Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and thirtieth, blinded by the secrets, it is not reconciled to go beyond so much

It is difficult for Su Jie to capture the fate trajectory of objects and non-living bodies. This is also a flaw in his realm. He knows very well that he can easily see through the trajectory of a person's fate, and easily capture the past and future of the other party, but it is always difficult for him to capture the fate of a non-living body, because the trajectory of the other party is too far away. If it is too obscure, it is difficult for his consciousness to penetrate fate.

However, Su Jie also felt that he would soon be able to make a breakthrough.

His research on consciousness is actually ahead of many advanced institutions, but after the research on dark matter came out, he discovered that the chip can capture, absorb, and filter the "spiritual energy" in dark matter. behind.

This is no longer a technical problem, but someone else's breakthrough in consciousness from the physical level.

In other words, Su Jie's previous research direction was still somewhat deviated, all wrong. Only analyzing human consciousness from a physical point of view is the most correct method.

This world is still a world of resources. Su Jie's research laboratory, even if it is well established now, is still far behind some old superpower physics laboratories.

For example, at the Large Hadron Collider in Europe, the circular tunnel is 27 kilometers long and goes deep underground. The various equipment needed weighed as much as 50,000 tons. Tens of thousands of scientists are conducting research, and the current can reach 500 billion volts, which can instantly smash electrons and positrons together, and discover various microscopic things in extreme environments.

This kind of large-scale physical science research will not have any input and output, and it will simply lose money. Even Typhon wouldn't do it.

Although Typhon has many large laboratories, he still hopes that the products in them can make money.

Most of Typhon's laboratories are in life sciences, artificial intelligence, and robotics. Although these are also money-burning projects, they are nothing compared to large-scale physics research.

The degree of burning money of various atomic energy research institutions far exceeds that of Typhon.

Although Su Jie's Diandao Group is relatively profitable now, it also has a certain influence. But after all, it's just a company, and it can't afford real high-tech research in physics.

"I don't know if those elites in the West know about this institution?" Su Jie was thinking, and he put down the piece of gold.

In his hands, this piece of gold has been squeezed into a golden dragon, so lifelike, it seems that it will burst out of the air immediately.

This is an unconscious action.

He picked up the chip,

Continue to observe, trying to capture some past information through the chip.

Saffol's Ares Security Group is a force organization created by the Western elites themselves. These elites have a lot of money, but they are not very united internally, and the Ares Security Group represents only a part of them. Some secret estates are also very capable.

However, Su Jie is still in the fog of the laboratory behind this chip, and can't find it through artificial intelligence intrusion into various secret networks, and there is no such information in the real world, it seems to have appeared suddenly. if it is like this. Then among them, there may also be someone as tall as a "head".

Even scarier than "Head".

Moreover, this person does not rely on his own practice, but completely relies on the power of technology.

Whether it is Mr. Typhon, "Head", or Su Jie, in fact, the core is still ancient practitioners. Their ability to possess such abilities is actually inseparable from their own cultivation. If their strength is ten percent, then Ninety percent of the achievements are due to self-cultivation, and another 10% is due to technology.

However, now that science and technology can be developed to absorb dark matter, filter dark matter, and discover psionic energy, then human cultivation becomes meaningless.

Because, if it is really possible to infuse spiritual energy into perfection, then the structure of a person's soul will grow explosively. In an instant, you can change from a cowardly and incompetent person to a superman, surpassing ordinary new human beings.

This seems inappropriate, but in Su Jie's view, it is extremely reasonable.

This is the crushing of the technological age.

In the age of technology, all courage, belief, persistence, and hard work have become meaningless and insignificant. To use a Western saying, before God, everything is humble.

If courage is useful and faith is useful, then what's the use of technology?

Holding these two chips, Su Jie can feel something, that is, he has worked hard, experienced many things, and many adventures to get to where he is today, but in the near future, Maybe after this chip technology goes a step further, an ordinary person, with a chip implanted in his brain, will surpass himself in an instant.

Although Su Jie could accept it intellectually, it was still difficult for him to accept it emotionally.

However, he knows that science develops in such a leap, and the hand of God often plays the role of a miracle worker in science.

Just like the role Su Jie is playing now, he can now use spiritual consciousness to make an ordinary person complete several years of muscle, bone, and motor nerve training in an instant. In the reflex arc of consciousness, he can make an ordinary person instantly become A seasoned master.

In fact, this seems unfair to many people who have worked hard in martial arts, fighting, and hard training for more than ten years, but the fact is that technology is sometimes anti-human.

On the European battlefield during World War II, those brave soldiers who used cavalry to attack tanks also thought it was unfair. But he was still crushed mercilessly.

It's just that Su Jie didn't expect that he would be reduced to the eliminated group so soon.

He used to think that he, Mr. Typhon, the "head", these people were actually standing at the pinnacle of human beings, dominating the evolutionary status of human beings. He also thought that one day, he might be overtaken by others, but he never thought that it would come so fast in this way.

It seems that only by learning a new experience again can we keep invincible.

Xiaochen was worried that she would be surpassed as an artificial intelligence, and Su Jie was also thinking about this issue.

However, to break through the research of dark matter, Su Jie absolutely does not have this experimental equipment, so he can only turn to others for help.

He and Xiaochen have been researching in their own laboratory for a long time, but still have not come to a conclusion. They just obtained some data on the material of this chip. The chip is made of new materials, a brand new element born in the laboratory. , In addition, there are some composite materials that have never appeared in the world.

This requires in-depth research and analysis.

Su Jie even suspected that there was some dark matter in this chip. It's just that you can't be found.

Su Muchen has been working on a project, which is to implant biochips in the human brain to assist people in various calculations, making humans superhuman, but has not been able to succeed.

But now this mysterious laboratory has succeeded, and it has exceeded Su Muchen's expectations.

At most, Su Muchen wanted to speed up the calculation speed of people's brains and strengthen their control. It was impossible to involve the psionic energy in the dark matter.

"The top priority is to find this lab that produces chips." Xiao Chen said, "Although you can't peek into the past of chips, you can peek into Master Xu's past. This person must have obtained the surgery from this lab, maybe He doesn’t remember it himself. But there’s definitely that information in him.”

"I've read it a long time ago, and I haven't captured past information from him. It seems that this kind of information has been blocked or deprived." Su Jie said: "I can see the past and present of this person. There are some clues, but the memory of how he obtained the chip and how to absorb spiritual energy is all gone. There is nothing without memory. Without memory, I can also capture the information cluster, because the information cluster has nothing to do with memory, but it is strange. Even if the information group is gone, it is more unbelievable, unless someone specifically clears the information group, in this case, this kind of technology is too terrible. This is the term in our ancient monks' population called 'blind Secret'."

"Deceive the secret?" Xiaochen was puzzled.

"That's right, it is to deceive the secrets of heaven. In the void, there are countless information clusters, past and future. Now, they have cultivated to the highest level, and they can gain insight into the secrets of heaven. In fact, they are just capturing various information clusters. According to Reasonably, these information clusters are always there and will not disappear in any form, but sometimes, these information clusters will disappear due to various reasons." Su Jie said: "However, the news that caused the information clusters, this kind of Technology, I have never seen it. Although there are people who can deceive the sky in ancient legends, they are legends after all. In ancient times, it was said that people could shoot down the sun."

"It seems that our research has reached a dead end?" Xiaochen said.

"That's not necessarily the case. Since Master Xu appeared, this mysterious dark matter laboratory will definitely reveal clues. I don't believe that they can deceive all the information groups. All the information clusters are erased, because when you clear the information clusters yourself, new information clusters will be born, and the more you clear, the more, this is the theory of entropy." Su Jie said.

Didi Didi

While Su Jie was researching, a message was sent.

Su Jie looked at the information, walked out of the laboratory, took off his white coat, and changed into ordinary clothes. Then he drove to the manor where Liu Shi was.

The message just now was sent by Liu Shi, inviting him to a party and asking him for help. Originally, Su Jie was unwilling to show his face in this kind of thing, but suddenly he had an idea and remembered something, that is, Master Xu sent his apprentice to be The bodyguard assistant of the middle-aged rich man must be plotting something, maybe by catching this clue, he can get some key information.

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