Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and thirty-one, it is rare to be confused, and you will be fine if you deceive each ot

Su Jie soon came to the manor where Liu Shi was.

This manor is still the quadrangle, it is a private club where he used to practice martial arts, entertain guests, and usually meet with friends. The interior decoration is antique, but on the surface, it looks unpretentious, like a boxing gym, and the style is different from before. .

Although the style of this manor in the past had some "Taoism", it was still mostly vulgar. After all, Liu Shi's cultivation level was not high, and he had not reached the level of the living dead, so his decoration pattern would inevitably be vulgar. But now, he has already reached the realm of the living dead, and during his usual actions, he naturally brings the surrounding environment full of immortality.

Now this manor has such a taste of fairy dwelling.

Liu Shi is actually a genius. His great success in business is actually due to his insight into human nature, coupled with his grasp of social classes, and his foreknowledge of the general trend.

However, in the past, his foundation was still a bit shallow, and his own ability was not enough, so he looked good on the surface, but many people still didn't give him face.

But since he met Su Jie, he has cultivated into the realm of the living dead, and with the various resources of the Diandao Group, he immediately started to build his own big circle. With the means of calling the wind and rain, Liu Shi now relies solely on his own means. It has already begun to be not inferior to the Shenyue people back then.

Su Jie doesn't care, because Liu Shi is still a shareholder of his laboratory, and has a lot of financial support every year. In terms of making money, Su Jie doesn't care very much, and he doesn't have time to think about making money, so he can only rely on others to support him. his research. Of course, the feedback of his research results can give people thousands of times in return.

When Su Jie stepped into this manor, there were many security guards inside, all of them were very powerful, all of them were young people with unique skills, without exception, they were all elites of the Diandao Group.

It is said that Zhang Manman, Liu Long and others have established huge training bases at home and abroad. According to special training methods, many talents have been trained. word spread.

In the domestic market, Jiuding Security has been completely beaten without any business.

In addition, Ares Security, Honey Badger Security, and Tifeng Security have begun to merge with Diandao Security. These tasks are done by Zhang Jinchuan, Zhang Manman, Tang Yunzhuan and others. In fact, Su Jie is not I know what impact it will have on the structure of some industries after this behemoth begins to gather and take shape.

It is said that Zhang Jinchuan has now connected many laboratories of Tifeng, and has begun to use many high-tech products for civilian use.

When Su Jie walked into the inner hall,

I saw Liu Shi introducing a mobile phone to many people present.

This mobile phone is very sci-fi. After folding, it can be worn on the wrist and turned into a bracelet. With a little touch, a virtual holographic screen will pop up, which can be zoomed in and out, and it is very smart. A girl's or boy's voice appears to be having a conversation.

Su Jie could see that this was a mobile phone produced by Diandao Group, with a brand new artificial intelligence system embedded in it. Now this mobile phone is ready to go online, and in the hands of some rich people, it has begun to circulate.

"It's amazing. Is the content of artificial intelligence so high now? I almost thought it was a real person in the phone."

"This phone has almost all the functions. It is a high-tech product that appears in science fiction movies. It is even more magical. Where can I get it?"

"This material doesn't seem to be afraid of falling."

Liu Shi is holding a mobile phone

, fell to the ground hard, fell many times in a row, picked it up, it was still as clean as new, without any traces, and the various parts inside were not damaged in any way.

"This is a mobile phone produced by me and Diandao Group, and it will be put on the market soon. The price is very expensive, but it is worth it. You have tried it, how is the effect? ​​Moreover, through this mobile phone, if the market is very broad, We are also planning to launch digital encrypted currency for various software settlements. Now many large foreign Internet companies are trying to issue their own encrypted currency. I think this is a huge market, and we cannot let foreigners take this The field is monopolized. Once this field is monopolized, our market may be completely occupied, and in the future, online payment will be eliminated. I invite everyone to come here today to discuss the feasibility of this matter. " Liu Shidao: "I have held many meetings with Diandao Group and several large multinational giants to compete with those people in the international payment market based on this mobile phone hardware."

Many rich people and big shots present nodded.

At this moment, Liu Shi saw Su Jie enter the garden, put down his phone quickly, and came out to greet him in person.

This behavior immediately shocked some wealthy people present. It was only a young man who came in, and it was worth Liu Shi to greet him personally. Those who didn't know thought it was some kind of big leader.

Su Jie is not well-known, and the Diandao Group has nothing to do with him legally. He does not hold any positions, does not own any shares, and does not even receive a penny of dividends. There is no news about him on various news media, and even on the Internet, there are basically no materials and information about him.

Even if it is a person with great energy, if you want to investigate him, it is impossible to find out any clues.

Su Jie had already used Xiao Jie to clear all his information on the Internet, and turned himself into an ordinary scientific researcher.

He is getting more and more low-key.

"I heard that you took Master Xu away?" Liu Shi asked as soon as he met him, his voice was very low: "This person is actually very capable. It was effective, and he fought with several masters of the Southern Fengshui Association. The five battles were prosperous, and the five Fengshui masters were embarrassed by him, and their luck was ruined. It can be done quickly, such as laying out a fortune-making pattern, and that person can make a lot of money almost on the same day. Later, this person disappeared, but he came out again recently, and his ability is even more superb than before. How did he offend you?"

"This person has ulterior motives, but he is just a pawn. Behind him, there are stronger existences, and what is behind them is difficult for me to detect for the time being. You have to be careful and don't be fooled by these people." Take advantage of the situation." Su Jie warned: "These people have a big conspiracy."

To be honest, Su Jie was very afraid of the group behind Master Xu.

It's not because of how high the cultivation base of this group of people is, but how they evolved.

This way of evolution is completely different from the original practice. It is neither exercising the body, nor thinking hard, meditating, honing through various methods in an attempt to detach oneself spiritually.

They don't exercise, they don't meditate, they don't practice. But they are very powerful, far surpassing the strongest practitioners. They rely on the absorption and utilization of spiritual energy, or the use of other dark matter, and some transform the body, replacing muscles, bones, and even internal organs with a special new material.

This kind of self-awareness of all aspects of the body has surpassed the practice that Su Jie knew.

In fact, Su Jie has long realized one thing, that is,

The current practice methods are all backward, whether it is meditation, physical exercise, or even various methods of comprehending information, changing the structure of consciousness, and strengthening the soul.

The next era should be the era of spiritual energy.

Human beings will fully use the spiritual energy in dark matter.

It's a pity that Su Jie has yet to use it, let alone find a way to use it. This is a big problem in science and backward in technology.

It's not his fault. Although he has made great achievements over the years, his foundation is too weak after all. Moreover, he has truly obtained some unique technologies in terms of consciousness, energy, information, and psychology.

If it weren't for the epoch-making "psychic energy" technology, he would definitely be a figure leading an era.

"Is there such a thing?" Liu Shi was taken aback when he saw Su Jie speak so formally, "Then I have to be careful, there are things in this world that you can't handle. However, today I invite you I came here mainly to take a look at a friend of mine. This friend of mine must have some problems. I hope you can help him heal. In addition, the president of the Nanyang Feng Shui Association also brought several veterans to discuss business Let me meet you by the way, people like Nanyang are very powerful and powerful, if we can expand our business there, it will also be a huge market.”

In fact, Su Jie is an expert in life sciences. Now there are many intractable diseases and diseases that cannot be treated well. If he is really willing to take action, he can definitely solve them.

In addition, Su Jie has actually obtained many patents of medicines researched by Sun Pilong, and he is more handy in the treatment of difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

Many new drugs from Sun Pilong's laboratory, if any of them circulated to the world, would cause a huge sensation.

While Su Jie and Liu Shi were talking, they went to the inside of the hall. This hall was very large, and there were more than a dozen people sitting there. Su Jie took a quick glance and saw that everyone's luck was very prosperous, especially one middle-aged man. , with a smile on his face, he took a closer look at the luck on his body. The blessings are long, shining all over the world and nine states. This is pure luck, not his own strength, which can be said to be invaluable.

Liu Shi walked up to this person, whispered in a low voice, and after a few conversations, the middle-aged man stood up and greeted Su Jie.

"This is my friend, why don't you come and see how he is doing?" Liu Shi said to Su Jie.

Su Jie looked at the middle-aged man carefully, and knew that Liu Shi must be someone important to treat him like this, but he didn't care, he looked carefully, and his face became serious.

"What's wrong?" The middle-aged man frowned.

"Your body does have a serious problem." Su Jie nodded: "However, as long as you don't go for an examination or treatment, just pretend nothing happened, then everything will be fine."

"What does this mean?" The middle-aged man was taken aback when he heard it: "If you are sick, check it out and prescribe the right medicine. Why is there nothing wrong if you don't get checked and treated?"

"Yes, young man, don't talk nonsense here." At this time, an old man said: "I have long seen that his body should be sick, and he will have bad luck in the near future. We should take precautions early .”

Su Jie glanced at the old man and knew that he was the veteran of the Nanyang Feng Shui Association. Su Jie didn't explain too much, just said: "The human body and self-awareness are two different individuals. The body also has its own mind. It knows that there is something wrong with it, but it has been deceiving your soul. At this time , you don’t want to break it. Once it breaks, everyone has nothing to play with. Just like a bank, everyone knows that if they run and withdraw money together, they will go bankrupt. If everyone doesn’t run, it can continue to operate forever.”

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