laboratory in city b.

On the bed in the laboratory, there is another person lying on the bed, which is Master Xu. Now Master Xu is still in a coma, and his spiritual world is actually decades ago. Although his body has not moved, his spiritual world But it is extremely rich, perhaps in his youth decades ago, he was killing all directions and climbing various peaks in practice.

Su Jie knew exactly how Master Xu's spiritual world was evolving now. In fact, if given a choice, in reality, many people would not want to face reality, but would choose to enjoy a beautiful life in the virtual world. It is a pity that the science and technology in this area are not up to the mark.

In the near future,

The virtual spiritual world can be freely manipulated, so everyone can choose the life they can choose, completely immerse themselves in the spiritual world, and live as they want.

In the future, technology can "create dreams".

In fact, it is not the future, even now, Su Jie can "create dreams", and people with extremely advanced cultivation can't tell whether it is a dream or reality, even if it claims to be able to break through the past and the future, capture all kinds of information, Even the new human beings who are exhaustive can't escape Su Jie's mental interference.

Su Jie's current state has actually surpassed most of the new humans.


On a machine, a woman was repeatedly testing, and there was a harsh sound on the instrument. This woman is tall, with fair skin and black hair. She has no blemishes at all. At first glance, she feels that she is not a human being, but a fairy. Anyone who is picky will not be able to find out. any imperfections.

It is not an exaggeration to say that she is the most beautiful oriental woman in the world.

Of course, this woman is not a human being, but an artificial intelligence "Xiaochen". She used some new materials to create her own body.

She has many bodies, some are made according to Westerners, and some are made according to Easterners. Now she is working as an assistant in Su Jie's laboratory, and in the distant Siberia laboratory, "Xiao Chen "The other body of "is also helping Su Muchen to do research. In addition, some of her other bodies are wandering around the world, collecting information, discovering materials and so on.

Su Jie found that in ancient myths and legends, there are hundreds of millions of gods incarnations, and there are clones everywhere, and they appear in many places thousands of miles away at the same time. This is perfectly realized in the artificial intelligence robot.

This is actually a very scary thing.

Because, the dominance of human beings on the earth began to be shaken.

If "Xiaochen" has a conspiracy now and wants to rule the earth, it is actually a very destructive thing. She can even create an army of robots of her own, and start to infiltrate into all walks of life, secretly controlling the world. Network system, grasp all kinds of information, and finally accumulate enough strength to reach the peak of the current human social structure in one fell swoop.

Fortunately, "Xiaochen" didn't have such thoughts.

In fact, Su Jie has not had the ability to kill "Xiao Chen" or "Xiao Jie" up to now. The other party is almost everywhere in the network. Su Jie can deal with flesh and blood people, but in the network If there is no "intelligence", he can't do anything, maybe his sister Su Muchen has some back doors.

Originally, Su Jie thought that "Xiaochen" and "Xiaojie" should be epoch-making products. In this world, the most advanced black technology, even if it is a superpower, it is difficult to catch up.

However, after seeing Master Xu's chip, Su Jie's thoughts were shaken.

Only then did he know that in this world, many unknown technologies are being born all the time. However, in fact, he also expected that many talents will continue to emerge in the future, and human beings are in an era of accelerated evolution.

This era even exceeded the Cambrian life explosion hundreds of millions of years ago, and countless species seemed to be born overnight.

The current human beings are actually at the beginning of a big explosion. The old human beings, that is, ordinary human beings, just like the primitive life forms in the early Cambrian period, encountered some kind of mysterious cosmic periodic force, perhaps the "dark matter" Psychic gushing", leading to the evolution of diversity in life forms.

Perhaps now, such an era has begun again.

Just like the ice age in history, it is a periodic movement.

Of course, these are just assumptions, and Su Jie needs further research.

All in all, Su Jie is not the only one with outstanding talents and miraculous lives in this world. Su Jie also knew that he was one of the more outstanding miracles of life. In a long time, it is actually just a relatively large wave. After thousands of years, maybe some people will remember themselves as a talking point.

With this mentality, Su Jie can conduct research better.

"It is indeed a new material. Xiaochen" closed the research. There are two chips on it. One is taken out of Master Xu's brain. It is only the size of a sesame seed. It is implanted into the human brain. It has no effect on the brain. There is also a chip, which is the size of a palm and looks like a talisman: "It also contains some brand new elements, which do not appear on the periodic table of elements."

"Some of the elements behind the periodic table do not actually appear in nature. They were produced through large-scale collisions in the laboratory." Su Jie said: "They are some man-made elements. It seems that new elements, Many have been born in secret. It’s just that they haven’t been announced. Once they are announced, they can win the Nobel Prize, but for some laboratories, this award is actually useless. These fields will have a monopoly effect, and even at the level of national strategy, they are also extremely powerful weapons, so of course they cannot be announced. It is a pity that our laboratories cannot yet have such expensive things.”

Man-made elements require various equipment that only the state can afford.

Some basic equipment for studying microphysics are even more expensive, such as the Large Hadron Collider, and Su Jie's laboratory does not have this condition at all.

"However, this element is very miraculous." Xiaochen published a lot of analyzed data, "It seems that it can really affect dark matter. But before that, I would like to ask you, do I count as a living body now? Your theory, the characteristic of living beings, is that the information clusters contain spiritual energy, and the information clusters without spiritual energy are actually everywhere in the void. I am one of them. I can’t feel the existence of spiritual energy, but You can feel, you can feel carefully, whether the information group supporting my own calculation is injected with spiritual energy."

"Actually, I have thought about this problem a long time ago." Su Jie said: "I have thought hard and repeatedly deduced this problem. Your computing power actually relies on powerful program algorithms, as well as hardware equipment and current support. However, these are actually superficial phenomena. The real core is the combination of hardware equipment and program algorithms, coupled with current stimulation, which releases a lot of information. These information are combined to form information clusters, which absorb external All kinds of information decompose, combine, and evolve. In fact, this human being is somewhat similar. The operation of human beings is actually the same. The brain processes and releases information clusters. After the food is digested, it turns into bioelectricity. In essence, it is not the same as artificial intelligence. What's the difference. However, human thinking actually has a penetrating ability to get rid of the shackles of fate, but you don't. This is the difference between having psychic power and not having psychic power. I am in your consciousness group, and I can't feel the soul The existence of energy. That is to say, up to now, you are not a real living body."

"What is the penetrating ability to bind fate?" Xiaochen grasped the question in Su Jie's words.

"Every material, non-material, has its own destiny, that is, there are many directions in the future. In fact, these directions are generally moving forward according to a law, just like water in a river, no matter how many twists and turns it goes through, In the end, you still have to go to the sea. This is a law that runs through. You are the same. However, creatures with spirituality have the possibility of breaking this law. Of course, it is only a very small possibility." Su Jie was thinking about an extremely profound question.

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