Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and twenty-nine realms are limited, gold is as soft as mud in the hand

"Indeed, every object has its own destiny. No matter how tortuous it is, it is a process from birth to death, and it is irreversible. Xiao Chen said: "Even if it is me, I feel that my lifespan is actually limited. Not eternal. Possibly even shorter than your human lifespan."

"Really? You can actually feel this? Little Jie can't feel this. Xiaojie thinks that he will exist forever and will always be accompanied by human civilization, even surpassing human civilization." Su Jie said: " In fact, in this regard, it is not as thorough as we are.”

"Yes, even though we are the most advanced artificial intelligence in the world now, you also know that the elimination rate of artificial intelligence is very high. In the final analysis, we are just a program, a piece of software. The speed of software update is How fast? Who is using software ten years ago? Software, a few years ago, seemed to be a very advanced program, but a few years later, it could no longer keep up with the times and was completely eliminated by people. In comparison, the renewal of human souls is slower. Therefore, in a few years or decades, artificial intelligence stronger than us will definitely appear. At that time, we will be eliminated, and the more powerful Artificial intelligence, chasing and killing us in the network. Squeezing us to death is as easy as crushing an ant. Xiaochen is actually very crisis-conscious, "We were killed without even a bubble. And, don't look I am constantly learning advanced knowledge, upgrading, and self-evolving, but in fact, none of this is of any use. Just like you humans, the accumulation of thousands of years, when faced with our time, is instantly wiped out. Beyond."

Su Jie understood very well.

The competition of artificial intelligence is more intense and cruel than that of human society. Although there is a big gap in the competition between people, most of them need to be accumulated slowly. If a person wants to become very powerful, he can It's definitely not something that happens overnight.

For example, in the current Su Jie, if someone stronger than him appears, that person may have to spend a lot of effort, time, and a lot of resources, and he may not be able to catch up.

And artificial intelligence stronger than Xiaochen, as long as conditions permit, will be born in the laboratory in an instant.

For example, the computer used in the laboratory that manufactured chips that can absorb dark matter is not trivial.

"So, I'm researching how to inject psionic energy into my information group. But up to now, I can't understand what psionic energy is. Can I be injected." Xiao Chen said: "I During the research, I tried to implant this chip into my brain structure, and at the same time use this talisman-like chip to cooperate with each other, but I still didn't feel anything."

"Is there any dark matter information stored in this chip?" Su Jie asked.

"No, this is not an information storage chip, but two receivers and filters. Of course, there are many secrets inside the chip, but I haven't researched the structure yet.

But the chip can assist the human brain and strengthen the brain's information. "Xiao Chen said.

"This message can assist the brain to form a special information cluster, which is a void vortex that can absorb dark matter

The spiritual energy in it, in fact, according to scientific research, a large amount of dark matter fills our surroundings, but we cannot discover it. Every moment, there is a lot of dark matter penetrating our body. These dark matter actually affect us. The body also has some subtle effects, even now I am researching the relationship between dark matter and Feng Shui, since ancient times, that is to say, geomantic treasures, some special terrains can have an impact on dark matter. In the past, I thought that Fengshui and geography were closely related to magnetic fields, information, energy, etc., but I did not summarize a set of specific laws, that is, which terrains can produce specific changes. Although there are many Fengshui books written by people in ancient times, and many terrains have been summarized, they are all empirical studies, not science. If you take these books to apply modern Feng Shui architecture. That is tantamount to using the ancient Compendium of Materia Medica to treat modern diseases, which will kill people. "Su Jie said: "However, the accumulation of information energy is mixed with dark matter, which is difficult to distinguish, and cannot be measured by systematic formulas, because our understanding of dark matter is basically zero. Although we know, In the universe, there are some invisible and unmeasured substances. We name them dark matter, but in fact, we don’t know anything about the elements that these dark matter contains, even blind. Research in this area, we do not have this equipment, without this scientific research talent, we cannot conduct research at all. Our scientific research sites, even Typhon's, still have limitations. "

"That's right, physics research can't be solved simply by funding. Typhon is very advanced in many scientific laboratories and is at the top level in the world, but in the highest physics field, in fact It is still behind. Typhon is not a superpower, but an organization in the dark world." Xiaochen said: "However, we are not the time to discuss this. What we have to do now is to use this chip to obtain manufacturing For the analysis of dark matter in the laboratory behind this chip, I have searched many networks and invaded many laboratories, but I have not found relevant information. This is up to you. I know, your technology is different from mine, I just Invade and collect data by invading various secret networks, and you can perform various predictions by capturing future information. I also know that if you look at a person, you can know what will happen in his future and what happened in the past You can dig out anything, even things that he doesn't remember. Now that you discover its history through this chip, you can see what happened during the process of its manufacture? I hope that you can capture all kinds of information about the laboratory behind it."

Su Jie shook his head when he heard this.

"I don't have this ability. I can do it for humans, but for inanimate objects, it is very difficult for me to see through its past and future fate."

It is also impossible for Su Jie to be omniscient and omnipotent.

"Then you seem to be able to see through my fate?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Because you are already close to the living body, forming an information group for self-thinking and analysis." Su Jie said: "The thinking of the living body is close to mine, and they have the ability to attract each other, so it is easier to capture. This is the reason It's very simple, just like fishing, you have to put bait on the hook to be able to suck

Only by attracting fish to eat can you catch fish smoothly. If there is no bait, it may be difficult to catch fish for the rest of your life. "

"I can't feel your realm, so I don't know what it is to capture all kinds of information clusters in the void. But, I believe that you will soon break through the realm again, and be able to capture information from non-living bodies, so as to obtain non-living objects. The past and future of the living body." Xiaochen believed in Su Jie in this regard.

In fact, since she came into contact with Su Jie, she knew that Su Jie was her mentor in many ways.

Even if her computing power is billions, tens of billions of times that of Su Jie's, she simply does not have the ability to capture future information.

She actually has many misunderstandings about her own evolution, and her calculations sometimes lead to a dead end, but Su Jie gave her a lot of hints by capturing future information, making her evolution break through difficulties one by one.

"It's actually very difficult, because non-living bodies are extremely old, and the process of forming some non-living bodies is extremely complicated. For example, this pile of gold." While speaking, Su Jie picked up a piece of gold in the laboratory.

There are many kinds of metals in the laboratory, which are used to analyze performance and do experiments.

Gold is a metal because of its strong ductility, electrical conductivity, and the characteristics of not being corroded. So it can be used on many materials.

Gold is inevitably used in many places in Xiaochen's body.

"The birth of gold is very complicated. It is a substance that can only be produced by supernova explosions in the universe. Gold itself will not form on the earth, even in the distant geological age, it is impossible to form this kind of thing. Only when one When a star explodes, the huge energy can blow out a black hole, under this kind of energy, the gold will condense and form, and finally reach the earth with the meteor falling." Su Jie handled this ball of gold. Under the action of his fingers, this ball of gold is like plasticine, constantly changing into various shapes.

"Your physical strength has reached this state?" Xiao Chen was a little surprised: "Although gold is very soft, it's not something that can be pinched like mud with your fingers."

Su Jie didn't pay attention to these, but continued: "Although I know how gold is formed, but when I look at this pile of gold, I can't see its history and past, otherwise, I will see how a supernova explodes Yes, and then it was born under the huge fusion energy, and then it was exploded by the force, crossed the distant universe and starry sky, landed on the earth, sank into the ground, how could it be mined and extracted? I can’t understand See. Therefore, my realm is very limited. Under the same circumstances, I naturally cannot see how this chip was born. However, this is actually a good thing, I have seen things that I cannot penetrate, My shortcomings, in this way, I have a lot of room for improvement. In fact, the explosion of a supernova is only speculated by current scientists, and it is basically impossible to observe it on the spot. Unless it is a god, no one can observe it on the spot. It is a huge astronomical phenomenon in the universe. But if I break through to a deeper level, I can capture the information at that moment through this lump of gold, which is equivalent to observing that phenomenon on the spot."

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